

哈尔滨师范大学 免费考研网/2016-04-04


吴长山,1972年11月生,美国俄亥俄州立大学地理信息系统专业博士,美国终身教授,博士生导师。2009年起聘为哈尔滨师范大学自然地理学省重点学科“龙江学者”特聘教授。International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology编委,美国地理学者协会会员,摄影测量与遥感协会会员。现任美国威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校地理系教授,系主任。主要研究方向为GIS空间分析与定量化研究方法、城市遥感,已在国际遥感类顶级期刊上发表SCI论文30余篇。

吴长山教授首次运用混合光谱像元分解原理实现了从中分辨率遥感图像上提取城市不透水表面的分布信息。运用LIDAR 数据提取房屋的尺寸和高度,采取机器学习的方法建立遥感提取的信息与房屋数目之间的相关关系,并在此基础上与家庭成员的数目相乘来计算精细的人口数目。相关研究成果发表在Remote Sensing of Environment, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 等国际上主要遥感杂志上。获得了美国自然科学基金 (NSF)、美国威斯康星州空间协会(Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium)的资助进行相关方面的研究。


1990.09-1995.07 北京大学城市与环境学系地貌专业,获学士学位

1995.09-1999.07 中国科学院遥感应用研究所地图学与地理信息系统专业,获硕士学位

1999.09-2003.6 美国俄亥俄州立大学地理系地理信息系统专业获博士学位

2003.09-至今 美国维斯康星大学密尔沃基分校地理系


1. 2006 Intergraph Young Scholar Award, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS)

2. 2003 E. Willard and Ruby S. Miller Fellowship Award, Department of Geography, Ohio State University

3. 2002 Best Ph.D. Student Paper Award, East Lakes Division Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan


1. Impacts of climatic and land use changes on streamflow and water quality in the Milwaukee River basin, co-PI (PI: Choi, W), WI Groundwater Coordinating Council, United States Geological Survey, March 2013 – August 2014, $78,556. 6

2. Urban impervious surface estimation using remote sensing techniques: a simulation approach, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Research Growth Initiative, PI, July 2012 – December 2013, $66,344.

3. 运用遥感技术提取城市不透水表面的机理研究, 自然科学基金, 20121.01 –2015.12 ,600,000.

4. Urban impervious surface extraction using hyperspectral imagery, Center for Earth Observation and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, January 2012 – December 2013, CNY 50,000.

5. Impact of green infrastructure on property values with the Milwaukee metropolitan sewage district planning area, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage District (MMSD), senior personnel, February 2012 – May 2012, $38,840.

6. Mapping Urban Impervious Surfaces using IKONOS Imagery: an Integrated Approach, The Graduate School Research Committee Awards, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, PI, July 2009 – June 2010, $8,887.

7. Collaborative research: improving small area population estimation with high resolution remote sensing, National Science Foundation, PI, August 2008 – Jan 2012, $50,213.

8. GIS analysis of the Milwaukee and Menomonee Rivers: pathogen concentrations and correlations, Center for Urban Population Health, Co-PI, June 2008 – May 2009, (PI: Dr. Robert Burlage from School of Health, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), $21,049.

9. A GIS approach to waterborne infectious disease: cryptosporidium, Center for Urban Population Health, Co-PI, 5/21/07-5/25/08, (PI: Dr. Robert Burlage from School of Health, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), $30,334.

10. Assessing the impact of brownfields redevelopment on Residential property values and real estate conditions, US Forest Service, North Central Research Station, Co-PI, September 2005 – March 2007, (PI: Dr. Chris DeSousa from Department of Geography at UWM), $51,849

11. Understanding Lyme Disease and Environmental Relationships in Wisconsin - A remote sensing and GIS approach, The Graduate School Research Committee Awards, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, PI, September 2005 – June 2006, $14,527

12. Impervious Surface estimation using IKONOS imagery, Research Infrastructure Program, Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium, PI, June 2005 – June 2006, $4,000


1.2013 Chengbin Deng and Changshan Wu(通讯) , A spatially adaptive spectral mixture analysis method for mapping subpixel impervious surface distribution,

Remote Sensing of Environment, 133, 62-70.

2.2013 Chengbin Deng and Changshan Wu(通讯), Estimating very high resolution land surface temperature using a spectral unmixing and thermal mixing approach, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 23,


3.2013 Wenliang Li, Changshan Wu(通讯), Shuying Zang, Modeling urban land use

conversion of Daqing City, China: a comparative analysis of stochastic

cellular automata and CLUE-S models, Stochastic Environmental Research

& Risk Assessment, forthcoming.

4.2013 Chengbin Deng and Changshan Wu(通讯), Improving Small-area Population

Estimation: an Integrated Geographic and Demographic Approach, Annals of

the Association of American Geographers, forthcoming.

5.2013 Chengbin Deng and Changshan Wu(通讯), Examining the impacts of urban

biophysical compositions on surface urban heat island: a spectral unmixing

and thermal mixing approach, Remote Sensing of Environment, 131, 262-274.

6.2012 Chengbin Deng and Changshan Wu(通讯), BCI: a Biophysical Composition Index for Remote Sensing of Urban Environments, Remote Sensing of Environment,

127, 247-259.

7.2012 Changshan Wu, Handbook of Applied Spatial Analysis: Software Tools,

Methods and Applications, Journal of Regional Science, 52 (2), 386-387. 4

8.2012 Changshan Wu and Rashi Sharma, Housing Submarket Classification: the

Role of Spatial Contiguity, Applied Geography, 32 (2), 746-756.

9.2010 Chengbing Deng, Changshan Wu(通讯), and Le Wang, Improving Housing Unit Method for Small Area Population Estimation Using Remote Sensing and

GIS Information, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31, 5673- 5688.

10.2009 Changshan Wu, Quantifying high-resolution impervious surfaces using

spectral mixture analysis, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30 (11),

2915 – 2932.

11.2007 Changshan Wu and Fei Yuan, Seasonal sensitivity analysis of impervious

surface estimation with satellite imagery, Photogrammetric Engineering and

Remote Sensing, 73 (12), 1393-1402.

12.2007 Changshan Wu and Alan T. Murray, Population estimation using Landsat

ETM+ imagery, Geographical Analysis, 39 (1): 26-43.

13.2005 Changshan Wu and Alan T. Murray, A cokriging method for estimating

population density in urban areas, Computers, Environment, and Urban

Systems, 29, 558-579.

14.2005 Changshan Wu and Alan T. Murray, Optimizing public transit quality and

system access: the multiple route maximal covering/shortest path problem,

Environment and Planning B, 32, 163-178.

15.2004 Changshan Wu, Normalized spectral mixture analysis for monitoring urban

composition using ETM+ imagery, Remote Sensing of Environment, 93 (4),


16.2003 Changshan Wu and Alan T. Murray, Estimating impervious surface

distribution by spectral mixture analysis, Remote Sensing of Environment, 84,




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    哈尔滨师范大学 免费考研网 2016-04-04
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    哈尔滨师范大学 免费考研网 2016-04-04
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    哈尔滨师范大学 免费考研网 2016-04-04
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    哈尔滨师范大学 免费考研网 2016-04-04
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    哈尔滨师范大学 免费考研网 2016-04-04