基本信息科学研究教学工作Download papersEnglish
韩国Kyungpook National University联合培养博士、美国University of California, San Diego 访问学者、德国Stuttgart University访问学者、新加坡National University of Singapore高级访问学者、中国钢结构协会钢-混凝土组合结构分会秘书长、中国钢结构协会钢结构设计分会理事、《International Journal of Steel Structures》 杂志编委、哈工大钢结构与木结构学科组副主任。主要从事钢结构构件、组合构件、组合节点和组合结构体系的研究。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(2项)、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、教育部留学归国人员启动基金、中国博士后特别资助项目等。参编《钢板剪力墙技术规程》,出版专著1部,主编教材1部,参编教材2部,获8项国家发明专利授权,发表相关学术论文90余篇,其中SCI、EI检索70余篇,讲授的《Advanced Composite Structures》课程获“教育部来华留学英文授课品牌课程”。
名称国际期刊《International Journal of Steel Structures》 (SCI检索)编委
名称《钢板剪力墙技术规程》(JGJ/T 380-2016) 第3完成人
名称国家自然科学基金项目 通讯评审人
名称《Engineering Structures》等10余本SCI期刊审稿人
名称哈尔滨工业大学第四届青年教师研究生教学竞赛一等奖 2015年
名称哈尔滨工业大学优秀课程 2005年
名称哈工大土木工程学院杰出贡献奖 2012年
名称哈尔滨工业大学教学新秀奖 2013年
名称黑龙江省结构设计大赛优秀指导教师,指导学生获唯一特等奖 2013年
名称黑龙江省建设集团奖教金 2014年
名称哈尔滨工业大学本科生教学基本功竞赛二等奖 2016年
名称哈工大土木工程学院杰出贡献奖 2016年
项目名称1. 国家自然科学基金“局部腐蚀圆钢管混凝土性能与评估”
项目名称2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(**) “短肢多腔钢混凝土组合剪力墙性能与设计“
项目名称3. 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC**)““钢结构体系的防灾减灾设计理论及工程应用”子课题”
项目名称4. 国家自然科学基金项目 (**)”两边连接钢板组合剪力墙及其结构体系性能分析与设计”
项目名称5. 企业技术研发项目“高层组合结构住宅结构设计优化及关键构件研究”
项目名称6. 教育部重点实验室开放课题基金“钢板-混凝土组合剪力墙的性能分析与设计”
项目名称7. 教育部留学归国人员启动基金“加劲风力发电机塔筒性能分析与设计”
项目名称8. 中国博士后特别资助“钢管混凝土框架-联肢剪力墙结构体系抗震性能研究”
项目名称9. 黑龙江省自然科学基金“薄壁风力发电机塔筒的性能设计与分析”
1. Liu Yong, Guo Lanhui, Qu Bing, Zhang Sumei. Experimental investigation on the flexural behavior of steel-concrete composite beams with U-shaped steel girders and angle connectors. Engineering Structures. 2017
2. 郭兰慧,马欣伯. 钢板-混凝土组合剪力墙. 科学出版社. 2013. (专著)
3. Guo Lanhui, Liu Yong, Jiao Hui, An Shirong. Behavior of thin-walled circular hollow section stub columns under axial compression. International Journal of Steel Structures. 2016
4. Guo Lanhui, Gao Shan, Fu Feng. Structural performance of semi-rigid composite frame under column loss. Engineering Structures. 2015, 95(7):112-126
5. Gao Shan, Guo Lanhui. Progressive collapse analysis of 20-storey building considering composite action of floor slab. International Journal of Steel Structures. 2015, 15(2): 445-456
6. Jia Mingming, Guo Lanhui, Lu Dagang. Performance testing and comparison of buckling-restrained braces with H and crisscross
cross section unrestrained segments. International Journal of Steel Structures. 2014, 14(4): 745-753
7. Guo Lanhui, Yang Shijun, Jiao Hui. Behavior of thin-walled circular hollow section tubes subjected to bending.Thin-Walled Structures. 2013,73(12):281-289 (SCI、EI)
8. Guo Lanui, Gao Shan, Fu Feng, Wang Yuyin. Experimental study and numerical analysis of progressive collapse resistance of composite frames. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2013,89(10)236-251 (SCI、EI)
9. Guo Lanhui, Li Ran, Rong Qin, Zhang Sumei. Cyclic Behavior of SPSW and CSPSW in Composite Frame. Thin-Walled Structures. 2012,51(2):39-52 (SCI、EI)
