

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-25

李晓铭,男,1956年出生于江苏省沭阳县,1974年高中毕业后插队务农,1977年恢复高考后考入南京大学数学系,读书期间,多次被评为南京大学,江 苏省三好学生和优秀学生干部。1979年被团中央命名为全国首批千名“全国新长征突击手”之一。1982年毕业后留校任教。1987年赴美学习,1992 年毕业于美国明尼苏达大学教育心理学系,获哲学博士学位(Ph.D)。同年受聘于美国马里兰大学医学院儿科系助理教授,1998年在该校升任副教 授,1999年受聘为美国西弗吉尼亚大学医学院儿科系教授(2002年受聘为终身教授)。2003年受聘为美国韦恩州立大学医学院儿科预防研究中心主任, 终身教授。2015年受聘为美国南卡罗莱纳大学公共卫生学院终身教授、荣誉讲席教授至今。
李晓铭教授发表同伴评审论文280多篇,其中180多篇为SCI或SSCI论文。李晓铭教授多年来指导培养博士后 30名,其他年轻研究人员 34名,其中国内学生****54名,多名博士后和访问****归国后成为****,教授,学科带头人,以及在各自的有关领域中的领军人物。
李晓铭教授的研究成果在国际上取得广泛的注意和高度评价。李晓铭教授先后担任美国国家药物滥用与精神健康总署(SAMHSA)艾滋病基金会常务评审委员会 的委员,美国国家健康研究院(NIH)基金评审委员会常任委员,联合国社会发展研究院(UNRISD)顾问, 墨西哥家庭和人口研究所(IMIFAP)全球大使,2006年获美国明尼苏达大学教育与人类发展学院百年校庆百名杰出校友称号 。自2000年以来 ,李晓铭教授先后被南京大学,北京师范大学,南京医科大学,南京信息工程大学,上海社科院,香港中文大学公共卫生学院聘为客座或兼职教授,2007年被河 南大学聘为黄河****,2014年被聘为河南省省****,现任河南大学弱势人群国际合作研究中心首席专家,河南大学河南省国际合作示范基地首席专家。


1993-1994 Involvement of drug-trafficking among urban youths. University of Maryland School of
Medicine Intramural Grant, $12,890.

2000-2002 Adaptation and Replication of “Focus on Kids” In China. World AIDS Foundation, WAF218
(00-014). Total award: $125,000

2001-2002 Effect of Early Computer Access on Gross and Visual Motor Development of Rural Low-
income Preschoolers: A randomized, Controlled Trial. American Academy of Pediatrics,
Total award: $50,000

09/01-02/05 HIV/STD Prevention Among Young Migrants in China. National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH), 1R01MH64878-01. Total award: $824,296.

09/03-02/05 HIV/STD prevention among high risk women in China. NIH/OAR, 1R01MH64878-03S
(Competitive supplement), Total award: $118,798.

09/03-08/06 Social stigma and mental health symptoms in migrant worker. NIH/FIC, R21TW006375.
Total award: $344,680.

05/04-06/07 Effect of early computer use on school readiness and psychosocial development of urban
preschoolers. WSU Research Enhancement Program, Total award: $243,728.

10/05-09/10 Bereavement and psychosocial needs among children orphaned by AIDS in China.
NIH/NIMH, R01MH076488, Total awarded: $1,893,125.

04/07-10/07 Promoting academic exchange with Chinese institutes. WSU Faculty Global Grant. Total
award: $5,000.

08/07-07/08 CYP2A6 Gene, Tobacco Exposure, and Cognitive Development of Urban Preschoolers.
Wayne State University Institute for Population Studies, Health Assessment,
Administration, Services and Economics (INPHAASE), Total award: $100,000.

06/08-05/09 Culture, behavioral change and HIV risk-reduction among young migrants in China
(Competitive Supplement). NIH/ NINR, R01NR010498-1S1, Total award: $73,893.

09/06-08/12 HIV Intervention among Female Temporary Migrant Workers. NICHD, R01HD050176,
(Subcontract to Old Dominion University) Direct cost awarded: $251,478.

09/07-06/13 Culture, behavioral change and HIV risk-reduction among young migrants in China. NIH/
NINR, R01NR010498, Total award: $2,211,625.

09/12-08/14 Socio-behavioral Training and Research (STaR) Program for Nursing College Student.
NIH/NINR R25 NR013160. Total direct award: $40,000

09/13-08/15 Faculty Competition for Post-doctoral Fellow. Wayne State University Vice President
Office for Research. Total award: $60,000.

