

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-24


张立宪,吉林德惠人。哈尔滨工业大学航天学院教授、博士生导师,教育部青年****特聘教授。在智能控制、无人系统研究方向上主持国家、省部级科研项目30余项,发表SCI论文110余篇,其中控制领域权威期刊Automatica及IEEE自动控制汇刊论文30余篇,长文6篇。Google学术引用1万余次,SCI他引6000余次。获国家自然科学二等奖,黑龙江省自然科学奖一等奖1项,黑龙江省青年科技奖。现任IEEE系统人控制论协会哈尔滨分部主席,为IEEE自动控制汇刊及IEEE控制论汇刊编委,曾任IEEE工业信息学汇刊专刊客座主编等任职。国家优秀青年科学基金、黑龙江省杰出青年科学基金获得者,入选中组部****科技创新领军人才等人才计划,2014-2018年度汤森路透全球高被引学者。2017当选IETFellow和IEEE Fellow。

2017IEEE Fellow (for contributions to nondeterministic switched systems)

2016IET Fellow

2014-2018Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher



2008-2011 《IEEE自动控制汇刊》杰出审稿人







2014 中国百篇最具影响力国际学术论文







2018.07---至今 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 副院长

2018.05---至今 哈尔滨工业大学人工智能研究院 副院长

2013.01---至今 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 教授

2011.04---至今 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 博士生导师

2009.01---2012.12 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 副教授

2015.03---2015.04 香港大学机械工程系 访问学者2012.02---2013.03 美国麻省理工学院 (MIT) 过程系统工程实验室 访问教授2011.08---2011.09 挪威阿格德大学机械工程系 访问教授2009.07---2009.10 香港大学机械工程系 中英信托合作基金访问学者2007.01---2008.09 加拿大蒙特利尔大学理工学院机械工程系 博士后

1996.09---2000.07长春工业大学自动化系 自动化专业 本科2001.09---2003.07哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 控制理论与控制工程专业 硕士2003.09---2006.08哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 控制理论与控制工程专业 博士


IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (Associate Editor, 2015-)

IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (Associate Editor, 2012-)

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Guest Editor for one Special Section, 2011)

Optimal Control Applications and Methods (Subject Editor, 2015-)

Neurocomputing (Associate Editor, 2011-)

Journal of the Franklin Institute (Associate Editor, 2011-)

Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems (Associate Editor, 2011-2014)

《控制与决策》编委 (2017-)


Chair of IEEE System, Man, Cybernetics (SMC) Society Harbin Section Chapter (IEEE SMC 协会哈尔滨分部主席, 2011-)

Member of IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Discrete Event Systems (IEEE SMC 协会离散事件系统分会成员, 2015-)
Member of IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Cognitive Computing (IEEE SMC 协会认知计算分会成员, 2015-)
Member of IEEE CSS Technical Committee on Systems with Uncertainties (IEEE控制系统协会不确定系统分会成员, 2010-)
Member of IEEE CSS Technical Committee on CACSD (IEEE控制系统协会控制系统设计计算方法分会成员, 2009-)

Member of IFAC Technical Committee on Robust Control (IFAC鲁棒控制技术委员会成员, 2010-)

Member of IFAC Technical Committee on Networked Systems (IFAC网络化系统技术委员会成员, 2010-)

Member of IFAC Technical Committee on Automotive Control (IFAC汽车控制技术委员会成员,2009-)

中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会委员 (TCCT,2017-)


Program Chair of the International Program Committee the 7th International Conference on Information Science and Technology, ICIST 2017 (第7届信息科学与技术国际学术会议,程序委员会主席)

Program Chair of the International Program Committee for the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, ICICIP 2015 (第6届智能控制与信息处理国际学术会议,国际程序委员会主席)

Co-chair of the International Program Committee for the 3rd International Symposium on Systems and Controlin Aerospace and Astronautics, ISSCAA 2010 (第3届航空航天系统与控制国际学术会议,国际程序委员会主席)

