(1.济南大学 土木建筑学院,济南 250022;2.北京航空航天大学 交通科学与工程学院,北京 100191) [HJ1.5mm]
为改善经典Vlasov弹性扭转理论应用于开口深梁计算时引起的极大计算误差,在Vlasov理论的基础上,引入剪切变形的影响,推导了约束扭转计算公式,获得考虑剪切变形影响的平衡微分方程,并利用初参数法得到解析解.同时,分别应用本文提出的计算方法、Vlasov理论及ABAQUS有限元模拟,对跨度分别为6.65 m和3.325 m的钢筋混凝土U型梁进行了计算分析.计算结果表明:两种计算方法应用大跨高比的U型长梁的扭转角的计算结果相差不大(当l/h>10时,误差在20%以内),与试验结果和有限元模拟结果均基本一致;但对于小跨高比的U型短梁,Vlasov理论极大低估了截面的扭转角(当l/h<6时,误差在40%以上),而本文提出计算方法所得的计算结果与试验及有限元模拟结果均吻合较好.本文所提方法克服了Vlasov经典理论中忽略剪切变形的局限性,不仅适用于大跨高比的开口薄壁构件的扭转计算,而且适用于小跨高比的开口薄壁结构的扭转分析.
关键词: 开口薄壁 深梁 扭转 剪切变形 计算方法
Calculation method for elastic torsional performance of open RC beams with small span-height ratio
CHEN Shenggang1,XIE Qun1,GUO Quanquan2,DIAO Bo2,YE Yinghua2
(1.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China; 2.School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China)
To improve the accuracy of the classic Vlasov torsional theory when it is applied to analyze deep beams with open cross sections, restrained torsional calculation formula was derived based on the effect of shear deformation and the Vlasov torsional theory. Equilibrium differential equations were obtained in consideration of the influence of shear deformation, and the solutions were obtained through initial parameter method. Then, U-shaped RC beams (span of 6.65 m and 3.325 m) were calculated by the proposed calculation method, Vlasov torsional theory, and ABAQUS simulations. It was found that results of the two calculation methods were close to each other for the long U-shaped beam with large span-height ratio (when l/h>10, the variation was within 20%), which was consistent with the experimental and simulation results. However, for the short U-shaped beam with small span-height ratio, the torsional rotation was significantly underestimated by the Vlasov torsional theory (when l/h<6, the variation exceeded 40%), while the results obtained from the proposed method well coincided with the experimental and simulation results. Therefore, the method proposed in this paper could overcome the limitation of ignoring shear deformation in the classic Vlasov torsional theory, which is suitable for the calculation of torsional deformation of open thin-walled members with both large and small span-height ratios.
Key words: open thin-walled deep beams torsion shear deformation calculation method
陈圣刚, 谢群, 郭全全, 刁波, 叶英华. 小跨高比RC开口梁弹性扭转性能计算方法[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2020, 52(8): 96-102. DOI: 10.11918/201912099.
CHEN Shenggang, XIE Qun, GUO Quanquan, DIAO Bo, YE Yinghua. Calculation method for elastic torsional performance of open RC beams with small span-height ratio[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2020, 52(8): 96-102. DOI: 10.11918/201912099.
基金项目 国家自然科学基金(51808258,51778032);山东省自然科学基金(ZR2018BEE034);山东省重点研发计划(2017GSF22016) 作者简介 陈圣刚(1989—),男,博士,讲师 通信作者 郭全全,qq_guo@buaa.edu.cn 文章历史 收稿日期: 2019-12-19
Abstract Full text Figures/Tables PDF
陈圣刚1, 谢群1, 郭全全2
1. 济南大学 土木建筑学院,济南 250022;
2. 北京航空航天大学 交通科学与工程学院,北京 100191
收稿日期: 2019-12-19
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51808258,51778032);山东省自然科学基金(ZR2018BEE034);山东省重点研发计划(2017GSF22016)
作者简介: 陈圣刚(1989—),男,博士,讲师
通信作者: 郭全全,qq_guo@buaa.edu.cn
摘要: 为改善经典Vlasov弹性扭转理论应用于开口深梁计算时引起的极大计算误差,在Vlasov理论的基础上,引入剪切变形的影响,推导了约束扭转计算公式,获得考虑剪切变形影响的平衡微分方程,并利用初参数法得到解析解.同时,分别应用本文提出的计算方法、Vlasov理论及ABAQUS有限元模拟,对跨度分别为6.65 m和3.325 m的钢筋混凝土U型梁进行了计算分析.计算结果表明:两种计算方法应用大跨高比的U型长梁的扭转角的计算结果相差不大(当l/h > 10时,误差在20%以内),与试验结果和有限元模拟结果均基本一致;但对于小跨高比的U型短梁,Vlasov理论极大低估了截面的扭转角(当l/h < 6时,误差在40%以上),而本文提出计算方法所得的计算结果与试验及有限元模拟结果均吻合较好.本文所提方法克服了Vlasov经典理论中忽略剪切变形的局限性,不仅适用于大跨高比的开口薄壁构件的扭转计算,而且适用于小跨高比的开口薄壁结构的扭转分析.
