本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-15
陈义忠,男,福建连江人,中共党员。目前在Energy Conversion and Management、Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews、Applied Energy、Energy、Journal of Hydrology、科学通报等顶级期刊上发表论文30篇,其中SCI检索论文24篇,ESI 2篇;授权国家发明专利和国际专利3项;作为主要完成人,获得2018年中国产学研合作创新成果一等奖。
学术成果1. Yizhong Chen, Li He, Yanlong Guan, Hongwei Lu, Jing Li, Life cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions and water-energy optimization for shale gas supply chain planning based on multi-level approach: Case study in Barnett, Marcellus, Fayetteville, and Haynesville Shales. Energy Conversion and Management. 134 (2017) 382-398. (SCI, IF=6.377, JCR一区)
2. Yizhong Chen, Hongwei Lu, Jing Li, Guohe Huang, Li He. Regional planning of new-energy systems within multi-period and multi-option contexts: A case study of Fengtai, Beijing, China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 65 (2016) 356-372. (SCI, IF=9.184, JCR一区,)
3. Yizhong Chen, Li He, Jing Li, Xi Cheng, Hongwei Lu. An inexact bi-level simulation–optimization model for conjunctive regional renewable energy planning and air pollution control for electric power generation systems. Applied Energy. 183 (2016) 969-983. (SCI, IF=7.900, JCR一区)
4. Yizhong Chen, Hongwei Lu, Jing Li, Lixia Ren, Li He. A leader-follower-interactive method for regional water resources management with considering multiple water demands and eco-environmental constraints. Journal of Hydrology. 548 (2017) 121-134. (SCI, IF=3.727, JCR一区)
5. Yizhong Chen, Li He, Jing Li. Stochastic dominant-subordinate-interactive scheduling optimization for interconnected microgrids with considering wind-photovoltaic-based distributed generations under uncertainty. Energy. 130 (2017) 581-598. (SCI, IF=4.968, JCR一区)
6. Yizhong Chen, Li He, Honghai Zhao, Jing Li. Energy-environmental implications of shale gas extraction with considering a stochastic decentralized structure. Fuel. 230, (2018) 226-243. (SCI, IF=4.908, JCR二区)
7. Yizhong Chen, Li He, Jing Li, Shiyue Zhang. Multi-criteria design of shale-gas-water supply chains and production systems towards optimal life cycle economics and greenhouse gas emissions under uncertainty. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 109 (2018) 216-235. (SCI, IF=3.113, JCR二区)
8. Yizhong Chen, Li He, Hongwei Lu, Jing Li, Lixia Ren. Planning for regional water system sustainability through water resources security assessment under uncertainties. Water Resources Management. 32(9) (2018) 3135-3153. (SCI, IF=2.644, JCR二区)
9. Yizhong Chen, Li He, Hongwei Lu, Jing Li. Bi-level decision-making approach for GHG emissions control and municipal solid waste management under parameter uncertainty: A case study in Beijing, China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2016, 25(4): 1435-1451. (SCI, IF=1.120, JCR四区)
10. Li He, Yizhong Chen*, Honghai Zhao, Peipei Tian, Yuxuan Xue, Liang Chen. Game-based analysis of energy-water nexus for identifying environmental impacts during Shale gas operations under stochastic input. Science of the Total Environment. 627 (2018) 1585-1601. (SCI, IF=4.610, JCR二区)
11. Li He, Yizhong Chen*, Jing Li. A three-level framework for balancing the tradeoffs among the energy, water, and air-emission implications within the life-cycle shale gas supply chains. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 133 (2018) 206-228. (SCI, IF=5.120, JCR二区)
12. Li He, Yizhong Chen*, Lixia Ren, Jing Li, Lei Liu. Synergistic management of flowback and produced waters during the upstream shale gas operations driven by non-cooperative stakeholders. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 52 (2018) 591-608. (SCI, IF=2.803, JCR三区)
