Prof. MA Yue 马跃教授 Department of Economics and Finance
Head (EF)
Yeung Kin Man Chair Professor of Finance
9-232, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34422405
+852 34420194
Personal Web
Qualifications PhD - Economics & Econometrics (Manchester University)
BSc - Optimal control theory (Xiamen University)
祝贺恩师昂格斯·迪顿(Angus Deaton)荣获诺贝尔经济学纪念大奖!
My prediction of current Euroland crisis made 16 years ago! (我16年前预言欧元困境成事实!)
The Erd?s number of Yue Ma is 4.
Professor Ma (马跃) earned BSc in Optimal Control Theory (Math) from Xiamen University, China, and a joint PhD degree in Economics and Econometrics from Manchester University, the UK. He was a postgraduate student of Nobel Prize laureates Professor Robert Engle, late Professor Leonid Hurwicz, and Professor Angus Deaton when he studied at the China-US Economics Training Centre at Renmin University, Beijing, in 1985-86. He then pursued his PhD study at Manchester University under the Sino-British Friendship Scholarship Scheme sponsored by Sir Yue-Kong Pao (包玉刚) from Hong Kong, and co-sponsored by the British and the Chinese government during 1987-1990. He was a tenured Reader at Stirling University in Scotland, and Professor and Head of Economics Department at Lingnan University, Hong Kong, before he joined CityU in 2013. 马跃教授现任香港城市大学经济与金融系主任、杨建文金融讲席教授、博导、亚太会计与经济学杂志主编(APJAE, 英文 SSCI)。
英国曼彻斯特大学经济与计金融量经济学博士,中国人民大学经济系研究生(在中美经济培训中心有幸从师于 三位诺贝尔经济奖得主恩格尔Robert Engle、先师赫维茨Leonid Hurwicz、迪顿Angus Deaton),厦门大学控制理论专业学士。
曾任欧洲央行特聘专家,香港金融管理局客座研究员,英国斯特灵(Stirling)大学经济学研究教授(Reader),香港 岭南大学经济系主任、教授,厦门大学王亚南经济学客座教授、闽江****,中山大学岭南学院客座教授,香港浸会大学商学院研究顾 问。
媒体采访:中央电视台国际频道、中国国际广播电台、凤凰卫视中文台、凤凰卫视资讯台、世华财讯、标 准普尔(上海)、英国广播公司(BBC)、西班牙电台(香港)、亚洲联合卫视。
研究兴趣:人民币国际 化,网络经济与网络金融,企业融资与金融契约,银企关系,开放宏观经济下的汇率与货币政策,金融市场开放与稳定。
Professor Ma's research interests include banking and financial institutions, corporate finance, financial contracting, financial regulations, internationalization of Chinese currency renminbi, and Hong Kong's exchange rate and banking systems. He has published widely in international leading finance and economics journals such as Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Economic Journal, European Economic Review, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Labour Economics, Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Économies et Sociétés, Review of International Economics, Review of Development Economics, Econometric Theory, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Jingji Yanjiu (Economic Research Journal,《经济研究》), Journal of Financial Research 《金融研究》, and Journal of World Economy《世界经济》. He has also published in the working papers series of NBER, IMF, CEPR, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, and Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research. His research works have been published in France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Mainland China, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, the Netherlands, the UK, and the US.
The main findings of his research have been shared with policy makers in the World Bank, State Foreign Exchange Administration (SAFE) in Beijing, and European Central Bank (ECB), and were reported by Wall Street Journal (Real Time Economics), Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, VoxEU, and Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA). Professor Ma was invited to visit Princeton, Oxford, INSEE (Paris), European University Institute, and Hong Kong Monetary Authority for research collaborations. His textbook entitled Natural Resource and Environmental Economics has been adopted in more than 30 countries worldwide and translated into both Chinese and Russian.
He has won the Best Paper Award of the Jensen Prize (the First Prize) by the Journal of Financial Economics in the area of corporate finance and organizations in 2011.
Prof Ma's google and Scopus citations can be found at:
Google scholar, Scopus citations for papers and books
Selected publications:
A fire sale without fire: An explanation of labor-intensive FDI in China, with Y Huang, Z Yang, and Y Zhang, Journal of Comparative Economics, 44(4), November 2016, pp.884-901.
Do property rights matter? Evidence from a property law enactment, with D Berkowitz and C Lin, Journal of Financial Economics, 116(3), 2015, pp.583–593.
Why Do Firms Evade Taxes? The Role of Information Sharing and Financial Sector Outreach, with T Beck and C Lin, Journal of Finance, Vol. 69(2), April 2014, pp.763-817.
