副教授,博士生导师,《功能材料》编审委,《石油化工高等学校学报》特约编委,国防科技创新团队核心成员,中国电子学会高级会员,中国化学会会员。主要从事新型绿色能源、特种化学电源以及新型多维多功能纳米杂化材料的研究。主持国家自然科学基金(4项)、教育部博士点基金、黑龙江省自然科学基金面上项目(2项)、中国博士后科学基金一等资助和特别资助、城市水资源和水环境国家重点实验室开放课题(2项)等10余项课题,参与了国家863计划纳米重大专项、国家科技支撑计划、科技部国际合作重点项目、国防基础科研等20余项国家和省部级项目。2010 年获黑龙江省科学技术奖自然科学类一等奖1项,黑龙江省科技成果鉴定 1 项。在Advanced Functional Materials、Nano Energy、Small、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Carbon、Chemical Communications、Nano Research、Advanced Materials Interfaces、Advanced Sustainable Systems、Journal of Power Sources、ChemElectrochem等国内外知名期刊发表SCI论文57篇,其中中科院1区(大区)论文17篇,先后有4篇论文进入ESI“高被引文论文”(Highly Cited Papers,last 10 years),IF>13论文2篇,封面论文2篇,个人H因子21。研究成果中有10篇论文累计22次被国际著名学者以配图、大幅评述等形式积极评价。参与编书1部。申请专利8项,已授权5项。
Adv. Funct. Mater.、J. Mater. Chem. A、Chem. Commun.、J. Power Sources等学术期刊审稿人。
新闻标题合作论文被著名期刊Nano Energy接受
合作论文“Molecularlevel distribution of black phosphorus quantum dots on nitrogen-doped graphenenanosheets for superior lithium storage”被Nano Energy接受,已在线发表,http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S**04384
高啸天同学论文“Boosting High-Rate Lithium Storage of V2O5 Nanowires by Self-Assemblyon N-Doped Graphene Nanosheets”被Wiley旗下新期刊ChemElectrochem选为封面论文!
新闻标题Delicate ternary heterostructures achieved by hierarchical co-assembly of Ag and Fe3O4 nanoparticles on MoS2 nanosheets: morphological and compositional synergy in reversible lithium storage入选SCI“Highly Cited Papers”
新闻标题发表于JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A(卷: 3 期: 12 页: 6477-6483 出版年: 2015)的文章“Hierarchical assembly of SnO2 nanowires on MnO2 nanosheets: a novel 1/2D hybrid architecture for high-capacity, reversible lithium storage”入选SCI“Highly Cited Papers ”
发表于JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A(卷: 3 期: 12 页: 6477-6483 出版年: 2015)的文章“Hierarchical assembly of SnO2 nanowires on MnO2 nanosheets: a novel 1/2D hybrid architecture for high-capacity, reversible lithium storage”入选SCI“Highly Cited Papers ”
硕士招生,1-2人/年: 锂离子电池;电催化;钠离子电池。博士招生,1人/年: 锂/钠离子电池;电催化;锂硫电池;固体氧化物燃料电池
·高 健:硕士生,研究方向:锂离子电池;
·王 芳:硕士生,研究方向:电催化析氧;
·王 闯:博士生,研究方向:钠离子电池。
33.祝贺硕士生王芳同学在中科院一区期刊Chemicalcommunications上发表论文“Dandelion-like Co3O4 mesoporous nanostructures supported by a Cu foam for efficient oxygen evolutionand lithium storage”。
32.祝贺朱晓东老师在Advanced Materials新姊妹刊Advanced Sustainable Systems上发表论文“Direct Exfoliation ofHigh-Quality, Atomically Thin MoSe2 Layers in Water”。
31. 祝贺博士生闫杜娟同学在中科院一区期刊J. Mater.Chem. A上发表论文“Hierarchically organizedCNT@TiO2@Mn3O4 nanostructures for enhancedlithium storage performance”。
30. 2017年3月16日,朱晓东老师受邀参加第二届全国新能源与化工新材料学术会议暨全国能量转换与存储材料学术研讨会,并做报告《多维异质纳米结构的杂化设计及其协同储锂》。
29. 朱晓东老师受聘《石油化工高等学校学报》特约编委。
28. 合作论文“Molecular leveldistribution of black phosphorus quantum dots on nitrogen-doped graphenenanosheets for superior lithium storage”被Nano Energy接受,已在线发表,http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S**04384
27. 申请的专利“一种三维立体银网的制备方法”被授权。
26. 祝贺高啸天同学论文“Boosting High-Rate Lithium Storage of V2O5 Nanowires by Self-Assembly onN-Doped Graphene Nanosheets”被Wiley旗下新期刊ChemElectrochem选为封面论文!