关键词: 开口薄壁 深梁 扭转 剪切变形 计算方法
Calculation method for elastic torsional performance of open RC beams with small span-height ratio
CHEN Shenggang1, XIE Qun1, GUO Quanquan2
![Corresponding author](http://hit.alljournals.cn/html/hitxb_cn/2020/8/images/REcor.gif)
1. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China;
2. School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
Abstract: To improve the accuracy of the classic Vlasov torsional theory when it is applied to analyze deep beams with open cross sections, restrained torsional calculation formula was derived based on the effect of shear deformation and the Vlasov torsional theory. Equilibrium differential equations were obtained in consideration of the influence of shear deformation, and the solutions were obtained through initial parameter method. Then, U-shaped RC beams (span of 6.65 m and 3.325 m) were calculated by the proposed calculation method, Vlasov torsional theory, and ABAQUS simulations. It was found that results of the two calculation methods were close to each other for the long U-shaped beam with large span-height ratio (when l/h > 10, the variation was within 20%), which was consistent with the experimental and simulation results. However, for the short U-shaped beam with small span-height ratio, the torsional rotation was significantly underestimated by the Vlasov torsional theory (when l/h < 6, the variation exceeded 40%), while the results obtained from the proposed method well coincided with the experimental and simulation results. Therefore, the method proposed in this paper could overcome the limitation of ignoring shear deformation in the classic Vlasov torsional theory, which is suitable for the calculation of torsional deformation of open thin-walled members with both large and small span-height ratios.
Keywords: open thin-walled deep beams torsion shear deformation calculation method
1 考虑剪切变形的开口构件扭转计算公式的推导 1.1 中面剪切变形的引入图 1给出了微元dsdz剪切变形前(实线)、后(虚线)的示意图.z为开口构件的纵向坐标轴,s为开口构件横向截面的曲线坐标轴,两者所对应的坐标分别为w和r.微元的剪切变形大小为
Fig. 1
${\gamma _{zs}} = \frac{{\partial r}}{{\partial z}} + \frac{{\partial w}}{{\partial s}}.$ (1)
Vlasov理论做出两个基本假设:1)刚周边;2)中面无剪切变形,即γzs=0.显然,Vlasov理论只考虑了单元整体扭转所引起的转角,见图 2(a),而忽略了图 2(b)中剪切变形所引起的另一部分扭转角.
Fig. 2
本文摒弃中面无剪切变形假定,即认为开口构件截面中线的剪切变形作用γzs≠0.假设截面中线剪切变形γzs所引起的扭转角表示为θc.图 3可知,γzs与θc之间的关系为
Fig. 3
${\gamma _{zs}} = \rho (s)\frac{{{\rm{d}}{\theta _{\rm{c}}}(z)}}{{{\rm{d}}z}}, $ (2)
在纯扭矩作用下,绕扭转中心P点的总扭转角θ(z)所对应的沿s方向的切线位移r(s, z)可表达为
$r(s, z) = \rho (s)\theta (z).$ (3)
$\frac{{\partial w}}{{\partial s}} = - \rho (s)[\frac{{\partial \theta (z)}}{{\partial z}} - \frac{{{\rm{d}}{\theta _{\rm{c}}}(z)}}{{{\rm{d}}z}}], $ (4)
1.2 翘曲扭转应力计算假设构件的弹性模量为E,则沿构件纵向的翘曲正应力表达式为
${\sigma _{\rm{M}}} = E[w_0^\prime - \theta _{\rm{w}}^{\prime \prime }(z)\Omega (s)].$ (5)
式中θw″(z)=θ″(z)-θc″(z)为总扭转角除去剪切变形引起的扭转角外剩余扭转角的二阶导数,Ω(s)=∫s ρ(s)ds为扇性坐标.