Political Connections and the Cost of Bank Loans, with J Houston, C Lin, and L Jiang, Journal of Accounting Research, 52(1), March 2014, pp.193–243.
Factor Intensity, Product Switching, and Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Exporters, with H Tang and Y Zhang, Journal of International Economics, 92(2), March 2014, pp.349–362.
Corporate Ownership Structure and the Choice between Bank Debt and Public Debt, with C Lin, P Malatesta, Y Xuan, Journal of Financial Economics, 109, 2013, pp.517-534.
Regulatory Arbitrage and International Bank Flows, with J Houston, C Lin, Journal of Finance, 67, 2012, pp.1845-1895.
Corporate Ownership Structure and Bank Loan Syndicate Structure, with C Lin, P Malatesta, Y Xuan, Journal of Financial Economics, 104, 2012, pp.1-22, (Lead article).
The Real and Financial Implications of Corporate Hedging, with M Campello, C Lin, H Zou, Journal of Finance, 66, 2011, pp.1615-1647.
Ownership Structure and Financial Constraints: Evidence from a Structural Estimation, with C Lin, Y Xuan, Journal of Financial Economics, 102, 2011, pp.416-431.
Media Ownership, Concentration and Corruption in Bank Lending, with J Houston, C Lin, Journal of Financial Economics, 100, 2011, pp.326-350.
Ownership Structure and the Cost of Corporate Borrowing, with C Lin, P Malatesta, Y Xuan, Journal of Financial Economics, 100, 2011, pp.1-23, (Lead article) (summary posted at Harvard Law School website).
Creditor Rights, Information Sharing and Bank Risk Taking, with J Houston, C Lin, P Lin, Journal of Financial Economics, 96, 2010, pp.485-512.
Wage-Hours Contracts, Overtime Working and Premium Pay, with R A Hart, Labour Economics, 17(1), pp.170 -179, Jan 2010.
Judicial quality, contract intensity and trade: Firm-level evidence from developing and transition countries, with B Qu, Y Zhang, Journal of Comparative Economics, 38(2), pp.146-159, June 2010.
External shocks, balance sheet contagion, and speculative attack on the pegged exchange rate system, Review of Development Economics, 13(1), pp.87-98, Feb 2009.
Wages, hours and human capital over the lifecycle, with R A Hart, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik (Journal of Economics and Statistics), 228(5), pp.446-464, Germany, Dec 2008.
Incomplete financial market and the sequence of international trade liberalization, International Journal of Finance & Economics, 13(1), pp.108-117, Jan 2008.
Domino effects within a housing market: The transmission of house price changes across quality tiers, with L S Ho and D Haurin, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 37(4), pp.299-316, November 2008.
Inter-regional Integration of Metropolitan Cluster among Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong, and Macao, Journal of National Development Studies, 6(1), pp.169 -193, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Oct 2007.
A Comparative Study of Exchange Rate Regimes and Macro-instabilities in the Twin Economies of Singapore and Hong Kong, with Y Y Kueh and R Ng, Singapore Economic Review, 52(1), pp.93 -116, Singapore, Apr 2007.
Intrinsic bubbles revisited: Evidence from nonlinear cointegration and forecasting, with A Kanas, Journal of Forecasting, 23(4), pp.237-250, July 2004.
Profit maximization in a multi-product firm with impatient customers, with E J Levin and R E Wright, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55(3), pp.211-218, 2004.
Currency substitution and speculative attacks on a currency board system, with S K Tsang, Journal of International Money and Finance, 21(1), pp.53-78, February 2002.
Testing for a nonlinear relationship among fundamentals and exchange rates in the ERM, with A Kanas, Journal of International Money and Finance, 19(1), pp.135-152, February 2000.
A macroeconomic model of direct investment in foreign affiliates of Japanese firms, with K Morikawa and R Shone, Japan and the World Economy, 12(4), pp.311 -335, Dec 2000.
International intra-industry trade of China, with X Hu, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv (Review of World Economics), 135(1), pp.82-101, Germany, March 1999.
Hybrid algorithms with automatic switching for solving nonlinear equation systems, with A J Hughes Hallett and Y P Yin, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 20(6-7), pp.1051-1071, 1996.
A Double Length Regression Computation Method for the 2SGLS Estimator of Rational Expectations Models, with S Liu, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 58(2), pp.423-429, 1996.
Optimum International Policies for the World Depression, with J Foreman-Peck and A Hughes Hallett, Économies et Sociétés, Série AF, Vol. 22, pp.219 -242, France, Apr 1996.
The Measurement of Policy Effects in a Forward-Looking Model: An Application to Economic Policy in the UK, 1974-9, with M J Artis and R Bladen-Hovell, Oxford Economic Papers, pp.277-295, 1994.
