

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-29


个人简介 彭贵青,男,江西贵溪人。华中农业大学教授、博士生导师,院长助理,农业微生物学国家重点实验室固定人员。国家自然科学基金“优青”获得者(2017)。华中农业大农学学士、武汉大学微生物学博士。长期专注于冠状病毒研究,围绕该病毒入侵、复制的分子机制,取得一系列具有国际影响的创新性研究成果。先后解析冠状病毒(MHV、BcoV)刺突蛋白结构、病毒受体(CEACAM1b、PAPN)的结构,以及刺突蛋白与受体复合物(MHV刺突蛋白与受体CEACAM复合物、SARS-CoV刺突蛋白与受体ACE2复合物)的结构;首次发现冠状病毒刺突蛋白具有凝集素样结构,阐明了冠状病毒识别糖受体的分子机理;并且揭示了冠状病毒与受体共进化的机制。首次解析了动脉炎病毒科PRRSV核酸内切酶NSP11的结构,发现了与冠状病毒核酸内切酶完全不同的聚合方式,阐明了核酸内切酶参与病毒复制的新机制。承担有国家自然科学基金、中组部拔尖人才基金、973子课题等科研项目。曾获第十三届湖北省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖,第七届国际病毒学会Christophe Meriux 奖。近五年以第一作者或通讯作者在PNAS、Journal of Biological Chemistry 、Journal of Virology、Scientific Report等杂志发表系列研究论文。现为湖北省晶体学会理事,Journal of Virology、Virology、JGV等杂志审稿人。
教育经历 1997.09 - 2001.06, 华中农业大学,兽医专业毕业,学士学位
2001.09 - 2004.06, 华中农业大学,预防兽医学毕业,硕士学位
2004.09 - 2007.06, 武汉大学,微生物学专业毕业,理学博士学位
工作经历 2007.11-2008.10,中国科学院武汉病毒学研究所 助理研究员
2009.01-2012.07,美国明尼苏达大学药学院 博士后
2012.08- 至今,华中农业大学“楚天********”(2012),博士生导师,农业微生物学国家重点实验室固定人员
研究领域 从事分子病毒学及蛋白质结构生物学研究,研究方向包括重要病原体入侵及其与宿主相互作用的分子机理;病原体耐药分子机理;新型抗病毒药物和诊断方法的开发与研制。
科研成果 2011年以来发表的文章:
1. Shen Z, Ye G, Deng F, Wang G, Cui M, Fang L, Xiao S, Fu ZF, Peng G*.Structural basis for the inhibition of host gene expression by porcine epidemic diarrhea virus nsp1. J Virol.(in press)
2. Shi Y, Lei Y, Ye G, Sun L, Fang L, Xiao S, Fu ZF, Yin P, Song Y*, Peng G*. Identification of Two Antiviral Inhibitors Targeting 3C-like Serine/3C-like Protease of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus and Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus. Veterinary Microbiology. Volume 213, January 2018, Pages 114–122
3. Zeng Z, Li TT, Jin X, Peng FH, Song NH, Peng GQ*, Ge XY*. Coexistence of multiple genotypes of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus with novel mutant S genes in the Hubei Province of China in 2016. Virol Sin. 2017 Aug;32(4):298-306.
4. Zhu X, Wang D, Zhou J, Pan T, Chen J, Yang Y, Lv M, Ye X, Peng G, Fang L, Xiao S. Porcine Deltacoronavirus nsp5 Antagonizes Type I Interferon Signaling by Cleaving STAT2. J Virol. 2017 Apr 28;91(10). pii: e00003-17.
5. Peng G, Yang Y, Pasquarella JR, Xu L, Qian Z, Holmes KV, Li F.Structural and Molecular Evidence Suggesting Coronavirus-driven Evolution of Mouse Receptor. J Biol Chem. 2017 Feb 10;292(6):2174-2181.
6. Fang J, Li H, Kong D, Cao S, Peng G, Zhou R, Chen H, Song Y.Structure-based discovery of two antiviral inhibitors targeting the NS3 helicase of Japanese encephalitis virus. Sci Rep. 2016 Sep 29;6:34550.
7. Ye G, Deng F, Shen Z, Luo R, Zhao L, Xiao S, Fu ZF, Peng G*. Structural basis for the dimerization and substrate recognition specificity of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus 3C-like protease. Virology. 2016 Jul;494:225-35.
8. Shi Y, Li Y, Lei Y, Ye G, Shen Z, Sun L, Luo R, Wang D, Fu ZF, Xiao S, Peng G*. A Dimerization-Dependent Mechanism Drives the Endoribonuclease Function of PRRSV nsp11. J Virol. 2016 Feb 24. pii: JVI.03065-15.
9. Wang J, Deng F, Ye G, Dong W, Zheng A, He Q, Peng G*. Comparison of lentiviruses pseudotyped with S proteins from coronaviruses and cell tropisms of porcine coronaviruses. Virol Sin. 2016 Feb;31(1):49-56.