${\sigma _{\rm{M}}} = - E\theta _{\rm{w}}^{\prime \prime }(z)\omega (s), $ (6)
$\frac{{\partial ({\sigma _{\rm{M}}}t)}}{{\partial z}} + \frac{{\partial ({\tau _{\rm{M}}}t)}}{{\partial s}} = 0, $ (7)
${\tau _{\rm{M}}} = E\theta _{\rm{w}}^{\prime \prime \prime }(z){S_\omega }(s)/t, $ (8)
1.3 翘曲扭矩及翘曲弯矩由翘曲扭矩的定义可知
${T_{\rm{M}}} = \int_A {{\tau _{\rm{M}}}} t{\rm{d}}\omega , $ (9)
${T_{\rm{M}}} = - E{I_\omega }\theta _{\rm{w}}^{\prime \prime \prime }, $ (10)
${\tau _{\rm{M}}} = - \frac{{{T_{\rm{M}}}}}{{{I_\omega }t}}{S_\omega }(s).$ (11)
${B_{\rm{M}}} = - E{I_\omega }\theta _{\rm{w}}^{\prime \prime }(z).$ (12)
${\sigma _{\rm{M}}} = \frac{{{B_{\rm{M}}}}}{{{I_\omega }}}\omega (s).$ (13)
2 相容条件本文涉及3个扭转角,即总扭转角θ、剪切变形引起的扭转角θc以及整体扭转引起的扭转角θw,三者存在关系:
${\theta ^\prime } = \theta _{\rm{w}}^\prime + \theta _{\rm{c}}^\prime .$ (14)
${\theta _{\rm{c}}}(z) = \int_V {[ - \frac{{{S_\omega }(s)}}{{{I_\omega }t}}][ - \frac{{{T_{\rm{M}}}{S_\omega }(s)}}{{G{I_\omega }t}}]{\rm{d}}V} .$ (15)
$\theta _{\rm{c}}^\prime (z) = \frac{{{T_{\rm{M}}}}}{{G{K_{\rm{s}}}}}, $ (16)
$\theta _{\rm{c}}^\prime = - \frac{{E{I_\omega }}}{{G{K_{\rm{s}}}}}\theta _{\rm{w}}^{\prime \prime \prime }.$ (17)
${\theta ^\prime } = \theta _{\rm{w}}^\prime - \frac{{E{I_\omega }}}{{G{K_{\rm{s}}}}}\theta _{\rm{w}}^{\prime \prime \prime }.$ (18)
3 扭转平衡微分方程的建立及求解 3.1 扭矩平衡微分方程的建立引入式(16),扭转角协调方程式(14)可转化为
${\theta ^{\prime \prime }}(z) = \frac{{T_{\rm{M}}^\prime }}{{G{K_{\rm{s}}}}} - \frac{{{B_{\rm{M}}}}}{{E{I_\omega }}}.$ (19)
$T = {T_{\rm{M}}} + {T_{\rm{c}}}.$ (20)
$T_{\rm{M}}^\prime = {T^\prime } - T_{\rm{c}}^\prime .$ (21)
${T_{\rm{c}}} = (GK){\theta ^\prime }, $ (22)
$(1 + \frac{K}{{{K_{\rm{s}}}}}){\theta ^{\prime \prime }} + \frac{{{B_{\rm{M}}}}}{{E{I_\omega }}} - \frac{{{T^\prime }(z)}}{{G{K_{\rm{s}}}}} = 0, $ (23)
$(1 + \frac{K}{{{K_{\rm{s}}}}}){\theta ^{\prime \prime }} + \frac{{{T_{\rm{M}}}}}{{E{I_\omega }}} = 0.$ (24)
${\theta ^{\prime \prime \prime \prime }} - \chi _\omega ^2{\theta ^{\prime \prime }} = - \frac{\kappa }{{E{I_\omega }}}T(z), $ (25)
$\theta _{\rm{w}}^{\prime \prime \prime \prime } - \chi _\omega ^2\theta _{\rm{w}}^{\prime \prime } = - \frac{\kappa }{{E{I_\omega }}}{T^\prime }(z).$ (26)
3.2 扭矩平衡微分方程的求解四阶平衡微分方程(26)采用初参数法求解.方程的解包括两部分:通解和特解.本文就通解的计算过程详述如下:
$\theta _{\rm{w}}^{\prime \prime \prime \prime } - \chi _\omega ^2\theta _{\rm{w}}^{\prime \prime } = 0.$ (27)
${\theta _{\rm{w}}} = {C_1} + {C_2}z + {C_3}{\rm{sinh}}({\chi _\omega }z) + {C_4}{\rm{cosh}}({\chi _\omega }z), $ (28)
