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基本信息男,1977年生,1998年大学毕业于长沙铁道学院应用电子专业;2003年6月研究生毕业于中南大学交通信息工程及控制专业,获工学硕士学位,后留校任教。2008年5月获中南大学控制理论与控制工程专业博士学位。2010.5 美国密歇根州立大学工程学院 大功率电力电子技术实验室,访问学习一年。
1. 网络化动态耦合系统中分布式模型预测控制的协同优化;
2. 内燃机车低恒速控制系统;
3. 重载组合列车异步制动控制策略研究;
4. 储能式电力牵引轻轨车辆地面充电机;
发表论文1.Jianfeng Liu, Shuai. Jiang, Dong Cao, Fangzheng Peng, A digital current control of quasi-z-source inverter with battery. Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on, 2013. 9(2): p. 928-937.
2.Jianfeng Liu, Youmei Liu, Zhiwu Huang, Weihua Gui, Huosheng Hu, Modelling and control design for an electro-pneumatic braking system in trains with multiple locomotives. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2012. 17(2): p. 99-108.
3. Shuai Jiang, Dong Cao, Yuan Li, Jianfeng Liu, Fang Zheng Peng, Low-thd, fast-transient, and cost-effective synchronous-frame repetitive controller for three-phase ups inverters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2012. 27(6): p. 2994-3005.
4. Xi Lu, Wei Qian, Dong Cao, Fang Zheng Peng, Jianfeng Liu. A carrier modulation method for minimizing the dc link capacitor current ripple of the hev dc-dc converter and inverter systems. in 26th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, APEC 2011, March 6, 2011 - March 10, 2011. 2011. Fort Worth, TX, United states: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
5. Jianfeng Liu, Shuai Jiang, Dong Cao, Xi Lu, Fang Zheng Peng. Sliding-mode control of quasi-z-source inverter with battery for renewable energy system. in 3rd Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2011, September 17, 2011 - September 22, 2011. 2011. Phoenix, AZ, United states: IEEE Computer Society.
6.Jianfeng Liu, Weihua Gui, Zhiwu Huang, Youmei Liu, Yuxiang Liu. Modelling and model optimization of locomotive brake control system. in 2011 International Conference on Transportation, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering, TMEE 2011, December 16, 2011 - December 18, 2011. 2011. Changchun, China: IEEE Computer Society.
7.Shuai Jiang, Dong Cao, Fang Z. Peng, Yuan Li, Jianfeng Liu. Low thd, fast transient, and cost-effective synchronous-frame repetitive controller for three-phase ups inverters. in 3rd Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2011, September 17, 2011 - September 22, 2011. 2011. Phoenix, AZ, United states: IEEE Computer Society.
8. Jian-Feng Liu, You-Mei Liu, Wei-Hua Gui, Yu-Xiang Liu, Zhi-Wu Huang, Locomotive brake control method based on fuzzy predictive control. Zhongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology), 2009. 40(5): p. 1329-1335.
9.Jianfeng Liu, Weihua Gui, Zhiwu Huang. Based on the betterment expert control of the brake cylinder pressure control method. in 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, WCICA'08, June 25, 2008 - June 27, 2008. 2008. Chongqing, China: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10. Jianfeng Liu, Zhiwu Huang, Weirong Liu, Yingze Yang, Haitao Tong. Locomotive brake control method based on t-s fuzzy modeling predictive control. in 2008 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application, IITA 2008, December 21, 2008 - December 22, 2008. 2008. Shanghai, China: Inst. of Elec. and Elec. Eng. Computer Society.
11.Jun Peng, Miao Liu, Jianfeng Liu, Kuo-Chi Lin, Min Wu. A coordination model using fuzzy reinforcement learning for multi-agent system. in 2007 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, CTS, May 25, 2007 - May 25, 2007. 2007. Orlando, FL, United states: Inst. of Elec. and Elec. Eng. Computer Society.
13.Jianfeng Liu, Weihua Gui, Zhiwu Huang. T-s fuzzy modeling and application based on satisfactory optimization. in 26th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2007, July 26, 2007 - July 31, 2007. 2007. Zhangjiajie, China: Inst. of Elec. and Elec. Eng. Computer Society.
14.黄志武, 刘定远, 刘剑锋, 机车制动记录装置中嵌入式usb host的设计. 计算机测量与控制, 2009(07).
15.童海涛, 黄志武, 刘剑锋, 新型机车制动控制方法的研究. 计算机测量与控制, 2009(06).
