

河北师范大学 免费考研网/2016-02-15


Dr. Zhicheng Wei


Name: ZhichengWei

Gender: Male

Date of birth: Jan30,1975

Marital status: Married

E-mail: weizhicheng@hebtu.edu.cn


Sept.2004-Jul.2007 School of Electronic InformationEngineering, Tianjin University, P.R.China, Ph.D in Communication andInformation system

Sept.1997-Jul.2000 School of ElectronicInformation Engineering, Sichuan University, P.R.China, M.S. in Communicationand Information system

Sept.1993-Jul.1997 Collegeof Physics Science and Information Engineering, Hebei Normal University,P.R.China, B.S. in Physics


May 2009-May 2010 Workas post doctor in the department of electrical and computer engineering,Ryerson University, Canada

July 2000-Now Workas a associate professor in the College of Physics Science and InformationEngineering, Hebei Normal University, P.R.China


My post doctor researches are color image watermarking, videosummarization and economic data processing which is partly confidential.
My Ph.D research was focused on digital watermarking based on geneticalgorithms, including the following projects:

l Investigationshave been carried out on the characters of digital watermarking, especially thestatistical rules of embedding positions. Blind secure spread spectrumwatermarking has also been studied.

l Anadaptive GA suitable for use in digital watermarking has been studied.

My M.S. research was focused on the characters of genetic algorithmsand their applications, including the following projects:

l Optimizefuzzy control models using genetic algorithm.

l Neuralnetworks learning.

l Imagesegmentation, image normalization and image enhancement.

l Searchfor the max or min value of functions in high dimensional spaces using improvedgenetic algorithms.


l Digitalwatermarking, especially color image watermarking

l GeneticAlgorithms, especially improving search abilities with regard to the problemsof high dimensional spaces.

l Videosummarization.

l Chinese:native

l English:GRE(05/02):

Verbal: 710(97%below)

Quantitative: 790 (94%below)

Analytical: 790(97%below)


1. Zhicheng Wei, Puping Zhang, Image Watermarking based on an improved subsamplingframework, CSIE09, March, 2009, Los Angeles, USA, Vol.7, pp.276-279

2. Zhicheng Wei, Jufeng Dai, Yang Min, Adaptive image spread spectrum watermarkingbased on an improved genetic algorithms, Journal of Tianjin University,2007,40(5):563-568. (in Chinese)

3. Zhicheng Wei, Jianxiong Li, Jufeng Dai, GA-based image watermarking usingsubsampling, Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser,2007, 18(7):850-854. (in Chinese)

4. Zhicheng Wei, Jufeng Dai, Image digital watermarking based on genetic algorithms,Computer engineering, 2007, 33(17):146-148. (in Chinese)

5. Zhicheng Wei, Hao Li, Jufeng Dai, Image Watermarking based on GeneticAlgorithms, IEEE int.conf. on multimedia and Expo(ICME06), July 2006, pp.1117-1120.

6. Zhicheng Wei, Jufeng Dai, Genetic Watermarking Based on DCT Domain Techniques,Canadian Conf. on Electrical and Computer Engineering(CCECE), May 2006,pp.2365-2368.

7. Zhicheng Wei, Lianxiang Yang, Jiliu Zhou, Optimizing the weight distribution andtopology of neural networks using GA, Journal of Guangxi Normal University,2003,21(6):62-65. (in Chinese)

8. Zhicheng Wei, Jiliu Zhou, A study of genetic-based optimization for the parametersof fuzzy control models, Journal of Sichuan University, 2001, 38(1):42-46. (inChinese)

9. Zhicheng Wei, Jiliu Zhou, A study of image segmentation using a new adaptivealgorithm, Journal of image and graphics, 2000, 5(3):216-220. (in Chinese)

10. Zhicheng Wei, Jiliu Zhou, The relationship of multitext, multiview and window inVC++, Computer and information technology, 1999, 7(3)12-14. (in Chinese)

11. Zhicheng Wei, Jiliu Zhou, A study on a newadaptive algorithm of selecting threshold of image segmentation, The 6thInt. con. on computer aided design and computer graphics, December 1-3, 1999,Shanghai, China,Vol.3:1272-1276

12. LiXue, Jufeng Dai, Zhicheng Wei, Application of the ant colony algorithm with two kinds of pheromonein TSP, Computer Simulation, 2007, 24(8):167-170. (in Chinese)

13. HangLv, Jiliu Zhou, ZhichengWei, Study onimproving the search capability of genetic algorithms, Journal of Chinesecomputer systems, 2000, 21(11):1178-1181. (in Chinese)

14. ZhimingLiu, Jiliu Zhou, Zhicheng Wei, A study on novel genetic algorithms with sustaining diversity, Signalprocessing proceedings, WCCC-ICSP, 5th Int. con. on, Aug.2000,Vol.3:1650-1654

15. JiliuZhou, Hang Lv, Hui Zhu, Zhicheng Wei, A new algorithm for image normalization, Journal of SichuanUniversity, 2000, 37(1):55-58. (in Chinese)

16. HangLv, Jiliu Zhou, ZhichengWei, A study onimage enhancement algorithm based on adaptive genetic algorithms, the 6thInt. con. on computer aided design and computer graphics, December 1-3,1999, Shanghai, China,Vol.3:1277-1281