$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{\theta = {C_2}z + {C_3}\kappa {\rm{sinh}}({\chi _\omega }z) + {C_4}\kappa {\rm{cosh}}({\chi _\omega }z) + {C_5}, }\\{{\theta _{\rm{w}}} = {C_1} + {C_2}z + {C_3}{\rm{sinh}}({\chi _\omega }z) + {C_4}{\rm{cosh}}({\chi _\omega }z), }\\{\theta _{\rm{w}}^\prime = {C_2} + {C_3}{\chi _\omega }{\rm{cosh}}({\chi _\omega }z) + {C_4}{\chi _\omega }{\rm{sinh}}({\chi _\omega }z), }\\{{B_{\rm{M}}} = - {C_3}\kappa GK{\rm{sinh}}({\chi _\omega }z) - {C_4}\kappa GK{\rm{cosh}}({\chi _\omega }z), }\\{T = {C_2}GK.}\end{array}} \right.$ (29)
该构件的初始参数,即边界约束截面处的初始力学状态参数θ0、θw0、θw0′、BM0和T0可通过构件的边界条件获得,不同边界条件所对应的参数值见表 1.将初始参数代入式(29),常系数可由式(30)算得.
表 1
自由端 T0=0;Bw0=0
铰接端 θ0=0;θw0=0;BM0=0
固定端 θ0=0;θw0=0;θ′=0
表 1 不同边界条件所对应的初始参数 Tab. 1 Initial parameters corresponding to different boundary conditions
$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{{C_1} = {\theta _{{\rm{w0}}}} + \frac{1}{{\kappa GK}}{B_{{\rm{M0}}}}, }\\{{C_2} = \frac{1}{{GK}}{T_0}, }\\{{C_3} = \frac{1}{{{\chi _\omega }}}\theta _{{\rm{w0}}}^\prime - \frac{1}{{{\chi _\omega }GK}}{T_0}, }\\{{C_4} = - \frac{1}{{\kappa GK}}{B_{{\rm{M0}}}}, }\\{{C_5} = {\theta _0} + \frac{1}{{GK}}{B_{{\rm{M0}}}}.}\end{array}} \right.$ (30)
$\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}\theta \\{{\theta _{\rm{w}}}}\\{\theta _{\rm{w}}^\prime }\\{{B_{\rm{M}}}}\\T\end{array}} \right] = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}1&0&{\frac{\kappa }{{{\chi _\omega }}}{\rm{sinh}}({\chi _\omega }z)}&{1 - {\rm{cosh}}({\chi _\omega }z)}&{[z - \frac{\kappa }{{{\chi _\omega }}}{\rm{sinh}}({\chi _\omega }z)]}\\0&1&{\frac{{{\rm{sinh}}({\chi _\omega }z)}}{{{\chi _\omega }}}}&{\frac{{1 - {\rm{cosh}}({\chi _\omega }z)}}{\kappa }}&{[z - \frac{{{\rm{sinh}}({\chi _\omega }z)}}{{{\chi _\omega }}}]}\\0&0&{{\rm{cosh}}({\chi _\omega }z)}&{ - \frac{{{\chi _\omega }{\rm{sinh}}({\chi _\omega }z)}}{\kappa }}&{[1 - {\rm{cosh}}({\chi _\omega }z)]}\\0&0&{ - {\chi _\omega }E{I_\omega }{\rm{sinh}}({\chi _\omega }z)}&{GK{\rm{cosh}}({\chi _\omega }z)}&{\frac{{\kappa GK}}{{{\chi _\omega }}}{\rm{sinh}}({\chi _\omega }z)}\\0&0&0&0&{GK}\end{array}} \right]\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{\theta _0}}\\{{\theta _{{\rm{w0}}}}}\\{\theta _{{\rm{w0}}}^\prime }\\{\frac{{{B_{{\rm{M0}}}}}}{{GK}}}\\{\frac{{{T_0}}}{{GK}}}\end{array}} \right].$ (31)
4 算例应用针对文献[12, 14]中U型试验梁进行算例分析.该U型梁边界条件为两端固结,跨中截面承受集中扭矩T=10 kN·m,截面几何尺寸见图 4,混凝土的弹性模量为3.607×104 MPa.梁跨度分别取为:1)l1=6.65 m;2)l2=3.325 m.分别采用本文计算方法,Vlasov理论和有限元分析计算.其中,有限元分析采用ABAQUS软件建模,混凝土采用C3D8R实体单元,单元长度0.01 m.限制端部截面的6个自由度以模拟完全固支的边界条件.梁跨中施加大小相等方向相反的集中力以模拟跨中扭矩的作用.有限元模型见图 5.
