

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-29

姓名:王荔军   职称:教授 
研究方向:生物矿化及结晶动力学(Biomineralization and Crystallization Kinetics)

2002年1月毕业于华中农业大学资源与环境学院, 获得博士学位(导师: 王运华教授和吉林大学化学系李铁津教授. 研究方向是植物细胞壁模板诱导的生物矿化纳米结构SiO2的形成机制)
2002年2月到2003年1月中国农业大学植物营养系博士后. 从事植物体内的生物矿化的研究
2003年2月到2006年9月美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校(The State University of New York at Buffalo)化学系博士后, 从事生物矿化(结晶)动力学研究
2006年10月到2008年9月美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校化学系研究助理教授 (Research Assistant Professor)
2008年9月到2009年3月美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Molecular Foundry)访问合作研究. 研究内容是借助原位原子力显微镜研究磷酸钙矿物表面生长的微观动力学
2010年8-10月, 2011年 6-7月,2013年 7-8月, 德国明斯特大学矿物学研究所(Institut für Mineralogie,
University of Münster), 高级访问研究(DAAD)

生物矿化导论 (本科生)
植物营养学 (本科生)
生物矿化原理及应用 (研究生)

(1) 应用模式体系揭示高等植物体内的生物矿化过程以及矿化结构-功能关系
(2) 借助溶液化学, 原位原子力显微镜和其他表面物理化学的技术手段, 定量研究溶液中的无机离子和有机分子(有机酸,酶,多肽和蛋白) 与矿物表面的相互作用, 以及这些分子是如何控制和修饰无机晶体的成核和生长.
(3) 矿物-水界面反应动力学之含磷矿物的结晶和溶解
(4) 植物单细胞表面化学和植物硅营养的生物无机化学

