

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-29

姓名:石 磊 职称:教授


石 磊,男,1974年10月生,华中农业大学资源与环境学院土壤与植物营养系教授,硕士和博士生导师。在华中农业大学微量元素研究中心和作物遗传改良国家重点实验室从事油菜根系发生发育与磷和硼等养分高效利用的研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金4项,湖北省自然科学基金2项,武汉市应用基础前沿专项1项,国际合作项目2项,973子课题2项和863子课题1项和国家重点研发计划项目子课题1项。2011年获湖北省自然科学基金****基金;2013年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。近5年发表学术论文40余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者发表学术论文20余篇,SCI收录15篇;参编国际会议论文集1部(《Advances in Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition》);申报和获批专利共6项;研究成果“油菜硼高效利用机制与硼肥优化施用技术研究”获湖北省科学技术进步奖二等奖(2010)(5)。曾任土壤与植物营养系系主任(2013-2014),目前担任资源与环境学院副院长,学院教学指导委员会主任,华中农业大学微量元素研究中心主任,新型肥料湖北省工程实验室副主任,农业部长江中下游耕地保育重点实验室副主任,兼任中国中微量元素及肥料产学研创新联盟二届理事会理事长。
课题组成员:徐芳森教授(leader)、石 磊教授、王 创教授、蔡红梅副教授、丁广大副教授、汪社亮副教授、袁 盼博士后博士和硕士研究生
国外合作伙伴:Philip J. White教授(The James Hutton Institute, UK),Martin R. Broadley教授(The University of Nottingham, UK),John P. Hammond博士(The University of Reading, UK),陆春贵(Chungui Lu)教授(Nottingham Trent University, UK),Graham J. King教授(Southern Cross University, Australia),刘雷 (Ben Liu)博士(Southern Cross University, Australia)等。


2012年12月 - 今,华中农业大学 资源与环境学院土壤与植物营养系 教 授
2006年12月 - 2012年11月,华中农业大学 资源与环境学院土壤与植物营养系 副教授
2004年7月 - 2006年11月,华中农业大学 资源与环境学院土壤与植物营养系 讲 师
期间,2009年9月至2010年9月赴英国华威大学(The University of Warwick)开展油菜根系形态构型与磷高效吸收利用的合作研究。


1998年9月 - 2004年6月,华中农业大学 资源与环境学院植物营养学专业研究生(2015年3月 农学博士学位)
1994年9月 - 1998年6月,华中农业大学 资源环境与农业化学系农业化学专业本科生(1998年6月 农学学士学位)

2017年- ,湖北省科协第九届委员会农业委员会委员(任期5年)
2017年- ,湖北省土壤肥料学会第十一届理事会理事(任期5年)
2017年 - ,农田生态保育与污染防控安徽省重点实验室第一届学术委员会委员(任期5年)
2016年 – ,中国植物营养与肥料学会第九届植物营养生物学专业委员会会员(任期5年)
2012年 – 2016年,湖北省土壤肥料学会第十届理事会理事
2012年 – 2016年,中国植物营养与肥料学会教育工作委员会第八届委员
2018年 – Notulae Scientia Biologicae副编辑


本科生:植物营养学(2013 – 现在); 设施栽培技术(2005 - 2012);农业废弃物和农副产品综合利用(2012年;2020年);土壤肥料学(2007-2018);农业化学(2006)

植物营养学MOOC在中国大学MOOC已经上线(https://www.icourse163.org/course/preview/HZAU-?tid=),第一次开课,2018年10月26日-2018年12月29日;第二次开课,2019年2月26日-2019年6月14日;第三次开课,2019年09月04日 ~ 2019年12月25日;第四次开课,2020年02月10日 ~ 2020年05月30日
研究生:微量元素与微肥施用(2007 – 现在);参与农业资源与环境博士研究生专题、植物营养学硕士研究生专题的教学。


1. 校所合作协同培养农业资源与环境和生态学创新人才的模式与实践(xnk**)。排序1,2020-2022, 华中农业大学 2020 年新农科研究与改革实践项目
2. 多学科交叉融合的农业生态与环境领域创新人才培养模式研究与实践(xnk**)。排序2,2020-2022,华中农业大学 2020 年新农科研究与改革实践项目
3. 新农科环境生态学科专业优化与通识教育体系构建(xnk**)。排序2,2020-2022,华中农业大学 2020 年新农科研究与改革实践项目
4. 农业资源与环境课程群建设。排序3,2020,华中农业大学2019年精品在线开放课程群建设
5. 华中农业大学 2019年研究生教育改革研究项目(成果凝练类,项目编号:2019JG02)。培养顶天立地的农业资源与环境创新人才的探索与实践(2019)。(主持)
6. 华中农业大学第四批慕课(MOOC)课程立项建设。植物营养学。石磊、谭启玲、耿明建、姜存仓、王创、郭再华、孙学成、李小坤、蔡红梅、丁广大、丛日环、汪社亮、张文君、刘新伟、金可默、杨猛。2017-2018(主持)
7. 华中农业大学2016年度全英语教学课程建设项目(引智类):微量元素与微肥施用(2016-2019)(主持)
8. 华中农业大学研究生课程建设项目:微量元素与微肥施用案例课程建设(2015-2019)(主持)
9. 湖北省高校省级教学改革研究项目:农资专业生产实践能力培养类课程“多元化”考核方式建立与实践(**,2014-2016)(主持)
10. 华中农业大学2014年教学改革研究项目(重点项目):“农业资源与环境”专业综合改革(2014-2017)(结题被评为优秀)(主持)
11. 华中农业大学2013年度全英语教学课程建设项目(校本类):微量元素与微肥施用(2013-2015)(主持)
12. 华中农业大学2012年校级重点建设课程项目:无土栽培学(2012-2015)(2015年被认定为学校优质课程)(主持)
13. 华中农业大学“教育教学改革与质量提升计划”项目:农资专业本科生生产实践能力培养类课程“多元化”考核方式建立与实践(2011-2013)(2011C11)(主持)
14. 华中农业大学新世纪教学改革与实践计划项目:农业资源与环境专业3门相关专业课程研究型教学方法及考核方法改革与实践(2007-2010)(2007D48)(主持)
15. 研究生教育创新工程:《微量元素与微肥施用》案例教学(2010-2012)(2009KC016)(主持)


1. 丁广大,石 磊* ,王 昭,姜存仓。(2020)“互联网+”背景下农业高校植物营养学课程教学改革与实践。安徽农业科学,48( 13) : 264-267.
2. 丁广大,刘新玉,石 磊,汪社亮。(2020)浅谈“互联网+”时代教育的新特征和对教师的新要求。教育教学论坛,20,50-51.
3. 刘新伟,郭再华,赵竹青,叶祥盛,石 磊,王 昭。(2020)肥料加工工艺”课程教学改革与探索。教育教学论坛,1,154-155.
4. 张运红,石 磊。(2012)“案例教学”在《微量元素营养和微肥施用》课程教学中的应用。教育管理研究,1(总43):58-61.
5. 石 磊,姜存仓,郭再华,赵竹青。(2011)“多元化课堂考核”在《无土栽培学》教学实践中应用及思考。江西农业学报,23(5):190-192.
6. 石 磊,刘薇,秦亚亚,郭再华。(2009)“案例教学”和“项目研究型学习”在《无土栽培学》教学中的应用。教育管理研究,5(总29):66-68.
7. 石 磊,钟莉,赵竹青。(2008)改革《设施栽培技术课堂》,培养学生专业技能。现代农业科学,15(6):84-85.
8. 刘 薇,石磊。(2008)创设问题情境,探索研究性教学。高等农业教育,6(总204):48-50.

