华北理工大学生命科学学院教授张雪梅 (Dr. Xuemei Zhang)
2006 中国医学科学院&中国协和医科大学 博士 (Ph.D.2006)
1999 山西医科大学 硕士 (M.S.1999)
1995山西医科大学 学士 (B.S.1995)
1.Chang J, Wei L, Miao X, Yu D, Tan W, Zhang X, Wu C, Lin D. Two novel variants on 13q22.1 are associated with risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. 2015; 24(11): 1774-80.
2.Pei N, Cao L, Liu Y, Wu J, Song Q, Zhang Z, Yuan J, Zhang X. XAB2 tagSNPs contribute to non-small cell lung cancer susceptibility in Chinese population. BMC Cancer, 2015; 15: 560
3.Zhao L, Zhang Z, Lin J, Cao L, He B, Han S, Zhang X. Complement receptor 1 genetic variants contribute to the susceptibility to gastric cancer in Chinese population. Journal of Cancer, 2015; 6(6): 525-530.
4.Liu Y, Bi Y, Lin J, Cao L, He B, Zhang Z, Cui Y, Zhang X. Tag SNPs of CFI contributed to the susceptibility for non-small cell lung cancer in Chinese population. Tumor Biology, 2015; 36(3): 1955-1962.
5.Song Q,Zhang Z, Liu Y, Han S, Zhang X. The tag SNP rs** in decay-accelerating factor is associated with the susceptibility to gastric cancer. Molecular Immunology, 2015; 63(2): 473-478.
6.Lin J, He B, Cao L, Zhang Z, Liu H, Rao J, Liu Y, Shao S, Wang G, Zhang X. CYP1A1 Ile462Val polymorphism and the risk of non-small cell lung cancer in a Chinese population. Tumori, 2014; 100(5): 547-552.
7.Zhang Z, Yu D, Lu J, Zhai K, Cao L, Rao J, Liu Y, Zhang X, Guo Y. Functional genetic variants of TNFSF15 and their association with gastric adenocarcinoma: A case-control study. Plos One , 2014; 9(9): e108321.
8.Liu Y, Cao L, Chang J, Lin J, He B, Rao J, Zhang Z, Zhang X. XPF -673C>T polymorphism effect on the susceptibility to esophageal cancer in Chinese population. Plos One, 2014; 9(4): e94136.
9.Yu X, Rao J, Lin J, Zhang Z, Cao L, Zhang X*. Tag SNPs in complement receptor-1 contribute to the susceptibility to non-small cell lung cancer.Molecular Cancer, 2014; 13(1): 56.
10.Yang HP, Liu JF, Rao J, Zhang XM, Qian HL, Niu XQ, Zhao ZL. Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) genetic variant and the risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in a Chinese insulation. Genetics and Molecular Research. 2014; 13(2): 4146-53.
11.Cao L, Lin J, He B, Wang H, Rao J, Liu Y, Zhang X. A regulatory variant in CYP2E1 affects the risk of lung squamous cell carcinoma. Tumor Biology. 2014; 35(1): 455-462.
12.Zhang X, Huang M, Wu X, Kadlubar S, Lin J, Yu X, Fan C, Ning B, Kadlubar FF.GSTM1 copy number and promoter haplotype as predictors for risk of recurrenceand/or second primary tumor in patients with head and neck cancer. PharmgenomicsPers Med. 2013;6:9-17.
13.Lin Z, Lin Y, Zhang X, Kadlubar S, Tuo J, Green B, Deng H, Ning B. Differential promoter activities of functional haplotypes in the 5’-flanking region of human sulfotransferase 1A1. J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2012; 26(10): 422-428.
14.Zhang X, Lin J, Wu X, Lin Z, Ning B, Kadlubar S, Kadlubar F. Association between GSTM1 copy number, promoter variants and susceptibility to urinary bladder cancer. Int J Mol Epidemiol Genet. 2012; 3(3): 228-236.
15.Zhang Z, Yu X, Guo Y, Song W, Yu D, Zhang X.Genetic variant in CASP3 affects promoter activity and risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.Cancer Science. 2012; 103(3): 555-60.
16.Zhang Z, Yu D, Yuan J, Guo Y, Wang H, Zhang X. Cigarette smoking strongly modifies the association of CFH variant and the risk of lung cancer.Cancer Epidemiology.2012; 36 (2): e111-5.