59. Jie Ma, Huachun Sheng, Xiuli Li, Lijun Wang*. iTRAQ-Based Proteomic Analysis Reveals the Mechanisms of Silicon-Mediated Cadmium Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa) Cells. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 104, 71-80, 2016.
58. Lijun Wang*, Lihong Qin, Christine V. Putnis, Encarnacion Ruiz-Agudo, Helen E. King, and Andrew Putnis. Visualizing Organophosphate Precipitation at the Calcite-Water Interface by In situ Atomic Force Microscopy. Environmental Science & Technology 50, 259-268, 2016.
57. Shanshan Wu, Hang Zhai, Wenjun Zhang, and Lijun Wang*. Monomeric Amelogenin’s C-Terminus Modulates Biomineralization Dynamics of Calcium Phosphate. Crystal Growth & Design 15, 4490-4497, 2015.
56. Shiyan Li, Wenjun Zhang, and Lijun Wang*. Direct Nanoscale Imaging of Calcium Oxalate Crystallization on Brushite Reveals the Mechanisms Underlying Stone Formation. Crystal Growth & Design 15, 3038-3045, 2015.
55. Lijun Wang*, Christine V Putnis, Encarnacion Ruiz-Agudo, J?rn H?velmann, and Andrew Putnis. In Situ Imaging of Interfacial Precipitation of Phosphate on Goethite. Environmental Science & Technology 49, 4184-4192, 2015.
54. Jie Ma, Hongmei Cai, Congwu He, Wenjun Zhang, Lijun Wang*. A hemicellulose-bound form of silicon inhibits cadmium ion uptake in rice (Oryza sativa) cells. New Phytologist 206, 1063-1074,2015.
53. Congwu He, Jie Ma, and Lijun Wang*. A hemicellulose-bound form of silicon with potential to improve the mechanical properties and regeneration of the cell wall of rice. New Phytologist 206, 1051-1062, 2015.
52. Shiyan Li, Shanshan Wu, Defeng Nan, Wenjun Zhang, and Lijun Wang*. Inhibition of Pathological Mineralization of Calcium Phosphate by Phosphorylated Osteopontin Peptides through Step-Specific Interactions. Chemistry of Materials 26, 5605-5612, 2014.
51. Xiuli Li, Wenjun Zhang, Jianwei Lu, Lixue Huang, Defeng Nan, Mary Alice Webb, Francois Hillion, and Lijun Wang*. Templated Biomineralization on Self-Assembled Protein Nanofibers Buried in Calcium Oxalate Raphides of Musa spp. Chemistry of Materials 26, 3862-3869, 2014.
50. Lijun Wang*, Christine V Putnis, Encarnacion Ruiz-Agudo, Helen Elizabeth King, Andrew Putnis. Coupled Dissolution and Precipitation at the Cerussite-Phosphate Solution Interface: Implications for Immobilization of Lead in Soils. Environmental Science & Technology 47, 13502-13510, 2013.
49. Lihong Qin, Wenjun Zhang, Jianwei Lu, Andrew G. Stack, Lijun Wang*. Direct Imaging of Nanoscale Dissolution of Dicalcium Phosphate Dihydrate by an Organic Ligand: Concentration Matters. Environmental Science & Technology 47, 13365-13374, 2013.
48. Jian Liu, Jie Ma, Congwu He, Xiuli Li, Wenjun Zhang, Fangsen Xu, Yongjun Lin,Lijun Wang*. Inhibition of cadmium ion uptake in rice (Oryza sativa) cells by a wall-bound form of silicon. New Phytologist 200, 691-699, 2013.
47. Congwu He, Lijun Wang*, Jian Liu, Xin Liu, Xiuli Li, Jie Ma, Yongjun Lin, Fangsen Xu. Evidence for ‘silicon’within the cell walls of suspension-cultured rice cells. New Phytologist 200, 700-709, 2013.
46. J. Klasa, E. Ruiz-Agudo, Lijun Wang, C.V. Putnis, E. Valsami-Jones, M. Menneken, A. Putnis. An atomic force microscopy study of the dissolution of calcite in the presence of phosphate ions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 117, 115-128, 2013.
45. Shiyan Li, Lijun Wang*. Phosphorylated osteopontin peptides inhibit crystallization by resisting the aggregation of calcium phosphate nanoparticles. CrystEngComm 14, 8037-8043, 2012.
44. Lijun Wang*, Shiyan Li, Encarnacion Ruiz-Agudo, Christine V. Putnis, Andrew Putnis. Posner's cluster revisited: direct imaging of nucleation and growth of nanoscale calcium phosphate clusters at the calcite-water interface. CrystEngComm 14, 6252-6256, 2012.
43. 李秀丽, 张文君, 鲁剑巍, 王荔军. 植物体内草酸钙的生物矿化. 科学通报 57, 2443-2455, 2012.
42. 王荔军. 光合生物体内的二氧化硅. 崔福斋著的《生物矿化》(第2版), 第9章,pp 336-349, 清华大学出版社, 2012.