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
4.1 剪切变形对扭转角的影响图 6给为不同跨度(6.65 m和3.325 m)的U型梁沿梁长方向(Z向)各截面的扭转角变化曲线,包括本文计算方法、Vlasov理论、有限元模拟和试验结果得到的曲线.由图 6(a)可知,6.65 m跨U型梁不同截面扭转角的试验值和有限元模拟结果拟合良好.由表 2可知,3个不同截面的扭转角的有限元模拟结果与试验结果的误差分别为0%、1.75%和1.32%,平均误差为1.02%,说明有限元模拟结果可以可靠有效的预测U型梁的扭转性能,因此,有限元软件多参数分析结果具有科学性和可靠性.
Fig. 6
表 2
z=0 0 1.43×10-37 0
z=l/4 5.70×10-4 5.60×10-4 1.75 1.02
z=l/2 1.06×10-3 1.08×10-3 1.32
表 2 不同截面扭转角的试验结果与有限元模拟结果 Tab. 2 Experimental and simulation results of torsional rotation in different sections
将本文计算方法及Vlasov理论所得到的跨中截面扭转角汇总于表 3.由图 6(a)可知,对于跨度较大(l/h=14.3)的U型梁扭转角,本文计算方法的计算结果与ABAQUS模拟结果吻合良好,最大扭转角的相对误差为0.185%;Vlasov理论的计算结果比试验值略小,但是误差仍然在可接受的范围内(相对误差为7.056%),且Vlasov理论的计算结果与θw基本一致.以上现象说明:1)对于跨度较大的U型梁,本文计算方法、Vlasov理论的计算结果与试验结果差别不大; 2)中面剪切变形所引起的扭转角θc很小(θc/θ=1.04/10.75=9.67%),可忽略其影响,可用θw近似估计总扭转角θ,两种计算理论都可适用.
表 3
θc/rad θw/rad θ/rad 误差/% θc/rad θw/rad θ/rad 误差/%
有限元模拟 — — 10.77 — — — 1.88 —
本文计算方法 1.04 9.71 10.75 0.185 0.594 1.43 2.03 7.889
Vlasov理论 — 9.88 9.88 8.264 — 1.46 1.46 27.850
表 3 跨中截面扭转角计算结果对比 Tab. 3 Comparison of torsional rotation in mid-span section calculated by different methods
由图 6(b)可知,对于跨度较小(l/h=7.15)的U型梁扭转角,本文计算方法计算结果与ABAQUS模拟结果吻合良好,最大扭转角相对误差为7.889%,而此时Vlasov理论计算结果与ABAQUS模拟结果偏差很大,最大扭转角相对误差达到27.85%.同样的,Vlasov理论计算结果与θw基本一致.以上现象说明,当U型梁跨度减小时,中面剪切变形所引起的扭转角占总扭转角的比例不断增大(θc/θ=0.594/2.03=29.26%),此时如果忽略该影响,而采用Vlasov理论计算只考虑扭转角的部分值θw,极大低估了扭转角数值,使构件的使用及承载功能存在巨大的安全隐患.本文计算方法在θw基础上,考虑剪切变形影响所引起的另一部分扭转角θc,能够很好的预测短跨U型梁的扭转性能.