1.2019年 石 磊、彭士宁、丁广大、汪明霞、刘诗诗、赵 慧、黄巧云、谭文峰。顶天立地学科交叉培养具有国际视野的资源与环境创新人才的探索与实践。华中农业大学研究生教育成果奖二等奖
2. 2016年 石 磊、张文君、谭启玲、李小坤、任 涛、丁广大、郭再华、孙学成。植物营养类课程“研究性教学”和“多元化考核”改革与实践。华中农业大学教学成果奖一等奖
3. 2016年 石 磊、张文君等。《无土栽培学》湖北省精品资源共享课
4. 2015年 石 磊《植物营养学》网站 华中农业大学课程中心优秀课程网站
5.2014 华中农业大学2014年度研究生指导教师教书育人奖
6. 2014 华中农业大学第九届十大青年岗位能手
7. 2012年 黄巧云、刘凡、冯永平、刘震、谭文峰、魏鹏、丁树文、吕国安、石 磊、张丽梅等。寓教于研,培养农业资源环境类创新人才。华中农业大学教学成果特等奖;湖北省教学成果一等奖
8. 2012 华中农业大学2012年度教学质量优秀一等奖
9. 2011年 华中农业大学2011年度教学质量优秀三等奖
10. 2008年 华中农业大学第八届青年教师讲课竞赛三等奖

1. 国家重点研发计划重点专项项目“化学肥料和农药减施增效综合技术研发”:“肥料磷素转化与高效利用机理”项目课题“主要作物高效利用磷的生物学潜力及生理机制” (2017YFD**,2017-2020)子课题负责人(经费105.0万元)
2. 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973计划):“油料作物优异亲本形成的遗传基础和优良基因资源合理组配与利用” 第2课题:油菜杂种品种优异亲本形成的遗传解析与利用(2011CB109302,2011-2015)课题参加人(经费90.0万元)
3. 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973计划):“作物高效利用氮磷养分的分子机理” 第5课题:优异种质氮、磷高效关键基因调控途径聚合效应(2005CB120905,2005-2009),主持子课题“油菜磷氮营养突变体的筛选(经费30.0万元)
4. 国家863计划:采用分子标记选择和多基因聚合技术培育突破性油菜品种(2008AA10Z147,2008-2010),主持子课题(经费29.0万元)
5. 国家自然科学基金:油菜响应局部供磷的信号转导及其对根系生长发育的调控机制(**,2020-2023)(经费59.0万元)(主持人)
6. 国家自然科学基金:油菜磷高效QTL LRNLP-A3的精细定位和克隆(**,2015-2018)(经费90.0万元)(主持人)
7. 国家自然科学基金:油菜BnBOR1s和BnNIP5;1s吸收、转运硼的分子机制(**,2012-2015)(经费60.0万元)(主持人)
8. 国家自然科学基金:利用TILLING技术筛选油菜磷营养突变体及重要功能基因克隆与功能研究(**,2007-2009)(经费22.0万元)(主持人)
9. 教育部新世纪优秀人才:利用全基因组关联分析解析油菜苗期根系响应低磷胁迫的遗传机制(NCET-13-0809,2014-2016)(经费50.0万元)(主持人)
10. 湖北省自然科学基金****人才项目:油菜磷高效相关QTL LRLLP-A3的精细定位(2011CDA090,2012-2013)(经费20.0万元)(主持人)
11. 湖北省自然科学基金:油菜根系突变体的筛选及重要功能基因克隆与功能研究(2007ABA193,2007-2008)(经费2.0万元)(主持人)
12. 武汉市科技计划项目(应用基础前沿专项):甘蓝型油菜根构型性状的全集因组关联分析及磷高效主效位点的克隆(20**302,2018--2020)(经费50.0万元)(主持人)
13. 2015年农业国际交流与合作项目:华中农业大学国际科技交流与合作研究平台建设(30.0万,个人支配14.0万)(主持人)
14. 国际合作:评估两种特殊性质硼肥满足中国缺硼地区养分需要(2007-2009)(经费4.0 万美元,29.0万元))(主持人)
15. 横向合作:智利硼肥Ulexite Granular作物生长效应评估(2007-2009)(经费5.5万)(主持人)
16. 公益性行业科研专项:最佳养分管理技术研究与应用(2008-2010)(经费40.7万,主要参加人)
17. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目:油菜种子植酸积累的遗传基础及其苗期对低磷胁迫的忍耐(2015-2019,**PY105)(15.0万元,主持人)
18. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目:植物营养生物学(创新团队培育项目)(2019-2021,**PY013)(30.0万元,主持人)
19. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:油菜根系角度对紧实土壤的响应及其调控机制(2017-2019,**)(22.0万元,主要参加人)
20. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:新型甘蓝型油菜ArCc基因资源库的创建、评估和优异种质资源的选育(2009-2012,**)(180.0万元,主要参加人)
21. 国家自然科学基金:利用硼同位素研究不同甘蓝型油菜基因型硼吸收效率差异机理(2006-2008,**)(25.0万元,主要参加人)
22. 国家自然科学基金:拟南芥硼高效基因Abe1-2的克隆及其抗低硼胁迫的分子机理(2005-2007,**)(21.0万元,主要参加人)


1. 徐芳森、鲁剑巍、鲁明星、耿明建、 、吴礼树、徐辉、赵竹青等。(2010) 油菜硼高效利用机制与硼肥优化施用技术研究。湖北省科学技术进步奖二等奖.
2. 丁广大、杨 美、胡一帆、廖 原、 等。(2014)Quantitative trait loci for seed yield and yield-related traits, and their responses to reduced phosphorus supply in Brassica napus。湖北省第十五届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖.
3. 丁广大、杨 美、胡一帆、廖 原、 等。(2012)Quantitative trait loci affecting seed mineral concentrations in Brassica napus growth with contrasting P supply。湖北省第十四届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖.
4. 曾长英、韩燕来、 、彭李顺、王运华等。(2010)Genetic analysis of the physiological responses to low boron stress in Arabidopsis thaliana。湖北省第十三届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖.
5. 。(2005)甘蓝型油菜硼高效基因等位性检查测。湖北省第十届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖.


