

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26


(1)Chu W, Wu C, Atombo C, Zhang H, ?zkan T. Traffic climate, driver behaviour, and accidents involvement in China. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2019;122:119-26. (SSCI/SCI)
(2)Li J, Gao J, Zhang H, Qiu TZ. RSE-Assisted Lane-Level Positioning Method for a Connected Vehicle Environment. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2018:1-13. (SCI)
(3)Chaozhong Wu, Wenhui Chu, Hui Zhang*, and Türker?zkan. Interactions between Driving Skills on Aggressive Driving: Study among Chinese Drivers. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.2018 V2672(31),10-20(SCI)
(4)CharlesAtombo, Chaozhong Wu, Hui Zhang*& Tina D. Wemegah. Perceived enjoyment, concentration, intention, and speed violation behavior: Using flow theory and theory of planned behavior. Traffic Injury Prevention. Volume: 18, Issue: 7, 2017, Pages: 694-702, (SSCI/SCI)
(5)Hui Zhang, Chaozhong Wu*, Xinping Yan, Tony Z. Qiu, The effect of fatigue driving on car following behavior, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 43, November 2016, Pages 80-89. (SSCI);
(6)CharlesAtombo, Chaozhong Wu, Ming Zhong, Hui Zhang, Investigating the motivational factors influencing drivers intentions to unsafe driving behaviours: Speeding and overtaking violations, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 43, November 2016, Pages 104-121. (SSCI)
(7) Hui Zhang*, Chaozhong Wu, Zhen Huang, Xinping Yan and Tony Z. Qiu. Sensitivity Analysis of Lane Position and Steering Measurements to Fatigue Driving [J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2016, Volume 2585: Pages: 67-76. (SCI)
(8) Hui Zhang, Xinping Yan, Chaozhong Wu, and Tony Z. Qiu. Effect of Circadian Rhythms and Driving Duration on Fatigue Level and Driving Performance of Professional Drivers. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2014, Volume 2402. Pages: 19-27. (SCI).
(9)Zhe Wang, Hui Zhang, Qi Zhang, Siyao Li. Interactive Effect of Circadian Rhythm and Time on Task on Driver Fatigue Level.18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals,July 5–8, 2018 | Beijing, China(EI)
(10)Man Yang, Chaozhong Wu, Wenhui Chu, Hui Zhang*. Investigating the Factors Influencing Driving Risk Using Driving Experimental Data, 18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals,July 5–8, 2018 | Beijing, China(EI)
(11)楚文慧,吴超仲,张晖,杨曼,李思瑶. 个性化驾驶行为建模及其在疲劳驾驶状态识别中的应用. 中国安全科学学报
(12)H. Zhang, Z. Wang, Y. Li, Q. Zhang and J. Zhang, "Research on time relevant variables based fatigue level prediction model," 2017 4th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS), Banff, AB, Canada, 2017, pp. 1-5. (EI)
(13)Hui Zhang, Chaozhong Wu*, Wenhui Chu, Liqun Liu. Analysis of Fatigued Driving Lateral Performance Considering Highway Horizontal Alignment Design-A Field Study in China. In Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting. CD- ROM, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2017. 17-03644.(EI)
(14)Jiangchen Li, Jie Gao, Hui Zhang and Tony. Z. Qiu*. A RSE-assisted GPS-RSS hybrid lane-level positioning system for connected vehicles[C]. In Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting. CD- ROM, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2016. 16-3072
(15)YahuiKe, Gang Liu, Zhifa Yang, Hui Zhang and Tony Z. Qiu*. A Fuel-Saving Green Light Speed Advisor for Signalized Intersections using V2I Communication[C]. In Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting. CD- ROM, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2016. 16-3073
  中国人工智能学会智能交通专委会副秘书长,中国交通运输协会青年科技工作者委员会委员;第四届International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety国际会议秘书长。2018年武汉市入选第十一批光谷3551人才计划,2017年获TRB Transportation Research Board Truck and Bus Safety(ANB70)Committee, Deborah Freund Paper Award最佳论文奖, 2016年获第六届吴文俊人工智能科学技术进步二等奖;2012年获中国智能交通协会科学技术二等奖。目前担任《IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems》、《Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour》和《交通信息与安全》等杂志审稿人。

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