学术报告:Nitrate leaching from agricultural soils_农业资源研究中心
农业资源研究中心 辅仁网/2017-07-23
报告人:Gerardus Lambertus Velthof 教授
题目:Nitrate leaching from agricultural soils
Gerardus Lambertus Velthof:瓦赫宁根大学教授,长期从事土壤、农业、环境方面研究工作。发表多篇相关学术文章。
1982-1988, MSc in agricultural science, Wageningen University, Soil Science, Soil Fertility, and Soil Microbiology
1992-1997, PhD in agricultural science at Wageningen University, Nitrous oxide emissions form intensively managed grasslands
2003-present, Member of an advisory committee which determines fertilizer recommendations for grassland and maize land in the Netherlands
2005-present, Secretary of a permanent committee to give advices to ministries for the policy on manure and ammonia and the fertilizer act in the Netherlands
2012-present, Programme leader of research programme Manure, Environment, and Climate of the ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture, and Innovation in the Netherlands (about 1 million Euro per year)
2012-present, Project leader EU project Providing support in relation to the implementation of the Nitrates Directive ( ENVB.1/SER/2011/0051) EC DG Envrionment
2013-present, Interreg IVB NW Europe project Biorefine (recycling of inorganic chemicals from agro- and bio-industry waste streams)
1) Velthof G L, Hou Y, Oenema O. Nitrogen excretion factors of livestock in the European Union: a review[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015, 95(15): 3004-3014.
2) Velthof G L, Lesschen J P, Webb J, et al. The impact of the Nitrates Directive on nitrogen emissions from agriculture in the EU-27 during 2000–2008[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 468: 1225-1233.
3) Klop G, Velthof G L, van Groenigen J W. Application technique affects the potential of mineral concentrates from livestock manure to replace inorganic nitrogen fertilizer[J]. Soil Use and Management, 2012, 28(4): 468-477.
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