目前主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,湖南省科技计划项目1项,湖南省教育厅课题1项,长沙理工大学人才引进基金项目1项,指导国家级大学生创新实验计划1项。先后参与了国家中小企业创新基金等多项研究课题,在《Materials Chemistry and Physics》、《Materials Research Bulletin》、《Materials Letters》、《Journal of Materials Science》、《Physica E》等刊物发表SCI、EI检索论文十余篇。
[1] Haibin Li, et al. Monoclinic BiVO4 with regular morphologies: hydrothermal synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic properties. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2009, 115(1): 9-13
[2] Haibin Li, et al. Morphology controllable synthesis of TiO2 by a facile hydrothermal process. Materials Letters, 2008, 62(24): 4035-4037.
[3] Haibin Li, et al. Synthesis and characterization of copper ions surface-doped titanium dioxide nanotubes. Materials Research Bulletin, 2008, 43(8-9): 1971-1981.
[4] Haibin Li, et al. Photochemical synthesis and characterization of Ag/TiO2 nanotube composites. Journal of Materials Science, 2008, 43(5): 1669-1676.
[5] Haibin Li, et al. Novel Fe doped mesoporous TiO2 microspheres: Ultrasonic–hydrothermal synthesis, characterization, and photocatalytic properties. Physcia E, 2010, 42(6):1844-1849.
[6] Haibin Li, et al. Synthesis and Characterization of Monoclinic BiVO4 Nanorods and Nanoplates via Microemulsion-Mediated Hydrothermal Method. Physica E, 2011, 43(7): 1323-1328. (SCI, EI)
[7] Haibin Li, et al., Ultrasonic–hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of mesoporous anatase TiO2 microspheres. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 239-242: 2323-2326. (EI)
Email: coastllee@hotmail.com