17.Zhang X, Zhong R, Liu L, Wang Y, Yuan J, Wang P, Sun C, Zhang Z, Song W, Miao X. Smoking and COX-2 functional polymorphisms interact to increase the risk of gastric cardia adenocarcinoma in Chinese population.Plos one 2011: 6(7): e21894.
18.Zhang X, Zhong R, Zhang Z, Yuan J, Liu L, Wang Y, Kadlubar S, Feng F, Miao X. Interaction of Cyclooxygenase-2 Promoter Polymorphisms With Helicobacter pylori Infection and Risk of Gastric Cancer. Molecular Carcinogenesis. 2011; 50 (11): 876-883.
19.Liu L, Wu C, Wang Y, Zhong R, Wang F, Zhang X, Duan S, Lou J, Yu D, Tan W, Yuan J, Wu T, Nie S, Miao X, Lin D. Association of candidate genetic variations with gastric cardia adenocarcinoma in Chinese population: a multiple-interaction analysis.Carcinogenesis 2011:32:336-342.
20.Liu L, Yuan P, Wu C, Zhang X, Wang F, Guo H, Zhong R, Xu Y, Wu J, Yu D, Wu T, Zhang X, Nie S, Miao X, Lin D. Assessment of XPD Lys751Gln and XRCC1 T-77C polymorphisms in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients treated with platinum-based chemotherapy.Lung Cancer. 2011;73: 110-115.
21.Knappskog S, Bjørnslett M, Myklebust LM, Huijts PE, Vreeswijk MP, Edvardsen H, Guo Y, Zhang X, Yang M, Ylisaukko-Oja SK, Alhopuro P, Arola J, Tollenaar RA, van Asperen CJ, Seynaeve C, Staalesen V, Chrisanthar R, Løkkevik E, Salvesen HB, Evans DG, Newman WG, Lin D, Aaltonen LA, Børresen-Dale AL, Tell GS, Stoltenberg C, Romundstad P, Hveem K, Lillehaug JR, Vatten L, Devilee P, Dørum A, Lønning PE. The MDM2 Promoter SNP285C/309G Haplotype Diminishes Sp1 Transcription Factor Binding and Reduces Risk for Breast and Ovarian Cancer in Caucasians.Cancer Cell. 2011;19 (2):273-82.
22.Yu X, Dhakal I, Beggs M, Edavana V, Williams S, Zhang X, Mercer K, Ning B, Lang N, Kadlubar F, Kadlubar S. Functional genetic variants in the 3’-untranslated region of sulfotransferase isoform 1A1 (SULT1A1) and their effect on enzymatic activity.Toxicological Sciences 2010:118(2);391-403.
23.Guo Y, Zhang X, Yang M, Miao X, Shi Y, Yao J, Tan W, Sun T, Zhao D, Yu D, Liu J, Lin D. Functional evaluation of missense variations in the human MAD1L1 and MAD2L1 genes and their impact on susceptibility to lung cancer.Journal of Medical Genetics 2010: 47(9); 616-622
24.Zhao D, Zhang X, Guo Y, Tan W, Lin D. Cyclooxygenase-2 Gly587Arg variant is associated with differential enzymatic activity and risk of esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma. Molecular Carcinogenesis 2009; 48(10): 934-941
25.Zhao D, Xu D, Zhang X, Wang L, Tan W, Guo Y, Yu D, Li H, Zhao P, Lin D. Interaction of Cyclooxygenase-2 variants and smoking in pancreatic cancer: a possible role of nucleophosmin.Gastroenterology 2009; 136(5): 1659-1668. PMID: **
26.Yu D, Zhang X*, Liu J, Yuan P, Tan W, Guo Y, Sun T, Zhao D, Ming Y, Liu J, Xu B, Lin D. Characterization of Functional Excision Repair Cross-Complementation Group 1 Variants and Their Association with Lung Cancer Risk and Prognosis. Clinical Cancer Research2008;14(9):2878–2886
27.Lin Z, Zhang X*, Tu J, Guo Y, Green B, Chan C, Tan W, Huang Y, Ling W, Kadlubar FF,Lin D, Ning BT. A variant of Cokyne Syndrome B gene ERCC6 confers risk of lung cancer.Human Mutation, 2008;29(1):113–122
28.Yang M, Sun T, Wang L, Yu D, Zhang X, Miao X, Liu J,Zhao D, Li H, Tan W, Lin D. Functional variants in cell death pathway genes and risk of pancreatic cancer.Clinical Cancer Research2008;14(10):3230–3236.