13. Li He, Yizhong Chen*, Yu Kang, Peipei Tian, Honghai Zhao. Optimal water resource management for sustainable development of the chemical industrial park under multi-uncertainty and multi-pollutant control. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25(27) (2018) 27245-27259 (SCI, IF=2.800, JCR三区)
14. Li He, Peng Du, Yizhong Chen, Hongwei Lu, Xi Cheng, Bei Chang, Zheng Wang. Advances in microbial fuel cells for wastewater treatment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 71 (2017) 388-403. (SCI, IF=9.184, JCR一区)
15. Li He, Shiyue Zhang, Yizhong Chen, Lixia Ren, Jing Li. Techno-economic potential of a renewable energy-based microgrid system for a sustainable large-scale residential community in Beijing, China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 93 (2018) 631-641. (SCI, IF=9.184, JCR一区)
16. Hongwei Lu, Peng Du, Yizhong Chen, Li He. A credibility-based chance-constrained optimization model for integrated agricultural and water resources management: A case study in South Central China. Journal of Hydrology. 537 (2016) 408-418. (SCI, IF=3.727, JCR一区)
17. Lixia Ren, Li He, Hongwei Lu, Yizhong Chen. Monte Carlo-based interval transformation analysis for multi-criteria decision analysis of groundwater management strategies under uncertain naphthalene concentrations and health risks. Journal of Hydrology. 539 (2016) 468-477. (SCI, IF=3.727, JCR一区)
18. Xi Cheng, Li He, Hongwei Lu, Yizhong Chen, Lixia Ren. Optimal water resources management and system benefit for the Marcellus shale-gas reservoir in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Journal of Hydrology. 540 (2016) 412-422. (SCI, IF=3.727, JCR一区)
19. Hongwei Lu, Lixia Ren, Yizhong Chen, Peipei Tian, Jia Liu. A cloud model based multi-attribute decision making approach for selection and evaluation of groundwater management schemes. Journal of Hydrology. 555 (2017) 881-893. (SCI, IF=3.727, JCR一区)
20. Hongwei Lu, Jing Li, Yizhong Chen, Jingzhao Lu. A multi-level method for groundwater remediation management accommodating non-competitive objectives. Journal of Hydrology (2019), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.01.018(SCI, IF=3.727, JCR一区)
21. Jing Li, Li He, Yizhong Chen, Xinshuang Song, Hongwei Lu. A bilevel groundwater management model with minimization of stochastic health risks at the leader level and remediation cost at the follower level. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 31(10) (2017) 2547-2571. (SCI, IF=2.671, JCR二区)
22. Hongwei Lu, Jing Li, Lixia Ren, Yizhong Chen. Optimal groundwater security management policies by control of inexact health risks under dual uncertainty in slope factors. Chemosphere. 198 (2018) 161-173. (SCI, IF=4.427, JCR二区)
23. Jing Li, Hongwei Lu, Xing Fan, Yizhong Chen. Human health risk constrained naphthalene-contaminated groundwater remediation management through an improved credibility method. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24 (2017) 16120-16136. (SCI, IF=2.8, JCR三区)
24. Jing Li, Li He, Xing Fan, Yizhong Chen. Optimal control of greenhouse gas emissions and system cost for integrated municipal solid waste management with considering a hierarchical structure. Waste Management & Research. 35(8) (2018) 874-889. (SCI, IF=1.631, JCR四区)
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郭凌云,党员,博士,硕导。曾参与两项国家自然科学基金项目,一项省部级项目。目前已发表录用10余篇学术论文,其中SSCI检索论文4篇,EI检索会议4篇,论文发表于本领域国际主流杂志:InternationalJournalofInformationManagement、InternetResearch ...河北工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-15河北工业大学经济管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-郭战兵
郭战兵,河北保定人,博士毕业于天津大学管理科学与工程专业,现为河北工业大学经济管理学院金融系讲师。研究领域经济、金融系统的复杂性分析与优化控制主讲课程科研项目学术成果代表性学术论文1.MaJunhai,GuoZhanbing.2014.Theparameterbasinandcomplexofdyn ...河北工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-15