East Germany, West Germany, and their Mezzogiorno problem: A parable for European economic integration, with A J Hughes Hallett, Economic Journal, 103(417), pp.416-28, March 1993.
The transmission of the great depression in the United States, Britain, France and Germany, with J Foreman-Peck and A J Hughes Hallett, European Economic Review, 36(2), pp.685-694, 1992.
Published Articles in Refereed Journals in Chinese
Monetary policy autonomy: China's practice (in Chinese, 货币政策对外自主性: 中国的实践), Journal of Quantitative and Technical Economics 《数量经济技术经济研究》, with H Sun, Beijing: Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 1, 2015, pp.52-66 .
Difficulties of Implementing a Transparent Basket Peg: Theory and Practice (in Chinese, 钉住透明性一揽子货币的困难 和各国的经验分析), Journal of World Economy《世界经济》, Vol. 2007, Issue 4, pp.44-53, Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing (北京: 社科院世界经济与政治研 究所), Apr 2007
Short Term Capital Inflow and Market Interest Rate in China (in Chinese, 化解热钱流入形成的升值压力:市场自动调节 机制和政策措施), Journal of World Economy《世界经济》, with H Sun, Vol. 2005, Issue 4, pp.13-21, Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing (北京: 社科院世 界经济与政治研究所), Apr 2005
On the revaluation pressure: The interest rate mechanism and government policy (in Chinese, 升值压力的缓解:利率机 制和政府对策), Journal of Financial Research《金融研究》, with H Sun, Vol. 6 (2004), pp. 17 -26, Research Dept of China's Central Bank, Beijing (北京:中国人民银行金融研究编辑部), Jun 2004
Monetary Policy and Stock Market in China (in Chinese, 中国货币政策与股票市场的关系探索), Journal of Economic Research《经济研究》, with H Sun, Vol. 7, pp.44-53, Economics Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing (北京: 社科院经济研究所), Jul 2003
Banking Deregulation and Macroeconomic Impact in China: A Theoretical Analysis and Implications of WTO Accession to the Mainland and Hong Kong (in Chinese, 银行业放松管制的理论分析与宏观效果 -- 兼论中国加入WTO对大陆和香港的影响), Journal of Economic Research《经济研究》, with Z Zhao et al, Vol. 6, pp. 14 -22, Economics Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing (北京: 社科院经济研究所), Jun 2002
China's accession to the WTO: a financial economic analysis of an irreversible decision (in Chinese, 中国加入WTO: 不可逆决策的金融经济学分析), Journal of Economic Research《经济研究》, Vol. 12, pp.9-16, Beijing: E?? conomics Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Science (北京: 社科院经济研究所), Dec 2001, (This paper was reprinted in Selected Essays on Science and Technology Development in China, Vol. 2 , Yanshi Press, Beijing, 2003 (《 中国科技发展精典文库》第二辑, 中国言实出版社2003年2月)
Media interviews
1) Telephone interview with China Radio International (中国国际广播电台) on Sept 24, 2014 on the UK government’s issuing RMB bond and its implications to RMB internalization. Link and recorded interview
The Erd?s number of Yue Ma is 4, as is demonstrated by the following 4 references:
4) Yue Ma and S Liu, 1996. A Double Length Regression Computation Method for the 2SGLS Estimator of Rational Expectations Models. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 58(2), 423-429.
3) SW Drury, S Liu, CY Lu, S Puntanen, GPH Styan, 2002. Some comments on several matrix inequalities with applications to canonical correlations: historical background and recent developments. Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A, 453-507.
2) Norman J. Pullman and George P. H. Styan, 1973. The convergence of Markov chains with nonstationary transition probabilities and constant causative matrix. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 1(3), 279-285.
1) Louis Caccetta, Paul Erd?s, Edward T. Ordman, Norman J. Pullman, 1985. The difference between the clique numbers of a graph. Ars Combinatoria 19, A, 97-106.
Paul Erd?s (1913-1996) was the most prolific mathematician of the 20th century (with more than 500 collaborators). Studies have shown that leading mathematicians tend to have low Erd?s numbers. For example, the median Erd?s number of Fields Medalists is 3. Background on the folklore in mathematics about the Erd?s number is here:
The American Mathematical Society provides a free online tool to determine the Erdös Number:
Publications Journal Publications and Reviews Ma, Yue; Liu, De / Introduction to the special issue on Crowdfunding and FinTech. May 2017; In: Financial Innovation. Vol. 3
香港城市大学商学院老师教授导师介绍简介-Prof. MA Yue
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