Chair of Invited Session of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, ICICIP 2016 (第7届智能控制与信息处理国际学术会议,特邀专题委员会主席)
Chair of Invited Session of the IEEE 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (2014年IEEE工业电子国际论坛特邀专题委员会主席)

Chair of Session of “Stochastic Hybrid Systems” in the 19th IFAC World Congress (2014年世界自动控制大会“随机混杂系统”分会主席)

Chair of Session " Identification and Control " in the 2015 IEEEInternational Symposium on IndustrialElectronics (2015年IEEE工业电子协会国际会议,“辨识与控制”分会主席)
Chair of Session "Switched Systems I" in the 52nd IEEE Control and Decision Conference (2013年IEEE控制与决策国际会议“切换系统”分会主席)

Chair of Session "Control System and Applications" in the 2013 IEEEInternational Symposium on IndustrialElectronics (2013年国际工业电子国际论坛“控制系统与应用”分会主席)

Chair of Session "Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems" in the 2013 American Control Conference (2013年美国控制会议“神经网络与模糊系统”分会主席)

Co-chair of the 7th Asia Control Conference Session "Stability and Control of Hybrid and Singular Systems", ACC 2009 (第7届亚洲控制会议“混杂及奇异值系统”分会主席)



所负责团队入选哈工大青年科学家工作室支持计划,团队现有教授2人,兼职长江讲座教授1人,副教授及讲师2人。IEEE 会士2人,汤森路透高被引学者3人,青年长江1人次,国家优青1人次,中组部科技领军人才1人、青年拔尖人才2人,教育部新世纪优秀人才2人。团队在智能控制、网络化控制及在飞行器与自主无人系统应用研究方向上承担了国家自然科学基金、国防基础预研项目等30 余项国家及省部级科研课题。研制了多类空中及地面无人平台,也掌握和突破了未知复杂环境下多源传感器融合的智能感知、决策与控制等关键技术;通过无人平台作为载体实现场景扫描与重建、目标识别与追踪、交叉现实人机接口技术等。


张立宪 教授

教育部青年****特聘教授、博士生导师。在智能控制、无人系统研究方向上主持国家、省部级科研项目30余项,发表SCI论文110余篇,其中控制领域权威期刊Automatica及IEEE自动控制汇刊论文30余篇,长文6篇。Google学术引用1万余次,SCI他引6000余次。获国家自然科学二等奖,黑龙江省自然科学奖一等奖1项,黑龙江省青年科技奖。现任IEEE系统人控制论协会哈尔滨分部主席,为IEEE自动控制汇刊及IEEE控制论汇刊编委,曾任IEEE工业信息学汇刊专刊客座主编等任职。国家优秀青年科学基金、黑龙江省杰出青年科学基金获得者,入选中组部****科技创新领军人才等人才计划,2014-2018年度汤森路透全球高被引学者。2017当选IEEE Fellow。

施阳 教授


IEEE/ASME/CSME Fellow, 加拿大工程研究院院士

University of Victoria, Canada

Homepage: http://www.engr.uvic.ca/~yshi/

He serves as Co-Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, Associate Editor for IEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology, IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatronics, IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, IET Control Theory and Applications, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control. He is currently a Fellow of IEEE, ASME, CSME, and a registered Professional Engineer in British Columbia, Canada. He is elected as the Engineering Institute of Canada Fellow in 2018.

刘明 教授

2018年入选Clarivate Analytics全球高被引学者,2017年入选国家****中组部青年拔尖人才支持计划,2013 年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2012年获黑龙江省自然科学奖一等奖 (排名第三)。以负责人身份主持如下项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金、哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖教授选聘计划、黑龙江省科学基金青年基金等。 目前担任国际SCI源期刊Journal of The Franklin Institute的编委。 参与国家973重大基础研究计划、国家自然科学基金重大专项等重大项目。

袁帅 副教授

2018年博士(cum laude)毕业于荷兰代尔夫特理工大学。研究方向包括自适应系统、自适应最优控制、切换系统及其应用研究,发表学术论文20余篇。IEEE系统人控制论协会认知计算分会成员,长期担任多个控制领域期刊审稿人,曾获2018年度IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 杰出审稿人。

