

中南大学 免费考研网/2015-12-04

郭宇骞的博客 Guo yuqian's homepage加入收藏 | English Version | 首页






    基本信息郭宇骞,1973年12月生于湖南省望城县,理学博士。 2012年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划, 2013年入选湖南省531人才工程(第三层次)。
    1992.9-1995.6: 长沙大学物理系学习

    1995.8-2000.8: 湖南省长沙市望城区星城镇大湖中学任教

    2000.9-2003.6: 湖南师范大学数学系,获理学硕士学位

    2003.9-2006.6: 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,获理学博士学位

    2006.8-2009.1: 新加坡南洋理工大学, 博士后(Research Fellow)

    2009.1-2014.9:中南大学信息科学与工程学院, 副教授

    2014.10-今: 中南大学信息科学与工程学院, 教授

    湖南省长沙市中南大学校本部民主楼223, 410083

    Email: gyuqian@csu.edu.cn, gyuqian@amss.ac.cn


















    1、基于混杂二维指标模型的重置控制系统研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (No.**) (主持)

    3、一类混杂控制系统及其在高精度定位控制中的应用,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金, (主持)

    4、鲁棒重置控制系统研究, 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划项目, 2012, (主持)

    5、基于机器视觉的矿物浮选过程建模与优化控制, 国家自然科学基金重点项目 (**)(参与)


    Journal Papers

    15. Yuqian Guo, Tingting Gao, Lihua Xie, Chunling Du, Chong Jin Ong, Track-following Control of Four-bar Structured HDD via Parameter-dependent Low-frequency Pre-compensation, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49(6), 2013, 2731-2737.

    14. Yuqian Guo, Weihua Gui, Chunhua Yang, Lihua Xie, Stability Analysis and Design of Reset Control Systems with Discrete-time Triggering Conditions, Automatica, 48(3), 2012, 528-535.

    13. Yuqian Guo, Youyi Wang, Lihua Xie, Robust Stability of Reset Control Systems with Uncertain Output Matrix, Automatica, 48(8): 2012, 1879-1884.

    12. Yuqian Guo, Youyi Wang, Lihua Xie, Hui Li, Weihua Gui, Optimal Reset Law Design and Its Application to Transient Response Improvement of HDD Systems, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 19(5), 2011, 1160-1167.

    11. Yuqian Guo, Weihua Gui, ChunhuaYang, On the Design of Compensator for Quantization-caused Input-output Deviation. Science InChina(F), 54(4), 2011, 824-835.

    10. Yuqian Guo, Youyi Wang, Lihua Xie, Jinzhuan Zheng, Stability Analysis and Design of Reset Systems: Theory and an Applic ation. Automatica. 45(2), 2009, 492-497.

    9. Yuqian Guo, Youyi Wang, Lihua Xie, Frequency Domain Properties of Reset Systems with Application in Hard Disk Drive Systems. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 17(6), 2009, 1446-1453.

    8. H. Li, C. Du, Y. Wang, Yuqian Guo, Discrete-time Optimal Reset Control for Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 45(11), 2009, 5104-5107.

    7. Daizhan Cheng, Yuqian Guo, Stabilization of nonlinear systems via the center manifold approach, Systems & Control Letters, vol.57, 2008, 511-518.

    6. Jinchuan Zheng, Yuqian Guo, Minyue Fu, Youyi Wang, Lihua Xie, Development of an ex- tended reset controller and its experimental demonstration. IET Control Theory Applications, (10),2008, 866-874.

    5. Yuqian Guo, Zairong Xi, Daizhan Cheng, Speed Regulation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor via Feedback Dissipative Hamiltonian Realization, IET Control Theory Applications, vol.1, No.1, Jan. 2007, 281-290.

    4. Yuqian Guo, Daizhan Cheng, Stabilization of Time-Varying Hamiltonian Systems, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 14(5), 2006, 871-880 (Regular paper).

    3. Yuqian Guo, Daizhan Cheng, Extended Casimir Approach to Control Hamiltonian Systems, Journal of System Science and Complexity, 2006, vol.19, 211-218.

