

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25


主要研究成果以第一作者发表于《Building and Environment》 和《Cities》 等SCI(建筑技术与建筑结构类:一区Top)和SSCI一区(城市研究类:一区Top)国际期刊,合作发表于《Electrochimica . Acta》(SCI一区Top期刊,影响因子:6.115)交叉学科期刊,此外,在国内的《建筑学报》、《新建筑》、《建筑科学》和《哈尔滨工业大学学报》(自科版)等国内一级、TU核心期刊、EI期刊上发表期刊论文总计20余篇。先后主持国家自然科学基金、中国博士后面上基金、中央高校基本业务专项基金,参加国家自然科学基金重点项目、英国工程与自然科学研究理事会、英国政务会等一批国家级重点项目和国际合作等项目十余项。

[1] 国际范围:2015年第五届国际景观规划设计大赛银奖指导教师;

[2] 国内范围:2015年中国人居环境设计学年奖设计竞赛优秀指导教师奖;

[3] 国际范围:2005年南京大屠杀纪念馆扩建工程专家委员会提名方案;

[4] 国际范围:2005年国际青年Y空间建筑设计大赛佳作奖;

[5] 国内范围:2005年中国环境艺术设计学年奖公共空间类最佳创意优秀奖。

2001年-2005年, 哈尔滨工业大学,建筑学院(本科)2005年-2008年, 哈尔滨工业大学,建筑学院(硕士)2008年-2013年, 哈尔滨工业大学,建筑学院(博士)2009年-2010年,英国谢菲尔德大学,建筑学院(联合培养博士)2014年-2017年, 哈尔滨工业大学,土木工程学院(博士后)




(1) 城市街道广场尺度对视听环境的影响机制研究(**),国家自然科学青年基金,国家级,2016。(主持)



(4) Tranquillityof the external spaces - influence of & and visual factors, University of Sheffield and the University of Bradford. (EPSRC), 2008-2009. (参与)

(5) Sustainable building acoustics for comfort, University of Sheffield, U.K. and the Hanyang University, Korea. (British Council), 2008-2010.(参与)

(6) 基于人群声学特征的城市开放空间声景观研究(**)国家自然科学面上基金,国家级,2016,10/4

(7) 基于虚拟人群仿真的大型体育场馆性能化安全疏散设计研究(**)国家自然科学青年基金,国家级,2014,6/4

(8) 基于NCS色彩空间的寒冷区域色彩评价体系研究(2014B011)黑龙江省艺术科学规划课题一般项目,省级,2014,5/3

(9)基于信息流模拟与生成的东北寒地渔猎民族传统聚落“基底生形”更新设计研究(2017-2018)黑龙江省寒地建筑科学重点实验室, 省级,2017,6/2

(10) 高等教育科学研究“十三五”规划课题(2016-2018)黑龙江省高等教育学会,2016, 4/4

(11) 2016年文化素质教育优秀课程建设立项(2016-2018)哈尔滨工业大学,2016 3/3



[2]获得黑龙江省高校科学技术奖(自然科学类)一等奖1项. 黑龙江省高校科技奖励委员会,2018









Dr. Fangfang Liu

Associate professor
School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology

66 West Dazhi Street, Nan Gang District, Harbin 150006, P. R. China

Tel: 86-**

Email: liufangfang@hit.edu.cn


1.F. Liu, J. Kang*, Relationship between street scale and subjective assessment of audio-visual environment comfort based on 3D virtual reality and dual-channel acoustic tests,Building and Environment 129 (2018) 35–45,SCI 一区Top期刊(影响因子:4.053)

2.F.Liu, J. Kang*, A grounded theory approach to the subjective understanding of urban soundscape in Sheffield. Cities 50 (2016) 28–39, SSCI一区Top期刊(影响因子:2.449)

3.Yingfeng Cheng, Zengyan Wei*, Qing Du, Fangfang. Liu. The shape effect of manganese(II,III) oxide nanoparticles on the performance of electrochemical capacitors. Electrochim. Acta. 284 (2018) 408-417,SCI 一区Top期刊(影响因子:6.115)

4.刘芳芳*, 展长虹,康健,武岳,寒区太阳能屋顶设备调查及集成设计分析,哈尔滨工业大学学报(自然科学版),02(2016)EI.