王东哲 师资博士后


硕士研究生:每年 7-9人(研究方向为无人系统技术、交叉现实技术)

博士研究生:每年 4-5人(研究方向为智能控制基础理论、无人系统技术、交叉现实技术)(鼓励直博生联系报名)











切换系统准时变控制器下的Uniform Tube示意






[1] Zepeng Ning, Lixian Zhang, and Colaneri, Patrizio. Semi-Markov Jump Linear Systems With Incomplete Sojourn and Transition Information: Analysis and Synthesis. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. (Accept, Full paper)

[2] Lixian Zhang, Zepeng Ning, and Yang Shi. Analysis and Synthesis for a Class of Stochastic Switching Systems against Delayed Mode Switching: A Framework of Integrating Mode Weights. Automatica, 2019, 99: 99–111. (Regular paper).

[3] Lixian Zhang, Ting Yang, and Patrizio Colaneri. Stability and Stabilization of Semi-Markov Jump Linear Systems with Exponentially Modulated Periodic Distributions of Sojourn Time. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2017, 62(6): 2870-2885. (Full paper)

[4] Zepeng Ning, Lixian Zhang, and James Lam. Stability and Stabilization of A Class of Stochastic Switching Systems with Lower Bound of Sojourn Time. Automatica, 2018, 92: 18–28. (Regular paper)
[5] Ming Liu, Lixian Zhang, Peng Shi and Yuxin Zhao. Sliding Mode Control of Continuous-Time Markovian Jump Systems with Digital Communication Channels. Automatica, 2017, 80: 200-209. (Regular paper)

[6] Lixian Zhang, Songlin Zhuang, and Richard D. Braatz. Switched Model Predictive Control of Switched Linear Systems: Feasibility, Stability and Robustness. Automatica, 2016, 67: 8-21. (Regular paper)

[7] Shuai Yuan, Lixian Zhang, Bart De Schutter, and Simone Baldi. A Novel Lyapunov Function for a Non-Weighted L2 Gain of Asynchronously Switched Linear Systems. Automatica, 2018, 87: 310–317.
[8] Lixian Zhang, Yusong Leng, and Patrizio Colaneri. Stability and Stabilization of Discrete-Time Semi-Markov Jump Linear Systems via Semi-Markov Kernel Approach. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016, 61(2): 503-508.
[9] Lixian Zhang, Songlin Zhuang, Peng Shi, and Yanzheng Zhu. Uniform Tube Based Stabilization of Switched Linear Systems with Mode-Dependent Persistent Dwell-Time. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2015, 60(11): 2994-2999.

[10] Lixian Zhang, Songlin Zhuang, and Peng Shi. Non-Weighted Quasi-Time-Dependent H Filtering for Switched Linear Systems with Persistent Dwell-Time. Automatica, 2015, 54: 201-209.


Lixian Zhang received a B.S. degree in Automation from the Changchun University of Technology, Jilin, China, in 2000, and an M.S. degree and a Ph.D. degree in Control Science and Control Engineering from the Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, in 2003 and 2006, respectively. From Jan 2007 to Sep 2008, Dr. Zhang worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the Dept. Mechanical Engineering at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada. He was a Sino-British Fellowship Trust Visiting scholar in The University of Hong Kong during July 2009 to Oct 2009, and a visiting scholar in at Process Systems Engineering Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) during Feb 2012 to March 2013. Since Jan 2009, he joined Harbin Institute of Technology, China, where currently he is a Professor in the Research Institute of Intelligent Control and Systems.

Dr. Zhang's research interests include nondeterministic and stochastic switched systems, networked control systems, model predictive control and their applications. He serves as Associated Editors for various peer-reviewed journals including IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, etc., and was a leading Guest Editor for the Special Section of “Advances in Theories and Industrial Applications of Networked Control Systems” in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.