29.Zhao D, Sun T, Zhang X, Guo Y, Yu D, Yang M, Tan W, Wang G, Lin D. Role of CD14 Promoter Polymorphisms in Helicobacter pylori Infection-Related Gastric Carcinoma. Clinical Cancer Research 2007;13(8):2362–2368.
30.Guo Y, Zhang X, Tan W, Miao X, Sun T, Zhao D,Lin D. Platelet 12-lipoxygenase Arg261Gln polymorphism: Functional characterization and association with risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in combination with COX-2 polymorphisms. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 2007;17(3):197–205.
31.Yang M, Guo Y, Zhang X, Miao X, Tan W, Sun T, Zhao D, Liu J, Lin D. Interaction of P53 Arg72Pro and MDM2 T309G polymorphisms and their associations with risk of gastric cardia cancer.Carcinogenesis2007;28(9):1996–2001. PMID: **
32.Tan W, Wu J, Zhang X, Guo YL, Liu J, Sun T, Zhang B, Zhao D, Yang M, Yu D, Lin D. Associations of functional polymorphisms in cyclooxygenase-2 and platelet 12-lipoxygenase with risk of occurrence and advanced disease status of colorectal cancer.Carcinogenesis2007;28(6):1197–1201
33.Zheng L, Dai H, Zhou M, Li M, Singh P, Qiu J, Tsark W, Huang Q, Kernstine K, Zhang X, Lin D, Shen B. Fen1 mutations result in autoimmunity, chronic inflammation and cancers. Nature Medicine 2007;13(7):812–819. PMID: **
34.Sun T, Gao Y, Tan W, Ma S, Shi Y, Yao J, Guo Y, Yang M, Zhang X, Zhang Q, Zeng C, Lin DX. A six-nucleotide insertion-deletion polymorphism in the CASP8 promoter is associated with susceptibility to multiple cancers.Nature Genetic 2007;39(5):605–613. PMID: **
35.Zhang B, Sun T, Xue L, Han X, Zhang B, Lu N, Shi YK, Tan W, Zhou YF, Zhao D, Zhang X, Guo Y, Lin D. Functional polymorphisms in FAS and FASL contribute to increased apoptosis of tumor infiltration lymphocytes and risk of breast cancer.Carcinogenesis 2007;28(5):1067–1073.
36.Miao X, Zhang X, Zhang L, Guo Y, Hao B, Tan W, He F, Lin D. Adenosine DiphosphateRibosylTransferase and X-Ray Repair Cross-Complementing 1 polymorphisms in Gastric Cardia Cancer.Gastroenterology 2006;131(2):420–427.
37.Zhang X, Miao X,Guo Y,Tan T,Zhou Y, Sun T, Wang Y, Lin D. Genetic polymorphisms in cell cycle regulatory genes MDM2 and TP53 are associated with susceptibility to lung cancer. Human Mutation 2006;27(1):110–117.
38.Sun T, Gao Y, Tan W, Ma S, Zhang X, Wang Y, Zhang Q, Guo Y, Zhao D, Zeng C, Lin D. Haplotypes in MatrixMetalloproteinase Gene Cluster on Chromosome11q22 Contribute to the Risk of Lung Cancer Development and Progression. Clinical Cancer Research 2006;12(23):7009–7017.
39.Li Y, Zhang X, Huang G, Miao X, Guo L, Lin D, Lu S. Identification of a novel polymorphism Arg290Gln of esophageal cancer related gene 1 (ECRG1) and it related risk to esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.Carcinogenesis 2006;27(4):798–802.
40.Liu F, Pan K, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Ma J, Lin D, You W. Genetic polymorphisms of cyclooxygenase-2, expression and risk of gastric cancer and its precursors in a Chinese population. Gastroenterology, 2006;130(7):1975–1984.
41.Hao B, Miao X, Li Y, Zhang X, Sun T, Liang G, Zhao Y, Zhou Y, Wang H, Chen X, Zhang L, Tan W, Wei Q, Lin D, He F. A novel T-77C polymorphism in DNA repair gene XRCC1 contributes to diminished promoter activity and increased risk of non-small cell lung cancer.Oncogene 2006;25(25):3613–3620.
42.Zhang X, Miao X, Tan W, NingB, Liu Z, Hong Y, Song W, Guo Y, Zhang X, Shen Y, Qiang B, Kadlubar FF, LinD. Identification of functional genetic variants in cyclooxygenase-2 and their association with risk of esophageal cancer. Gastroenterology 2005;129(2):565–576.