7.刘芳芳*, 武岳, 康健, 展长虹, 太阳能建筑屋顶视觉景观集成设计研究, 国际绿色建筑学术论坛: 第15次全国建筑技术科学学术研讨会论文集, 338-341 (2014).

8.刘芳芳*, 欧洲城市景观的视听设计研究——基于视听案例分析的设计探索. 新建筑 48-51 (2014).

9.刘芳芳*, 康健, 刘松茯, 英国城市声景特色研究及其对我国的启示——以英国谢菲尔德市为例. 建筑学报 142-146 (2013).

10.刘芳芳*, 康健, 刘松茯, 城市景观视觉体验的层级理念探索——以意大利威尼斯为例. 新建筑 139-143 (2013).

11.刘芳芳*, 刘松茯, 康健, 城市户外空间声环境评价中的性别差异研究——以英国谢菲尔德市为例. 建筑科学 28, 50-56 (2012).

12.F. Liu*, L. Huang,Change of Urban Soundscape in Response to Climate Ecology. Applied Mechanics and Materials 178-181, 318-321(2012). EI

13.L. Huang*, F. Liu*,Thermal Analysis of Tibetan Vernacular Building–Case of Lhasa. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 4, 1216-1220 (2010).

14.F. Liu*, S. Liu, H. Zhu, Research on the Unique Design of Waterscape Based on the Different Geographical and Cultural Space. EBRA 2008: Proceedings on the 8th International Symposium for Environment Behavior Studies, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China, (2008).

15.朱海玄*, 刘芳芳*, 生态文明城市建设的生态伦理学基础研究. 生态文明视角下的城乡规划——2008中国城市规划年会论文集,大连 (2008).

16.朱海玄*, 刘芳芳*, 产业主导型城市更新模式研究——一种可持续的城市发展模式. 生态文明视角下的城乡规划——2008中国城市规划年会论文集, 大连出版社, 大连 (2008).

17.朱海玄*, 刘芳芳*, 生态文明时代城市设计审美生态化浅析. 北纬45℃的建筑论坛思辨规划卷——第六届全国建筑与规划研究生年会论文集, 哈尔滨 (2008).

18.吕勤智, 刘芳芳*, 朱海玄, 从“文化基因”视角对形成东西方理水景观表象的分析研究. 中国建筑装饰装修 (2008).

19.Cheng Xue, Meng Qi*, Liang Jing, Liu Fangfang. The soundscape in typical landscape corridor nodes. SBE2016. Seoul, Korea.2016.12.20-2016.12.23. (Oral report)


1. 7th to 8th November, 2009, Peak District for future sounds conference. (Derbyshire, UK)

2. 16th March, 2010, Sheffield City planning for Crookes Valley Park reconstruction scheme evaluation conference. (Sheffield,UK)

3. 11th September 2010, 10th UK CARE Annual General conference (UCL, London, UK).


[1]一种影院视听环境效果增强设备(第1 名)专利号:ZL 2 0 1 7 2 1 0 2 7 1 1 9 .3 ;

[2]一种室外剧场视听环境控制装置(第1 名)专利号:L 2 0 1 7 2 1 0 4 4 4 5 1 .0 ;

[3]一种环境噪音吸音墙(第1 名)。专利号:ZL 2 0 1 7 2 1 0 2 6 2 1 7 .5 ;

[4]一种家用视听环境噪音吸收装置(第1 名)。专利号:ZL 2 0 1 7 2 1 0 4 2 9 5 8 .2 ;

[5]一种具有增强音响视听环境效果的室外背景墙1 项(第1 名)。专利号:ZL 2 0 1 7 2 1 0 4 4 4 0 2 .7 。



[2]获得黑龙江省高校科学技术奖(自然科学类)一等奖1项. 黑龙江省高校科技奖励委员会,2018





[7] 获得侵华日军南京大屠杀纪念馆扩建工程设计大赛,南京规划委员会&世界建筑,专家委员会提名方案,国际级,2005。












摘录自 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/kWBRt389tPZZUoQ5ycPv1g

Michael Stryker 是UCSF 桑德勒神经病学中心的一位大牛教授,在一次午餐会上,他给年轻的学者分享了成为学术大牛的11条军规。这其中有些观点虽然与世俗不同,但却字字珠玑,句句箴言。其实这些“军规”体现了“效率优先”原则,对年轻人的生存及成长极有帮助。希望有心的年轻学者和学生谨记并严格执行。

1. 牢牢记住:对你的未来最重要的事是你发表的文章。Remember that the most important thing to your future is the papers you publish.