25.在上一年度获得国家自然科学基金一年期项目“过渡金属氧化物的分级有序自组装:三元异质纳米结构的设计及其协同储锂机制研究”的基础上,继续深化与强化,本年度申请的国家自然科学基金面上项目得到评审专家高度评价并获得资助:“二维氧化物基三元异质纳米结构的设计、界面调控及其协同储锂研究” ,项目批准号**,直接经费70万。
24. 2016年7月26日朱晓东在“2016 中国国际功能材料大会暨第九届中国功能材料及其应用学术会议”上做邀请报告《Design, interface control and synergistic lithium storage of 2Doxide-based ternary heterostructures》。
23. 2016年7月25日朱晓东老师参加《功能材料》第七届编审委员会年会。
21. 祝贺高啸天同学论文“Boosting High-Rate LithiumStorage of V2O5 Nanowires by Self-Assembly on N-DopedGraphene Nanosheets” 被Wiley旗下新期刊ChemElectrochem接受,并被高度评价“ this work develops a facile and cost effective method to obtain ahigh-rate cathode material and improve the cycle behavior of V2O5...... The group has significant expertisein this field and this work is a useful addition to that. The work has generalbroad interest in the area of materials for advanced battery development and isworthy of publication.”。该期刊首个影响因子为3.5。
20. 朱晓东老师在第一届中国(国际)能源材料化学研讨会上做口头报告!
19. 申请专利“一种固体氧化物燃料电池1Ce10ScSZ电解质薄膜的制备方法”被授权。
18. 2016年5月,闫杜娟同学参加中英青年学者城市交通能源技术研讨会,http://www.wtoutiao.com/p/124SRpO.html
17. 祝贺马汝甲同学被评为哈工大优秀毕业生。http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2016/05-05/**RL0.htm
16. 2016年4月朱晓东老师赴贵州梅岭电源有限公司进行学术交流。
15. 发表于Advanced Functional Materials (2015, 25(22): 3341-3350)的文章“SmartHybridization of TiO2 Nanorods and Fe3O4 Nanoparticles with Pristine Graphene Nanosheets: Hierarchically NanoengineeredTernary Heterostructures for High-Rate Lithium Storage”入选ESI“Highly Cited Papers ”
14. 祝贺杜娟论文"Facile and elegant self-organization of Agnanoparticles and TiO2 nanorods on V2O5 nanosheets as a superior cathode material of lithium-ion batteries"被《Journal of MaterialsChemistry A》接收!
13. 朱晓东老师被中国电子学会接纳为高级会员,参加化学与物理电源技术分会。
12. 祝贺邱胜友同学录取为哈工大博士!
11. 祝贺王可心同学被高分录取为哈工大博士!
10. 发表于JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A (卷: 3 期: 12 页: 6477-6483 出版年: 2015)的文章“Hierarchical assembly of SnO2 nanowires on MnO2nanosheets: a novel 1/2D hybrid architecture for high-capacity, reversiblelithium storage”入选ESI“HighlyCited Papers ”
9. 发表于Journal of Materials Chemistry A的文章“Delicate ternary heterostructures achievedby hierarchical co-assembly of Ag and Fe3O4 nanoparticleson MoS2 nanosheets: morphological and compositional synergy inreversible lithium storage. ”入选ESI“Highly CitedPapers”
8. 欢迎屈财玉同学加入本组!
7. 朱晓东老师在AM姊妹刊《Adv. Mater.Interfaces》上发表共同一作文章:Elaborately Designed Hierarchical HeterostructuresConsisting of Carbon-Coated TiO2(B) Nanosheets Decorated with Fe3O4 Nanoparticles for Remarkable Synergy in High-Rate Lithium Storage. Adv. Mater.Interfaces. 2015, 2, 15, **。
6. 朱晓东老师在全国第18次电化学大会锂电负极材料分会上做口头报告!
5. 欢迎邱胜友同学加入本团队!
4. 祝贺王可心硕士顺利答辩,圆满毕业!