08/08-09/15 Venue-based HIV and alcohol use risk reduction among female sex workers in China.
NIH/NIAAA, R01AA018090, Total award: $2,629,634.

07/11-06/15 Nationwide mentoring network for international AIDS research, NIH/NIMH,
R24MH092271, Total award: $454,879.

09/11-08/16 Resilience-based psychosocial intervention among children affected by HIV/AIDS in
China.NIH/NINR R01NR013466. Total award: $2,771,440.

08/12-07/17 Impact evaluation for teacher training program of psychosocial support for children
affected by AIDS in Zambia. REPSSI (Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative). Total
direct award: $675,000.

08/12-07/17 Theory-based HIV disclosure intervention for parents. NIH/NICHD R01HD074221. Total
direct award: $1,768,579.


Lakin KC, Amado AN, Bruininks, RH, Hayden MF, Li X. Programs and services received by persons with mental retardation in three models of small community residences. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 1992;3:17-44. doi:10.1177/**.
Stanton B, Li X, Black M, Ricardo I, Galbraith J, Kaljee L, Feigelman S. Sexual practices and intensions among pre-adolescent and early adolescent low-income urban African-Americans. Pediatrics, 1994,6:966-973. PMID: **
Stanton B, Li X, Black M, Ricardo I, Galbraith J. Anal intercourse among pre-adolescent and early adolescent low-income urban African-Americans. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 1994,148:1201-1204. PMID: **
Li X, Stanton B, Black M, Romer D, Ricardo I, Kaljee L. Risk behavior and perception among youths residing in public housing developments. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine: A Journal of Urban Health, 1994,71(2):1-15. PMID: **
Li X, Stanton B, Feigelman S, Black M, Romer D. Drug-trafficking and drug use among urban African-American early adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence, 1994,14:491-508. doi:10.1177/027243**05.
Li X, Feigelman S. Recent and intended drug trafficking among urban male and female African-American early adolescents. Pediatrics, 1994,6:1044-1049. PMID: **
Feigelman S, Li X, Stanton B. Perceived risks and benefits of Alcohol, Cigarette, and drug use among urban low-income African-American early adolescents. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine: A Journal of Urban Health, 1995, 72(1):57-75. PMID: **
Stanton B,Black M, Feigelman S, Ricardo I, Galbraith J, Li X, Kaljee L, Nesbitt R. Development of culturally, theoretically and developmentally based survey instrument for assessing risk behavior among African American early adolescents. AIDS Education and Prevention: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 1995,7(2):160-177. PMID: **
Stanton B, Li X, Black MM, Feigelman S, Ricardo I, Galbraith J. Longitudinal stability and predictiveness of sexual perceptions, intentions and behaviors among early adolescent African-Americans. Journal of Adolescent Health, 1996,18:10-19. Doi:10.1016/1054-139X(95)00070-9. PMID: **
Stanton B, Li X, Ricardo I, Galbraith J, Feigelman S, Kaljee L. A randomized controlled effectiveness trail of an AIDS prevention program for low-income African American youth. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 1996, 150:363-372. PMID: **
Li X, Sano H, Merwin JC. Perception and reasoning abilities among American, Japanese, and Chinese adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Research, 1996, 11:173-193. doi:10.1177/2002.
Li X, Fang X, Stanton B. Cigarette smoking among Chinese adolescents and its association with demographic characteristics, social activities, and problem behaviors. Substance Use and Misuse, 1996, 31(5):545-563. doi:10.3109/045826. PMID: **
Stanton B, Li X, Galbraith J, Feigelman S, Kaljee L. Sexually transmitted diseases, human immunodeficiency virus, and pregnancy prevention: Combined contraceptive practices among urban African-American early adolescents. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 1996, 150:17-24. PMID: **
Stanton B, Li X, Galbraith J, Cornick G, Feigelman S, Kaljee L, Zhou Y. Parental underestimates of adolescent risk behavior: A randomized, controlled trial of a parental monitoring intervention. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2000, 26:18-26. PMID: **
Li X, Feigelman S, Stanton B. Perceived parental monitoring and health risk behaviors among urban low-income African American children and adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2000, 27:43-48. PMID: **
Li X, Stanton B, Feigelman S. Impact of perceived parental monitoring on adolescent risk behavior over four years. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2000, 27:49-56. PMID: **
Feigelman S, Howard DE, Li X, Cross SI. Psychosocial and environmental correlates of violence perpetration among African American urban youths. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2000, 27:202-209. PMID: **
Li X, Stanton B, Zhou Y. Injection drug use and unprotected sex among institutionalized drug users in China. Journal of Drug Issues, 2000, 30, 663-674.
Li X, Stanton B, Cottrell L, Burns J, Pack R, Kaljee L. Pattern of initiation of sex and drug-related activities among urban low-income African-American adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2001,28:46-54. PMID: **
Stanton B, Li X, Cottrell L, Kaljee L. Early initiation of sex, drug-related risk behaviors, and sensation-seeking among urban, low income African-American adolescents. Journal of the National Medical Association, 2001; 93(4):129-138. PMID: **