    2. Daizhan Cheng, Yuqian Guo, Advances on Switched Systems, Journal of Control Theory and Applications. 2005, Vol.22, No.6, 954-960.

    1. Chenghong Wang, Yuqian Guo,Daizhan Cheng, Optimization Leads to Symmetry, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 4 (2004), 393-396.


    Conference Papers

    19. Pan Wang, Yuqian Guo,Set Stability of Boolean Networks via Quotient Mappings. The 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Changsha, 2014.

    18. Yuqian Guo,Zhu Wengang,A Hybrid Index Model for Discrete-time Reset Control Systems. Proceedings of the 32th Chinese Control Conference, Nanjing, July, 28-30, 2014.

    17. Yuqian Guo,Lihua Xie, Chunling Du, Youyi Wang, Track-seeking Control of Four-bar Structured HDD through IDA-PBC Based Switching Control. The 10th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, Hangzhou,China, June 12-14, 2013.

    16. Haomin Wu, Yuqian Guo,Weihua Gui, Zhaohui Jiang,Reset PID Control with an Application to Ball-beam Systems, Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference, Xi’an, China, July 26-28, 2013.

    15. Song Xu, Yuqian Guo,Chunhua Yang, Weihua Gui, Switching Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Interconnection Damping Assignment, Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference, Xi’an, China, July 26-28, 2013.

    14. Yuqian Guo, Lihua Xie, Quadratic Stability of Reset Control Systems with Delays, The 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Beijing, July, 2012

    13. Yuqian Guo, Wei He, Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Reset Control Systems with Smooth Baseline Modes, Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference, 2011

    12. Yuqian Guo, Weihua Gui, Chunhua Yang, Quadratic Stability of Uncertain Reset Control Systems, IFAC World Congress, 2011.

    11. Yuqian Guo, Weihua Gui, Chunhua Yang, Lihua Xie, On Reset Control Systems with Discrete-time Triggering Conditions, IFAC World Congress, 2011.

    10. Yuqian Guo, LihuaXie, Youyi Wang, Stability Analysis and Design of Sampled-data Switching Control with an Application to HDD Systems, The 9th International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA, 2011.

    9. Yuqian Guo, Weihua Gui, Chunhua Yang, Communication Sequence and Controller Codesign of a Collection of Systems with Shared Channel. Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference, July 29-31, 2010, Beijing,China, 2010, 4361-4365.

    8. Yuqian Guo, Youyi Wang, Lihua Xie, Hui Li, Weihua Gui. Optimal Reset Law Design of Reset Control Systems with Application to HDD Systems. Joint 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, Shanghai,China, December 16-18, 2009. pp.5287-5292.

    7. Yuqian Guo, Wang Youyi, Xie Lihua, Gui Weihua, On Output Deviation Compensation for Systems with Quantized Input. The 7th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, Christchurch,New Zealand2009, 1559-1564.

    6. H. Li, C. Du,, Y. Wang, Yuqian Guo, Discrete-time Optimal Reset Control for the Improvement of HDD Servo Control Transient Performance. The Proceeding of American Control Conference. Hyatt Regency Riverfront, St. Louis, MO,USA, 2009, 4153-4158.

    5. Jinchuan Zheng, Yuqian Guo, Minyue Fu, Youyi Wang, Lihua Xie, Improved Reset Control Design for a PZT Positioning Stage, IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, Singapore, 2007, 1272-1277.

    4. Yuqian Guo, Youyi Wang, Jinchuan Zheng, Lihua Xie, Stability Analysis, Design and Application of Reset Control Systems, The Sixth IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, Guangzhou, 2007, 3196-3201.

    3. Yuqian Guo, YouyiWang, Lihua Xie, Mid-frequency Disturbance Rejection of HDD Systems. Proceedings of the 26th Chinese Control Conference, 2007, 56-60.

    2. Yuqian Guo, Daizhan Cheng, Suboptimal H-infinity Control of Hamiltonian Systems, Proceedings of the 24th Chinese Control Conference, 2005, 522-526.

    1. Yuqian Guo, Daizhan Cheng, Xiaowu Mu, On Stability and Stabilization of Time-varying Hamiltonian Systems, Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese Control Conference, 2004



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