学术报告: Australian canola production: genotype and environment interaction and its implication to bre
农业资源研究中心 辅仁网/2017-07-23
报告题目: Australian canola production: genotype and environment interaction and its implication to breeding
报 告 人: Dr. Heping Zhang, CSIRO, Australia
报告时间: 8月26日(星期五)下午3:00
报告地点: 科研楼5楼会议室
BIOGRAPHY of Dr. Heping Zhang
Dr Heping Zhang is a senior research scientist at CSIRO Agriculture and Food. He is based in Perth, Western Australia. His research background is in crop physiology and agronomy, where his work has aimed to understand and improve productivity of wheat and canola and to inform breeders for high yielding traits and better management regimes for economic, environmental and social outcomes.
After completing a Bachelor of Agricultural Science, at the Hubei Agricultural College (Yangtze University now), China in 1982, he studied soil science at China Agriculture University in Beijing China in 1985, for his Master degree of Agronomy. Dr Heping Zhang worked at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shijiazhuang from 1988 to 1992. He gained a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Reading in the United Kingdom in 1996. After completing his PhD degree, he joined the International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Area (ICARDA) in Syria, where his research focused on improving water use efficiency of wheat and legume crops in the Mediterranean environment. In 1999, he moved to Australia and joined the Commonwealth Scientific and Industry Research Organisation (CSIRO), where his research focused on improving wheat and canola yield by understanding crop physiology and improving agronomic management. He has published 29 scientific papers in crop and tree physiology, agricultural water management, crop water use, source-sink relationship in crop, and agronomy management. His papers have been widely cited with h-index of 15 and a total citations of more than 1000 times. His current research includes canopy architecture, agronomy,crop physiology, yield stability and source-sink relations with aim to improving yield and yield stability of wheat and canola in Australia. He has secured more than A$7 million dollar research grant from a wide range of research funding agencies. Currently, he leads two large wheat and canola research projects funded by the Australian Grains Research and Development Corporation.
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