Contact Information
Lixian Zhang, Ph.D, Professor

Vice Dean of School of AstronauticsHarbin Institute of Technology

P.O.Box 3015, Yikuang Str #2

Nangang District, Harbin, China, 150080

Tel: 86-**-2000

Email: lixianzhang@hit.edu.cn ; lixianzhanghit@163.com

Sep. 2003-Aug. 2006Department of Control Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, Ph.D

Sep. 2001-Jul. 2003 Departmeng of Control Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, M.Sc.

Sep. 1996-Jul. 2000 Department of Automation, Changchun Institute of Technology, China, B.Sc.

Working and Research Experience
Jan. 2013- School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, Professor

Jan. 2009-Dec 2012School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, Associate Professor

Mar. 2015-Apr. 2015Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Visiting Scholar

Feb. 2012-Feb. 2013Process Systems Engineering Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, Visiting Professor

Aug. 2011-Sep. 2011Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Agder, Norway, Visiting Professor

July. 2009-Oct. 2009 Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Sino-British Trust Fellowship Visiting Scholar

Jan. 2007-Sep. 2008Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada, Postdoctoral Fellow

Mar. 2018- Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, Vice Dean

July. 2018-School of astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, Vice Dean

Current Research Interests
Intelligent Control;Autonomous Systems;Exchanged Reality

Honors and Awards
2017IEEE Fellow (for contributions to nondeterministic switched systems)
2017IET Fellow

2014-2018Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher

2014 Highly Cited Article Award, in Automatica during 2010-2013 (4 Papers)

2009Sino-British Fellowship Trust Visitorship Rewarded Visiting Scholar

2011-2008Outstanding Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.

2019Scientific and Technological Innovation leading Talent of Ten Thousand Plan

2015Changjiang Young Scholar Distinguished Professor

2015Young Top-Notch Talent of Ten Thousand Plan

2015Winner of Heilongjiang Outstanding Youth Science Fund

2015Youth Science and Technology Award of Heilongjiang Province

2014-2018Elsevier Chinese Highly Cited Researcher

2014National Award for Natural Science, (Two Class and Ranked Three)

2014“One of 100 Most Influential Papers at China in 2013”Award
2013National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars,

2012Award for Natural Science of Heilongjiang Provice, (First class and ranked first).

20102nd Scopus "Young Researcher New Star Scientist Award" of China

2010National New Century Excellent Talents Program of Ministry of Education

2017Youth Five Four Medal of Heilongjiang Province

2016Top 10 Outstanding CPC Members of Harbin Institute of Technology

Professional Activities

Academic Organizations:
Chair of IEEE System, Man, Cybernetics Harbin Section Chapter

Member of IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Discrete Event Systems

Member of IEEE Control Systems Society Technical Committee on Cognitive Computing

Member of IEEE Control Systems Society Technical Committee on Computational Aspects of Control System Design

Member of IEEE Control Systems Society Technical Committee on Systems with Uncertainty

Member of IFAC Technical Committee on Robust Control

Member of IFAC Technical Committee on Networked Systems

Member of IFAC Technical Committee on Automotive Control
Journal Services:
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (Associate Editor, 2015-)

IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (Associate Editor, 2012-)

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Guest Editor for one Special Section, 2011)

Optimal Control Applications and Methods (Subject Editor, 2015-)

Neurocomputing (Associate Editor, 2011-)

Journal of the Franklin Institute (Associate Editor, 2011-)

Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems (Associate Editor, 2011-2014)
Conference Services:
Program Chair of the International Program Committee the 7th International Conference on Information Science and Technology, ICIST 2017

Program Chair of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, ICICIP 2015

Co-chair of the International Program Committee for the 3rd International Symposium on Systems and Controlin Aerospace and Astronautics, ISSCAA 2010

Chair of Invited Session of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, ICICIP 2016

Chair of Invited Session of the IEEE 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

Chair of Session of “Stochastic Hybrid Systems” in the 19th IFAC World Congress

Chair of Session "Switched Systems I" in the 52nd IEEE Control and Decision Conference

Chair of Session "Control System and Applications" in the 2013 IEEEInternational Symposium on IndustrialElectronics

