

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-29

姓名: 王创 职称:研究员
E-mail: chuang.wang@mail.hzau.edu.cn
个人简介 以水稻和玉米等主要作物为研究对象,长期从事植物营养生理生化相关研究。目前实验室主要开展植物磷及相关微量元素等调控及吸收转运等生理和分子机制,并利用转基因技术进行遗传育种。

2)2015年3月---2016年3月,ARC Post-Doc, Plant Research Centre,University of Adelaide, 澳大利亚;

教学项目 主讲《基础生物化学C》

科研项目1)2013-2015 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(**),水稻紫色酸性磷酸酶Ia 家族在缺磷适应性中的功能及调。
2)2014-2016 农业部转基因生物新品种培育重大专项“植物磷高效重要基因的克隆和功能验证”(2014ZX**B-002)。
3)2015-2018 国家自然科学基金面上项目(**), 水稻NLA基因调控磷吸收的分子机制研究。
4)2018-2021 国家自然科学基金面上项目(**), 紫色酸性磷酸酶在缺磷适应性中调控细胞壁结构的机制研究。
5)2016-2020 农业部转基因生物新品种培育重大专项” 养分高效利用转基因玉米新品种培育”(2016ZX**-001)。

获奖及专利2015年12月,发明专利,公开(公告)号: CNA,大豆水通道蛋白基因GmPIP1;2的应用. 寿惠霞, 周练, 王创, 刘瑞芳, 韩强(3/5)。

主要论文1)Lu L, Dong C, Liu R, Zhou B, Wang C, Shou H*. 2018. Roles of Soybean Plasma Membrane Intrinsic Protein GmPIP2;9 in Drought Tolerance and Seed Development. Front Plant Sci 9: 530.
2)Li S, Ying Y, Secco D, Wang C, Narsai R, Whelan J, Shou H*. 2017. Molecular interaction between PHO2 and GIGANTEA reveals a new crosstalk between flowering time and phosphate homeostasis in Oryza sativa. Plant Cell & Environ 40: 1487-1499.
3) Ying Y, Yue W, Wang S, Li S, Wang M, Zhao Y, Wang C, Mao C, Whelan J, Shou H*. 2017. Two h-type thioredoxins interact with the PHO2ubiquitin-conjugating E2 enzyme to fine-tune phosphate homeostasis. Plant Physiol 173: 812-824.
4) Yue W, Ying Y, Wang C, Zhao Y, Dong C, Shou H*. 2017. OsNLA1, a RING-type ubiquitin ligase, maintains phosphate homeostasis in Oryza sativa via degradation of phosphate transporters. Plant J, 90(6): 1040-1051.
5) Gao W, Lu L, Qiu W, Wang C, Shou H*. 2017. OsPAP26 encodes a major purple acid phosphatase and regulates phosphate remobilization in rice. Plant Cell Physiol, 58: 885-892.
6) Lu L, Gao W, Qiu W, Tyerman SD, Shou HX*, Wang C*. 2016. OsPAP10c, a novel secreted acid phosphatase in rice, plays an important role in utilization of external organic phosphorus. Plant Cell & Environ 39: 2247-59.
7)Wang C, Yue W, Ying Y, Wang S, Secco D, Liu Y, Whelan J, Tyerman S and Shou HX*. 2015. Rice SPX-Major Facility Superfamily3, a vacuolar phosphate efflux transporter, is involved in maintaining Pi homeostasis in rice. Plant Physiol 169: 2822-2831.
8)Secco D*, Wang C, Shou H, Schultz MD, Chiarenza S, Nussaume L, Ecker JR, Whelan J, Lister R. 2015. Stress induced gene expression drives transient DNA methylation changes at adjacent repetitive elements. Elife, 4:e09343.
9) Wang C, Li S, Ng S, Zhang B, Zhou Y, Whelan J, Wu P and Shou HX*. 2014. Mutation in xyloglucan 6-xylosytransferase results in abnormal root hair development in Oryza sativa. J Exp Bot 65: 4149-4157.
10)Zhou L, Wang C, Liu R, Han Q, Vandeleur RK, Du J, Tyerman S, Shou H. 2014. Constitutive overexpression of soybean plasma membrane intrinsic protein GmPIP1;6 confers salt tolerance. BMC Plant Biol 14:181.
11)Li S, Wang C, Zhou L and Shou HX*. 2014. Oxygen deficit alleviates phosphate overaccumulation toxicity in OsPHR2 overexpression plants. J Plant Res 127:433-440.
12)Narsai R*, Wang C, Chen J, Wu JL, Shou HX and Whelan J. 2013. Antagonistic, overlapping and distinct responses to biotic stress in rice (Oryza sativa) and interactions with abiotic stress. BMC Genomics 14: 93-114.
13)Wang C, Huang W, Ying YH, Li S, Secco D, Tyerman S, Whelan J and Shou HX*. 2012. Functional characterization of the rice SPX-MFS family reveals a key role of OsSPX-MFS1 in controlling phosphate homeostasis in leaves. New Phytol 196:139-148.
14)Secco D*, Wang C, Arpat B, Wang Z, Poirier Y, Tyerman S, Wu P, Shou HX and Whelan J. 2012. The emerging importance of the SPX domain-containing proteins in phosphate homeostasis. New Phytol 193:842-851.
15)Secco D, Wang C, Shou HX and Whelan J. 2012. Phosphate homeostasis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the key role of the SPX domain-containing proteins. FEBS Letters 586: 289-295.
16)Tian JL, Wang C, Zhang Q, He XW, Whelan J and Shou HX. 2012. Overexpression of OsPAP10a, a root associated acid phosphatase, increased extracellular organic P utilization in rice. J Integr Plant Biol 54:631-639.
17)Wu JJ, Wang C, Zheng L, Wang L, Chen YL, Whelan J and Shou HX. 2011. Ethylene is involved in the regulation of iron homeostasis by regulating the expression of iron-acquisition-related genes in Oryza sativa. J Exp Bot 62: 667-674.
18)Zhang Q, Wang C, Tian JL, Li K and Shou HX. 2011. Identification of rice purple acid phosphatases related to posphate starvation signalling. Plant Biology 13: 7-15.
19)Li K, Wang C, Ying S and Shou HX. 2010. Comparing genetic characters of retrotransposon TOS17 during different tissue culture processes in rice cultivar Nipponbare and Shishoubaimao. Agr Sci China 9: 157-162.
20)Wang C, Ying S, Huang HJ, Li K, Wu P and Shou HX*. 2009. Involvement of OsSPX1 in phosphate homeostasis in rice. Plant J 57: 895-904.
21)Wang C, Zhang Q and Shou HX. 2009. Identification and expression analysis of OsHsfs in rice. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B 10: 291-300 291.


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