2. 学术兼职
◆ 中国高校国别与区域研究人才培养院系联盟常务理事
3. 部分学术成果
Huang Zhong and Wenche Ommundsen.“From‘Unreliable Man’ to‘True Lover’: Shifting images of Chinese men in writing by Chinese Australian women writers of mainland background.” Westerly 65:2, November 2020, 169-184. (A&HCI来源期刊).
Huang Zhong and Wenche Ommundsen.“Poison,Polygamy andPostcolonialPolitics: TheFirst Chinese AustralianNovel.” Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 52:5, December 2016, 533-544. (A&HCI来源期刊)
Huang Zhong and Wenche Ommundsen.“Towards aMultilingualNationalLiterature:The Tung Wah Timesand theOrigins of Chinese AustralianWriting.” JASAL (Special issue: Worlds Within), 15:3, 2015.
Huang Zhong and Wenche Ommundsen.“No man’s land: Migration,Masculinity and Ouyang Yu’sThe Eastern Slope Chronicle.” Antipodes 29:2, December 2015, 449-461.
刘鲁蓉、黄忠.“阈限的跨界性和创造力:论布莱恩·卡斯特罗跨国写作中的嗅觉景观”, 《当代外国文学》,2020年第2期。(CSSCI来源期刊)
“From Unreliable Man to True Lover: Shifting Images of Chinese Men in Fiction by Female Australian Writers of Mainland Chinese Background”. 2017年澳大利亚全国文学研究会(ASAL)年会宣读论文(2017年7月,墨尔本)。
“Gender and Sexuality in Shi Guoying’sMistaken Love”.“澳大利亚多元文化文学国际研讨会”宣读论文(2015年7月,澳大利亚伍伦贡大学)。
“Polygamists Beware - The First Chinese Australian Novel”.“澳大利亚文学研究国际研讨会”宣读论文(2015年7月,伍伦贡大学)。
“EarlyChinese Australian Writing -The Tung Wah Times”.2014年澳大利亚全国文学研究会(ASAL)年会宣读论文(2014年7月,悉尼大学)。
“Masculinity in Fiction by MaleAustralianWriters of Mainland Chinese Background”.“澳大利亚亚裔作家作品研讨会”宣读论文(2011年9月,澳大利亚伍伦贡大学)。
“Stranded in No-Man’s Land: Masculinity and Migration inThe Eastern Slope Chronicle”.第三届“澳大利亚亚裔文学研究会”学术年会宣读论文(2010年11月,澳大利亚科廷大学)。
“Scholarship on Chinese Masculinities and Diasporic Chinese Masculinities”.第六届“亚洲****国际会议”(ICAS 6)宣读论文(2009年9月,韩国大田市)。
● Creating a Database for Chinese Australian Literature (在华澳大利亚研究基金会, 2019年,1.5万澳元)
● “对华焦虑症”与澳洲主流媒体中的“中国形象”研究(武汉大学,2018年,5****民币)
● “一带一路”倡议对澳大利亚传播效果与策略研究(中国教育部,2017年,5****民币)
● Sons of the Yellow Emperor Down Under: Early Chinese-Australian Writing and Its Evolution (Australia-China Council, 2013)
(“澳大利亚的炎黄子孙们 - 早期澳华文学及演变”,澳大利亚-中国理事会,2013,0.3万澳元)
● Building Australian Studies at Wuhan University (Australia-China Council, 2013)
(“发展武汉大学澳大利亚研究”,澳大利亚-中国理事会, 2013)
● New Transnationalisms:Australia’s Multicultural Literary Heritage (Australian Research Council, 2013)
(“新跨国主义-澳大利亚多元文化文学创作”,澳大利亚研究理事会, 2013)
4. 部分获奖情况
● 武汉大学第三届青年教师优秀教学一等奖
● 外语学院首届青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖
A/ProfessorZhong Huang
PhD (University of Wollongong, Australia), Associate Professor in English Literatures;
Director of the Australian Studies Centre of Wuhan University, Deputy Head of the English Department
1. Research Areas: Australian Literature and Culture, Diasporic Chinese Literature, Gender Studies
2. Affiliations:
● Executive member of the Council of Area and Country Studies in Chinese Universities
● Member of the Council of the Chinese AssociationforAustralian Studies
● Member of theBoard ofEditors of theJournal ofAustralian Cultural Studies
(1) Journal Articles
Huang Zhong and Wenche Ommundsen. “From ‘Unreliable Man’ to ‘True Lover’: Shifting images of Chinese men in writing by Chinese Australian women writers of mainland background.”Westerly 65:2, November 2020, 169-184.