1. 丁广大,张 浩,李 玉, ,汪社亮,徐芳森。一种油菜叶肉原生质体的制备方法。申请日:2020年07月21日. 申请号:0.9 (发明专利)
2. 徐芳森, 何明亮, 华营鹏, 张迪迪,丁广大, 磊,汪社亮。油菜硼高效基因BnaA3NIP5;1Q的转坐子插入片段TEQ和引物及其应用. 2020.08.04,中国 2017ZL 3.0
3. 王 创,吴高兵,袁丽丽,刘同同, ,徐芳森。具有亚磷酸脱氢酶催化活性的蛋白、编码基因及其应用制造技术。申请日2018年9月2日,申请号:8.X(发明专利)
4. 王效华,袁 美,徐 平,任 艳,李双林,石延茂,石 磊。一种花生根系培养观察装置。2018.06.22,中国 ZL4.7(实用新型专利)
5. 徐芳森, 周 婷, 华营鹏, 丁广大, . 以甘蓝型油菜下胚轴为外植体获得悬浮细胞系的方法及其应用. 申请号: 1.4, 申请日2016, 11, 9
6. 徐芳森,陈水森,华营鹏,丁广大, 。一种油菜根系细胞质膜纯化和鉴定的方法及其应用。2015年10月11申请,申请号:2.0(发明专利)
7. 金可默, ,段贤杰,蔡红梅,丁广大,徐芳森。土体植物根系角度观察测定试验装置。2016.02,中国,ZL 9.4.(实用新型专利)
8. ,袁 盼,张 瑛,丁广大,蔡红梅,徐芳森。农作物根系动态观察试验装置,2014.02,中国,ZL 9.2.(实用新型专利)
9. 徐芳森,杨广哲, 。甘蓝型油菜缺磷特异诱导表达的启动子,2013.07,中国,ZL 2010 1 **.2. (发明专利)

1. Wang Wei, Ding Guangda, White J Philip, Wang Meng, Zou Jun, Xu Fangsen, Hammond P John, Shi Lei*. (2020) Genetic dissection of the shoot and root ionomes of Brassica napus grown with contrasting phosphate supplies. Annals of Botany, 126: 119–140. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcaa055. (IF: 4.005)
2. Duan Xianjie, Jin Kemo, Ding Guangda, Wang Chuang, Cai Hongmei, Wang Sheliang, White J. Philip, Xu Fangsen, Shi Lei*. (2020) The impact of different morphological and biochemical root traits on phosphorus acquisition and seed yield of Brassica napus. Field Crops Research, 258, 107960. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107960. (IF:4.308 )
3. Yang Meng, Li Yutong, Liu Zonghao, Tian Jingjing, Liang Limin, Qiu Yu, Wang Guangyuan, Du Qingqing, Cheng Deng, Cai Hongmei, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen, Lian Xingming. (2020) A high activity zinc transporter OsZIP9 mediates zinc uptake in rice. The Plant Journal, 103, 1695–1709. DOI: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/tpj.14855. (IF:6.141 )
4. Deng Suren, Lu Linghong, Li Jingyi, Du Zezhen, Liu Tongtong, Li Wenjing, Xu Fangsen, Shi Lei, Shou Huixia, Wang Chuang*. (2020) Purple acid phosphatase 10c (OsPAP10c) encodes a major acid phosphatase and regulates the plant growth under phosphate deficient condition in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany, 71(14): 4321-4332. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/eraa179. (IF:5.908 )
5. Zhao Zhe, Wang Youqiang, Shi Jianqi, Wang Sheliang, White J. Philip, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*. (2021) Effect of balanced application of boron and phosphorus fertilizers on soil bacterial community, seed yield and phosphorus use efficiency of Brassica napus. Science of the Total Environment, 751, 14164. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141644. (IF: 6.551)
6. Zhao Zhe, Wang Sheliang, White J. Philip, Wang Youqiang, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*. (2020) Boron and phosphorus act synergistically to modulate absorption and distribution of phosphorus and growth of Brassica napus. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 68, 7830?7838. https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.0c02522. (IF: 4.192)
7. Yang Ningmei, Li Shuang, Wang Sheliang, Li Quan, Xu Fangsen, Shi Lei, Wang Chuang, Ye Xiangsheng, Cai Hongmei, Ding Guangda*. Dynamic transcriptome analysis indicates extensive and discrepant transcriptomic reprogramming of two rapeseed genotypes with contrasting NUE in response to nitrogen deficiency. Plant and Soil. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-020-04720-z. (IF:3.299 )
8. Zhang Hao, Li Shuang, Shi Mengyao, Wang Sheliang, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen, Ding Guangda*. (2020) Genome-wide systematic characterization of the NPF family genes and their transcriptional responses to multiple nutrient stresses in allotetraploid rapeseed. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21, 5947. DOI: https://10.3390/ijms**. (IF: 4.556)
9. Wang Sheliang, Zhang Hao, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen and Ding Guangda*. (2020) Genome-wide dissection of the CRF gene family in Brassica napus indicates that BnaCRF8s specifically regulate root architecture and phosphate homeostasis against phosphate fluctuation in plants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, 3660; DOI: 10.3390/ijms**. (IF: 4.556)
10. Li Shuang, Zhao Xinghai, Ye Xiangsheng, Zhang Limei, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen, Ding Guangda*. (2020) The effects of condensed molasses soluble on the growth and development of rapeseed through seed germination, hydroponics and field trials. Agriculture, 10, 260; DOI: 10.3390/agriculture**. (IF: 2.072)
11. 唐长生,王煜潇,丁广大,徐芳森,石磊*。(2020)不同磷水平外源独脚金内酯和独脚金内酯抑制剂对油菜根系形态和产量的影响。中国土壤与肥料,5