3. 欢迎高啸天博士加入本团队!
2. 祝贺王可心同学在《Chem. Commun.》上发表文章,Creating asynergistic interplay between tubular MoS2 and particulate Fe3O4 for improved lithium storage. Chem. Commun., 2015, 51,11888–11891.
1. 祝贺王可心同学在《J. Mater. Chem. A》上发表共同一作文章,Hierarchical assemblyof SnO2 nanowires on MnO2nanosheets: a novel 1/2Dhybrid architecture for high-capacity, reversible lithium storage, J. Mater.Chem. A, 2015, 3, 6477–6483.
Smart Hybridization of TiO2 Nanorods and Fe3O4 Nanoparticles with Pristine Graphene Nanosheets: Hierarchically Nanoengineered Ternary Heterostructures for High-Rate Lithium Storage(引用次数97次,被4次积极评价)
Adv. Funct. Mater.(中科院大区1区,IF=13.325)
25, 22, 2015年4月20日,3341–3350
Molecular level distribution of black phosphorus quantum dots on nitrogen-doped graphene nanosheets for superior lithium storage (被4次积极评价)
Nano Energy (中科院大区1区,IF=13.12)
30, 2016年10月11日,347–354.
Delicate ternary heterostructures achieved by hierarchical co-assembly of Ag and Fe3O4 nanoparticles on MoS2 nanosheets: morphological and compositional synergy in reversible lithium storage (被2次积极评价)
J. Mater. Chem. A (中科院大区1区,IF=9.931)
3, 12, 2014年12月2日, 2726–2733.
Ultrathin MXene Nanosheets Decorated with TiO2 Quantum Dots as an Efficient Sulfur Host toward Fast and Stable Li–S Batteries(Back Cover,被1次积极评价)
14, 41, 2018年9月2日, **
Exploring the Synergy of 2D MXene-Supported Black Phosphorus Quantum Dots in Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution Reactions(被1次积极评价)
J. Mater. Chem. A (中科院大区1区,IF=9.931)
6, 43, 2018年10月12日, 21255–21260
Facile and elegant self-organization of Ag nanoparticles and TiO2 nanorods on V2O5 nanosheets as a superior cathode material of lithium-ion batteries(被1次积极评价)
J. Mater. Chem. A (中科院大区1区,IF=9.931)
4, 13, 2016年2月29日, 4900–4907
Hierarchically organized CNT@TiO2@Mn3O4 nanostructures for enhanced lithium storage performance
J. Mater. Chem. A (中科院大区1区,IF=9.931)
5, 32, 2017年7月20日, 17048–17055
Hierarchical assembly of SnO2 nanowires on MnO2 nanosheets: a novel 1/2D hybrid architecture for high-capacity, reversible lithium storage
J. Mater. Chem. A (中科院大区1区,IF=9.931)
3, 12, 2015年2月16日,6477–6483
V2O5 nanoparticles confined in Three?Dimensionally organized, porous Nitrogen?Doped graphene frameworks: Flexible and Free?Standing cathodes for high performance lithium storage(被1次积极评价)
Carbon (中科院大区1区,IF= 7.08)
140, 2018年8月28日, 218–226
Flexible and robust MoS2–graphene hybrid paper cross-linked by a polymer ligand: a high-performance anode material for thin film lithium-ion batteries (引用次数102次,被5次积极评价)
Chem. Commun. (中科院大区1区,IF=6.29)
49, 87, 2013年9月9日, 10305–10307.
Creating a synergistic interplay between tubular MoS2 and particulate Fe3O4 for improved lithium storage(1次积极评价)
Chem. Commun. (中科院大区1区,IF= 6.29)
51, 59, 2015年6月12日, 11888–18891
Advanced electrochemical performance of Li4Ti4.95V0.05O12 as a reversible anode material down to 0 V (被引用98次)
J. Power Sources (中科院大区1区,IF=6.945)
195, 1, 2009年7月29日,285–288.
