Study on the Outdoor Wind Environment Simulation and Design Strategies of Rural Settlements in Cold Areas
Ming Li, Hong Jin,Xin-Yu Zhang
(School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China)
To improve the outdoor environment of rural settlement and reduce the energy consumption of rural houses in winterin cold areas,the seriously bad wind environment should been controlled and considered. This paper applies the method of numerical simulation to simulate the wind environment of some typical arrangement of building and courtyard in winter, and concludes the optimal building and courtyard arrangement types and strategies. It aims to provide some technical supports for improving the wind environment of rural settlements in cold regions.
Key words: rural settlements wind environment microclimate simulation analysis planning strategies
Clc Number:TU18
Study on the Outdoor Wind Environment Simulation and Design Strategies of Rural Settlements in Cold
本站小编 哈尔滨工业大学/2019-10-24
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