12. Feng Yingna., Cui Rui, Wang, Sheliang., He Mingliang, Hua Yingpeng, Shi Lei, Ye Xiangsheng, Xu Fangsen*. (2019) Transcription factor BnaA9.WRKY47 contributes to the adaptation of Brassica napus to low boron stress by up-regulating the boric acid channel gene BnaA3.NIP5;1. Plant Biotechnol J, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13288. (IF:6.840 )
13. Li Quan#, Ding Guangda#, Yang Ningmei, White JP, Ye Xiangsheng, Cai Hongmei, Lu Jianwei, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*. (2019) Comparative genome and transcriptome analysis unravels key factors of nitrogen use efficiency in Brassica napus L. Plant, Cell & Environment. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.13689. (IF:5.624 )
14. Wang Wei, Zhang Ying, Ding Guangda, White JP, Broadley MR, Hammond JP, Jin Kemo, Cai Hongmei, Xu Fangsen, Shi Lei*. (2019) Identification of QTLs for relative root traits associated with phosphorus efficiency in two culture systems in Brassica napus. Euphytica. 215:192. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-019-2512-4 (IF:1.524)
15. Li Yu, Wang Xue, Zhang Hao, Wang Sheliang, Ye Xiangsheng, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen, Ding Guangda*. (2019) Molecular identification of the phosphate transporter family 1 (PHT1) genes and their expression profiles in response to phosphorus deprivation and other abiotic stresses in Brassica napus. PLoS ONE 14(7): e**. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.** (IF:2.776)
16. Gu Jin, Li Wei, Wang Sheliang, Zhang Xiaoyan, Coules Anne, Ding Guangda, Xu Fangsen, Ren Jian, Lu Chungui*, Shi Lei*. (2019)Differential alternative splicing genes in response to boron deficiency in Brassica napus. Genes, 10, 224. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/genes** (IF: 3.331)
17. Wang Wei, Ding Guangda, Philip John White, Wang Xiaohua, Jin Kemo, Xu Fangsen, Shi Lei*. (2019) Mapping and cloning of quantitative trait loci for phosphorus efficiency in crops: opportunities and challenges. Plant Soil. 439: 91-112. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-018-3706-6. (IF:3.306 )
18. Zou Jun#, Mao Lingfeng#, Qiu Jie#, Wang Meng, Jia Lei, Wu Dongya, He Zhesi, Chen Meihong, Shen Yifeng, Shen Enhui, Huang Yongji, Li Ruiyuan, Hu Dandan, Shi Lei, Wang Kai, Zhu Qianhao, Ye Chuyu, Bancroft Ian, King Graham, Meng Jinling, Fan Longjiang*. (2019) Genome-wide selection footprints and deleterious variations in young Asian allotetraploid rapeseed. Plant Biotechnology Journal. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13115. (IF: 6.305 )
19. 刘秋霞,任 涛,廖世鹏,李小坤,丛日环,石 磊,鲁剑巍。(2019)不同氮素供应对油菜苗期生长及碳氮分配的影响。中国油料作物学报,41(1):092-0100。
20. 马 欣,韩宝吉,张丽梅*,石 磊。(2019)两种硼肥对油棉轮作中作物产量和品质的影响及其后效。中国土壤与肥料,2:139-144. DOI:10.11838/sfsc.1673-6257.18199。
21. 张丽梅,马 欣,韩宝吉,石 磊*。(2019)大豆-油菜轮作中不同硼肥及后效对作物产量的影响。中国农业科技导报,21(10):133-139.
22. Chen Haifei, Zhang Quan, He Mingliang, Wang Sheliang, Shi Lei and Fangsen Xu*. (2018) Molecular characterization of the genomewide BOR transporter gene family and genetic analysis of BnaC04.BOR1;1c in Brassica napus. BMC Plant Biology, 18:193. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-018-1407-1. (IF: 3.930 )
23. Huai Zexun, Peng Lishun, Wang Sheliang, Zhao Hua, Shi Lei and Xu Fangsen*. (2018) Identification and characterization of an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant lbt with high tolerance to boron deficiency. Front. Plant Sci. 9:736.DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00736. (IF: 3.677 )
24. 马欣,韩宝吉,张丽梅*,石磊。(2018)花生—油菜轮作模式下硼肥及其后效对作物产量的影响。中国油料作物学报, 40 (6):861-865. DOI:10.7505/j.issn.1007-9084.2018.06.016.
25. Jin Kemo, White PJ, Whalley WR, Shen Jianbo, Shi Lei*. (2017) Shaping an optimal soil by root–soil interaction. Trends in Plant Science, 22(10): 822-829. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants. (IF: 12.149)
26. Wang Xiaohua, Chen Yanling, Thomas CL, Ding Guangda, Xu Ping, Shi Dexu, Grandke Fabian, Jin Kemo, Cai Hongmei, Xu Fangsen, Yi Bin, Broadley MR, Shi Lei*. (2017) Genetic variants associated with the root system architecture of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) under contrasting phosphate supply. DNA Research, 24(4): 407-417. DOI: 10.1093/dnares/dsx013. (IF: 5.404)
27. Wang Xiaohua, Long Yan, Wang Nian, Zou Jun, Ding Guangda, Broadley MR, White PJ, Yuan Pan, Zhang Qianwen, Luo Ziliang, Liu Peifa, Zhao Hua, Zhang Ying, Cai Hongmei, King GJ, Xu Fangsen, Meng Jinling, Shi Lei*. (2017) Breeding histories and selection criteria for oilseed rape in Europe and China identified by genome wide pedigree dissection. Scientific Report, 7, 1916. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-02188-z.(IF: 5.282)
28. Yuan Dan, Li Wei, Hua Yingpeng, King GJ, Xu Fangsen, Shi Lei*. (2017) Genome-wide identification and characterization of the aquaporin gene family and transcriptional responses to boron deficiency in Brassica napus. Front. Plant Sci. 8:1336. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01336. (IF: 4.298)
29. Zhang Quan, Chen Haifei, He Mingliang, Zhao Zhuqing, Cai Hongmei, Ding Guangda, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*. (2017) The boron transporter BnaC4.BOR1;1c is critical for inflorescence development and fertility under boron limitation in Brassica napus. Plant, Cell and Environment. 40, 1819–1833. DOI: 10.1111/pce.12987. (IF: 6.173)
30. Du Hongyuan, Yang Chang, Ding Guangda, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen* (2017) Genome-wide identification and characterization of SPX Domain-Containing Members and their responses to phosphate deficiency in Brassica napus. Front. Plant Sci. 8:35. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00035. (IF: 4.298)
31. Zhou Ting, Hua Yingpeng, Zhang Baocai, Zhang Xiuqing, Zhou Yihua, Ding Guangda, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen. Low-boron tolerance strategies involving the pectin-mediated cell wall mechanical properties in Brassica napus. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2017, 58(11): 1991-2005. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcx130. (IF:4.817)
32. Luo Ziliang#, Wang Meng#, Long Yan, Huang Yongju, Shi Lei, Zhang Chunyu, Liu Xiang, Fitt BDL, Xiang Jinxia, Mason AS, Snowdon RJ, Liu Peifa, Meng Jinling, Zou Jun*. (2017) Incorporating pleiotropic quantitative trait loci in dissection of complex traits: seed yield in rapeseed as an example. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 130 (8): 1-17. DOI: 10.1007/s00122-017-2911-7. (IF:3.900)