41. Lijun Wang*, Encarnacion Ruiz-Agudo, Christine V. Putnis, Martina Menneken and Andrew Putnis. Kinetics of Calcium Phosphate Nucleation and Growth on Calcite: Implications for Predicting the Fate of Dissolved Phosphate Species in Alkaline Soils. Environmental Science & Technology 46, 834-842, 2012.
40. Lijun Wang,* Encarnacion Ruiz-Agudo, Christine V. Putnis and Andrew Putnis. Direct observations of the modification of calcite growth morphology by Li+ through selectively stabilizing an energetically unfavourable face. CrystEngComm 13, 3962-3966, 2011.
39. Encarnacion Ruiz-Agudo, Christine V. Putnis, Lijun Wang and Andrew Putnis. Specific effects of background electrolytes on the kinetics of step propagation during calcite growth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 3803-3814, 2011.
38. Xiudong Yang, Baoquan Xie, Lijun Wang, Yueling Qin, Henneman, Z., Nancollas, G. H. Influence of Magnesium Ions and Amino Acids on the Nucleation and Growth of Hydroxyapatite. CrystEngComm 13, 1153-1158, 2011.
37. Lijun Wang*, Jianwei Lu, Fangsen Xu, Fusuo Zhang. Dynamics of Crystallization and Dissolution of Calcium Orthophosphates at the Near-Molecular Level. Chinese Sci. Bull. 56, 713-721, 2011.
36. Guangchuan Wang, Lijun Wang*, Peng Liu, Yang Yan, Xurong Xu* and Ruikang Tang. Extracellular Silica Nanocoat Confers Thermotolerance on Individual Cells: A Case Study of Material-Based Functionalization of Living Cells. ChemBioChem 11, 2368-2373, 2010.
35. Xiudong Yang,* Lijun Wang,* Qin, Y. L., Moradian-Oldak, J., Henneman, Z., Nancollas, G. H. How Amelogenin Orchestrates the Organization of Hierarchical Elongated Microstructures of Apatite. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114, 2293-2300,2010.
34. Lijun Wang, Emmerling, P. P., Henneman, Z., Nancollas, G. H. New Models for Calcium Phosphate Scale Formation and Dissolution (Chapter 6). In: The Science and Technology of Industrial Water Treatment, Ed. Amjad, Z. (London: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group), 105-112, 2010.
33. 王荔军,鲁剑巍,徐芳森,张福锁。近分子尺度下正磷酸钙的结晶和溶解动力学。科学通报 55, 2794-2802, 2010.
32. Suresh Neethirajan, Richard Gordon and Lijun Wang. Potential of Silica Bodies (Phytoliths) for Nanotechnology. Trends in Biotechnology 27, 461-467, 2009.
31. Lijun Wang and George H. Nancollas. Pathways to Biomineralization and Biodemineralization of Calcium Phosphates: the Thermodynamic and Kinetic Controls. Dalton Transactions 2665-2672, 2009.
30. Lijun Wang and George H. Nancollas. Calcium Orthophosphates: Crystallization and Dissolution. Chemical Reviews 108, 4628-4669, 2008.
29. Lijun Wang and George H. Nancollas. Dynamics of Biomineralization and Biodemineralization, Chapter 13 In Biomineralization. From Nature to Application. Vol. 4 of Metal Ions in Life Sciences edited by Astrid Sigel, Helmut Sigel, and Roland K. O. Sigel. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, U.K. 2008, p 413-456.
28. Lijun Wang, Xiangying Guan, Yin, H. Y., Moradian-Oldak, J., Nancollas, G. H. Mimicking the Self-Organized Microstructure of Tooth Enamel. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 5892-5899, 2008.
27. Lijun Wang, Xiangying Guan, Ruikang Tang, John R. Hoyer, Andrzej Wierzbicki, James J. De Yoreo and George H. Nancollas. Phosphorylation of Osteopontin Is Required for Inhibition of Calcium Oxalate Crystallization. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, 9151-9157, 2008.
26. Xiangying Guan,* Lijun Wang,* Anja Dosen, Tang, R. K., Giese, R. F., Giocondi, J. L., Orme, C. A., Hoyer, J. R., Nancollas, G. H. An Understanding of Renal Stone Development in a Mixed Oxalate-Phosphate System. Langmuir 24, 7058-7060, 2008.
25. Zhang, C. C., Lijun Wang, Nie, Q., Zhang, W. X., Zhang, F. S. Long-term effects of exogenous silicon on cadmium translocation and toxicity in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany 62, 300-307, 2008.
24. Lijun Wang, Xiangying Guan, Chang Du, Janet Moradian-Oldak, and George H. Nancollas. Amelogenin Promotes the Formation of Elongated Apatite Microstructures in a Controlled Crystallization System. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111, 6398-6404, 2007.
