本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-22
姓名: 黎厚斌
1.YangZou,TaoZhang,GuannanWang,MengwenZhou,YaboXiong,ShaoyunHuang,HoubinLi*,Xinghai Liu*,Microfluidic continuous flow synthesis of 1,5-ditosyl-1,5-diazocane-3,7-dione using response surface methodology, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2020, 82, 113–121
2.Huang, SY; Lin, HM; Liu, XH; Li, HB, Characteristic evaluation of natural plant-derived dyes in food freshness indicator system: Color sensitivity, stability, and security, ACS Fall National Meeting and Exposition, AUG 25-29, 2019, San Diego, CA, Amer Chem Soc.
3.Yabo Xiong#, Yang Zou#, Shaoyong Cai, Huihui Liu, Shaoyun Huang and Houbin Li*, Processing and Characterization of Polymer-Based Far-Infrared Composite Materials, Polymers 2019, 11, 1451
4.Z. Yang, F. Jingyi, C. Liangzhe, D. Qingfeng, L. Houbin, Application of response surface methodology for improving the yield of 1,5-bis(ptoluenesulfonyl)- 3,7-dihydroxyoctahydro-1,5-diazocine, Curr. Org. Synth. 2019,16(3),?398-404(7).
5.Liangzhe Chen, Biao Hu, Jieyu Zhang, Jinmei Zhang, Shuting Huang, Ping Ren, Yang Zou, Fuyuan Ding, Xinghai Liu and Houbin Li* A Facile Synthesis of 1,3,6,8-Pyrenesulfonic Acid Tetrasodium Salt as Hydrosoluble Fluorescence Ink for Anti-counterfeiting Applications, RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 476 – 481
6.Shaoyun Huang Yabo Xiong Yang Zou Qingfeng Dong Fuyuan Ding Xinghai Liu Houbin Li* ,A novel colorimetric indicator based on agar incorporated with?Arnebia euchroma?root extracts for monitoring fish freshness, Food Hydrocolloids 90 (2019) 198–205 ESI热点、高被引
7.Hongxia Wang, Jun Qian, Houbin Li*, Fuyuan Ding, Rheological characterization and simulation of chitosan-TiO2 edible ink for screen-printing, Progress in Organic Coatings 120 (2018) 19–27
8.Di Huihui Wang Li Zhang Yan Luo Liting Li Houbin Huang Ronghua, Improved processibility of silicone composites by MQ silicone resins, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2018, DOI: 10.1002/APP.46445
9.Wang Wenqi,Li Min, Li Houbin*, Liu, Xinghai, Guo Ting, Zhang Guoquan, Xiong Yabo. A renewable intelligent colorimetric indicator based on polyaniline for detecting freshness of tilapia[J], Packag Technol Sci. 2018(31):133-140.
10.Xi Qi1, Ping Ren1, Xinghai Liu, Yumin Du, Houbin Li*, Xiaowen Shi*, Fuyuan Ding*, Synthesis of hollow polysaccharide microspheres with hierarchically porous structure in alkali/urea mixture through freeze-drying, Materials Letters, 2018, 228 , 229-231
11.Xie Y., Wang L., Zhang Y., Li H., & Huang, R. An in situ silicone–silicone interpenetrating polymer network (ipn) with higher mechanical property, higher hydrophilicity, and lower protein adsorption[J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2018,53(12): 9325-9339.
12.Ding F., Li H., Du Y., & Shi X. Recent advances in chitosan-based self-healing materials[J]. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2018: 1-14
13.Qingfeng Dong, Houbin Li*, Xinghai Liu, Chi Huang. Thermal and Rheological Properties of PGN, PNIMMO and P(GN/NIMMO) Synthesized via Mesylate Precursors[J]. Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 2018, 43, 294–299.
14.Biao Hu, Liangzhe Chen, Shuang Lan, Ping Ren, Si Wu, Xinghai Liu, Xiaowen Shi, Houbin Li*, Yumin Du, and Fuyuan Ding*, Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Polysaccharide Films with Self-Healing and Antifogging Properties for Food Packaging Applications, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2018, 1, 3733?3740
15.Fuyuan Ding*, Xiaowen Shi, Si Wu, Xinghai Liu, Hongbing Deng, Yumin Du, Houbin Li*. Flexible polysaccharide hydrogel with pH-regulated recovery of self-healing and mechanical properties. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2017, 302: **.