10. Guo Lanhui, Wang Yuyin, Zhang Sumei. Experimental study on concrete-filled rectangular HSS columns subjected to biaxial bending. Advances in Structural Engineering. An International Journal, 2012, 15(8):1329-1344(SCI、EI)
11. Prowell Ian, Uang Chia-Ming, Elgamal Ahmed, Luco J. Enrique, Guo Lanhui. Shake Table Testing of a Utility-Scale Wind Turbine. Journal
of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE. 2012, 138(7):900-909(SCI、EI)
12. Guo Lanhui, Ma Xinbo, Zhang Sumei and Li Ran. Experimental Research on Seismic Behavior of C-SPSWs Connected to Frame Beams. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration. 2011,10(1):65-73(SCI、EI)
13. Qi Hongtuo, Guo Lanhui, Liu Jiepeng, Gan Dan, Zhang Sumei. Axial load behavior and strength of tubed steel reinforced-concrete (SRC) stub columns. Thin-Walled Structures. 2011, 41:1041-1150 (SCI、EI)
14. Gan Dan, Guo Lanhui, Liu Jiepeng, Zhou Xuhong. Seismic behavior and moment strength of tubed steel reinforced-concrete (SRC) beam-columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2011,67(10):1516-1524 (SCI、EI)
15. Guo Lanhui, Rong Qin, Ma Xinbo, Zhang Sumei. Behavior of steel plate shear wall connected with frame beams only. International Journal of Steel Structures. 2011,11(4):467-479 (SCI、EI)
16. Liu Jiepeng, Zhang Sumei, Zhang Xiaodong, Guo Lanhui. Behavior and strength of circular tube confined reinforced-concrete (CTRC) columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2009, 65:1447-1458. (SCI、EI) 17. Guo Lanhui,Zhang Sumei, Kim Wha-Jung and Gianluca Ranzi. Behavior of square hollow steel tubes and steel tubes filled with concrete. Thin-Walled Structures. 2007,45(12):961-973 (SCI, EI)
18. Zhang Sumei and Guo Lanhui. Behavior of high strength concrete-filled slender RHS tubes. Advances in Structural Engineering. An International Journal. 2007,10(4): 337-351 (SCI, EI)
19. Zhang Sumei, Guo Lanhui, Ye Zaili and Wang Yuyin. Behavior of steel tube and confined high strength concrete for concrete-filled RHS tubes. Advances in Structural Engineering. An International Journal. Vol.8(2),2005:101-116 (SCI, EI)
2.Theory and Design of Steel Structures (国际留学生全英文课程)
1. 2010年,指导本科生获第一届全国高校土木工程专业大学生论坛优秀论文奖
2. 2012年,指导本科生获第二届全国高校土木工程专业大学生论坛优秀创新实践成果二等奖
3. 2012年,指导硕士研究生牛奔获哈尔滨工业大学优秀硕士研究生(金奖)
4. 2013年,指导本科生马炎青获哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业设计
5. 2013年,指导本科生获黑龙江省结构设计大赛唯一特等奖
6. 2016年,指导本科生获哈尔滨工业大学百优毕业设计
论文标题Incipient corrosion behavior and mechanical properties of low-alloy steel in simulated industrial atmosphere
作者Jia Chen, Shao Yongsong, Guo Lanhui*
期刊名称Construction & Building Materials
期卷2018(187) 1242–1252
论文标题Experimental study of rectangular multi-partition steel-concrete composite shear walls. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 130(9):577-592
作者Guo Lanhui, Wang Yunhe, Zhang Sumei.
期刊名称Thin-Walled Structures
论文标题Study on the Influence of Connection Configuration on Composite Joints
作者Gao Shan, Guo Lanhui.
期刊名称International Journal of Steel Structures
期卷 30 (03)
论文标题 Study on collapse mechanism of steel frame with CFST-columns under column-removal scenario
作者Xu Man, Gao Shan, Guo Lanhui, Fu Feng, Zhang Sumei.
