学术报告: New Sources of Methane in the Biogeosphere and Beyond_农业资源研究中心
农业资源研究中心 辅仁网/2017-07-23
报 告 人:Prof. Dr. Frank Keppler
报告题目:New Sources of Methane in the Biogeosphere and Beyond
Prof. Dr. Frank Keppler简介
Dr. Frank Keppler is a Professor at Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Heidelberg. He obtainedthe Heisenberg fellowship and wasthe head of the research group 'Biogeochemistry' at the Institute of Earth Sciences at the University of Heidelberg and the research group 'ORCAS'at the Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry in Mainz.He is the founder and management of the Ein Zehntel Stiftung. He was awarded the European Young Investigator (EURYI) Award, Isotope Award of Dr. Karleugen-Habfast-Stiftung, Marie Curie Excellence Award, Best Lecture Award at the GASIR Annual Meeting in Jena/Germany, 2005 and Marie Curie Fellowship, excellence grant awarded by the European Commission (EC, Framework V), 2002. He has published many research papers in Nature, Science, Nature Communications, Global Change Biologyand etc.
Selected publications
K. Lenhart, B. Weber, W. Elbert, J. Steinkamp, T. Clough, P. Crutzen, U. P?schl,F. Keppler(2015). Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from cryptogamic covers.Global Change Biology.
F. Althoff, K. Benzing, P. Comba.,C. McRoberts, D.R. Boyd, S. Greiner,F. Keppler(2014). Abiotic methanogenesis from organosulfur compounds under ambient conditions.Nature Communications, 5, 4205.
F. Keppler, J.T.G. Hamilton, M. Brass, T. R?ckmann (2006). Methane emissions from terrestrial plants under aerobic conditions. Nature 439, 187–191.
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