33. 董旭,王雪,石磊,蔡红梅,徐芳森,丁广大*. (2017)植物磷转运子PHT1家族研究进展. 植物营养与肥料学报. 2017, 23(3): 799-810.
34. 丁广大, 王改丽, 叶祥盛, 李权, 石磊, 徐芳森*. (2017)甘蓝型油菜氮高效的生理与分子遗传基础研究进展. 华中农业大学学报. 36(2):130-139.
35. Zhang Ying#, Thomas CL#,Xiang Jinxia#, Long Yan, Wang Xiaohua, Zou Jun, Luo Ziliang, Ding Guangda, Cai Hongmei, Graham NS, Hammond JP, Graham KJ, Philip WJ, Xu Fangsen, Broadley MR, Shi Lei*, Meng Jinling. (2016) QTL meta-analysis of root traits in Brassica napus under contrasting phosphorus supply in two growth systems. Scientific Reports, 6: 33113. DOI: 10.1038/srep33113.(IF:5.282)
36. Yuan Pan, Ding Guangda, Cai Hongmei, Jin Kemo, Broadley MR, Xu Fangsen, Shi Lei*. (2016) A novel Brassica-rhizotron system to unravel the dynamic changes in root system architecture of oilseed rape under phosphorus deficiency. Annals of Botany, 118,173-184. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcw083.(IF:3.982)
37. Hua Yingpeng, Zhang Didi, Zhou Ting, He Mingliang, Ding Guangda, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*. Transcriptomics-assisted quantitative trait locus fine mapping for the rapid identification of a nodulin 26-like intrinsic protein gene regulating boron efficiency in allotetraploid rapeseed. Plant Cell & Environment, 2016, 39:1601-1618. DOI: 10.1111/pce.12731. (IF: 6.169)
38. Hua Yingpeng, Zhou Ting, Ding Guangda, Yang Qingyong, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*. Physiological, genomic and transcriptional diversity in responses to boron deficiency in rapeseed genotypes. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016, 67:5769-5784. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erw342. (IF: 5.677)
39. Zhou Ting, Hua Yingpeng, Huang Yupu, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*. Physiological and transcriptional analyses reveal differential phytohormone responses to boron deficiency in Brassica napus genotypes with contrasting boron efficiency. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7:221. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00221. (IF: 4.495)
40. Li Haixing, Liang Zhijun, Ding Guangda, Shi Lei, XuFangsen, Cai Hongmei*. A natural light/dark cycle regulation of carbon-nitrogen metabolism and gene expression in rice shoots. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7:1318. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01318. (IF: 4.495)
41. Zou Jun*, Zhao Yusheng, Liu Peifa, Shi Lei, Wang Xiaohua, Wang Meng, Meng Jinling, Reif Jochen Christoph*. Seed quality traits can be predicted with high accuracy in Brassica napus using genomic data. PLoS ONE, 11(11): e**. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.**. (IF: 3.057)
42. 张倩雯,丁广大,王效华,Liu Lei, Graham J. King, 徐芳森, *. (2016)植物种子植酸研究进展. 植物科学学报, 34,814-820. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ. 2095-0837.2016.50814.
43. Bao Aili, Zhao Zhuqing, Ding Guangda, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen, Cai Hongmei*. (2015)The stable level of glutamine synthetase 2 plays an important role in rice growth and in carbon-nitrogen metabolic balance. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 16, 12713-12736. DOI: 10.3390/ijms. (IF: 3.257)
44. Zhang Didi, Hua Yingpeng, Wang Xiaohua, Zhao Hua, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen* (2014) A high-density genetic map identifies a novel major QTL for boron efficiency in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). PLoS ONE, 9(11): e112089. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.**.
45. Bao Aili, Zhao Zhuqing, Ding Guangda, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen, Cai Hongmei* (2014) Accumulated expression level of cytosolic glutamine synthetase 1 gene (OsGS1;1 or OsGS1;2) alter plant development and the carbon-nitrogen metabolic status in rice. PLoS ONE, 9(4): e95581. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.**.
46. Ding Guangda, Zhao Zunkang, Wang Lin, Zhang Didi, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen* (2014) Identification and multiple comparisons of QTL and epistatic interaction conferring high yield under boron and phosphorus deprivation in Brassica napus. Euphytica, 198(3): 337-351. DOI: 10.1007/s10681-014-1110-8.
47. Zhang Didi, Zhao Hua, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen *(2014) Physiological and genetic responses to boron deficiency in Brassica napus: A review. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 60(3): 304-313. DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.893537.
48. 李东霞,石桃雄,袁 盼,冯燕妮*, (2014)甘蓝型油菜根系突变体lrn1prl1和野生型根系显微结构的差异. 植物科学学报,2014,32(4):406-412. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1142.2014.40406.
49. 张 瑛,丁广大,蔡红梅,徐芳森, *(2014)不同栽培方式对油菜根系形态构型和产量的影响. 华中农业大学学报,33(4):25-32.
50. Ding Guangda, Shi Lei, Zhao Hua, Cai Hongmei, Liu Kede, Xu Fangsen*. (2013) Genetic analysis of seed mineral accumulation affected by phosphorus deprivation in Brassica napus. Euphytica. 193(2): 251-264. DOI: 10.1007/s10681-013-0933-z (IF 1.554)
51. Yang Lu, Zhang Quan, Dou Jina, Li Ling, Guo Longfei, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*.(2013) Characteristics of root boron nutrition confer high boron efficiency in Brassica napus cultivars. Plant Soil. 371:95?104. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-013-1669-1. (IF 2.773)
52. Shi Taoxiong, Li Ruiyuan, Zhao Zunkang, Ding Guangda, Long Yan, Meng Jinling, Xu Fangsen, Shi Lei*. (2013) QTL for yield traits and their association with functional genes in response to phosphorus deficiency in Brassica napus. PLoS ONE, 8(1): e54559. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.**. (IF4.092)
53. Shi Lei, Shi Taoxiong, Broadley MR, White PJ, Long Yan, Meng Jinling, Xu Fangsen, Hammond JP*. (2013) High-throughput root phenotyping screens identify genetic loci associated with root architectural traits in Brassica napus under contrasting phosphate availabilities. Annals of Botany. 112:381-389. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcs245. (IF 4.03)