Huang Zhong and Wenche Ommundsen,“Poison, polygamy and postcolonial politics: The first Chinese Australian novel.” Journal of Postcolonial Writing,52:5, December2016, 533-544.
Huang Zhong and Wenche Ommundsen,“Towards a multilingual national literature: TheTung Wah Times and the origins of Chinese Australian writing.” JASAL (Special issue: Worlds Within), 15:3, 2015.
Huang Zhong and Wenche Ommundsen,“No man’s land: Migration, masculinity and Ouyang Yu’sThe Eastern Slope Chronicle.” Antipodes 29:2, December 2015, 449-461.
Liu Lurong and Huang Zhong,“Transgressive and Creative Liminal Smellscape in Brian Castro’s Transnational Writing.” Contemporary Foreign Literature41:2, 2020.
“A Study of the Effect of Self-Disciplined Learning.” China University Teaching (9) 2006: 53-55.
“Concept and Measurement of L2 Oral Accuracy.” Wuhan University Journal (5) 2003: 64-69.
“The Influence of China’s Entry into WTO on the Reform of English Teaching in China.”Science & Technology Progress and Policy(4) 2002: 172-73.
“The Set-up of Self-Direction Model through the Use of English Radios to Enhance Students’ English Proficiency.”Wuhan University Journal (5)2000: 69-72.
“Application of Situational Approach to the Teaching of New Concept English.” Language, Culture Education and Research (2) 2000: 79-82.
“On Translation of Trademarksin Line withMarketing Strategy.”Translation and Culture. Wuhan: Hubei Science and Technology Press, 2000: 247-249.
(2)Booksand Book Chapters:
Coursebook of Audio-Video English. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2005.
Students’ Book of the Coursebook“New College English”. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2002.
Tackling GRE Analytical.Beijing: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 2001.
Coursebook of Listening to English (Band6). Wuhan: Wuhan University of Sciences Press, 1999.
4. Conference Presentations
“From Unreliable Man to True Lover: Shifting Images of Chinese Men in Fiction by Female Australian Writers of Mainland Chinese Background”. Presented at the 2017 ASAL conference, Melbourne, July 2017.
“Gender and Sexuality in Shi Guoying’sMistaken Love”. Presented at the“Workshop on Australia’s Multicultural Heritage”, University of Wollongong, July 2015.
“Polygamists Beware - The First Chinese Australian Novel”.Presented attheLiterary Studies Convention,University of Wollongong, July 2015.
“EarlyChinese Australian Writing -The Tung Wah Times”.Presented at the ASAL annual conference,University of Sydney, July 2014.
“The Exiled Scholar: A Study of the Male Protagonist in Ouyang Yu’sThe Eastern Slope Chronicle”. Presented at the 3rd Asian Australian Studies Research Network Conference (AASRN) held at Curtin University, Perth, in November 2010.
“Scholarship on Chinese Masculinities and Diasporic Chinese Masculinities”. Presented at the 6th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 6) held in South Korea in 2009.
“Syntactic Complexityand EFL Writing Proficiency”. Presented at the Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics Conference in Winnipeg, 2004.
5. Grants
● Creating a database for Chinese Australian Literature (Chief Investigator,Foundation for Australian Studies in China, AUD $15,000, 2019)
● “China-phobia” and the Representation of China in Mainstream Australian Media (Chief Investigator, Wuhan University, RMB 50,000, 2018)
● A Study of the Promulgation of‘The Belt and Road Initiative’ in Australia and Strategies to Enhance the Australian Understanding and Acceptance of It (Chief Investigator, Education Ministry of China, RMB 50,000, 2017)
● Sons of the Yellow Emperor Down Under: Early Chinese-Australian Writing and Its Evolution (Chief investigator, Australia-China Council,AUD $3,000,2013)
● New Transnationalims:Australia’s Multicultural Literary Heritage (Co-investigator,Australian Research Council, 2013)
● Building Australian Studies at Wuhan University (Co-investigator, Australia-China Council, 2013)
6. Awards
● First-Prize Winner of the3rd Outstanding Teaching Award of Wuhan University
● First-Prize Winner of the 1st Teaching Contestat the School ofForeign Languages & Literature of Wuhan University
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-20
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