Chair of Session "Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems" in the 2013 American Control Conference

Co-chair of the 7th Asia Control Conference Session "Stability and Control of Hybrid and Singular Systems", ACC 2009

Lixian Zhang, Yanzheng Zhu, Peng Shi, and Qiugang Lu. Time-Dependent Switched Discrete-Time Linear Systems: Control and Filtering, Springer, 2016.Lixian Zhang, Ting Yang, Peng Shi, and Yanzheng Zhu. Analysis and Design of Markov Jump Systems with Complex Transition Probabilities, Springer, 2016.

Representative Journal Papers
[1] Lixian Zhang, Bo Cai, and Yang Shi. Stabilization of Hidden Semi-Markov Jump Systems: Emission Probability Approach. Automatica,101:87-95.

[2] Lixian Zhang, Zepeng Ning, and Yang Shi. Analysis and Synthesis for a Class of Stochastic Switching Systems against Delayed Mode Switching: A Framework of Integrating Mode Weights. Automatica, 2019, 99: 99–111. (Regular paper).

[3]Zepeng Ning, Lixian Zhang, and James Lam. Stability and Stabilization of A Class of Stochastic Switching Systems with Lower Bound of Sojourn Time. Automatica, 2018, 92: 18–28. (Regular paper)

[4]Shuai Yuan, Lixian Zhang, Bart De Schutter, and Simone Baldi. A Novel Lyapunov Function for a Non-Weighted L2 Gain of Asynchronously Switched Linear Systems. Automatica, 2018, 87: 310–317.

[5]Ming Liu, Lixian Zhang, Peng Shi and Yuxin Zhao. Sliding Mode Control of Continuous-Time Markovian Jump Systems with Digital Communication Channels. Automatica, 2017, 80: 200-209. (Regular paper)

[6]Ming Liu, Lixian Zhang, and Wei Xing Zheng. Fault Reconstruction for Stochastic Hybrid Systems with Adaptive Discontinuous Observer and Non-homogeneous Differentiator.Automatica, 2017, 85: 339-348.

[7]Lixian Zhang, Songlin Zhuang, and Richard D. Braatz. Switched Model Predictive Control of Switched Linear Systems: Feasibility, Stability and Robustness. Automatica, 2016, 67: 8-21. (Regular paper)

[8]Lixian Zhang and Weiming Xiang. Mode-Identifying Time Estimation and Switching-Delay Tolerant Control for Switched Systems: An Elementary Time Unit Approach.Automatica, 2016, 64: 174-181.

[9]Lixian Zhang, Songlin Zhuang, and Peng Shi. Non-Weighted Quasi-Time-Dependent H Filtering for Switched Linear Systems with Persistent Dwell-Time. Automatica, 2015, 54: 201-209.

[10]Xudong Zhao, Peng Shi, Xiaolong Zheng, and Lixian Zhang. Adaptive Tracking Control for Switched Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Actuator Dead-Zone. Automatica, 2015, 60: 193-200.

[11]Lixian Zhang and El-Kébir Boukas. Stability and Stabilization of Markovian Jump Linear Systems with Partly Unknown Transition Probability. Automatica, 2009, 45(2): 463-468.

[12]Lixian Zhang and El-Kébir Boukas. Mode-Dependent H Filtering for Discrete-Time Markovian Jump Linear Systems with Partly Unknown Transition Probability. Automatica, 2009, 45(6): 1462-1467.

[13]Lixian Zhang and Huijun Gao. Asynchronously Switched Control of Switched Linear Systems with Average Dwell Time. Automatica, 2010, 46(5): 953-958.

[14]Xudong Zhao, Lixian Zhang, Peng Shi, and Ming Liu. Stability of Switched Positive Linear Systems with Average Dwell Time Switching. Automatica, 2012, 48(6): 1132-1137.

[15]Lixian Zhang. H Estimation for Discrete-time Piecewise Homogeneous Markov Jump Linear Systems. Automatica, 2009, 45(11): 2570-2576.