16.Hongxia Wang, Ting Guo, Yanfen Zhang, Qingyan Zhang, Houbin Li*. Rheological properties, antimicrobial activity and screen-printing performance of chitosan-pigment (FeO(OH)·xH2O) composite edible ink[J],Progress in Organic Coatings, 2017 (111): 75–82
17.Hongqiang Bai, Chi Huang, Liao Jun, Houbin Li. Modification of liquid silicone rubber by octavinyl-polyhedral oligosilsesquioxanes and silicon sol[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science Edition), 2017, 32(2):229-236. DOI: 10.1002/APP.43906 封面文章
18.BAI Hongqiang, YI Shengping, HUANG Chi, LI Houbin*, LIAO Jun*,Modification of liquid silicone rubber by Octavinyl-polyhedral oligosilsesquioxanes and silicon sol, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. DOI 10.1007/s11595-017-1585-y,2017,Vol.32 No.2 ,229-236
19.Qingfeng Dong, Yuanhao Li, Fang Wu, Houbin Li,* Xinghai Liu and Chi Huang. Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Properties of Poly(glycidyl azide-r-3-azidotetrahydrofuran) as Azido Binder for Solid Rocket Propellants[J],Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 2017, 42(10):1143-1148
20.Xiong Yabo,Huang Shaoyun, Wang Wenqi, Liu Xinghai, Li Houbin*. Properties and applications of high emissivity composite films based on far-infrared ceramic powder[J]. Materials, 2017, 10(12):1370.
21.Yuhang He, Houbin Li*, Liguo Ou, Fuyuan Ding, Zhan Zhan, Yuye Zhong. Preparation and characterisation of water-based aluminium pigments modified with SiO2 and polymer brushes[J], Corrosion Science 111 (2016) 802-810
22.Hongxia Wang, Ting Guo, Houbin Li*. Evaluation of viscosity and printing quality of chitosan-based flexographic inks: The effect of chitosan molecular weight[J]. J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2016, 133(39)
23.HE Yuhang, LI Houbin*. Double-layer Modification of Water-based Aluminum with SiO2 and Polyacrylic Acid by Solgel Process and in situ Polymerization[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science Edition), 2016, 31(2):231-235.
24.Zhan Zhan, Liu X, Li H, et al. Facile synthesis of V2O3, nanobelts by the transformation of VO2 (B) with controllable phase transition property[J]. Materials Letters, 2016, 165:214-216.
25.Xiongzhi Zhang, Yu Huang, Xiyan Huang, Chi Huang, Houbin Li. Synthesis and Characterization of Polypyrrole Using TiO2 Nanotube@poly(sodium styrene sulfonate) As Dopant and Template[J]. Polymer Composites,2016, 37(2):462-467
26.Xiongzhi Zhang, Yu Huang, Kaiqiao Fu, Shiju Yuan, Chi Huang, Houbin Li. Preparation and performance of cationic flocculant for papermaking based on the graft polymerization of cationic chains from colloidal silica particles[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 491 (2016) 29–36.
27.Ting Guo, Houbin Li*, Xuejun Tian, Hongju Zhan, Hong Shi. Preparation and Properties of Blue Edible Inkjet Ink Based on Chitosan Oligochitosan[J]. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2016(51): 1207-1212.
28.Minghua Lai, Pai Liu, Huanbin Lin, Yuqiong Luo, Houbin Li, Xiaoying Wang,Runcang Sun. Interaction between chitosan-based clay nanocomposites andcellulose in a chemical pulp suspension[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2016(137):375–381
29.Yu Huang,Xiongzhi Zhang,Xiyan Huang,Houbin Li*,andChi Huang.Preparation of conductive polypyrrole composite particles based on spherical polyelectrolyte brushes. Mater.Express,2015(1),5,56-62
30.Yu Huang. ZhanZhan. XiongzhiZhang. HoubinLi*. ChiHuang,Ananionic spherical polyelectrolyte brushes-driven approach to synthesize conductive composites,J Nanopart Res(2015) 17(8):334
31.Yu Huang,Xiongzhi Zhang,Kaiqiao Fu,Houbin Li*,ChiHuang,Shiju Yuan,Synthesis and application of cationics pherical polyelectrolyte brushes as retention and drainage aid in bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp,Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,31(2015)309–316
1. 新型含氟端羟基聚合物结构设计与交联网络调控研究(U**),国家自然基金委,2019.01-2021.12 主持
2. 球形聚电解质刷助留助滤剂的构象及界面作用模型(**),国家自然基金委,2012.01-2015.12 主持
3.含铝炸药自动包装静电检测系统,中国兵器集团,2017.01-2018.12 主持
1. 国营805厂“中国兵器工业炸药先进制造技术研究应用中心”专家委员会委员
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