2. 按下面这个原则来评估所有出差行程——这是否比花同样的时间在一个新实验或新文章上更有价值?

Evaluate all travel in the following terms: is this going to be more valuable than spending the same amount of time on a new experiment or new paper?A lot of young people, particularly young women, get invited to fun places. It seems like an honor, and it is seductive, and people away always seem to appreciate you more that do your local colleagues. But a 3-day trip takes a lot out of you, and if it delays a paper by a week it is almost never worth it. No one will remember which trips you took in 5 years time. A few (2 or 3 per year) invited seminars to important meetings or good places is all you need on your CV for promotion

Some travel can be really useful, however, when you learn new things that are useful to your research long before they are published, so the decision of whether to accept an invitation is often not clear.But the decision in your early years should always be on the most selfish basis,of the benefit to your research careers and can afford to slough off sometimes.

You can be envious of all the fun that senior people take, but they areat different points in their careers and can afford to slough off sometimes.




3. 虽然发一些小文章不是一个好策略,但任何时候,当你有一个真正的发现,都要频繁地去发表文章。While the least publishable unit is a poor strategy, publish frequently, whenever you make a real discovery. Don@#%t wait for the Nature, Science or Cell paper. Give those places a shot, if you like, but it is much more important for you (and better for your students) to publish good, sound work. Too many assistant professors are self-destructive in waiting to publish a magnum opus, and the longer you delay, the better it has to be just if the delay. It is a vicious circle.

不要为了 Nature、 Science 或 Cell 文章而等待。如果你愿意,也可以一试,但是对于你和学生来说,更重要的是能发表出好的、完整的文章。太多的助理教授为了等着发表一篇大作而耽误前程,而且折腾的时间越长,文章就需要更完美。这是个恶性循环。

4. 在课堂教学上下功夫,因为这也会在晋升时被重点评估,但你一定只能在此上面付出适度而不是大量的精力。当下课时学生们为你起立鼓掌,甚至当你看见这些年轻人的眼睛因你而闪亮时,教学会带给你迅速而强烈的回报。但科研工作中的回报来得更漫长更艰辛,所以不要沉迷于教学带来的甜头而忘了科研的重要性。

Putting real effort into classroom teaching since it is evaluated seriously at the time of promotion, but do only a modest amount of it very well, and not take on a large amount. Teaching can be immediately and intensely rewarding, when the class claps at the end or even stands up and claps, or even when you just see those bright young eyes light up. The rewards of your scientific work come slower and harder, so don@#%t get addicted to the candy of teaching and devote yourself to it at the expense of research.

5. 限制再限制参加行政或社会服务性工作。Be even more restrained at taking on service activities.

Ad-hoc@#%ing at a study section once only before tenure may be valuable in cluing you in to the bizarre criteria that can be used to evaluate your grant applications, but do not do more. Departmental and university

service, and national service organizations (like reviewing for HHMI), should be done only in moderation at most one thing each, and only if it does not take much time. For much of the past 30 years there has seemed to be a conspiracy to destroy the careers than the young men would be appointed. These activities are worthwhile, and someone should do them, but let it be someone else. Your career depends on the research you do, not on whether the community though that you were a bright young man or woman who could be so useful to one of your communities.


6. 评审稿件也是如此。少做一点这样的事情,不要害怕拒绝别人。Same for reviewing manuscripts. Do a small amount well,and have no fear about refusing.

7. 坦诚对待你的学生。Be honest with your student.

Do not keep them in your lab if you think that they can@#%t hack it or are more needy (personally or scientifically) than you have time to satisfy. My own biggest two regrets about students are people whom I took out of pity, because their original advisors left or had difficulties. They took 4 times as much of my energy as the other students, ad h huge amount of my lab@#%s money, and at the end there was little to show for it for either them or me. Also, trust your instincts on dealing with laboratory personalities. An MCP almost destroyed the happy and productive laboratory environment. Fortunately, the women in the lab at the time were strong enough to take care of themselves without murdering him, and he soon finished up andleft.I had followed my instincts, I would not have taken him on. I have absolutely no regrets about the two students whom I kicked out of my lab. Though they were many tears at that time, both were grateful to me some years later.