23. Lijun Wang, Ruikang Tang, Tammy Bonstein, Peter J. Bush and George H. Nancollas. Enamel Demineralization in Primary and Permanent Teeth. Journal of Dental Research 85 (4), 359-363, 2006.
22. Lijun Wang, Wei Zhang, S. R. Qiu, J. R. Hoyer, James J. DeYoreo, G. H. Nancollas. Inhibition of Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Crystallization by the Combination of Citrate and Osteopontin. Journal of Crystal Growth 291, 160-165, 2006.
21. Lijun Wang, James J. DeYoreo, Xiangying Guan, Qiu, S. R., Hoyer, J. R., Nancollas, G. H. Constant Composition Studies Verify the Utility of the Cabrera-Vermilyea (C-V) Model in Explaining Mechanisms of Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Crystallization. Crystal Growth & Design 6, 1769-1775, 2006.
20. Lijun Wang, Qiu, S.R., Wierzbicki, A., Salter, A., Zachowicz, W.J., Hoyer, J. R., James J. DeYoreo and Nancollas, G. H., Modulation of Calcium Oxalate Crystallization by Linear Aspartic Acid-Rich Peptides. Langmuir 22, 7279-7285, 2006.
19. Lijun Wang, George H. Nancollas, Z. J. Henneman, E. Klein and Steve Weiner. Nanosized Particles in Bone and Dissolution Insensitivity of Bone Mineral. Biointerphases 1, 106-111, 2006.
18. Gao, X. P., Zou, C. Q., Lijun Wang, Fusuo Zhang. Silicon decreases transpiration rate and conductance from stomata of maize plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition 29, 1637-1647, 2006.
17. Lijun Wang, R. Tang, T. Bonstein, C. A. Orme, P. Bush and G. H. Nancollas. A New Model for Nanoscale Enamel Dissolution. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109, 999 -1005, 2005.
16. Lijun Wang, Nie Qing,Zhuang, J. Q., Li, M., Yang, W. S., Zhang, F. S., Li, T. J., Wang, Y. H. Biosilicified Structures for Cooling Plant Leaves: A Mechanism of Highly Efficient Midinfrared Thermal Emission. Applied Physics Letters 87(19), 194105, 2005.
15. Ruikang Tang, Lijun Wang, C. A. Orme, Bonstein, T., Bush, P., Nancollas, G. H. Dissolution at the Nanoscale: Self-preservation of Biominerals. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 43, 2697-2701,2004.
14. Tang, R. K., Lijun Wang, Nancollas, G. H. Size-effects in the dissolution of hydroxyapatite: an understanding of biological demineralization. Journal of Materials Chemistry 14, 2341-2346, 2004.
13. Gao, X. P., Zou, C. Q., Lijun Wang, Fusuo Zhang. Silicon improves water use efficiency in maize plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition 27, 1457-1470, 2004.
12. 王荔军,王运华,张福锁,杨文胜,李铁津.在细胞壁上构筑自组装的生物矿化结构. 化学学报60, 1144-1146, 2002.
11. 王荔军,王运华,李敏,范明生,张福锁,吴学民,杨文胜,李铁津. Synthesis of Ordered Biosilica Materials. Chinese Journal of Chemistry (中国化学英文版) 20, 107-110, 2002.
10. 王荔军,王运华,李敏,张文绪,张福锁,李铁津.生物源的纳米结构SiO2. 自然科学进展12, 561-565, 2002.
9. 王荔军,王运华,李敏,张文绪,张福锁,李铁津. Biogenic Nanostructured Silica. Progress in Natural Science (英文), 12, 401-406, 2002.
8. 王荔军,王运华,范明生,张朝春,聂青,张文绪,张福锁,杨文胜,李铁津.有序的介观尺寸生物SiO2针的合成. 化学学报59, 2213-2216, 2001.
7. 王荔军,李敏,李铁津,王运华,张福锁.植物体内的纳米结构SiO2. 科学通报46, 625-632, 2001.
6. 王荔军,吴学民,郭中满,李敏,张福锁,李铁津,王运华. 细胞壁模板诱导介观尺寸生物SiO2材料合成. 化学学报59,784-787, 2001.
5. Lijun Wang, Wang, Y. H., Chen, Q., Cao, W. D., Fusuo Zhang. Silicon induced cadmium tolerance of rice seedlings. Journal of Plant Nutrition 23, 1397-1406, 2000.
4. 王荔军,郭中满,李敏,李铁津.生物矿化纳米结构材料和植物硅营养. 化学进展11,119-128, 1999.
3. 王荔军,李林松,玉占君,彭笑刚,李铁津. LB型Q态CdS复合膜构象有序性研究. 高等学校化学学报18, 281-284, 1997.
2. Lijun Wang, Li, L. S., Qu, L. H., Lu, R., Peng, X. G. Zhao, Y. Y., Tiejin Li. A Study on inorganic nanoparticles/amphiphilic oligomer in nanoordered multilayer. Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals 295, 175-180, 1997.
1. Linsong Li, Lianhua Qu, Lijun Wang, Ran Lu, Xiaogang Peng, Yingying Zhao, Tiejin Li. Preparation and characterization of quantum-sized PbS grown in amphiphilic oligomer Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers. Langmuir 13, 6183-6187, 1997.

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