16.刘剑锋, 黄志武, 高凯, 8g机车保护装置全模拟测试系统的研究与开发. 计算机测量与控制, 2009(04).
17.刘剑锋, 桂卫华, 黄志武, 童海涛, 谌介人, 一种can总线调度算法在机车制动机上的应用研究. 小型微型计算机系统, 2009(01).
18.黄志武, 黄玉, 刘剑锋, 刘进革, 模糊petri网在8k电力机车lcu故障诊断中的应用. 计算机测量与控制, 2008(05).
19.黄志武, 周胜, 刘剑锋, 基于共享内存的mvb与lon总线网关设计. 计算机测量与控制, 2008(11).
20.黄志武, 刘杰, 刘剑锋, 机车制动机通信系统的设计与实现. 计算机测量与控制, 2008(09).
21.刘剑锋, 桂卫华, 黄志武, 一种制动机气缸压力控制方法. 计算机测量与控制, 2008(02).
22.黄志武, 李华, 刘剑锋, Ss4改型电力机车电子柜故障诊断专家系统的设计. 计算机测量与控制, 2007(03).
23. 黄志武, 周立林, 刘剑锋, 桂卫华, 基于智能pwm控制的机车制动控制单元的设计. 现代电子技术, 2007(05).
24.魏宜军, 彭军, 刘剑锋, 周胜, 基于arm处理器的mvb2类设备研究. 现代电子技术, 2007(15).
25.原小六, 彭军, 刘剑锋, 丁晨阳, 基于pci的电子柜虚拟测试台的设计与应用. 计算机测量与控制, 2007(09).
26.陈平, 彭军, 曹宏宇, 刘剑锋, 8k电力机车万吨重联故障诊断系统的设计与实现. 计算机测量与控制, 2006(09).
27. 黄志武, 张建波, 刘剑锋, 基于单片机的8k型电力机车速度记录仪的设计与应用. 自动化技术与应用, 2005(10).
28.刘剑锋,黄志武, Ss_4改进型电力机车电气控制系统无触点改造. 机车电传动, 2005(01).
29.刘剑锋, 黄志武, 陈特放, 电力机车通用触发脉冲发生器的设计与实现. 长沙铁道学院学报, 2002(03).
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Research Direction
Scientific research
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- 基本信息研究方向教学工作科学研究发表论文奖励荣誉
基本信息男,1977年生,1998年大学毕业于长沙铁道学院应用电子专业;2003年6月研究生毕业于中南大学交通信息工程及控制专业,获工学硕士学位,后留校任教。2008年5月获中南大学控制理论与控制工程专业博士学位。2010.5 美国密歇根州立大学工程学院 大功率电力电子技术实验室,访问学习一年。
1. 网络化动态耦合系统中分布式模型预测控制的协同优化;
2. 内燃机车低恒速控制系统;
3. 重载组合列车异步制动控制策略研究;
4. 储能式电力牵引轻轨车辆地面充电机;
发表论文1.Jianfeng Liu, Shuai. Jiang, Dong Cao, Fangzheng Peng, A digital current control of quasi-z-source inverter with battery. Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on, 2013. 9(2): p. 928-937.
2.Jianfeng Liu, Youmei Liu, Zhiwu Huang, Weihua Gui, Huosheng Hu, Modelling and control design for an electro-pneumatic braking system in trains with multiple locomotives. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2012. 17(2): p. 99-108.
3. Shuai Jiang, Dong Cao, Yuan Li, Jianfeng Liu, Fang Zheng Peng, Low-thd, fast-transient, and cost-effective synchronous-frame repetitive controller for three-phase ups inverters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2012. 27(6): p. 2994-3005.
4. Xi Lu, Wei Qian, Dong Cao, Fang Zheng Peng, Jianfeng Liu. A carrier modulation method for minimizing the dc link capacitor current ripple of the hev dc-dc converter and inverter systems. in 26th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, APEC 2011, March 6, 2011 - March 10, 2011. 2011. Fort Worth, TX, United states: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
5. Jianfeng Liu, Shuai Jiang, Dong Cao, Xi Lu, Fang Zheng Peng. Sliding-mode control of quasi-z-source inverter with battery for renewable energy system. in 3rd Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2011, September 17, 2011 - September 22, 2011. 2011. Phoenix, AZ, United states: IEEE Computer Society.
6.Jianfeng Liu, Weihua Gui, Zhiwu Huang, Youmei Liu, Yuxiang Liu. Modelling and model optimization of locomotive brake control system. in 2011 International Conference on Transportation, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering, TMEE 2011, December 16, 2011 - December 18, 2011. 2011. Changchun, China: IEEE Computer Society.
