

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-23

摘要:为进一步了解安徽省沿江地区双季稻光温资源利用效率的变化特征及光温资源变化对双季稻气象产量的影响,以安徽省沿江地区19个市县气象观测站1961—2017年逐日日平均气温、日照时数及7个双季稻主产市县1961—2006年早稻和晚稻产量为基础,采用线性趋势、M-K突变检验、相关分析、回归分析等方法,分析了早稻、晚稻、双季稻生长季光热资源和利用效率变化特征及光热资源变化对气象产量的影响。结果表明,1961—2017年安徽省沿江地区早稻、晚稻和双季稻生长季太阳总辐射呈极显著下降趋势(P < 0.01),平均每10 a降幅分别为30.5 MJ·m-2、69.8 MJ·m-2和86.6 MJ·m-2;≥10℃积温呈显著增加趋势,平均每10 a增幅分别为39.1℃·d、24.4℃·d和14.7℃·d。早稻、晚稻、双季稻光能和热量利用效率均呈显著增加趋势(P < 0.01),其中光能利用效率增幅分别为0.040%·(10a)-1、0.103%·(10a)-1和0.083%·(10a)-1,热量利用效率平均每10 a增幅分别为0.141 kg·℃-1·d-1·hm-2、0.39 kg·℃-1·d-1·hm-2和0.315 kg·℃-1·d-1·hm-2;早稻、晚稻和双季稻光热资源利用效率显著增加主要源于其产量的大幅提升。太阳总辐射、≥10℃积温与早稻气象产量分别呈极显著(P < 0.01)、显著(P < 0.05)正相关;晚稻气象产量与太阳总辐射呈显著(P < 0.05)正相关,但与≥10℃积温相关性不显著(P>0.05)。太阳总辐射是影响早稻和晚稻气象产量的主要因子,≥10℃积温为次要因子;光热资源变化对早稻气象产量的影响较晚稻更为明显。在太阳总辐射减少、≥10℃积温增加趋势下,可通过选择光合效率高的品种,并采用薄膜育秧或温室育秧方式,增加早稻生长季积温,适当延长晚稻生育期等途径,提高安徽省沿江地区双季稻光热资源利用效率,实现水稻周年产量的高产稳产。
Abstract:To be further acquainted with the variation in characteristics of the light use efficiency and the heat use efficiency for double-season rice along the Yangtze River basin in the Anhui Province, and the effect of light resources and temperature resources on meteorological yield for double-season rice, this study analyzed the variation characteristics of light resources and heat resources, resource use efficiency, and the influence on meteorological yield on early-season rice, late-season rice, and double-season rice. To analyze these, methods including linear fitting, M-K mutation test, correlation analysis, and regression analysis, based on data for daily average temperature and daily sunshine hours from 1961 to 2017 from the nineteen meteorological stations along the Yangtze River basin in the Anhui Province, and the yield for both early-season rice and late-season rice from 1961 to 2006 in seven counties, which are the main production area for double-season rice, were used. The results showed that the amount of total solar radiation significantly decreased (P < 0.01) by 30.5 MJ·m-2, 69.8 MJ·m-2, and 86.6 MJ·m-2, on average, per decade, during the growth of early-season rice, late-season rice, and double-season rice, respectively; the accumulated temperature ≥ 10℃ showed a significant increasing trend, and increased, on average, by 39.1℃·d, 24.4℃·d, and 14.7℃·d per decade in early-season rice, late-season rice, and double-season rice, respectively; the light use efficiency and heat use efficiency both significantly increased (P < 0.01). The rise in light use efficiency was 0.040%, 0.103%, and 0.083% per decade for early-season rice, late-season rice, and double-season rice, respectively. And the heat use efficiency increased by 0.141 kg·℃-1·d-1·hm-2 per decade for early-season rice, 0.39 kg·℃-1·d-1·hm-2 per decade for late-season rice, and 0.315 kg·℃-1·d-1·hm-2 per decade for double-season rice. Significant improvements in the utilization efficiency of light resources and heat resources of rice were mainly a result of the substantial increase in yield. For early-season rice, the meteorological yield showed an extremely significant positive correlation (P < 0.01) with total solar radiation and a significant positive correlation (P < 0.05) with accumulated temperatures above 10℃. Although the meteorological yield for late season rice was significantly positively correlated to total solar radiation, it was insignificantly correlated to the accumulated temperatures above 10℃ in their growth duration. The total solar radiation was the main factor that affected the meteorological yield of early-season rice and late-season rice, whereas the accumulated temperature above 10℃ was the second most influential factor. The effect on the change in light and heat resources on early-season rice was more obvious compared with that on late-season rice. Therefore, given the trend in decreasing total solar radiation and increasing accumulated temperatures above 10℃, for the purposes of improving the utilization efficiency of light resources and heat resources for double-season rice along the Yangtze River basin in the Anhui Province, to achieve a high and stable annual yield of rice, it is suggested that some field management measurements should be adopted, such as the selection of cultivars with high photosynthetic efficiency, or improved film seedlings or greenhouse seedling management, which can increase the accumulated temperatures in the early rice-growing season and appropriately prolong the growth period of late-season rice, and determining a suitable planting density.
Key words:Anhui/
Double-season rice/
Sunshine and heat resources/
Utilization efficiency/


相关话题/资源 气象 辐射 安徽 双季稻

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