Preparation and performance of large-area La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O3-δ electrolyte for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell
J. Power Sources(中科院大区1区,IF=6.945)
195, 22, 2010年6月8日, 7583–7586
Dandelion-like Co3O4 mesoporous nanostructures supported by a Cu foam for efficient oxygen evolution and lithium storage
Chem. Commun. (中科院大区1区,IF=6.29)
54, 40, 2018年4月25日, 5138–5141
Improved Electrochemical Performance of NiO-La0.45Ce0.55O2-δComposite Anodes for IT-SOFC through the Introduction of a La0.45Ce0.55O2-δ Interlayer
Electrochim. Acta (中科院大区1区,IF=5.116)
54, 2, 2008年3月30日, 862–867
High-performance Li4Ti5-xVxO12 (0≤x≤0.3) as an anode material for secondary lithium-ion battery (被引用128次)
Electrochim. Acta (中科院大区1区,IF=5.116)
54, 28, 2009年8月7日, 7464–7470
Improved electrochemical performance of SrCo0.8Fe0.2O3-δ–La0.45Ce0.55O2-δ composite cathodes for IT-SOFC
Electrochem. Commun. (中科院大区1区,IF=4.66)
9, 3, 2006年10月31日, 431–435
Boosting High-Rate Lithium Storage of V2O5 Nanowires by Self-Assembly on N-Doped Graphene Nanosheets (封面论文)
ChemElectrochem (中科院大区2区,IF=4.46)
3, 11, 2016年8月5日, 1730–1736
A review of recent developments in the surface modification of LiMn2O4 as cathode material of power lithium-ion battery (被引用115次)
Ionics (中科院大区4区,IF=2.347)
15, 6, 2009年8月15日, 779–784
朱晓东, 多维异质纳米结构的杂化设计及其协同储锂,第二届全国新能源与化工新材料学术会议暨全国能量转换与存储材料学术研讨会,2017年4月,厦门,主题报告。
朱晓东,Design, interfacecontrol and synergistic lithium storage of 2D oxide-based ternaryheterostructures,2016 中国国际功能材料大会暨第九届中国功能材料及其应用学术会议,2016年7月,重庆,邀请报告。
59. X.-T. Gao, Y. Xie, X.-D. Zhu,* K.-N. Sun, X.-M. Xie, Y.-T. Liu,* J.-Y. Yu and B. Ding. Ultrathin MXene Nanosheets Decorated with TiO2 Quantum Dots as an Efficient Sulfur Host toward Fast and Stable Li–S Batteries, Small, 2018, 14(41): **. 中科院1区(大区), IF=9.598. Back Cover.
58. X.-D. Zhu, X.-M. Xie and Y.-T. Liu*. Exploring the synergy of 2D MXene-supported black phosphorus quantum dots in hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6(43), 21255–21260. 中科院1区(大区), IF=9.931.
57. X.-T. Gao, Y.-T. Liu, X.-D. Zhu*, D.-J. Yan, C. Wang, Y.-J. Feng and K.-N. Sun*, V2O5 nanoparticles confined in Three?Dimensionally organized, porous Nitrogen?Doped graphene frameworks: Flexible and Free?Standing cathodes for high performance lithium storage, Carbon, 2018, 140: 218–226. 中科院1区(大区), IF=7.08.
56. Wang, Z.-B. Liu, K.-X.Wang, X.-D. Zhu, X.-H. Fan, J. Gao,Y.-J. Feng, K.-N. Sun and Y.-T. Liu, Dandelion-like Co3O4 mesoporous nanostructures supported by a Cu foam for efficient oxygen evolutionand lithium storage, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 5138-5141. IF=6.319.
55. D.-J. Yan, X.-D. Zhu*, X.-T. Gao, L.-L. Gu, Y.-J. Feng, K.-N. Sun*. Smartly designed hierarchical MnO2@Fe3O4/CNT hybrid films as binder-free anodes for superior lithium storage. Chem.–Asian J., 2018, 13: 3027–3031.
54. Zheng-Wei Zhou, Long Pan,Yi-Tao Liu, Xiao-Dong Zhu, Xu-MingXie. Elaborate synElaborate synthesis of black tin oxide-black titanium oxidecore-shell nanotubes for ultrastable and fast lithium storage. Chemical communications, 2018, 54(38), 4790-4793. IF=6.319.
53. Yi-Tao Liu, Xiao-Dong Zhu, Xu-Ming Xie. Direct Exfoliation of High-Quality, Atomically Thin MoSe2 Layers in Water. Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2018, 2(1), **. Advanced Materials新姊妹刊
52. Xiao-Dong Zhu, Ya-Lun Zheng, Yu-Jie Feng, Ke-Ning Sun. Delicate Ag/V2O5/TiO2 ternary nanostructures as a high-performance photocatalyst. Journal of SolidState Chemistry, 2018, 258, 691-694.