Ogershok PR, Li X, Palmer HC, Moore RS, Weiss ME, Ferrari ND. Restructuring an academic pediatric inpatient service using concepts developed by hospitalists. Clinical Pediatrics, 2001;40:653-660. doi:10.1177/001202. PMID: **
Li X, Zhou Y, Stanton B. Illicit drug initiation among institutionalizes drug users in China. Addiction, 2002;97:575-582. doi:10.1046/j.1360-0443.2002.00119.x. PMID: **
Li X, Stanton B, Pack R, Harris C, Cottrell L, Burns J. Risk and protective factors associated with gang involvement among urban African-American adolescents. Youth & Society, 2002;34(2):172-194. doi:10.1177/862.
Li X, Stanton B, Galbraith J, Burns J, Cottrell L, Pack R. Parental monitoring intervention: Practice makes perfect. Journal of the National Medical Association, 2002;94;364-370. PMID: **
Li X, Stanton B, Feigelman S, Galbraith J. Unprotected sex among African-American adolescents: A three-year study. Journal of the National Medical Association, 2002;94:789-796. PMID: **
Stanton B, Li X, Pack R, Cottrell L, Harris C, Burns J. Longitudinal influence of perceived peer and parental Factors on Urban African-American adolescent risk involvement. Journal of Urban Health, 2002,79(4):536-548. PMID: **
Howard D, Feigelman S, Li X, Cross S, Rachuba L. The relationship among violence victimization, witnessing violence and youth distress. Journal of Adolescent Health,2002; 31(6):455-462. PMID: **
Fang X, Li X, Stanton B, Dong Q. Social network positions and smoking experimentation among Chinese adolescents. American Journal of Health Behavior, 2003;27(3):257-267. PMID: **
Wu Y, Stanton B, Galbraith J, Kaljee L, Cottrell L, Li X, Harris CV, D’Alessandri D, Burns JM. Sustaining and broadening intervention impact: A longitudinal randomized trial of 3 adolescent risk reduction approaches. Pediatrics 2003;111:e32-e38. PMID: **
Li X, Stanton B, Kaljee L. Adolescent HIV/AIDS behavioral prevention: Lessons learned in the US and Namibia. Contraception &Reproduction 2003 (Special Issue);274-283.
Rai AA, Stanton B, Wu Y, Li X, Galbraith J, Cottrell L, Pack R, Harris C, D’Alessandri D, Burns J. Relative influences of perceived parental monitoring and perceived peer involvement on adolescent risk behaviors: An analysis of six cross-sectional data sets. Journal of Adolescent Health.2003;33(2):108-118. doi:10.1016/S1054-139X(03)00179-4. PMID: **
Li X, Fang X, Stanton B, Su L, Wu Y. Parental monitoring among adolescents in Beijing, China. Journal of Adolescent Health2003 Aug;33(2):130-132 PMID: **
Cottrell L, Li X, Harris C, D’Alessandri DD, Atkins MS, Richardson B, Burns J, Stanton B. Parent and adolescent perceptions of parental monitoring and adolescent risk involvement. Parenting: Science and Practice, 2003: 3 (3): 179-195. doi:10.1207/S**PAR0303_01.
Zhang H, Stanton B, Li X, Mao R, Sun Z, Kaljee L, Clemens M, Ravendhran S, Qu M. Perceptions and attitudes regarding sex and condom use among Chinese college students: A qualitative study. AIDS & Behavior, 2004;8(2):105-117. doi:10.1023/B:AIBE..46843.71. PMID: **
Li X, Atkins M. Early childhood computer experience and cognitive and motor development. Pediatrics, 2004;113(6):1715-1722 PMID: **
Wang B, Deveaux L, Lunn S, Dinaj-Koci V, Li X, Stanton B. The influence of sensation-seeking and parental and peer influences in early adolescence on risk involvement through middle adolescence: A structural equation modeling analysis. Youth and Society. Epub May 6, 2013, doi: 10.1177/**X**
Du H, Li X. Acculturation and HIV-related sexual behaviors among international migrants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Psychology Review. Epub 10 Oct 2013. doi:10.1080/**.2013.840952.
Zhang C, Hong Y, Li X, Qiao S, Zhou Y, Su S. Psychological stressors in the context of commercial sex among female sex workers in China. Health Care for Women International. 2013 Sept 5 [Epub ahead of print], doi:10.1080/**.2013.838247
Du H, Chi P, Li X, Zhao J, Zhao G. Relational self-esteem, psychological well-being, and social support in children affected by HIV. Journal of Health Psychology. 2014 Jan 14 [Epub ahead of print] doi: 10.1177/**17276.
Du H, Li X, Lin D. Individualism and sociocultural adaptation: Discrimination and social capital as moderators among rural-to-urban migrants in China. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. In press. doi: 10.1111/ajsp.12085
Li H, Holroyd E, Li X, Lau J. A qualitative analysis of barriers to accessing HIV/AIDS-related services among newly diagnosed HIV-positive men who have sex with men in China. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 2014 March 13 [Epub ahead of print]. doi:1177/839
Zhang C, Li X, Su S, Hong Y, Zhou Y, Zhen T, Shen Z. Violence against Chinese female sex workers from their stable partners: a hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Healthcare for Women International. 2014 Apr 14 [Epub ahead of print]. Doi:10.1080/**.2014.909432
Wang B, Deveaux L, Knowles V, Koci V, Rolle G, Lunn S, Li X, Stanton B. Fidelity of implementation of an evidence-based HIV prevention program among Bahamian sixth-grade students. Prevention Science, 2014. Published online. DOI 10.1007/s11121-014-0486-y
Lin X, Fang X, Chi P, Li X, Chen W, Heath MA. Grief-processing-based psychological intervention for children orphaned by AIDS in central China: A pilot study. School Psychology International. Epub May 26, 2014. doi: 10.1177/0**5617