[16] Lixian Zhang, El-Kébir Boukas, and Ahmad Haidar. Delay-Range-Dependent Control Synthesis for Time-Delay Systems with Actuator Saturation. Automatica, 2008, 44(10): 2691-2695.
[17]Lixian Zhang, Peng Shi, El-Kébir Boukas, and Changhong Wang. H Model Reduction for Uncertain Switched Linear Discrete-time Systems. Automatica, 2008, 44(11): 2944-2949.

[18]Zepeng Ning, Lixian Zhang, and Colaneri, Patrizio. Semi-Markov Jump Linear Systems With Incomplete Sojourn and Transition Information: Analysis and Synthesis. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Contro. (Accept, Full paper)

[19]Lixian Zhang, Ting Yang, and Patrizio Colaneri. Stability and Stabilization of Semi-Markov Jump Linear Systems with Exponentially Modulated Periodic Distributions of Sojourn Time. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2017, 62(6): 2870-2885. (Full paper)

[20]Zepeng Ning, Lixian Zhang, and Wei Xing Zheng. Observer-Based Stabilization of Nonhomogeneous Semi-Markov Jump Linear Systems with Mode-Switching Delays. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, DOI: 10. 1109/TAC.2018.**.

[21]Ming Liu, Lixian Zhang, Peng Shi and Yuxin Zhao. Fault Estimation Sliding Mode Observer with Digital Communication Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2018, 63(10): 3434-3441.

[22]Lixian Zhang, Zepeng Ning, and Wei Xing Zheng. Observer-Based Control for Piecewise-Affine Systems with Both Input and Output Quantization, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2017, 62(11): 5858-5865.

[23]Lixian Zhang, Yanzheng Zhu, Zepeng Ning, and Xunyuan Yin. Resilient Estimation for Networked Systems with Variable Communication Capability. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016, 61(12): 4150-4156.

[24] Lixian Zhang, Yusong Leng, and Patrizio Colaneri. Stability and Stabilization of Discrete-Time Semi-Markov Jump Linear Systems via Semi-Markov Kernel Approach. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016, 61 (2): 503-508.

[25]Lixian Zhang, Songlin Zhuang, Peng Shi, and Yanzheng Zhu. Uniform Tube Based Stabilization of Switched Linear Systems with Mode-Dependent Persistent Dwell-Time. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2015, 60(11): 2994-2999.

[26]Xudong Zhao, Lixian Zhang, Peng Shi, and Ming Liu. Stability and Stabilization of Switched Linear Systems with Mode-Dependent Average Dwell Time. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2012, 57(7): 1809-1815.

[27]Lixian Zhang and James Lam. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Analysis and Synthesis of Markov Jump Linear Systems with Incomplete Transition Descriptions. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2010, 55(7): 1695-1701.

[28]Lixian Zhang and Peng Shi. Stability, l2-Gain and Asynchronous H Control of Discrete-Time Switched Systems with Average Dwell Time. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2009, 54(9): 2193-2200.

[29]Lixian Zhang, El-Kébir Boukas, and James Lam. Analysis and Synthesis of Markov Jump Linear Systems with Time-Varying delays and Partially Known Transition Probabilities. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2008, 53(10): 2458-2464.

[30]Lixian Zhang and Peng Shi. l2-l Model reduction for Switched LPV Systems with Average Dwell Time. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2008, 53(10): 2443-2448.

[31]Lixian Zhang, Huijun Gao, and Okyay Kaynak. Network-Induced Constraints in Networked Control Systems–A Survey.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2013, 9(1): 403-416.

[32]Xudong Zhao, Lixian Zhang, Peng Shi, and Hamid Reza Karimi. Novel Stability Criteria for T–S Fuzzy Systems. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2014, 22(2): 313-323.

[33]Yanzheng Zhu, Lixian Zhang, and Wei Xing Zheng. Distributed H Filtering for a Class of Discrete-time Markov Jump Lur’e Systems with Redundant Channels. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016, 63(3): 1876-1885.