51. Du-Juan Yan, Xiao-Dong Zhu, Ya-Chun Mao, Sheng-You Qiu,Liang-Liang Gu, Yu-Jie Feng, Ke-Ning Sun. Hierarchically organized CNT@TiO2@Mn3O4 nanostructures for enhanced lithium storage performance. Journal of MaterialsChemistry A, 2017, 5(32), 17048-17055. IF=9.931.
50. Xueqin Song, Shiru Le, Xiaodong Zhu, Long Qin, Yan Luo, YanweiLi, Kening Sun, Ying Chen. High performance BaFe1-xBixO3-delta as cobalt-free cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells. InternationalJournal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(24), 15808-15817.
49. Jun-Hua Wei, Xiao-TianGao, Si-Ping Tan, Fang Wang, Xiao-Dong Zhu,Ge-Ping Yin. Acetylene Black Loaded on Graphene as a Cathode Material forBoosting the Discharging Performance of Li/SOCl2 Battery. InternationalJournal of Electrochemical Science, 2017, 12(2), 898-905.
48. LongPan#, Xiao-Dong Zhu#,Ke-Ning Sun, Yi-Tao Liu*, Xu-Ming Xie*, Xiong-Ying Ye. Molecular leveldistribution of black phosphorus quantum dots on nitrogen-doped graphenenanosheets for superior lithium storage. Nano Energy, 2016, 30, 347-354.IF=13.1.
47.Jinhuan Yao*, Yanwei Li*,Xuanhai Li, Xiaodong Zhu.First-Principles Study of the Geometric and Electronic Structures of ZincFerrite with Vacancy Defect. Metallurgical and Materials TransactionsA-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 47A, 3753( 2016).
46. Xiao-Tian Gao, Xiao-Dong Zhu*, Shi-Ru Le, Du-JuanYan, Cai-Yu Qu, Yu-Jie Feng, Ke-NingSun* and Yi-Tao Liu*, Boosting High-RateLithium Storage of V2O5 Nanowires by Self-Assembly onN-Doped Graphene Nanosheets, ChemElectrochem, 2016, 3(11), 1730-1736. The "giant" V2O5 nanowires canbe assembled on the N-doped graphene nanosheets in a dense and uniform way.
45. L. Pan, Y.-T. Liu*, X.-M. Xie*,Xiong-Ying Ye and X.-D. Zhu. Multi-dimensionally ordered,multi-functionally integrated r-GO@TiO2(B)@Mn3O4 yolk?membrane?shell superstructures for ultrafast lithium storage. NanoRes., 9, 2057(2016). 成功实现了二/二/零维多元杂化材料的自组装。
44. Z.-Q. Duan, Y.-T. Liu*, X.-M. Xie*,X.-Y. Ye, X.-D. Zhu*. h-BN Nanosheets as 2D Substrates to Load0D Fe3O4 Nanoparticles: A Novel Hybrid Anode Material forLithium-Ion Batteries. Chem.–Asian J., 11, 828(2016). h-BN作为锂离子电池基体材料的研究先驱。
43. D.-J. Yan, X.-D. Zhu*,K.-X. Wang, X.-T. Gao, Y.-J. Feng, K.-N. Sun*, Y.-T. Liu*. Facile and elegantself-organization of Ag nanoparticles and TiO2 nanorods on V2O5 nanosheets as a superior cathode material of lithium-ion batteries. J.Mater. Chem. A, 4, 4900(2016). IF=9.931. 首次实现了V2O5 nanosheets基三元杂化材料的自组装,同时解决了V2O5 nanosheets易堆叠和电导率低的缺陷。
42.X.-D. Zhu, K.-X. Wang, D.-J. Yan, S.-R. Le, R.-J. Ma, K.-N.Sun*, Y.-T. Liu*. Creating a synergistic interplay between tubular MoS2 and particulate Fe3O4 for improved lithium storage. Chem.Commun., 51, 11888(2015). IF=6.319. 构造了三维管状MoS2表面均匀负载Fe3O4纳米粒子的新结构。
41. L. Pan#, X.-D.Zhu#, X.-M. Xie* and Y.-T. Liu*. Smart Hybridization of TiO2 Nanorods and Fe3O4 Nanoparticles with Pristine GrapheneNanosheets: Hierarchically Nanoengineered Ternary Heterostructures forHigh-Rate Lithium Storage, Adv. Funct. Mater., 25,3341(2015). IF=13.3. L. Pan and X.-D. Zhu contributed equally to this work. ESI高引文章,至今已被引用26次。