Hong Y, Chi P, Li X, Zhao G, Zhao J, Stanton B, Li L. Community-based family-style group homes for children orphaned by AIDS in rural China: An ethnographic investigation. Health Policy & Planning. First published online August 14, 2014. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czu093.
Hong Y, Zhang C, Li X, Zhou Y, Guo W. Female Sex Workers and Their Gatekeepers in China: Implications for HIV/STI Prevention. Qualitative Health Research. Published online 21 August 2014. doi: 10.1177/48597
Qiao S, Li X, Stanton B. Practice and perception of parental HIV disclosure to children in Beijing, China. Qualitative Health Research. Epub July 30, 2014. doi:10.1177/44967
Wen M, Su S, Li X, Lin D. Positive Youth Development in Rural China: The Role of Parental Migration. Social Science & Medicine. Published Online 28 August 2014. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.07.051
Wang B, Stanton B, Deveaux L, Li X, Koci V, Lunn S. The Impact of parent involvement in an effective adolescent risk reduction intervention on sexual risk communication and adolescent outcomes. AIDS Education and Prevention. In press
Li X. Fostering the talented and qualified personnel and the task of the youth in universities and colleges. Communication of the Research on the Talented and Qualified Personnel, 1982;2.
Li X. A new mathematics method used in evaluating the quality of scientists and technicians. Communication of the Research on the Talented and Qualified Personnel, 1983;1.
Li X. Inheritance and development of the theory on leadership. Communication of the Research on the Talented and Qualified Personnel, 1983;2.
Li X. On the theoretical foundation of Mao Zedong Thought on the talented and qualified personnel. Communication of the Research on the Talented and Qualified Personnel, 1983;2.
Li X. Good beginning: Undergraduates' research activities. Higher Education Studies, 1984;1.
Li X. The Frieclrich Engels' goal-searching. Research on Talented and Gifted Personnel, 1985:4.
Li X. The advantages of the president's responsibility system for the establishment of a superior governing model. Higher Education Studies, 1985;2.
Li X. Graduate education: A key to the development of Nanjing University. Higher Education Studies, 1985;2.
Li X. The function of social service & educational reforms in higher education institutes. Higher Education Studies, 1986;1.
Li X. Take a correct attitude towards the teacher-student relation in the teaching process of higher education: Discussion with Mr. Liu Daoyu, President of Wuhan University. Research on Higher Education, 1986;2.
Lin D, Li X. Review on adolescent drug use prevention intervention. Psychology Development and Education, 2010; 26(6),695-702.
Lin X, Fang X, Zhao J, Lan J, Li X. The mediation effect of perceived stigma on the relationship between stigmatizing experience and mental health. Psychology Development and Education, 2010;26(1):59-65
Lin, D.,Xu, Y., Li, X., & Fan, X. Family risks, future orientation and smoking behavior among rural adolescents. Special Education, 2011;5:74-79.
Lin X, Fang X, Lin D, Zhao J, Li X. Qualitative research on HIV-related stigma among HIV-infected former plasma donors. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2011;19(1):85-88.
Tucker JD, Hao C, Zou X, Lv G, McLaughlin M, Li X, Ling L. The influence of migration on the burden of and response to infectious disease threats in China: A theoretically informed review.Chinese Journal of Public Administration, 2014;4:4-28.
Pen H, Zhou Y, Li X, et al. (Eds.). Collected Papers on the Talented and the Gifted Research. Nanjing, China: Jiangsu Province Philosophical and Social Science Association, 1984.
Wu C, Li X. On the teaching methods in universities and colleges. In: Meng M, ed. Reforms of Higher Education in China. Nanjing, China: Technical Press, 1987.
White CC, Lakin KC, Bruininks RH, Li X.Persons with Mental Retardation and Related Conditions in State-operated Residential Facilities: Year Ending June 30, 1989 with Longitudinal Trends from 1950 to 1989 (report #33). Center for Residential and Community Services, Institute on Community Integration, Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, March 1991.
Li X.An Investigation of Proximity Measures With Dichotomous Item Response Data in Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1992.
Pack R, Gibson M, Liang G, Li X. HIV prevention in China: A comment on the components of the Essential Prevention Package (NIMH Migrant Project Technical Report). West Virginia University School of Medicine, Morgantown, WV. 2002.
Stanton B, Cole M, Li X, Kaljee L, Galbraith J, Cottrell L, Harris C. Prevention and Risk Reduction among Adolescents: A 16 year community-research partnership (p.49-74). In Terry C. Rhodes (Ed). Focus on Adolescent Behavior Research (ISBN 1-60021-697-8). New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2007.
Li X, Zhang J, Lin D. Expectancy-reality discrepancy and quality of life assessments of Chinese migrants. In: Michalos AC (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (pp 2086-2092). ISBN: 978-94-007-0752-8. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2014
Tucker JD, Hao C, Zou X, Lv G, McLaughlin M, Li X, Ling L. The influence of migration on the burden of and response to infectious disease threats in China: A theoretically informed review. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) Working Paper 2013-3.Geneva, Switzerland: UNRISD. November 2013.