54. Wang Yi, Xu Heng, Kou Jiaojiao, Shi Lei, Zhang Chunyu, Xu Fangsen*. (2013) Dual effects of transgenic Brassica napus overexpressing CS gene on tolerances to aluminum toxicity and phosphorus deficiency. Plant and Soil. 362: 231-246. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-012-1289-1. (IF 2.733)
55. 丁广大,陈水森, ,蔡红梅,叶祥盛. (2013)植物耐低磷胁迫的遗传调控机理研究进展. 植物营养与肥料学报,19(3):733-744.
56. Shi Lei, Yang Jinpeng, Liu Jia, Xu Fangsen*, Li Ruiyuan, Long Yan, Meng Jinling. (2012) Identification of quantitative trait loci that regulate shoot and root growth of Brassica napus seedlings response to low B stress. Molecular Breeding. 30: 393-406. DOI: 10.1007/s11032-011-9629-z. (IF 2.852)
57. Shi Taoxiong, Zhao Dongyue, Li Dongxia, Wang Nian, Meng Jinling, Xu Fangsen, Shi Lei*. (2012) Brassica napus root mutants insensitive to exogenous cytokinin show phosphorus efficiency. Plant and Soil. 358: 61-74. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-012-1219-2. (IF 2.733)
58. Zeng Xiangming, Han Baoji, Xu Fangsen, Huang Jianliang, Cai Hongmei, Shi Lei*. (2012) Effects of modified fertilization technology on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of midseason rice. Field Crops Research. 137: 203-212. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2012.08.012. (IF 2.474)
59. Sun Jinhua, Shi Lei, Zhang Chunyu, Xu Fangsen*.(2012)Cloning and characterization of boron transporters in Brassica napus Molecular Biology Report. 39: 1963-1973. DOI 10.1007/s11033-011-0930-z. (IF 2.929)
60. Feng Ji, Long Yan, Shi Lei, Shi Jiaqin, Barker Guy and Meng Jinling*. (2012) Characterization of metabolite quantitative trait loci and metabolic networks that control glucosinolate concentration in the seeds and leaves of Brassica napus. New Phytologist. 193: 96-108. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03890.x (IF6.645)
61. Yang Guangzhe, Ding Guangda, Shi Lei, Cai Hongmei, Xu Fangsen*. (2012) Characterization of phosphorus starvation-induced gene BnSPX3 in Brassica napus. Plant and Soil. 350: 339-351. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-011-0913-9. (IF2.733)
62. Peng Lishun, Zeng Changying, Shi Lei, Cai Hongmei, Xu Fangsen*. (2012) Transcriptional profiling reveals the adaptive responses to boron deficiency stress in Arabidopsis. Z Naturforsch C. 67: 510-524. (IF0.772)
63. Ding Guangda, Zhao Zunkang, Liao Yuan, Hu Yifan, Shi Lei, Long Yan, Xu Fangsen. (2012) Quantitative trait loci for seed yield and yield-related traits, and their responses to reduced phosphorus supply in Brassica napus. Annals of Botany. 109: 747-759. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcr323. (IF 4.03)
64. Pan Yuan, Wang Zhenhua, Yang Lu, Wang Zhifang, Shi Lei, Naran Radnaa, Azadi parastoo, Xu Fangsen. (2012) Differences in cell wall components and allocation of boron to cell walls confer variations in sensitivities of Brassica napus cultivars to boron deficiency. Plant and Soil. 354: 383-394. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-011-1074-6. (IF2.733)
65. Zhao Zunkang, Wu Likun, Nian Fuzhao, Ding Guangda, Shi Taoxiong, Zhang Didi, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*, Meng Jinling. (2012) Dissecting quantitative trait loci for boron efficiency across multiple environments in Brassica napus. PLoS ONE. 7(9): e45215. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.**. (IF 4.092)
66. 曾祥明,韩宝吉,徐芳森,黄见良,蔡红梅, *.(2012)不同基础地力土壤优化施肥对水稻产量和氮肥利用率的影响. 中国农业科学,45(14): 2886-2894. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2012.14.011.
67. 韩宝吉, *,徐芳森,黄见良,曾祥明,马 欣,郭龙飞. (2012) 湖北省水稻施肥现状分析及评价. 湖北农业科学,51(12): 2430-2435.
68. 田 飞,徐芳森,石桃雄,赵尊康, ,蔡红梅*,马朝芝,孟金陵. (2012) 白菜型、芥菜型和甘蓝型油菜对低氮低磷胁迫反应差异的评价. 华中农业大学学报,31(6): 725-730.
69. 丁广大, 杨 美, 李兴美, 石 磊, 徐芳森*(2012)甘蓝型油菜分子标记在重组自交系群体中的偏分离分析. 中国农业科技导报,14( 2):56-61.
70. Yang Mei, Ding Guangda, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*, Meng Jinling. (2011) Detection of QTL for phosphorus efficiency at vegetative stage in Brassica napus. Plant and Soil. 339:97-111. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-010-0516-x. (IF2.773)
71. Wang Zhenhua, Wang Zhifang, Chen Shuisen, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*. (2011) Proteomics reveals the adaptability mechanism of Brassica napus to short-term boron deprivation. Plant and Soil. 347:195-210. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-011-0838-3. (IF2.773)
72. Ding Guangda, Liao Yuan, Yang Mei, Zhao Zunkang, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*. (2011) Development of gene-based markers from functional Arabidopsis thaliana genes involved in phosphorus homeostasis and mapping in Brassica napus. Euphytica. 181: 305-322. DOI: 10.1007/s10681-011-0428-8. (IF 1.554)
73. 韩宝吉,曾祥明,卓光毅,徐芳森,姚忠清,肖习明, *. (2011) 氮肥不同施用技术对湖北中稻产量、品质和氮肥利用率影响的研究. 中国农业科学,44(4): 842-850. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2011.04.024.
74. 马 欣,石桃雄,武际,鲁剑巍, *,徐芳森. (2011)不同硼肥对油菜产量和品质的影响及其在油稻轮作中的后效. 植物营养与肥料学报,17(3): 761-766.
75. 王振华,王志方,陈水森,徐芳森, . (2011) 甘蓝型油菜根系可溶性蛋白提取方法的对比和双向电泳体系的优化.华中农业大学学报,30(2): 13-18.
76. Wang Nian#, Shi Lei#, Tian Fang, Ning Huicai, Wu Xiaoming, Long Yan, Meng Jinling*. (2010) Assessment of FAE1 polymorphisms in three Brassica species using EcoTILLING and their association with differences in seed erucic acid contents. Journal of BMC Plant Bio.10:137. DOI: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/10/137. (IF 4.085)
77. Ding Guangda, Yang Mei, Hu Yifan, Liao Yuan, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*, Meng Jinling. (2010) Quantitative trait loci affecting seed mineral concentrations in Brassica napus grown with contrasting phosphorus supplies. Annals of Botany. 105:1221-1234. DOI:10.1093/aob/mcq050. (IF 4.03)
78. Wang Zhifang, Wang Zhenhua, Shi Lei, Wang Lijun, Xu Fangsen*. (2010) Proteomic alterations of Brassica napus root in response to boron deficiency. Plant Mol Biol. 74:265-278. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-010-9671-y. (IF4.15)
79. Yang Mei, Ding Guangda, Shi Lei, Feng Ji, Xu Fangsen, Meng Jinling*. (2010) Quantitative trait loci for root morphology in response to low phosphorus stress in Brassica napus. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 121:181-193. DOI: 10.1007/s00122-010-1301-1. (IF3.297)
80. Ye Xiangsheng, Hong Juan, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*. (2010) Adaptability mechanism of N-efficient germplasm of natural variation to low nitrogen stress in Brassica napus. J of Plant Nutrition, 33: 2028-2040. DOI: 10.1080/**.2010.512211. (IF0.641)