40. H. Xu#, X.-D. Zhu#,K.-N. Sun, Y.-T. Liu*, Xu-Ming Xie*. Elaborately Designed HierarchicalHeterostructures Consisting of Carbon-Coated TiO2(B) NanosheetsDecorated with Fe3O4 Nanoparticles for Remarkable Synergyin High-Rate Lithium Storage. Adv. Mater. Interfaces. 2,**(2015). H. Xu and X.-D. Zhu contributed equally to this work. Adv. Mater. Interfaces为Adv.Mater. 新的姊妹刊。
39. L. Pan, X.-D. Zhu*,X.-M. Xie* and Y.-T. Liu*, Delicate ternary heterostructures achieved byhierarchical co-assembly of Ag and Fe3O4 nanoparticles onMoS2 nanosheets: morphological and compositional synergy inreversible lithium storage, J. Mater. Chem. A, 3,2726(2015). IF=9.931. ESI高引文章,至今已被引用18次。
38. L. Pan, K.-X. Wang, X.-D.Zhu*, X.-M. Xie* and Y.-T. Liu*. Hierarchical assembly of SnO2 nanowires on MnO2 nanosheets: a novel 1/2D hybrid architecture forhigh-capacity, reversible lithium storage, J. Mater. Chem. A, 3,6477(2015). IF=9.931. 首次将一维纳米结构自组装到二维纳米片表面。
37. L. Guan, S. Le*, X. Zhu,S. He, K. Sun*. Densi?cation and grain growth behavior study of trivalent MO1.5 (M = Gd, Bi) doped ceria systems. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.,35, 2815(2015). IF=2.933.
36. L. Guan, S. Le*, S. He, X. Zhu, T. Liu, K. Sun*. Densification Behavior and Space ChargeBlocking Effect of Bi2O3 and Gd2O3 Co-doped CeO2 as Electrolyte for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Electrochim.Acta, 161, 129(2015). IF=5.1.
35. L. Pan, Y.-T. Liu*, X.-M. Xie* and X.-D.Zhu*, Coordination-driven hierarchical assembly of silvernanoparticles on MoS2 nanosheets for improved lithium storage, Chem.–AsianJ., 9, 1519(2014). 利用配位将silvernanoparticles组装到 MoS2 nanosheets表面,极少掺杂量实现了电导率的大幅提升。
34. Z.-Q. Duan, Y.-C. Sun, Y.-T. Liu*,X.-M. Xie* and X.-D. Zhu*, Scalable production of transitionmetal disulphide/graphite nanoflake composites for high-performance lithiumstorage, RSC Adv., 4, 41543(2014). 实现了二硫化物/石墨烯复合材料的大规模制备。
33. Y.-T. Liu#, X.-D. Zhu#, Z.-Q. Duan and X.-M. Xie*, Flexible androbust MoS2–graphene hybrid paper cross-linked by a polymer ligand:a high-performance anode material for thin film lithium-ion batteries, Chem.Commun., 49, 10305(2013). IF=6.567. Y.-T. Liu and X.-D. Zhucontributed equally to this work. 至今被引用102次。该工作引起了韩国蔚山国立科技大学低维碳材料研究中心主任 Jong-Beom Baek 教授的注意,他在《Materials Today》上的一篇综述论文中给予了积极评价并以配图形式大段正面引用(Mater. Today, 2015,42, 286–298)。
32.X.-D. Zhu, J. Tian, S.-R. Le, N.-Q. Zhang and K.-N. Sun*,Improved electrochemical performance of CuCrO2 anode with CNTs asconductive agent for lithium ion batteries, Mater. Lett., 97,113(2013).
31.X.-D. Zhu, J. Tian, S.-R. Le, J.-R. Chen and K.-N. Sun*,Enhanced electrochemical performances of CuCrO2–CNTs nanocompositesanodes by in-situ hydrothermal synthesis for lithium ion batteries, Mater.Lett., 107, 147(2013).
30. S. Le, S. Zhu, X. Zhu and K. Sun*, Densification of Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 with the addition of lithium oxide as sintering aid, J. Power Sources, 222, 367(2013). IF=6.9.