10. Deng F, Ye G, Liu Q, Navid MT, Zhong X, Li Y, Wan C, Xiao S, He Q*, Fu ZF*, Peng G*. Identification and Comparison of Receptor Binding Characteristics of the Spike Protein of Two Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Strains. Viruses. 2016 Feb 23;8(3). pii: E55.
11. Sui B, Huang J, Jha BK, Yin P, Zhou M, Fu ZF, Silverman RH, Weiss SR, Peng G*, Zhao L*. Crystal structure of the mouse hepatitis virus ns2 phosphodiesterase domain that antagonizes RNase L activation. J Gen Virol. 2016 Jan 12.
12. Li Y, Dong W, Shi Y, Deng F, Chen X, Wan C, Zhou M, Zhao L, Fu ZF*, Peng G*. Rabies virus phosphoprotein interacts with ribosomal protein L9 and affects rabies virus replication. Virology. 2016 Jan 15;488:216-24.
13. Wang D,Fang L,Shi Y,Zhang H,Gao L,Peng G,Chen H,Li K,Xiao S.Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus 3C-Like Protease Regulates Its Interferon Antagonism by Cleaving NEMO,J Virol. 2015,90(4):2090-2101.
14. Dong W, Huang J, Li Y, Tan Y, Shen Z, Song Y, Wang D, Xiao S, Chen H, Fu ZF*, Peng G*. Crystal structural basis for Rv0315, an immunostimulatory antigen and inactive beta-1,3-glucanase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Sci Rep. 2015 Oct 15;5:15073. 15. Liu C,Tang J,Ma Y,Liang X,Yang Y,Peng G,Qi Q,Jiang S,Li J,Du, L,Li F. Receptor usage and cell entry of porcine epidemic diarrhea coronavirus,J Virol. 2015,89(11):6121-6125.
16. Zhang Y, Li H, Peng G, Zhang Y, Gao X, Xiao S, Cao S, Chen H, Song Y.Mutational analysis of the functional sites in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus non-structural protein 10.J Gen Virol. 2015 Mar;96(Pt 3):547-52. doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.000004. Epub 2014 Dec 5.
17. Zhang H, Li X, Peng G, Tang C, Zhu S, Qian S, Xu J, Qian P.Glycoprotein E2 of classical swine fever virus expressed by baculovirus induces the protective immune responses in rabbits.Vaccine. 2014 Nov 20;32(49):6607-13.
18. Fang J, Sun L, Peng G, Xu J, Zhou R, Cao S, Chen H, Song Y.Identification of three antiviral inhibitors against Japanese encephalitis virus from library of pharmacologically active compounds 1280.PLoS One. 2013 Nov 4;8(11):e78425.
19. Fang J, Li H, Peng G, Cao S, Zhen FF, Chen H, Song Y.Methods for detecting ATP hydrolysis and nucleic acid unwinding of Japanese encephalitis virus NS3 helicase.J Virol Methods. 2013 Dec;194(1-2):33-8.
20. Peng G, Xu L, Chen L, Lin YL, Chen L, Pasquarella JR, Holmes KV, Li F. Crystal structure of bovine coronavirus spike protein lectin domain. J Biol Chem. 2012. Dec 7;287(50):41931-8.
21. Chen L, Lin YL, Peng G, Li F. Structural basis for multifunctional roles of mammalian aminopeptidase N. Proc Natl AcadSci U S A. 2012 Oct 30;109(44):17966-71.
22. Wu K#, Peng G# (Co-first author), Wilken M#, Geraghty RJ, Li F. Mechanism of Host Receptor Adaptation by SARS Coronavirus. J Biol Chem. 2012 ;287(12):8904-11.
23. Peng G, Sun D, Rajashankar K, Qian Z, Holmes K, Li F. Structure of mouse coronavirus galectin-likedomain complexed with its protein receptor. Proc Natl AcadSci U S A. 2011 Jun 16, 108, 10696-10701.
24. Wu K, Chen L, Peng G, Zhou W, Pennell CA, Mansky LM, Geraghty RJ, Li F.A Virus-binding Hotspot on Human Angiotensin-converting Enzyme 2 is Critical for the Binding of Two Different Coronaviruses. J Virol. 2011 Mar; 85, 5331-5337.
科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金优青(No.**) 2018-2020
2. 国家自然科学基金面上(No.**)2014-2017
3. 973项目 (2014CB542700) 骨干2014-2018
4. 湖北省自然科学基金重点项目2017-2019
5. 教育部新教师基金(No.4010-131011)2013-2015
6. 湖北省基金面上(No.4)2013-2015
7. 创新群体研究骨干2014-2018
8. 微生物国家重点实验室2012-2017
9. 校****培植基金2015-2017
10. 自主科技创新基金(No.2013PY031)2013-2015
主要奖励 1. 第十三届湖北省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖。
2. 第七届国际病毒学会Christophe Meriux奖。
3. 国家自然科学基金“优青”获得者。
4. 科技部中青年领军人才
相关话题/动物医学院 动物科学技术学院