81. Hu Yifan, Ye Xiangsheng, Shi Lei, Duan Haiyan, Xu Fangsen*. (2010) Genotypic differences in root morphology and phosphorus uptake kinetics in Brassica napus under low phosphorus supply. J of Plant Nutrition, 33(6): 889-901. DOI: 10.1080/0**58239. (IF0.641)
82. Zhao Hua, Liu Jia, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*, Wang Yunhua. (2010) Development of boron-efficient near isogenic lines of Brassica napus and their response to low boron stress at seedling stage. Russian Journal of Genetics, 46:57-63. (IF0.427)
83. 石桃雄, 王少思, *, 孟金陵, 徐芳森. (2010)不同氮、磷水平对“双高”油菜品种宁油7号和“双低”油菜品种Tapidor生长和品质的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报. 16(4): 959-964.
84. 丁广大, 刘 佳, , 徐芳森*. (2010) 植物离子组学:植物营养研究的新方向. 植物营养与肥料学报. 16(2):479-484.
85. 郭丽丽,赵竹青, ,朱端卫,耿明建*. (2010)硼对不同硼效率甘蓝型油菜嫁接植株下部叶片矿质养分含量的影响.中国油料作物学报,32(1):089-093.
86. 徐芳森*, 曾长英, 彭李顺, . (2010) 拟南芥应答低硼胁迫的基因表达谱分析. 江西农业大学学报, 32(5):1004-1009.
87. 王志方, 王振华, 陈水森, , 徐芳森*. (2010) 油菜根系蛋白双向电泳技术体系的建立. 中国科技论文在线(www.paper.edu.cn). 7, 16.
88. Shi Lei, Wang Yunhua, Nian Fuzhao, Lu Jianwei, Meng Jinling, Xu Fangsen*. (2009) Inheritance of boron efficiency in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Pedosphere, 19(3):403-408.(IF 1.161)
89. Duan Haiyan#, Shi Lei#, Ye Xiangsheng, Wang Yunhua, Xu Fangsen*. (2009)Identification of phosphorous efficient germplasm in oilseed rape. J. of Plant Nutrition. 32: 1148-1163. DOI: 10.1080/0**43171. (IF 0.641)
90. Yang Mei, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*, Lu Jianwei, Wang Yunhua. (2009) Effects of B, Mo, Zn, and their interactions on seed yield of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Pedosphere. 19(1): 53-59. (IF 1.161)
91. Yang Mei, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*, Wang Yunhua. (2009) Effect of boron on dynamic change of seed yield and quality formation in developing seed of Brassica napus. J. of Plant Nutrition. 32(5): 785-797. DOI: 10.1080/0**87883 (IF0.641)
92. Liu Jia, Yang Jinpeng, Li Ruiyuan, Shi Lei, Zhang Chunyu, Long Yan, Xu Fangsen*, Meng Jinling. (2009) Analysis of genetic factors that control shoot mineral concentrations in rapeseed (Brassica napus) in different boron environments. Plant and Soil, 320: 255-266. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-009-9891-6. (IF2.733)
93. Zhang Haiwei, Huang Yu, Ye Xiangsheng, Shi Lei, Xu Fangsen*. (2009) Genotypic differences in phosphorus acquisition and the rhizosphere properties of Brassica napus in response to low phosphorus stress. Plant and Soil, 320: 91-102. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-008-9873-0. (IF2.733)
94. Wang Jin, Long Yan, Wu Baoduo, Liu Jia, Jiang Congcong, Shi Lei, Zhao Jianwei, Graham J King and Meng Jinling* (2009) The evolution of Brassica napus FLOWERING LOCUS Tparalogues in the context of inverted chromosomal duplication blocks. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9: 271. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-9-271. (IF 3.521)
95. 耿明建*,郭丽丽,赵竹青, ,朱端卫. (2009)甘蓝型油菜品种间相互嫁接及对其生长发育的影响.中国油料作物学报,31(2):185-189.
96. Zhao Hua, Shi Lei, Duan Xiaoli, Xu Fangsen*, Wang Yunhua, Meng Jinling. (2008) Mapping and validation of chromosome regions conferring a new boron-efficient locus in Brassica napus. Molecular Breeding. 22: 495-506. DOI: 10.1007/s11032-008-9193-3 (IF2.852)
97. Zeng Changying, Han Yanlai, Shi Lei, Peng Lishun, Wang Yunhua, Xu Fangsen*, Meng Jinling. (2008) Genetic analysis of the physiological responses to low boron stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant, Cell and Environment, 31: 112-122. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2007.01745.x (IF5.215)
98. Wang Nian, Wang Yajie, Tian Fang, Graham J. King, Zhang Chunyu, Long Yan, Shi Lei, Meng Jinling*. (2008) A functional genomics resource for Brassica napus: development of an EMS mutagenized population and discovery of FAE1 point mutations by TILLING. New Phytologist, 180, 751-765. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2008.02619.x. (IF6.645)
99. ,梁宏玲,徐芳森*,王运华。(2008)甘蓝型油菜幼苗体内磷组分差异与磷高效关系的研究。植物营养与肥料学报,14(2):351-356.
100. 杨 美, ,徐芳森*,王运华。(2008)不同硼水平对双低油菜华双4号产量和品质的影响。植物营养与肥料学报,14(2):1118-1122.
101. 年夫照,胡承孝,徐芳森,吕 芬, ,王运华*。(2008)硼对不同硼效率甘蓝型油菜叶片6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶活性和可溶性糖含量的影响。云南农业大学学报, 23(1):47-51.
102. Long Yan, Shi Jiaqin, Qiu Dan, Li Ruiyuan, Zhang Chunyu, Wang Jin, Hou Jinna, Zhao Jianwei, Shi Lei, Lim YP, Choi SR, Beom-Seok park, Meng Jinling*. Flowering time quantitative trait loci analysis of oilseed Brassica in multiple environments and genomewide alignment with Arabidopsis. Genetics, 2007, 177, 2433-2444. (IF4.087)
103. ,徐芳森。(2007)植物硼营养研究的重要进展与展望。植物学通报,24(6):789-798.
104. 梁宏玲, ,徐芳森,王运华。(2007)甘蓝型油菜不同磷效率基因型对土壤难溶性磷吸收利用的差异。中国油料作物学报,29(3):297-301.
105. 郭丽丽,耿明建, ,赵竹青,朱端卫。(2007)采用嫁接试验探讨不同甘蓝型油菜品种硼效率差异机理初报,土壤,39(6):996-999.
106. 年夫照,胡承孝,徐芳森, ,吕 芬,王运华。(2007)土壤水分和供硼状况对不同硼效率油菜苗期生长、水分含量和硼形态的影响。应用生态学报,18(11):2487-2490.
107. 年夫照,胡承孝,徐芳森,姜存仓, ,王运华。(2007)硼对高、低效2个甘蓝型油菜品种衍生的DH系籽粒品质的影响。华中农业大学学报,26(4):476-479.
108. ,赵 华,刘 峰,徐芳森,王运华*。(2006)作物抗逆境基因型等位性研究进展。山地农业生物学报, 25(增刊)83-88.
109. 赵 华,徐芳森*, ,王运华。(2006)植物根系形态对低磷胁迫应答的研究进展。植物学通报,23(4):409-417.
110. 年夫照, ,徐芳森,胡承孝,王运华*。(2005)硼对油菜品质效应的研究进展。山地农业生物学报,2005,24(1):79-83.
111. 姜存仓,高祥照,王运华*,鲁剑巍,徐芳森, 。(2005)不同基因型棉花苗期钾效率差异及其机制的研究。植物营养与肥料学报,11(6):781-786.
112. ,赵华,徐芳森,段海燕,年夫照,孟金陵,王运华*。(2004)硼磷缺乏对不同基因型甘蓝型油菜苗期生长的影响。中国油料作物学报,26(3)50-53.
113. ,韩燕来,徐芳森,孟金陵,王运华*。(2004) 两种拟南芥生态型对缺硼反应差异的初步研究。山地农业生物学报,23(1):50-53.
114. ,年夫照,赵 华,徐芳森,孟金陵,王运华*。(2004)7个甘蓝型油菜品种对缺硼反应的差异。中国油料作物学报,26(1)47-49.
115. 年夫照, ,徐芳森,陈 钢,胡承孝,王运华*。(2004) 硼镁营养对不同硼效率甘蓝型油菜苗期硼形态的影响。植物营养与肥料学报,10(6):633-637.
116. 年夫照, ,徐芳森,陈 钢,胡承孝,王运华*。(2004) 硼对不同硼效率甘蓝型油菜产量与品质的效应。中国油料作物学报,26(4):63-65.
117. 年夫照,彭慧元,徐芳森, , 王运华*。(2004)不同硼效率甘蓝型油菜品种苗期对硼镁营养反应的研究。植物营养与肥料学报,10(5):511-515.
118. ,徐芳森,刘 峰,孟金陵,赵建伟,王运华*。(2003) 甘蓝型油菜硼高效基因等位性检查测。植物营养与肥料学报,9(2):229-232.
119. , 徐芳森,王运华*。(2003)精确农业的内涵及其发展前景。山地农业生物学报,22(3):253-258.
120. 韩燕来,徐芳森,段海燕, ,王运华*。(2003)拟南芥养分离子转运蛋白研究进展。 植物学通报,20(1):23-35.
121. ,杨玉华,徐芳森,王运华*。(2002)硼对作物细胞膜功能影响的研究进展。华中农业大学学报,21(4):395-400.
122. 朱端卫*, ,陈秀红,刘武定。(2000)土壤硼吸附热及温度对硼滞后解吸特性影响的研究。土壤学报,37(2):250-256.
123. Zhu Duanwei*, Shi Lei, Liu Wuding. (1999) Temperature effect on boron adsorption-desorption kinetics in soils. Pedosphere, 9 (3): 243-250. (IF 1.161)