29. S. Le, J. Zhang, X. Zhu,J. Zhai and K. Sun*, Sintering and electrochemical performance of Y2O3-dopedbarium zirconate with Bi2O3 as sintering aids, J.Power Sources, 232, 219(2013). IF=6.9.
28. Y. C. Sun*, X. Z. Xu, X. D.Zhu, Z. B. Mu, Y. L. Ge, S. Wu and N. N. Du, Optimization of samplepreparation for the determination of fluoroquinolone antibiotics residues inaquatic products by UPLC-MS /MS. J. Harbin Inst. Technol. , 45,52(2013).
27.X. Zhu, X. Chen, Y. Yuan, K. Sun* and N. Zhang, Influencesof synthesis route and preparation process on the electrochemical properties ofFe-doped strontium cobaltite, J. Solid State Electrochem., 16, 313(2012). IF=2.327.
26. Z. Shen, X. Zhu, S.Le*, W. Sun and K. Sun*, Co-sintering anode and Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 thin electrolyte film for solid oxide fuel cellfabricated by co-tape casting, Int. J. Hydrogen Energ., 37,10337(2012). IF=3.205.
25. S. Le, Y. Mao, X. Zhu,N. Zhang and K. Sun*, Constrained sintering of Y2O3-stabilizedZrO2 electrolyte on anode substrate, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 37, 18365(2012). IF=3.205.
24.X. Zhu, S. Le, X. Chen, K. Sun*, Y. Yuan and N. Zhang,Chemical compatibility, thermal expansion matches and electrochemicalperformance of SrCo0.8Fe0.2O3?δ-La0.45Ce0.55O2?δ composite cathodes for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells, Int.J. Hydrogen Energ., 36, 12549(2011). IF=3.205.
23.X. Zhu, N. Zhang, L. Wu, K. Sun* and Y. Yuan, Preparationand performance of large-area La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O3-δ electrolyte for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell, J.Power Sources, 195, 7583(2010). IF=6.333.
22. T.-F. Yi*, J. Shu*, Y.-R. Zhu, X.-D.Zhu*, R.-S. Zhu and A.-N,Zhou. Advancedelectrochemical performance of Li4Ti4.95V0.05O12 as a reversible anode material down to 0 V, J. Power Sources., 195, 285(2010). IF=6.333. ESI高引文章
21. S. Sun, X. Zhu* andY. Yuan, Electrochemical properties of La0.8Sr0.2FeO3?δ–La0.45Ce0.55O2?δ composite cathodes forintermediate temperature SOFC, J. Solid State Electrochem., 14,2257(2010). IF=2.327.
20. S. Le, K. Sun*, N. Zhang, X.Zhu, H. Sun, Y. Yuan and X. Zhou, Fabrication and evaluation of anodeand thin Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 ?lm by co-tapecasting and co-?ring technique, J. Power Sources, 195,2644(2010). IF=6.333.
19. S. Le, Z. Shen, X. Zhu,X. Zhou, Y. Yan, K. Sun*, N. Zhang, Y. Yuan and Y. Mao, Effective Ag–CuOsealant for planar solid oxide fuel cells, J. Alloy. Compd., 496,96(2010). IF=3.014.
18. T.-F. Yi*, J. Shu*, C.-B. Yue, X.-D.Zhu, A.-N. Zhou, Y.-R. Zhu and R.-S. Zhu, Enhanced cycling stabilityof microsized LiCoO2 cathode by Li4Ti5O12 coating for lithium ion battery, Mater. Res. Bull., 45,456(2010). IF=2.435.
17. L. Liu, N. Zhang, K. Sun*, T. Yangand X. Zhu, Influencing Factors on Safety Characteristics ofLi-Ion Batteries, Rare Metal Mat. Eng., 39, 936(2010). IF=0.236.
16. T.-F. Yi*, Y.-R. Zhu, X.-D.Zhu*, J. Shu*, C.-B. Yue and A.-N. Zhou. A review of recentdevelopments in the surface modification of LiMn2O4 ascathode material of power lithium-ion battery, Ionics, 15:779(2009). IF=2.119.
15. Y. W. Li*, J. H. Yao, X.D.Zhu, C.J. Liu, J.Q. Jiang, X.S. Deng. Theoretical investigations onthe geometric and electronic structures of polyacetylene molecule under theinfluence of external electric field, Express Polym. Lett., 3:684(2009). IF=2.956.