为更直观表现剪切变形对不同跨度U型梁扭转变形性能的影响,对跨度分别为2、3.325、4、5、6.65和10 m(所对应的跨高比l/h分别为4、6.65、8、10、13.3和20)的U型梁分别进行计算分析.Vlasov扭转理论计算所得跨中截面扭转角为θVlasov,利用本文计算方法得到的跨中截面扭转角为θshear,定义参数Δ为跨中截面扭转角的增长率,表达为
Fig. 7
4.2 剪切变形对内力分布的影响分别采用本文计算方法和Vlasov理论对本例中U型梁的内力作用(翘曲弯矩和翘曲扭矩作用)进行了计算和对比分析,计算结果见图 8.同时,特征截面,即跨中截面和l/4截面的翘曲弯矩、翘曲扭矩和自由扭矩的计算值汇总于表 4.
Fig. 8
表 4
l=6.65l=3.325l=2 l=6.65 l=3.325 l=2 l=6.65 l=3.325 l=2
跨中 跨中 跨中 跨中 l/4跨 跨中 l/4跨 跨中 l/4跨 跨中 l/4跨 跨中 l/4跨 跨中 l/4跨
Vlasov理论 6.88 3.94 2.45 5.00 3.72 5.00 4.62 5.00 4.86 0 1.28 0 0.38 0 0.14
本文计算方法 6.75
(-1.83) 3.86
(-2.08) 2.40
(-2.08) 4.89
(-2.18) 3.66
(-1.59) 4.89
(-2.18) 4.53
(-2.01) 4.89
(-2.18) 4.75
(-2.12) 0.11
(—) 1.34
(4.61) 0.11
(—) 0.48
(24.35) 0.11
(—) 0.25
表 4 跨中及l/4截面翘曲弯矩及翘曲扭矩的计算值对比 Tab. 4 Comparison between calculated results of warping moment and warping torsion in mid-span and l/4 sections by two methods
由图 8(a)可知,不论是U型长梁(l=6.65 m)还是U型短梁(l=3.325 m),两种理论的计算结果曲线几乎完全重合;表 4给出的两种理论对跨度为6.65、3.325和2 m的U型梁的翘曲弯矩的计算值差异率分别为-1.83%、-2.08%和-2.08%.以上现象说明,不管是长跨还是短跨的U型梁,剪切变形对翘曲弯矩值的计算影响较小,本文提出的计算方法和Vlasov理论都可应用于翘曲弯矩的计算.
同样地,本文计算方法和Vlasov理论应用于长跨和短跨U型梁所获得的翘曲扭矩的计算曲线(见图 8(b))基本一致,且两种理论对翘曲扭矩的计算值的最大差异率为2.18%,平均差异率为2.04%.说明剪切变形对翘曲扭矩的计算影响很小,可忽略不计,因此,本文提出的计算方法和Vlasov理论都可应用于翘曲扭矩的计算.
5 结论本文考虑了中面剪切变形的影响,推导并提出适用于开口薄壁弹性构件的扭转性能计算方法,并针对一根U型薄壁梁的扭转试验,将本文计算方法的结果、Vlasov理论计算结果、试验及有限元模拟结果进行对比分析,得到如下结论:
1) 本文提出的考虑剪切变形影响的扭转计算方法,与试验及有限元模拟结果吻合良好,不仅适用于大跨高比的开口薄壁构件的扭转计算(误差为1.115%),还适用于小跨高比的开口薄壁结构的扭转分析(误差为7.889%).
2) Vlasov理论未考虑中面剪切变形的影响,当用于计算大跨高比的开口薄壁构件(本文算例要求l/h > 10)的扭转性能时准确度尚可;但当应用于跨高比较小的构件(本文算例中U型梁l/h < 6)时,严重低估截面的扭转角,无法准确计算构件的扭转效应.
3) 剪切变形能够影响开口构件的扭转变形性能,影响程度的大小取决于构件的跨高比、边界条件;考虑剪切变形对开口构件的翘曲弯矩和翘曲扭矩分布影响较小,翘曲弯矩和翘曲扭矩计算值的平均差异率分别为1.997%和2.044%;但是,对自由扭矩分布影响较大,随跨高比不断减小(l/h=13.3~4),自由扭矩计算值差异率从4.61%增大到71.53%.
4) 本文计算方法克服了Vlasov经典理论中中面无剪切变形假定的局限,能更准确地预测小跨高比U型梁的扭转变形,更好地满足工程设计需求.
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