

中南财经政法大学 免费考研网/2015-08-08

    蒋锋 系别:数理与金融统计学系职称:副教授E-mail:fjiang78@163.com;fjiang@znufe.edu.cn
      • 蒋锋,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,文澜学者。现主持国家自然科学基金项目一项,湖北省自然科学基金一项;主持完成中央高校科研基金项目两项,主持完成中国博士后基金项目一项;曾获湖北省优秀博士学位论文奖;曾参与国家杰出青年基金项目、省杰出青年科学基金项目和多项国家自然科学基金面上项目。多次主持教学研究项目和实验教学项目,曾获校教学比赛三等奖,获校经管实验教学比赛二等奖,获院讲课比赛一等奖。担任国际期刊“neural comput. appl.”、“cognitive comput.”、“comput. appl. math.”等和国际会议的评审人,担任国际学术会议“icicip2014”、“isnn2013”和“icaci2012”的pc member。目前已经发表sci或ei论文40余篇,其中30多篇论文被sci收录。为tcct随机控制分委员会委员(scssc)。









        2013 华中科技大学 控制科学与工程 博士后出站
        2011 华中科技大学 系统分析与集成 博士
        2005 华中师范大学 数学与概率统计 硕士
        2002 三峡大学 数学 学士


        2011至今 中南财经政法大学统计与数学学院
        2005至2008 华北电力大学理学院

      • 代表性科研项目:









        代表性科研论文: (1)feng jiang, hua yang, yi shen, on the robustness of global exponential stability for hybrid neural networks with noise and delay perturbations, neural comput. appl., 2014,24: 1497-1504. (sci)

        (2)feng jiang, yi shen, stability of stochastic theta-methods for stochastic delay hopfield neural networks under regime switching, neural process lett.,2013, 38: 433-444. (sci)

        (3)feng jiang, hua yang, xinquan zhao, on the asymptotic stability of a class of jump-diffusions of neutral type with impulses, j. ineq. appl., 2013, 2013:561.

        (4)feng jiang, mild solutions of neutral semilinear stochastic functional dynamic systems with local non-lipschitz coefficients, adv. math. phy., 2013, 823535. (sci)

        (5)hua yang, feng jiang, stochastic theta-methods for a class of jump-diffusion stochastic pantograph equations with random magnitude, the sci. world j., 2014, 589167. (sci)

        (6)feng jiang, yi shen, stability in the numerical simulation of stochastic delayed hopfield neural network, neural comput & applic (2013) 22:1493–1498. (sci)

        (7)hua yang, feng jiang, exponential stability of mild solutions to impulsive stochastic neutral partial differential equations with memory. advances in difference equations,2013:148, 2013,1-9 (sci)

        (8)feng jiang, yi shen, stability of impulsive stochastic neutral partial differential equations with infinite delays. asian j. control., 14(6), pp. 1706-1709, 2012 . (sci)

        (9)feng jiang, yi shen, a note on stability of the split-step backward euler method for linear stochastic delay integro-differential equations, j syst sci complex, 25(5), pp. 873-879, 2012. (sci)

        (10)feng jiang, yi shen, fuke wu, a note on order of convergence of numerical method for neutral stochastic functional differential equations. commun. nonlinear sci. numer. simulat., 17(3), pp. 1194-1200, 2012. (sci)

        (11)feng jiang, yi shen, a note on the existence and uniqueness of mild solutions to neutral stochastic partial functional differential equations with non-lipschitz coefficients. comput. math. appl., 61(6), pp. 1590-1594, 2011. (sci)

        (12)feng jiang, yi shen, fuke wu, convergence of numerical approximation for jump models involving delay and mean-reverting square root process. stoch. anal. appl., 29(2), pp. 216-236, 2011. (sci)

        (13)feng jiang, yi shen, fuke wu, jump systems with the mean-reverting gamma-process and convergence of the numerical approximation, stochastics and dynamics, 12(2), pp. **: 1-15, 2012. (sci)

        (14)feng jiang, yi shen, junhao hu, stability of the split-step backward euler scheme for stochastic delay integro-differential equations with markovian switching. commun. nonlinear sci. numer. simulat., 16(2), pp. 814-821, 2011. (sci)

        (15)hua yang, feng jiang, preserving mean-square stability in the simulation of stochastic differential delay equations with markovian switching, information technology journal, 2014, 13(7): 1463-1466

        (16)xinquan zhao, feng jiang, junhao hu, globally exponentially attractive sets and positive invariant sets of three-dimensional autonomous systems with only cross-product nonlinearities, international journal of bifurcation and chaos, 23(1),pp. **-1-14, 2013 (sci)

        (17)xinquan zhao, feng jiang, zhigang zhang, junhao hu, a new series of three-dimensional chaotic systems with cross-product nonlinearities and their switching, j. appl. math., 2013, pp. 590421 1-14, 2013 (sci)

        (18)lizhu feng, feng jiang, feng li, stochastic hybrid system with polynomial growth coefficients, cognitive computation, 2013, 5(1), 32-39. (sci)

        (19)lei liu, yi shen, feng jiang, the almost sure asymptotic stability and pth moment asymptotic stability of nonlinear stochastic differential systems with polynomial growth. ieee trans. automatic control, 56(8), pp. 1985-1990, 2011. (sci)

        (20)feng jiang, yi shen,,lei liu, numerical methods for a class of jump-diffusion systems with random magnitudes. commun. nonlinear sci. numer. simulat., 17(7), pp. 2720-2729, 2011. (sci)

        (21)feng jiang, yi shen, lei liu, taylor approximation of the solutions of stochastic differential delay equations with poisson jump. commun. nonlinear sci. numer. simulat., 16(2), pp. 798-804, 2011. (sci)

      • 金融与随机波动率模型






      • 本科课程:时间序列分析、多元统计分析、数理统计学、概率论、非参数统计、概率论与数理统计、微积分、高等数学等等

        研究生课程:应用多元统计分析、monte carlo模拟、统计模拟(编程)等等

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