

河北师范大学 免费考研网/2016-02-15


2010年入选第十一期河北省优秀专家出国培训计划,在德国海德堡大学做高级访问学者一年(2011.3—2012.4),继续从事极贫金属星的寻找、确认及研究工作。近年来,先后发表论文近20篇,其中13篇被SCI检索收录。先后两篇论文分别被评为河北师范大学2007、2010年度校级优秀论文。2007年参与获得河北省科学技术进步三等奖。 2010年入选第二批“河北省高校百名优秀创新人才支持计划”。



国家自然科学基金:“利用郭守敬望远镜银河系巡天获得的低分辨率红团簇巨星光谱大样本研究银盘的演化历史”(U**),13.01-15.12(负责人) 国家自然科学基金:“AGB星s-过程和相关轻元素核合成的内在物理关系研究”(**),11.01-13.12(负责人) 国家自然科学基金:“特殊贫金属星重元素丰度分布及其形成机制探究”(**),09.01-09.12(负责人) 河北省杰出青年基金:“贫金属AGB星元素核合成研究”(A**),11.01-13.12 入选河北省教育厅:“河北省高校百名优秀创新人才支持计划” (CPRC034),10.1-12.12 河北省自然科学基金:“极贫金属星重元素丰度分布及其形成机制探究”(A**),09.01-11.12(负责人) 河北省教育厅自然科学基金:“贫金属星中子俘获元素丰度分布及来源探究”(**),08.01-09.07(负责人) 河北师范大学重点基金:“利用元素整体分析法研究贫金属星内部核合成”(L2009Z04),10.01-12.12(负责人) 河北师范大学博士基金:“星系早期恒星形成机制的研究”(L2007B07),08.01-10.12(负责人) 国家自然科学基金:“铅星和s+r星的产生原因及形成机制探究”(**),07.01-09.12(参加) 国家自然科学基金:“银盘恒星的化学丰度与运动学和年龄的关系”(**),07.01-09.12(参加) 国家自然科学基金:“AGB星s-过程核合成与中子辐照量分布函数”(**),04.01-06.12(参加) 国家自然科学基金:“贫金属环境中子俘获过程相关元素丰度分布特征及物理关联的整体研究”(**),10.01-12.12(参加) 代表性论文
[1] Wenyuan Cui, Bo Zhang, Kun Ma, Lu Zhang, Investigation for thepuzzling abundance pattern of the neutron-capture elements in the ultrametal-poor star: CS 30322-023, The Astrophysical Journal, 2007, 657:1037-1041 (校级优秀论文)
[2] Wenyuan Cui, Jiang Zhang, Zizhong Zhu, Bo, Investigation for theenrichment pattern of the element abundances in r+s star HE 0338-3945: aspecial r-II star?, The Astrophysical Journal, 2010, 708: 51-57 (校级优秀论文)
[3] Wenyuan Cui, Bo Zhang, The origin ofthe lead-rich stars in the Galactic Halo: investigation of the model parametersfor the s-process, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2006, 368: 305-309
[4] Kun Ma, WenyuanCui, Bo Zhang, Investigationof the single neutron exposure model for the s-process: the primary nature ofthe neutron source, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2007,375: 1418-1422
[5] Jiang Zhang, Wenyuan Cui, BoZhang, Study of Isotopic Fractions and Abundances of the Neutron-capture Elementsin HD175305, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010, 402:956-960
[6] Jiang Zhang, Wenyuan Cui, BoZhang, A Holistic Abundance Analysis to r-rich Stars, Monthly Notices of theRoyal Astronomical Society, 2010, 409: 1068-1076
[7] Wenyuan Cui, DongnuanCui, Yunshuang Du, Bo Zhang,Neutron-Capture Elements in the Double-Enhanced Star HE 1305-0007: a New s- andr-process Paradigm, Chinese Physics Letters, 2007, 24: 1417-1420
[8] Wenyuan Cui, Fenghua Zhang, Weijuan Zhang, Lu Zhang, Bo Zhang, The Distributions of NeutronExposures in AGB stars and the Galaxy, Chinese Journal of Astronomy andAstrophysics, 2007, 7: 224-234
[9] Wenyuan Cui, WeijuanZhang, Bo Zhang, Evolution of the Distribution of Neutron Exposures in theGalaxy Disc: an Analytical Model, Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2007,28: 55-66
[10] Wenyuan Cui, Bo Zhang, Yamin Quan, Guide Zhou, Yanping Chen, Orbital elements of the mildand strong barium stars formed through a wind accretion scenario, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2008,314, 351-359
[11] Zhe Chen, Jiang Zhang, Yanping Chen, WenyuanCui, Bo Zhang, The yields of r-process elements and chemical evolution ofthe Galaxy, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2006, 306: 33-39
[12] WenyuanCui, Dongnuan Cui, Bo Zhang, Comparing the Nucleosynthesis Parameters ofs+r Stars and Ba Stars, Proceedingsof the International Astronomical Union,2008, 4, 113-114
[13] Cui Dong-Nuan,Geng Yuan-Yuan, Cui Wen-Yuan, ZhangBo, Mass Fraction of 13C-Pocket in Metal-Poor AGB Stars and thePrimary Nature of Neutron Source, CHIN.PHYS. LETT. Vol. 26, No. 3 (2009) 039701
[14] Bo Zhang, Wenyuan Cui, Progress in the study of the s-process nucleosynthesison the Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars, Progressin Astronomy, 2006, 24: 54-61