14. T.-F. Yi*, J. Shu*, Y.-R. Zhu, X.-D.Zhu*, C.-B. Yue, A.-N. Zhou and R.-S. Zhu. High-performance Li4Ti5-xVxO12 (0≤x≤0.3) as an anode material for secondary lithium-ion battery, Electrochim.Acta, 54, 7464(2009). IF=4.803.
13. Z. Ren, K. Sun*, Y. Liu, X. Zhou, N.Zhang, X. Zhu. Polymer electrolytes based on poly(vinylidenefluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) with crosslinked poly(ethylene glycol) forlithium batteries, Solid State Ionics. 180, 693(2009). IF=2.380.
12. Q. Fu, K. N. Sun*, N. Q. Zhang, S.R. Le, X. D. Zhu and J. H. Piao. Optimization on fabricationand performance of A-site-deficient La0.58Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ cathode for SOFC, J. Solid State Electrochem., 13,455(2009). IF=2.321.
11.X. D. Zhu*, K. N. Sun*, S. R. Le, N. Q. Zhang, Q. Fu, X. B.Chen and Y. X. Yuan. Improved Electrochemical Performance of NiO-La0.45Ce0.55O2-δCompositeAnodes for IT-SOFC through the Introduction of a La0.45Ce0.55O2-δ Interlayer, Electrochim. Acta, 54, 862(2008). IF=4.803.
10. S. R. Le, K. N. Sun*, F. Xu, M. Z.An, N. Q. Zhang, X. D. Zhu and Q. Fu. Study of NiO/YSZ anodefor SOFC prepared by tape casting. Funct. Mater., 39, 618(2008).
9.X. D. Zhu, K. N. Sun*, N. Q. Zhang, X. B. Chen, L. J. Wu andD. C. Jia. Improved electrochemical performance of SrCo0.8Fe0.2O3-δ–La0.45Ce0.55O2-δ composite cathodes for IT-SOFC, Electrochem. Commun., 9,431(2007). IF=4.569.
8. Q. Fu, K. N. Sun*, N. Q. Zhang, X.D. Zhu, S. R. Le and D. R. Zhou. Characterization of electricalproperties of GDC doped A-site deficient LSCF based composite cathode usingimpedance spectroscopy, J. Power Sources, 168,338(2007). IF=6.333.
7. S. R. Le, K. N. Sun*, N. Q. Zhang, Y.B. Shao, M. Z. An, Q. Fu and X. D. Zhu, Comparison ofinfiltrated-ceramic fiber paper and mica base compressive seals for planarsolid oxide fuel cells, J. Power Sources, 168, 447(2007).IF=6.333.
6.X. D. Zhu, K. N. Sun* and D. R. Zhou. Preparation andmechanism of CeO2 interlayer in stabilized ZrO2-δ SOFC, Prog.Chem. 19, 1710(2007). IF=0.894.
5.X. D. Zhu, K. N. Sun*, N. Q. Zhang, X. B. Chen, L. J. Wu andD. R. Zhou. Preparation of La0.45Ce0.55O2-δ anode interlayer film for IT-SOFC, Rare Metal Mat. Eng., 36, 2016(2007). IF=0.236.
4.X. D. Zhu, K. N. Sun*, N. Q. Zhang, X. B. Chen, Q. Fu and D.C. Jia. Investigation of novel anode NiO-La0.3Ce0.7O2-δ of IT-SOFC with LSGM-based electrolyte, Chem. J. Chinese U. 28, 824(2007). IF=0.791.
3.X. D. Zhu, K. N. Sun*, N. Q. Zhang, Q. Y. Lei, D. C. Jia D.R. Zhou. Preparation of La0.30Ce0.70O2-δ interlayerfor SOFC by solid state reaction and Co-precipitation. Funct. Mater.,37, 563(2006 supplementary issue).
2.X. D. Zhu, K. N. Sun*, N. Q. Zhang, D. R. Zhou and L. J. Wu.Preparation of La-doped Ceria as an Anode Interlayer for SOFC. J. Synth.Cryst., 235, 124(2006).
1.X. D. Zhu, N. Li*, D. Y. Li, W. H. Liu and W. Li. Influenceof technology of high-speed galvanization onroughness and micromorphology ofcoating. Chin. J. Nonferr. Metal., 15, 145(2005)
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