

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-29

联系方式:mengran@mail.hzau.edu.cn; mengran07@gmail.com

2010年08月——2015年05月:美国犹他大学(University of Utah)地理学系,博士

2015年06月——2018年08月:美国布鲁克海文国家实验室(Brookhaven National Laboratory)环境与大气系,博士后研究助理

2014年至今担任RemoteSensing of EnvironmentISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote SensingMethod in Ecology and EvolutionAgricultural and Forest MeteorologyEcologyEcological ApplicationInternational Journal of Remote Sensing等国际主流期刊评审超过40次;

[J14] Veraverbeke, S., Dennison, P.,Gitas, I., Hulley, G., Kalashnikova, O., Katagis, T., Kuai, L.,Meng, R.,Roberts, D., and Stavros, N.,Hyperspectral remote sensing of fire: State-of-the-art and future perspectives, Remote Sensing of Environment,216, 105-121 (2018)(SCI , IF=6.457).
[J13]Meng, R.*,Dennison, P., Zhao, F., Shendryk, L., Cook, B., Havanan, R., and Serbin, S.P.,Mapping canopy defoliation by insect herbivory at the individual tree level using bi-temporal airborne imaging spectroscopy and LiDAR measurements,Remote Sensing of Environment,215, 170-183 (2018)(SCI , IF=6.457).
[J12]Meng, R.*,Wu, J., Zhao, F., Cook, B., Havanan, R., and Serbin, S.P.,Measuring post-fire forest recovery across a burn severity gradient in a mixed pine-oak forest using airborne imaging spectroscopy and LiDAR,Remote Sensing of Environment,210, 282-296 (2018)(SCI , IF=6.457).
[J11] Wu, J.*, Kobayashi, H., Starks, S.C.,Meng, R.,Guan, K., et al., Biological processes dominate seasonality of remotely sensed canopy greenness in an Amazon evergreen forest.New Phytologist217 (4), 1507-1520 (2018)(SCI , IF=7.433).
[J10]Meng, R.*,Wu, J., Schwager, K., Zhao, F., Dennison, P.E., Cook, B., Brewer, K., Green, T.M., and Serbin, S.P., Using high spatial resolution satellite imagery to map forest burn severity across spatial scales in a Pine Barrens ecosystem.Remote Sensing of Environment, 191, 95-109 (2017)(SCI , IF=6.457).
[J9] Wu, J*., Serbin, S.P., Xu, X., Chen, M.,Meng, R.,Saleska, S.R., and Rogers, A., The phenology of leaf quality and its within‐canopy variation are essential for accurate modeling of photosynthesis in tropical evergreen forests.Global Change Biology,23(11), 4814-4827 (2017)(SCI , IF=8.997).
[J8] Ning, J. *, Gao, Z.,Meng, R.,Xu, F., and Gao, M., Analysis of relationships between land surface temperature and land use changes in the Yellow River Delta.Frontiers of Earth Science, 1-13 (2017)(SCI , IF=1.096).
[J7]. Zhang, L.*, Wei, Y. D.,Meng, R.,Spatiotemporal dynamics and spatial determinants of urban growth in Suzhou, China,Sustainability, 9, 193 (2017)(SCI , IF=2.075).
[J6]. Zhao, R. F.*,Meng, R.,Huang, C., Zhao, A. F., Gong, P., Yu, L., Zhu, Z., Long-term post-disturbance forest recovery in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem analyzed using Landsat time series stack,Remote Sensing, 8(11), 898 (2016)(SCI , IF=3.406).
[J5].Meng, R.*,Dennison, P., Huang, C., Moritz, M., D’ Antonio, C., Effects of fire severity and post-fire climate on short-term vegetation recovery of mixed-conifer and red fir forests in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California,Remote Sensing of Environment, 171, 311-325 (2015)(SCI , IF=6.457).
[J4].Meng, R.*,Zhao, F., Sun, K., Zhang, R., Huang, C., Yang, J., Analysis of the 2014 “APEC Blue” in Beijing using more than one decade of satellite observations: lessons learned from radical emission control measures,Remote Sensing,7, 15224-15243 (2015)(SCI , IF=3.406).
[J3].Meng, R.*,Dennison, P., Spectroscopic analysis of green, desiccated and dead tamarisk canopies,Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 81(3), 199-207 (2015)(SCI , IF=3.150).
[J2].Meng, R.*,Dennison, P., D’ Antonio, C., Moritz, M., Remote sensing analysis of vegetation recovery following short-interval fires in southern California shrublands,PLoS ONE,9(10): e110637 (2014)(SCI , IF=2.766).
[J1].Meng, R.*,Dennison, P., Jamison., L, van Riper, C., Nager, P., Hultine, K., Bean, D., Dudley, T., Detection of tamarisk defoliation by the northern tamarisk beetle based on multi-temporal Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper imagery,GIScience & Remote Sensing, 49, 510-37 (2012)(SCI , IF=2.852).

[C1]Meng, R.,Zhao, F. *, Remote sensing characterization of burn effects - burned area and burn severity, Invited book chapter forRemote sensing of hydro-meteorological hazards, CRS/Taylor & Francis261-281(2017).(特邀章节专著).
[C2] Veraverbeke, S. *, Dennison, P, Gitas, L., Hylley, G., Kalashnikova, O., Katagis, T., Kuai L.,Meng, R.,Roberts, D., Stavros, Natasha, Hyperspectral remote sensing of fire: a review, Invited book chapter forHyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation, Second Edition, (CRS/Taylor & Francis出版社出版中).(特邀章节专著).

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