

中南财经政法大学 免费考研网/2015-08-08

    田天海 系别:数理与金融统计学系职称:教授E-mail:tianhai_tian_2014@163.com
      • 1、个人简介





        2001 澳大利亚昆士兰大学,数学,博士

        1988 华中科技大学,应用数学,硕士

        1982 华中科技大学,计算数学,学士

        2014年至今 中南财经政法大学统统计系教授、博士生导师

        2011.05—至今 澳大利亚莫那什大学数学科学学院, 副教授和未来研究员(终身教职)。

        2009.10-2011.04 英国格拉斯哥大学数学与统计学院,副教授(Reader)(终身教职)。

        2008.09-2009.09 澳大利亚莫那什大学数学科学学院, “澳大利亚人”研究员(终身教职)。

        2007.08-2008.08 英国格拉斯哥大学数学与统计学院, 开尔文勋爵研究员(终身教职)。

        2007.01-2007.07 澳大利亚昆士兰大学分子生物研究院,“澳大利亚人”研究员。

        2001.02-2006.12 澳大利亚昆士兰大学先进计算与建模中心,研究员,高级研究员(2004)

        1988.07-1998.01 湖北工业大学数理学院,助教,讲师(1991),副教授(1994)。

        1982.08-1985.08 广东湛江海军试验基地,助理工程师。

      • 1. Sun S., Klebaner F. and Tian T. (2014) A new model of time scheme for progression process of colorectal cancer, BMC Systems Biology. 8(S3):S2. SCI.

        2. Wu Q, Smith-Miles K and Tian T. (2014) Approximate Bayesian computation schemes for parameter inference of discrete stochastic models using simulated likelihood density, BMC Bioinformatics. 15(S12)S3. SCI.

        3. Tian T. and Harding, A. (2014) How the topology of MAP modules facilitates Eukaryotic evolution, Cell Cycle. 13(15): 2379-2390. SCI.

        4. Deng Z. and Tian T. (2014) A continuous optimization approach for inferring parameters in mathematical models of regulatory networks, BMC Bioinformatics. 15:256. SCI.

        5. Tian T. and Smith-Miles K. (2014) Mathematical modeling of GATA-switching for regulating the differentiation of hematopoietic stem cell, BMC Systems Biology, 8(S1):S8. SCI.

        6. Tian T., Zhou Y., Wu Y. and Ge X. (2014) Estimation of parameters in mean-reverting stochastic systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, ID 317059, 2014. SCI.

        7. Tian T. (2014) Simplified stochastic models with time delay for studying the degradation process of mRNA molecules, International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics. 10:18-32. SCI.

        8. Wu F., Yin G. and Tian T. (2014) Genetic regulatory networks driven by intrinsic noise with two-time scales: a stochastic averaging approach. Front. Math. China, 9:947-963. SCI.

        9. Tian T. (2013) Chemical memory reactions induced bursting dynamics in gene expression, PLoS One, 8(1): e52029, 2013. SCI.

        10. Wu Q., Smith-Miles K., Zhou T. and Tian T. (2013) Stochastic modelling of biochemical systems of multi-step reactions using a simplified two-variable model, BMC Systems Biology. 7: S14. SCI.

        11. Zong X., Wu F. and Tian T. (2013), Stability and stochastic stabilization of numerical solutions of regime-switching jump diffusion systems, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 19(11): 1173-1757. SCI.

        12. Tian T. and Song J. (2012), Mathematical modelling of the MAP kinase pathway based on proteomics dataset, PLoS One, 7(8), e42230, SCI.

        13. Duff C., Smith-Miles K., Lopes L. and Tian T. (2012), Mathematical models of stem cell differentiation: the PU.1 - Gata-1 interaction, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 64(3), 449-468. SCI.

        14. Tian T., Olson S., Whitacre J.M. and Harding A. (2011) The origins of cancer robustness and evolvability, Integrative Biology, 3(1), 17-30. SCI.