期刊名称Journal of Constructional Steel Research
作者Guo Lanhui, Liu Yong, Qu Bing
期刊名称Engineering Structures
期卷Accepted for publication
出版物名称Liu Yong, Guo Lanhui, Qu Bing, Zhang Sumei. Experimental investigation on the flexural behavior of steel-concrete composite beams with U-shaped steel girders and angle connectors. Engineering Structures. 2017,131(15):492-502
出版物名称Guo Lanhui, Rong Qin, Qu Bing, Liu Jiepeng. Testing of steel plate shear walls with composite columns and infill plates connected to beams only. Engineering Structures, 2017, 136(4):165-179
出版物名称Gao Shan, Guo Lanhui*, Fu Feng, Zhang Sumei. Capacity of semi-rigid composite joints in accommodating column loss. Journal of Constructional Steel Research.2017,139:288-301
出版物名称Guo Lanhui, Liu Yong, Jiao Hui. Behavior of Thin-walled Circular Hollow Section Stub Columns Under Axial Compression.2016, 16(3):777-786
出版物名称Liu Yong, Guo Lanhui, Qu Bing, Zhang Sumei. Experimental investigation on the flexural behavior of steel-concrete composite beams with U-shaped steel girders and angle connectors. Engineering Structures. 2017,131(15):492-502
出版物名称Guo Lanhui, Rong Qin, Qu Bing, Liu Jiepeng. Testing of steel plate shear walls with composite columns and infill plates connected to beams only. Engineering Structures, 2017, 136(4):165-179
出版物名称Gao Shan, Guo Lanhui*, Fu Feng, Zhang Sumei. Capacity of semi-rigid composite joints in accommodating column loss. Journal of Constructional Steel Research.2017,139:288-301
出版物名称Guo Lanhui, Liu Yong, Jiao Hui. Behavior of Thin-walled Circular Hollow Section Stub Columns Under Axial Compression.2016, 16(3):777-786
*. Structural performance of semi-rigid composite frame under column loss
Guo Lanhui, Gao Shan, Fu Feng. Structural performance of semi-rigid composite frame under column loss. Engineering Structures. 2015, 95(7):112-126
*. Progressive collapse analysis of 20-storey building considering composite action of floor slab
Gao Shan, Guo Lanhui. Progressive collapse analysis of 20-storey building considering composite action of floor slab. International Journal of Steel Structures. 2015, 15(2): 445-456
*. Performance testing and comparison of buckling-restrained braces with H and crisscross cross section unrestrained segments
Jia Mingming, Guo Lanhui, Lu Dagang. Performance testing and comparison of buckling-restrained braces with H and crisscross cross section unrestrained segments. International Journal of Steel Structures. 2014, 14(4): 745-753
Steel-Concrete Composite Steel Plate Shear Walls
Guo Lanhui, Ma Xinbo. Steel-Concrete Composite Steel Plate Shear Walls. Beijing Science Press. 2013.
中文:郭兰慧,马欣伯. 钢板-混凝土组合剪力墙. 科学出版社. 2013
C-Experimental study and numerical analysis of progressive collapse resistance of composite frames
Guo Lanhui, Gao Shan, Fu Feng, Wang Yuyin. Experimental study and numerical analysis of progressive collapse resistance of composite frames. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2013,89(10)236-251(SCI、EI)
*. Hysteretic analysis of thin steel plate shear walls
Guo Lanhui, Jia Mingming, Li Ran, Zhang Sumei. Hysteretic analysis of thin steel plate shear walls. International Journal of Steel Structures. 2013, 13(1):163-174(SCI、EI)
Tests of rigid composite joints subjected to a bending moment combined with a tensile force.
Guo Lanhui, Gao Shan, Wang Yuyin. Tests of rigid composite joints subjected to a bending moment combined with a tensile force. Journal of Constructional Steel Research.2014,95:44-45 (SCI, EI)
Download: http://guoba1978.gotoip3.com/pdf/Tests%20of%20rigid%20composite%20joints%20subjected%20to%20bending%20moment%20combined-0.pdf
Experimental research and cyclic behavior of buckling-restrained braced composite frame
Jia Mingming, Lv Dagang, Guo Lanhui, Sun Lin. Experimental research and cyclic behavior of buckling-restrained braced composite frame. Journal of Constructional Steel Research.2014,95:90-105(SCI,EI)
Download: http://guoba1978.gotoip3.com/pdf/Experimental%20research%20and%20cyclic%20behavior%20of%20buckling-restrained%20braced.pdf
*. Hysteretic Analysis and Modified Strip Model of Steel Plate Shear Walls. Advances in Structural Engineering
Guo Lanhui, Li Ran and Zhang Sumei. Hysteretic Analysis and Modified Strip Model of Steel Plate Shear Walls. Advances in Structural Engineering. An International Journa
*. Shake Table Testing of a Utility-Scale Wind Turbine
Prowell Ian, Uang Chia-Ming, Elgamal Ahmed, Luco J. Enrique, Guo Lanhui. Shake Table Testing of a Utility-Scale Wind Turbine. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE. 2012, 138(7):900-909
*. Experimental Research on Seismic Behavior of C-SPSWs Connected to Frame Beams
Guo Lanhui, Ma Xinbo, Zhang Sumei and Li Ran. Experimental Research on Seismic Behavior of C-SPSWs Connected to Frame Beams. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration. 2011,10(1):65-73
Experimental Research on Seismic Behavior of C-SPSWs Connected to Frame Beams
*. Axial load behavior and strength of tubed steel reinforced-concrete (SRC) stub columns
Qi Hongtuo, Guo Lanhui, Liu Jiepeng, Gan Dan, Zhang Sumei. Axial load behavior and strength of tubed steel reinforced-concrete (SRC) stub columns. Thin-Walled Structures. 2011, 41:1041-1150
*. Seismic behavior and moment strength of tubed steel reinforced-concrete (SRC) beam-columns.