[34]Peng Shi, Ming Liu, and Lixian Zhang. Fault-Tolerant Sliding-Mode-Observer Synthesis of Markovian Jump Systems Using Quantized Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2015, 62(9): 5910-5918.

[35]Xudong Zhao, Lixiang Zhang, Peng Shi, and Hamid Reza Karimi. Robust Control of Continuous-Time Systems with State-Dependent Uncertainties and Its Application to Electronic Circuits. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014, 61(8): 4161-4170.

[36]Ming Liu, Lixian Zhang, Peng Shi, and Hamid Reza Karimi. Robust Control of Stochastic System against Bounded Disturbances with Application to Flight Control. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014, 61(3): 1504-1515.

[37]Lixian Zhang, Changhong Wang, and Lingjie Chen. Stability and Stabilization of a Class of Multimode Linear Discrete-Time Systems with Polytopic Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2009, 56(9): 3684-3692.

[38]Lixian Zhang, Yanzheng Zhu, and Wei Xing Zheng. Synchronization and State Estimation of a Class of Hierarchical Hybrid Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2016, 27(2): 459-470.

[39]Lixian Zhang, Yanzheng Zhu, and Weixing Zheng. Energy-to-Peak State Estimation for Markov Jump RNNs with Time-Varying Delays via Nonsynchronous Filter with Nonstationary Mode Transitions. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2015, 26(10): 2346-2356.

[40]Ye Zhao, Lixian Zhang, Shen Shen, and Huijun Gao. Robust Stability Criterion for Discrete-Time Uncertain Markovian Jumping Neural Networks with Defective Statistics of Modes Transitions. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2011,22(1): 164-170.

[41]Lixian Zhang, Xunyuan Yin, Zepeng Ning, and Dong Ye. Robust Filtering for a Class of Networked Nonlinear Systems with Switching Communication Channels. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2017, 47(3): 671-682.

[42]Lixian Zhang, Yanzheng Zhu, and Wei Xing Zheng. State Estimation of Discrete-Time Switched Neural Networks with Multiple Communication Channels. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2017, 47(4): 1028-1040.

[43]Zepeng Ning, Lixian Zhang, Jose de Jesus Rubio, and Xunyuan Yin. Asynchronous Filtering for Discrete-Time Fuzzy Affine Systems with Variable Quantization Density. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2017, 47(1): 153-164.

[44]Lixian Zhang, Zepeng Ning, and Peng Shi. Input-Output Approach to Control for Fuzzy Markov Jump Systems with Time-Varying Delays and Uncertain Packet Dropout Rate. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2015, 45(11): 2449-2460.

[45]Lixian Zhang, Yanzheng Zhu, Peng Shi, and Yuxin Zhao. Resilient Asynchronous H Filtering for Markov Jump Neural Networks with Unideal Measurements and Multiplicative Noises. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2015, 45(12): 2840-2852.

[46]Xunyuan Yin, Lixian Zhang, Yanzheng Zhu, Changhong Wang, and Zhaojian Li. Robust Control of Networked Systems with Variable Communication Capabilities and Application to a Semi-Active Suspension System. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2016, 21(4): 2097-2107.

[47]Lixian Zhang, Shun Wang, Hamid Reza Karimi, and Ajay Jasra. Robust Finite-Time Control of Switched Linear Systems and Application to a Class of Servomechanism Systems.IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2015, 20(5): 2476-2485.

[48]Lixian Zhang, Ting Yang, Peng Shi, and Ming Liu. Stability and Stabilization of a Class of Discrete-Time Fuzzy Systems with Semi-Markov Stochastic Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2016, 46(12): 1642-1653.

[49] Lixian Zhang, Zepeng Ning, and Zidong Wang. Distributed Filtering for Fuzzy Time-Delay Systems with Packet Dropouts and Redundant Channels. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2016, 46(4): 559-572.

[50]Lixian Zhang, Naigang Cui, Ming Liu, and Ye Zhao. Asynchronous Filtering of Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems with Average Dwell Time. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2011, 58(5): 1109-1118.

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