摘要:北京市地下水超采现象严重,由此引发了包括地面沉降等相关环境问题,严重制约了北京市的经济社会发展。本文采用地下水可利用量和用水效率定义了地下水承载力,并结合地下水开采程度(RG)和经济发展程度的投影图(RQ)对北京市2001-2015年的地下水资源承载力进行了评价。结果表明:北京市地下水的供水量高于地表水的供水量,地表水和地下水供水量波动幅度较小;北京市农业用水效率和工业用水效率逐年升高,其他行业用水效率除在2014年和2015年出现小幅度降低外,其他年份均处于升高趋势,折算后的综合用水效率也从2001年的97元·m-3增长到2015年的620元·m-3;北京市地下水实际承载的GDP从2001年的2 636亿元增长到2014年的11 469亿元,2015年又减少到11 284亿元。以2010年为界限北京市地下水开采程度(RG)和经济发展程度(RQ)投影点分别位于Ⅰ区和Ⅱ区内,表明北京市地下水承载力2010年以前处于相对荷载过重的状态,2010年以后荷载状态有所缓解。虽然北京市实际承载的GDP低于理论承载的GDP,但是北京市地下水承载力仍然面临着严峻的挑战,逐步提高地表水使用量和提高用水效率是有效缓解北京市地下水超采的有力举措。
Abstract:Owing to the over-extraction of groundwater resources in Beijing over the past 40 years, Beijing has faced an increasingly sharp decline in groundwater level and storage. Few studies have been reported the variation of groundwater resources carrying capacity in Beijing. In this paper, groundwater resources carrying capacity was defined and assessed based on the available groundwater quantity and water use efficiency. Our results indicated that the water supply from groundwater in Beijing was higher than that from surface water. The agricultural water use efficiency and industrial water use efficiency increased from 2001 to 2015, except other industries water use efficiency decreased slightly from 2014 to 2015. The comprehensive water efficiency increased from 97 ¥·m-3 to 620 ¥·m-3 between 2001 and 2016. Our results also showed that the actual GDP supported by the groundwater resources increased from 2 636 million Yuan to 11 469 million Yuan and then decreased to 11 284 million Yuan. Before 2010, groundwater resources in Beijing were overloaded, but this alleviated after 2010. Although the actual GDP supported by groundwater resources was lower than theoretical GDP, groundwater resources had faced a serious situation; therefore, increase in the surface water supply and improvement of the comprehensive water efficiency would be two effective ways to improve groundwater resources management in Beijing.
Key words:Beijing/
Groundwater resources carrying capacity/
Groundwater exploitation/
Economic development