43.Zhang X, Miao X, Sun T,Tan W, Qu S, Xiong P, Zhou Y, LinD. Functional polymorphisms in cell death pathway genes FAS and FASL contribute to risk of lung cancer. Journal of Medical Genetics 2005;42(6):479–484.
44.Zhang X, Miao X, Liang G, Hao B, Wang Y, Tan W, Li Y, Guo Y, He F, Wei G, Lin D. Polymorphisms in DNA base excision repair genes ADPRT and XRCC1 and risk of lung cancer. Cancer Research 2005;65(3):722–726.
45.Sun T, Zhou Y, Li H, Han X, Shi Y, Wang L, Miao X, Tan W, Zhao D, Zhang X, Guo Y,Lin DX. FASL -844C polymorphism is associated with increased activation-induced T cell death and risk of cervical cancer.Journal of Experimental Medicine 2005;202(7):967–974.
46.Tan W, Miao X, Wang L, Yu C, Xiong P, Liang G, Sun T, Zhou Y, Zhang X, Li H, Lin DX. Significantincrease in risk of gastroesophageal cancer is associated with interaction between promoter polymorphisms in thymidylate synthase and serum folate status. Carcinogenesis 2005;26(8):1430–1435.
47.Zhou Y, Yu C, MiaoX, WangY, TanW, SunT, Zhang X, Xiong P, Lin D.Functional haplotypes in the promoter of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and lung cancer susceptibility.Carcinogenesis 2005;26(6):1117–1121.
48.Hong Y, Miao X,Zhang X,GuoY, Tan W, Liu Z, Lin D. The role of P53 and MDM2 polymorphisms in risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Research 2005;65(20):9582–9587.
49.Sun T, Miao X, Zhang X, Tan W, Xiong P, Lin D. Polymorphisms of death pathway genes FAS and FASL in esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma. Journal of National Cancer Institute 2004;96(13):1030–1036.
50.Miao X, Sun T, Wang Y, Zhang X, Tan W, Lin D. Functional STK15 Phe31Ile polymorphism is associated with the occurrence and advanced disease status of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Research 2004;64(8):2680–2683.
1 )恶性肿瘤病因探索:肿瘤的发生和发展大多是环境因素和个体遗传因素复杂交互作用的结果。不同个体遗传体质微小的差异往往会引起个体对相同环境暴露的巨大反应差异。这可以用来解释为什么在相同的致癌因素作用下,并非所有人都患癌症,即使是对于罹患癌症的不同患者,其发病部位,病情的严重程度也有巨大差异。不同个体遗传体质的微小差异就是存在于基因组中的多态性或突变,而后者的产生总是和环境的作用密不可分的。研究在环境因素作用下,遗传因素对人体健康的影响可筛选特定环境暴露下的肿瘤易感人群。
2 )药物基因组学研究:在某些复杂疾病的的临床治疗上,我们经常看到这种现象,对于同一种治疗药物,有些患者有效,有些患者则无效甚至发生严重的不良反应。这些现象和不同个体的遗传背景差异存在密切相关关系。对于遗传变异与药物敏感型的关联性研究,有助于帮助医生事先掌握患者对于某些药物的反应特点,针对不同个体的遗传背景,制定不同的治疗方案。个体化治疗最终将实现最大限度发挥药物的治疗疗效,同时最大可能地较少药物的毒副作用。
1)国家基金委面上项目“转录偶联修复基因在非小细胞肺癌异常表达的分子机制研究”,**,2013.1.1到2016.12.31,课题负责人: 张雪梅
2)国家基金委青年基金“补体通路调节基因遗传变异与肺癌发病风险关系研究”, **,2011.1.1到2013.12.31, 课题负责人:张雪梅
3)教育部“全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金资助项目”,201274,2012.1.1到2014.12.31, 课题负责人:张雪梅
4)教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,NCET-11-0933,2012.1.1到2014.12.31,课题负责人: 张雪梅
7)河北省****科学基金“转录偶联修复关键基因遗传变异与肺癌相关关系研究”,H,2012.1.1到2014.12.31,课题负责人: 张雪梅
CONTACT INFORMATION:Dr. Xuemei Zhang, College of Life Sciences, North China University of Science and Technology, 57 South Jianshe Road, Tangshan 063000, People's Republic of China Email: zhangxuemei@ncst.edu.cn;Office phone:
华北理工大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张雪梅 (Dr. Xuemei Zhang)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-13
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