7.Shuai Jiang, Dong Cao, Fang Z. Peng, Yuan Li, Jianfeng Liu. Low thd, fast transient, and cost-effective synchronous-frame repetitive controller for three-phase ups inverters. in 3rd Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2011, September 17, 2011 - September 22, 2011. 2011. Phoenix, AZ, United states: IEEE Computer Society.
8. Jian-Feng Liu, You-Mei Liu, Wei-Hua Gui, Yu-Xiang Liu, Zhi-Wu Huang, Locomotive brake control method based on fuzzy predictive control. Zhongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology), 2009. 40(5): p. 1329-1335.
9.Jianfeng Liu, Weihua Gui, Zhiwu Huang. Based on the betterment expert control of the brake cylinder pressure control method. in 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, WCICA'08, June 25, 2008 - June 27, 2008. 2008. Chongqing, China: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10. Jianfeng Liu, Zhiwu Huang, Weirong Liu, Yingze Yang, Haitao Tong. Locomotive brake control method based on t-s fuzzy modeling predictive control. in 2008 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application, IITA 2008, December 21, 2008 - December 22, 2008. 2008. Shanghai, China: Inst. of Elec. and Elec. Eng. Computer Society.
11.Jun Peng, Miao Liu, Jianfeng Liu, Kuo-Chi Lin, Min Wu. A coordination model using fuzzy reinforcement learning for multi-agent system. in 2007 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, CTS, May 25, 2007 - May 25, 2007. 2007. Orlando, FL, United states: Inst. of Elec. and Elec. Eng. Computer Society.
13.Jianfeng Liu, Weihua Gui, Zhiwu Huang. T-s fuzzy modeling and application based on satisfactory optimization. in 26th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2007, July 26, 2007 - July 31, 2007. 2007. Zhangjiajie, China: Inst. of Elec. and Elec. Eng. Computer Society.
14.黄志武, 刘定远, 刘剑锋, 机车制动记录装置中嵌入式usb host的设计. 计算机测量与控制, 2009(07).
15.童海涛, 黄志武, 刘剑锋, 新型机车制动控制方法的研究. 计算机测量与控制, 2009(06).
16.刘剑锋, 黄志武, 高凯, 8g机车保护装置全模拟测试系统的研究与开发. 计算机测量与控制, 2009(04).
17.刘剑锋, 桂卫华, 黄志武, 童海涛, 谌介人, 一种can总线调度算法在机车制动机上的应用研究. 小型微型计算机系统, 2009(01).
18.黄志武, 黄玉, 刘剑锋, 刘进革, 模糊petri网在8k电力机车lcu故障诊断中的应用. 计算机测量与控制, 2008(05).
19.黄志武, 周胜, 刘剑锋, 基于共享内存的mvb与lon总线网关设计. 计算机测量与控制, 2008(11).
20.黄志武, 刘杰, 刘剑锋, 机车制动机通信系统的设计与实现. 计算机测量与控制, 2008(09).
21.刘剑锋, 桂卫华, 黄志武, 一种制动机气缸压力控制方法. 计算机测量与控制, 2008(02).
22.黄志武, 李华, 刘剑锋, Ss4改型电力机车电子柜故障诊断专家系统的设计. 计算机测量与控制, 2007(03).
23. 黄志武, 周立林, 刘剑锋, 桂卫华, 基于智能pwm控制的机车制动控制单元的设计. 现代电子技术, 2007(05).
24.魏宜军, 彭军, 刘剑锋, 周胜, 基于arm处理器的mvb2类设备研究. 现代电子技术, 2007(15).
25.原小六, 彭军, 刘剑锋, 丁晨阳, 基于pci的电子柜虚拟测试台的设计与应用. 计算机测量与控制, 2007(09).
26.陈平, 彭军, 曹宏宇, 刘剑锋, 8k电力机车万吨重联故障诊断系统的设计与实现. 计算机测量与控制, 2006(09).
27. 黄志武, 张建波, 刘剑锋, 基于单片机的8k型电力机车速度记录仪的设计与应用. 自动化技术与应用, 2005(10).
28.刘剑锋,黄志武, Ss_4改进型电力机车电气控制系统无触点改造. 机车电传动, 2005(01).
29.刘剑锋, 黄志武, 陈特放, 电力机车通用触发脉冲发生器的设计与实现. 长沙铁道学院学报, 2002(03).
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- InformationResearch DirectionTeachingScientific researchPublished papersAwards and honors
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