Gan Dan, Guo Lanhui, Liu Jiepeng, Zhou Xuhong. Seismic behavior and moment strength of tubed steel reinforced-concrete (SRC) beam-columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2011,67(10):1516-1524
*. Behavior of steel plate shear wall connected with frame beams only
Guo Lanhui, Rong Qin, Ma Xinbo, Zhang Sumei. Behavior of steel plate shear wall connected with frame beams only. International Journal of Steel Structures. 2011,11(4):467-479
*. Pushover Analysis of a 53 m High Wind Turbine Tower
Guo Lanhui, Uang Chia-Ming, Elgamal Ahmed, Prowell Ian, Zhang Sumei. Pushover Analysis of a 53 m High Wind Turbine Tower. Advanced Science Letters. 2011,4(3):645-650
*. Behavior of square hollow steel tubes and steel tubes filled with concrete
Guo Lanhui,Zhang Sumei, Kim Wha-Jung and Gianluca Ranzi. Behavior of square hollow steel tubes and steel tubes filled with concrete. Thin-Walled Structures. 2007,45(12):961-973
*. Behavior of high strength concrete-filled slender RHS tubes.
Zhang Sumei and Guo Lanhui. Behavior of high strength concrete-filled slender RHS tubes. Advances in Structural Engineering. An International Journal. 2007,10(4): 337-351
*. Behavior of steel tube and confined high strength concrete for concrete-filled RHS tubes
Zhang Sumei, Guo Lanhui, Ye Zaili and Wang Yuyin. Behavior of steel tube and confined high strength concrete for concrete-filled RHS tubes. Advances in Structural Engineering. An International Journal. Vol.8(2),2005:101-116
Dr Lanhui Guo
Professor of Structural Engineering
School of Civil Engineering
Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)
73 Huanghe Road, Nangang District
Harbin 150090, P. R. China
Tel: +86 **
Fax: +86 **
Email: guolanhui@hit.edu.cn
2002 - 2006
Ph.D student, School of Civil Engineering, HIT, Ph.D
2000 - 2002
Postgraduate student, School of Civil Engineering, HIT, Msc
1996 - 2000
Undergraduate student, School of Civil Engineering, HIT, BEng
Professional Career
Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor, School of Civil Engineering, HIT
Visiting Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, UCSD. USA
Visiting Scholar, Institute of Structural Design, University Stuttgart, Germany
Postdoctoral research, Architectural Design and Research Institute, HIT
Exchange Ph.D student, School of Architecture, Kyungpook National University, Korea.