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  • 河南大学教育科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李永鑫
    李永鑫,男,河南信阳人,中共党员,博士,教授,博士生导师。现任河南大学教育科学学院院长、党委副书记、教师教育学院院长。《心理研究》副主编(执行)、中国人力资源开发研究会人才测评分会常务理事、中国心理卫生协会职业健康心理专业委员会委员、向阳生涯咨询有限公司特约专家、上海诺姆四达测评咨询公司特约顾问、注 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-25
  • 河南大学教育科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王明辉
    王明辉,男,河南兰考人,博士,教授,博士生导师。现任河南大学教育科学学院副院长。河南省高校科技创新人才(人文社科类),河南省教育厅学术技术带头人,河南省高校学校青年骨干教师。担任《心理学报》、《心理科学》、《心理科学进展》等期刊匿名审稿专家,SIOP、IACMR等国际会议论文匿名评审专家。中国心理学 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-25
  • 河南大学教育科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-宫火良
    宫火良,男,汉,中共党员,教授,博士。研究方向心理病理学、焦点解决短期治疗教授课程本科生课程:心理学研究方法硕士研究生课程:心理学研究方法、心理咨询理论与应用技术学习经历河南大学教育科学学院(本、硕)、华南师范大学教育科学学院(博)工作经历河南大学(2002.7至今)科研项目教育部人文社会科学项目“ ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-25
  • 河南大学教育科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈欣
    陈欣,女,汉,湖北赤壁人,中共党员,校聘副教授、硕士生导师。研究方向应用心理学教授课程心理咨询与治疗,学校心理卫生,中学生心理健康与指导学习经历1994-1998年华中师范大学心理学系本科2003-2006年河南大学心理学系硕士研究生2006-2009年南京师范大学心理学系博士研究生工作经历1998 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-25