

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-23

摘要:内蒙古河套灌区土壤盐渍化现象非常严重,而对于在盐碱地治理中起重要作用的基层农户,其参与意识及影响因素仍不明确。本研究利用参与式调查方法,对内蒙古河套灌区农户的种植结构、管理方式、盐碱地认知程度及参与盐碱地治理意愿等方面进行了深入了解,并利用相对感知强度和多元逻辑回归等方法,分析了农户盐碱地治理的参与意识及主要影响因素。结果表明,河套灌区长期采用大水洗盐的灌溉方式,施肥类型以化肥为主,有机肥施用较少。大水洗盐导致地下水位普遍偏高,春季返盐现象严重;较少施用有机肥不利于土壤结构的改良,可见河套灌区农户没有通过改变种植和管理方式来治理盐碱地的意识。有54%的农户认为自家的耕地土壤盐渍化较为严重,但是很少有农户主动采取治理措施。有72%的受访者表示愿意投入资金治理盐碱地,但能接受的投入成本较低(不超过750元·hm-2)。影响农民参与盐碱地治理意识的主要因素是文化程度(P < 0.05),另外投入成本过高、缺乏技术支持等也是重要因素。因此,调整农作物管理模式、加强宣传教育、增加对农户的补助及技术支持是河套灌区盐碱地改良的必要方式。该结果可为扩大盐碱地治理的群众基础以及制定相关政策提供科学依据。
Abstract:Soil salinization becomes more and more serious in Hetao Irrigation Region in Inner Mongolia caused by the combined effect of climate and human activities. In such a case, lots have been done by the government. However, the participation consciousness of farmers, who play an important role in the improvement of soil salinity, is still unclear. In this study, participatory rural appraisal method was used to study the farm's cropping pattern, cropping methods, and knowledge on salinity land in Hetao Irrigation Region, Inner Mongolia. The relative perception intensity and multiple logistic regression methods were used to quantitatively analyze the farmer's participation consciousness and its influencing factors. The results showed that helianthus was the main crop which was planted by 98% of the interviewees. Besides helianthus, wheat and corn also were important crops, but these crops mainly planted in soil with less or no salinization. All the planting of helianthus was based on the flowing steps: mulching film, leaching salt and artificial seeding. Chemical fertilizer was still the main type of fertilizers rather than organic fertilizer. Flood irrigation always used to leach salt, which led to the raising of groundwater table, and in turn led to the salt accumulation in the surface soil in spring. In addition, long term application of chemical fertilizer with little organic fertilizer led to the degradation of soil structure. This indicated that the cropping and managing methods in Hetao Irrigation Region may go against the improvement of soil salinization. Fifty-four percent of the interviewees considered their land as severe soil salinization, and some of them had realized the mechanism of soil salinization. The average perception intensity of farmer on mechanism of soil salinization, the degree of salinization for their own land, and the willingness to increase cost to improving saline land were 2.82, 2.44 and 2.15, respectively. This suggested that farmers had a certain understanding of soil salinization. However, none of them had taken measure to improve their land. The maximum cost that the farmers could accept in improving soil salinity was about 750 RMB per hectare per year, which was very low compared to the cost of treatment project such as sub-drainage project. The multiple logistic regression analyses showed that the education degree was the main factor that influenced the farmer's participation sense at P < 0.05 in the influence of farmers' willing to improve saline alkali land, and P < 0.1 in the influence of farmers' understanding of saline alkali land. In addition, high cost and technical level were also important factors that had to be considered. Therefore, measures must be taken in the improving of salinity land in Hetao Irrigation Region. Firstly, the government should organize trainings on saline alkali land to farmers regularly. Secondly, interest free loans should be provided to farmers who implement the saline alkali land treatment project. Thirdly, enterprises and scientific research institutions should give fixed-point support to farmers from the implementation of the project to the later maintenance. That is to say, a mode that led by the government, cooperated by scientific research institutions, and participated by enterprises and farmers should be formed in the saline alkali land improvement in Hetao Irrigation region of Inner Mongolia. Such results can provide a scientific basis for relevant policies.
Key words:Hetao Irrigation Region/
Soil salinization/
Planting structure/
Saline alkali land improvement/
?Equivalent contributors

1) ?同等贡献者


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