Research interests
Design and performance of square and rectangular composite columnsDesign and performance of composite girders with reduced height.Design and performance of steel plate shear walls and composite steel plate shear wallsDesign and seismic behavior of composite frame systemsDesign and seismic behavior of wind turbine tower
Professional Memberships
Member of the Association of Steel-Concrete Composite Structures (ASCCS)
Honors and awards
“Steel-Concrete Composite Structures”, Excellent course of Harbin Institute of Technology.“Steel-Concrete Composite Structures”, Sample course awarded by the Ministry of Education of China
Guo Lanhui, Li Ran, Rong Qin, Zhang Sumei. Cyclic Behavior of SPSW and CSPSW in Composite Frame. Thin-Walled Structures. 2012,51(2):39-52 Guo Lanhui, Wang Yuyin, Zhang Sumei. Experimental study on concrete-filled rectangular HSS columns subjected to biaxial bending. Advances in Structural Engineering. An International Journal, 2012, 15(8):1329-1344Guo Lanhui, Li Ran and Zhang Sumei. Hysteretic Analysis and Modified Strip Model of Steel Plate Shear Walls. Advances in Structural Engineering. An International Journal. 2012, 15(10):1751-1764Prowell Ian, Uang Chia-Ming, Elgamal Ahmed, Luco J. Enrique, Guo Lanhui. Shake Table Testing of a Utility-Scale Wind Turbine. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE. 2012, 138(7):900-909Guo Lanhui, Ma Xinbo, Zhang Sumei and Li Ran. Experimental Research on Seismic Behavior of C-SPSWs Connected to Frame Beams. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration. 2011,10(1):65-73Qi Hongtuo, Guo Lanhui, Liu Jiepeng, Gan Dan, Zhang Sumei. Axial load behavior and strength of tubed steel reinforced-concrete (SRC) stub columns. Thin-Walled Structures. 2011, 41:1041-1150Gan Dan, Guo Lanhui, Liu Jiepeng, Zhou Xuhong. Seismic behavior and moment strength of tubed steel reinforced-concrete (SRC) beam-columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2011,67(10):1516-1524Guo Lanhui, Rong Qin, Ma Xinbo, Zhang Sumei. Behavior of steel plate shear wall connected with frame beams only. International Journal of Steel Structures. 2011,11(4):467-479Guo Lanhui, Uang Chia-Ming, Elgamal Ahmed, Prowell Ian, Zhang Sumei. Pushover Analysis of a 53 m High Wind Turbine Tower. Advanced Science Letters. 2011,4(3):645-650Liu Jiepeng, Zhang Sumei, Zhang Xiaodong, Guo Lanhui. Behavior and strength of circular tube confined reinforced-concrete (CTRC) columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2009, 65:1447-1458.Guo Lanhui,Zhang Sumei, Kim Wha-Jung and Gianluca Ranzi. Behavior of square hollow steel tubes and steel tubes filled with concrete. Thin-Walled Structures. 2007,45(12):961-973Zhang Sumei and Guo Lanhui. Behavior of high strength concrete-filled slender RHS tubes. Advances in Structural Engineering. An International Journal. 2007,10(4): 337-351Zhang Sumei, Guo Lanhui, Ye Zaili and Wang Yuyin. Behavior of steel tube and confined high strength concrete for concrete-filled RHS tubes. Advances in Structural Engineering. An International Journal. Vol.8(2),2005:101-116
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2019年4月27日,“第一届中国地球科学大数据挖掘与人工智能挑战赛”颁奖典礼在广州中山大学举行。中国矿物岩石地球化学学会大数据与数学地球科学专业委员会的各位专家为获胜者颁发了奖励证书。北京大学地球与空间科学学院由郭艳军老师指导的周哲(2015级本科)、刘小辉(2016级本科)、陈丹丘(2017级本 ...北京大学通知公告 本站小编 北京大学新闻网 2019-05-24环境科学与工程学院本科生联合党支部与燕园街道社区开展共建活动
4月25日上午,燕园街道承泽园社区活动室内热闹非凡,北京大学环境科学与工程学院的几位同学早早布置好场地,准备进行“生态文明讲堂”系列讲座。本次讲座主题为“春季过敏-症状与防护”。活动室内座无虚席,到场的有年近古稀的退休教授、老一辈党员前辈等。社区居委会协助组织本次活动。今年是五四运动100周年,环境 ...北京大学通知公告 本站小编 北京大学新闻网 2019-05-24环境学院2017级博士生党支部与数学学院本科生党支部联合开展“环保与数...
4月22日为“世界地球日”,北京大学环境科学与工程学院2017级博士研究生党支部与数学科学学院本科生党支部于周一下午2:00—4:00,在北京大学附属小学开展“数语环保”第一次共建活动。北京大学环境科学与工程学院党委副书记刘卉、团委书记占子玉,数学科学学院团委书记冯美娜,双方党支部的党员代表,以及北 ...北京大学通知公告 本站小编 北京大学新闻网 2019-05-24中国社会科学院研究生院人文社科综合素养提升高级课程班招生简章
中国社会科学院研究生院人文社科综合素养提升高级课程班招生简章 ...中国社会科学院大学复试录取 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-05-23北京电影学院2019年电影艺术高级课程班招生简章
为推动我国影视事业的发展,为高等艺术院校、电教中心、电影厂、电视台培养适应我国影视建设需要的高层次专门人才,2019年我校将举办电影艺术高级课程班。一、招生专业电影创作及理论 二、招生人数60人 三、招生对象及报名条件1. 具有本科以上学历的高等院校影视专业教师和电影制片厂、电视台、电台、电教中心的专业人员。2 ...北京电影学院复试录取 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-05-21