8. 在评估雇员时,要更坦诚。Be even more honest in evaluating your employees.

A great technician is a huge asset to lab (andI was blessed with one for many years), but do not let a technician or other employee someone get past a probation period without reconciling yourself to the likelihood that you will have them for life andnever be able toget someone better to replace them. Bad employees have difficulties getting another job and so they stay. It is very hard to dismiss them, and your department may not be willing to put in the effort.一位出色的技术员是实验室的财富(我很庆幸能与这样的一个人共事了很多年),但是如果你不能确信自己能与他们共事一辈子,以及再也找不到更好的人来取代他们,就不要让技术员或其他雇员通过试用期。不好的员工很难找到其他工作,所以他们会留下来。要解雇他们很难,而且你所在的院系可能也不会愿意付出努力帮忙。

9. 别让写文章变成一个陷阱。Do not let paper writing become a trap.

Scientific manuscripts need note be literary creations. Their only necessary quality is clarity-concision and wit are purely optional. If it taking you and your student more than a week to write a paper after the figures are made, then reserve a couple of days to sit down with them in your office and write the paper together, line by line.It is a discipline that gets the manuscript done in less than a week, and in my experience, the product is usually very good. Sitting down like this is also a great time view primary data and at least sanity-check all the

analyses with the person other than you who was involved the experiments. Passing papers back and forth between you and the student or postdoc can drag on forever with little or no benefit. All this stage of your career, getting published is the most important use of your time.


10. 基金申请策略。Grant strategy

Doing something important rather than whoring after what you thing is the most fundable is what you should aim for.However, you may need to bootleg the thing that you think is the most important thing you want to do and get funding for something else that will keep your lab going along a related but better appreciated line. You can try a couple of times, but if something is poorly received, even if you know it is great, give up and propose something else. You can still do the poorly received thing, so long as you have some product at the end.When a grant does not score high enough to be funded, talk to your Program Officer as soon as possible after the review.He or she can be your most helpful friend because they can tell you what the study section seemed really to care about. The SCR person is generally useless. When the review come back, it is generally best to remove portions of the application that reviewers do not like and to say that you will do everything that they suggest on the parts that they criticize but thought had merit. Often the review of the reviewer are really stupid, and you know better, but you have nothing to gain by arguing with them. You need the money from a successful grant application, and changing your proposal to make it most likely to be funded is the way to get it.You can still do something you want to do-These are grant, no contracts with deliverables. No one will ever care about (or probably even read) what you propose to do in detail; at renewal time they will only take note of published papers that convey your accomplishments.


11. 尽可能多地待在实验室,别窝在办公室。Be in your lab and stay out of your office.

You were hired because you were good scientists.You may not a good manager. So do science with your own hands, and you will attract and inspire the best student. They will make your lab great.


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    本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-25
  • 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院研究生考研导师简介-展长虹
    基本信息科学研究论文专著教育教学工程与产品Changhong ZhanResearchPublicationsTeaching基本信息展长虹,男,汉族,1973年生。博士,教授,博士生导师,玛丽居里学者,主要研究领域包括建筑节能、建筑能量性能测试与诊断、智慧供热及蒸发冷却空调技术等。现就职于哈尔滨工 ...
    本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-25
  • 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院研究生考研导师简介-连菲
    基本信息科学研究教学研究论文著作基本信息 连菲博士2005年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,获建筑学学士学位。其后的硕博连读期间参与国家自然科学基金面上项目,开始从事“可拓建筑策划理论与方法”的研究,博士论文获得双A。2013年赴美国德州农工大学的健康系统设计中心作访问学者;2016年赴西班牙塞 ...
    本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-25
  • 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院研究生考研导师简介-张承虎
    基本信息科学研究教育教学论文专著交流共享基本信息 张承虎,男,汉族,1980年生。党员,博士,硕士生导师,副教授。哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院教师。曾在哈工大“环境科学与工程”博士后流动站从事研究工作。 主讲本科专业基础课《传热学》、《特殊工质与工况换热器研发》、研 ...
    本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-25