        15. Tian T., Plowman S., Parton R.G., Kloog Y. and Hancock J.F. (2010) Mathematical modelling of K-Ras nanocluster formation on the plasma membrane, Biophysical Journal, 99 (2), 534-543. SCI Impact Factor: 3.83, SCI Citation: 14.

        16. Tian T. (2010) Stochastic models for inferring genetic regulation from microarray gene expression data, Bio Systems, 99 (3), 192-200. SCI Impact Factor: 1.47, SCI Citation: 3.

        17. Wang J. and Tian T. (2010) Quantitative model for inferring dynamic regulation of the tumour suppressor gene p53, BMC Bioinformatics, 11 (1), 36. SCI IF: 2.67, SCI Citation: 4.

        18. Tian T., Harding A., Inder K., Plowman S., Parton R.G. and Hancock J.F. (2007) Plasma membrane nano-clusters generate high-fidelity Ras signal transduction, Nature Cell Biology, 9, 905-914. SCI.

        19. Tian T., Burrage K., Burrage P.M. and Carletti M. (2007) Stochastic Delay Differential Equations for Genetic Regulatory Networks, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 205, 696-707. SCI.

        20. Tian T., Xu S., Gao J. and Burrage K. (2007) Simulated maximum likelihood method for estimating kinetic rates in genetic regulation, Bioinformatics, 23, 84-91. SCI.

        21. Tian T. and Burrage K. (2006) Stochastic models for regulatory networks of the genetic toggle switch, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), 103, 8372-8377. SCI.

        22. Barrio M., Burrage K., Leier A. and Tian T. (2006) Oscillatory regulation of Hes1: discrete stochastic delay modelling and simulation, PLoS Computational Biology, 2, 1017-1039. SCI.

        23. Harding A., Tian T., Westbury E., Frische E. and Hancock J.F. (2005) Subcellular localization determines MAP kinase signal output, Current Biology, 15: 869-873. SCI.

        24. Tian T. and Burrage K. (2004) Binomial leap methods for simulating stochastic chemical kinetics, Journal of Chemical Physics 121, 10356-10364, 2004. SCI.

        25. Tian T. and Burrage K. (2004) Bistability and switching in the lysis/lysogeny genetic regulatory network of Bacteriophage lambda, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 227, 229-237. SCI.

        26. Burrage K., Tian T. and Burrage P.M. (2004) A multi-scaled approach for simulating chemical reaction systems, Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 85, 217-234. SCI.

        27. Burrage K., Burrage P.M. and Tian T. (2004) Numerical Methods for Strong Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations: an Overview, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A 460, 373-402. SCI.

        28. Burrage K. and Tian T. (2004) Implicit stochastic Runge-Kutta methods for stochastic differential equations, BIT 44, 21-39. SCI.

        29. Tian T. and Burrage K. (2002) Two-stage stochastic Runge-Kutta methods for stochastic differential equations, BIT, 42, 625-643. SCI.

        30. Burrage K. and Tian T. (2002) Predictor-corrector methods of Runge-Kutta type for stochastic differential equations, SIAM Numer. Anal., 40 (4), 1516-1537. SCI.

        31. Tian T. and Burrage K. (2001) Implicit Taylor methods for stiff stochastic differential equations, Applied Numer. Maths., 38, 167-185. SCI.

        32. Burrage K. and Tian T. (2001) Stiffly Accurate Runge-Kutta Methods for stiff Stochastic Differential Equations, Comput. Phys. Commun., 142, 186-190. SCI.

        33. Burrage K. and Tian T. (2001) The composite Euler method for solving stiff stochastic differential equations, J. of Comput. and Appl. Maths., 131, 407-426. SCI.

        34. Burrage K. and Tian T. (2000) Parallel half-block methods for initial value problems, Applied Numer. Math., 32, 255-271. SCI.

      • 参数估计的贝叶斯方法



      • 高等数理统计



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