124. Shi Lei, Shi Huiyan, Ma Xin, Lu Jianwei, Xu Fangsen. (2013) Effect of Etibor-48 and Colemanite on seed yield and seed quality of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and their residual effectiveness for rotated rice. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium & Boron Satellite Meeting. Istanbul/ Turkey. Proceedings Book. 949-950.
125.Shi Lei, Guo Longfei, Chang Xinju, Cai Hongmei, Xu Fangsen. (2013) Cloning and expression analysis of BnNIP5;1s of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) with different boron efficiency. XVII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium & Boron Satellite Meeting. Istanbul/ Turkey. Proceedings Book. 963-964.
126. Xu Fangsen*, Shi Lei. (2013) Boron efficiency in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), International Plant Nutrition Colloquium & Boron Satellite Meeting. Istanbul/ Turkey. Proceedings Book. 937-938.
127. Fang Qin, Shi Lei*, Wang Nian, Meng Jinling, Xu Fangsen. (2009) Tilling as a tool for improving the soil phosphate uptake efficiency in rapeseed (Brassica napus). Hong Liao, Xiaolong Yan, Leon Kochian (Eds). Proceedings of the 7th international symposium on plant-soil interactions at low pH. South China University of Technology Press, Guangzhou, China, 116-117.
128. 徐芳森*,鲁剑巍, . (2009)油菜硼钼锌营养与微肥施用效果研究. 邹春琴,张福锁主编:中国土壤-作物中微量元素研究现状和展望。中国农业大学出版社, p95-102.
129. Wang Yunhua*, Shi Lei, Cao Xiangyun, Xu Fangsen (2007) Plant boron nutrition and boron fertilization in China. Xu Fangsen et al. (Eds). Advances in Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on all Aspects of Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition. Springer, AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p93-101. (ISTP).
130. Guo Lili, Geng Mingjian*, Shi Lei, Zhao Zhuqing, Zhu Duanwei(2007). Boron uptake and distribution in two oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) cultivars with different boron efficiency and their plants grafted each other. In Fu Tingdong, Guan Chunyun eds. Sustainable Development in Cruciferous Oilseed Crops Production, Proceedings of the 12th International Rapeseed Congress, Volume Ⅲof Ⅴ, Agronomy. Published by Science Press USA Inc. 2031 US Hwy 130, Suite F Monmuth Junction, NJ 08852 USA. p223-225.
131. Shi Lei, Zou Juan, Lu Jianwei*, Xu Fangsen, Wang Yunhua. (2006) Effects of boron application on the main crops in China. TevfikGuyaguler, et al. (Eds). Proceedings of 3rd international boron symposium, KozanOfsetMatbaacilik, Ankara, Turkey, 15-21.
132. Shi Lei, Liu Jia, Meng Jinling, Xu Fangsen, Wang Yunhua *. (2005) Locus verification for the boron efficiency gene BE1 in Brasscia napus. Li Chunjian et al. (Eds). Plant nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China, 158-159.


1. Xu Fangsen, Goldbach H.E., Brown P. H., Bell R. W., Fujiwara T., Hunt C. D., Goldberg S., Shi Lei(2007)Advances in Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on all Aspects of Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition. Springer, AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p416.
2. Wang Nian, Shi Lei. (2015) Screening of mutations by TILLING in plants. Jacqueline Batley (Ed.). Plant Genotyping: Methods and Protocols in Molecular Biology, vol. 1245, 193-203. Springer Science+Business Media New York. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1966-6_15.
3. ,任丽英,王运华。(2015)第五章:我国土壤有效硼概况及硼的吸附解吸特性。王运华,徐芳森,鲁剑巍等著。《中国农业中的硼》,中国农业出版社,pp 123-147.
4. 参编:张福锁,陈新平,崔振岭,陈清,范明生等著 (2010)《主要作物高产高效技术规程》,

曾祥明、张 瑛的硕士学位论文被评为华中农业大学优秀硕士学位论文;石桃雄、王效华的博士学位论文被评为华中农业大学优秀博士学位论文

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