

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-29


个人简介 任竹青 博士,教授,博士生导师。现任动物科技学院动物医学院副院长,兼任生态与智慧养殖学系主任。国家家畜工程技术研究中心与农业动物遗传育种与繁殖学教育部重点实验室固定研究人员,教育部创新团队“猪种质创新与遗传改良”成员,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学访问****。全国农业生物化学与分子生物学会理事、青年委员会副主任委员。主要研究方向为动物分子遗传和畜牧环境生物工程。先后主持或承担了国家自然科学基金、国际科学基金(IFS)、湖北省自然科学创新岗位课题、教育部新教师基金、湖北省自然科学基金、国家留学基金、教育部留学回国人员启动基金等研究工作。在《Genetics Selection Evolution》、《Journal of Proteomics》、《Journal of Animal Science》、《Cells》、《International Journal of Cancer》等国内外刊物上发表学术论文50余篇,获授权发明专利7项,申请发明专利7项。“藏香猪在鄂南放牧养殖关键技术研究”获市科技进步三等奖1项(排1),成果鉴定2项,主持《动物行为学》在线开放课程建设,参编国家规划教材《动物生物技术》等3部。研究生招生方向:动物遗传育种与繁殖(090501)专业的01和05方向。
教育经历 1998.09 - 2002.06, 华中农业大学,畜牧专业,农学学士
2002.09 - 2007.06, 华中农业大学,动物遗传育种与繁殖专业,农学博士
工作经历 2007年7月-2009年12月,华中农业大学 动科动医学院 讲师
2010年1月-2014年12月,华中农业大学 动科动医学院 副教授
2015年1月起,华中农业大学 动科动医学院 教授,博士生导师
2017年6月-2019年9月,华中农业大学 动科动医学院,院长助理
2019年9月起,华中农业大学 动科动医学院,副院长
研究领域 猪重要经济性状形成的分子基础、脂滴生物学研究,畜禽养殖废弃物资源化利用与无害化处理
科研成果 A. 论文
1)Tan Y, Jin Y, Wang Q, Huang J, Wu X, Ren Z.*. (2019) Perilipin 5 Protects against Cellular Oxidative Stress by Enhancing Mitochondrial Function in HepG2 Cells. Cells DOI: 10.3390/cells**.
2)Tan Y, Ma Z, Jin Y, Zong R, Wu J, Ren Z.*. (2019) MicroRNA 4651 regulates nonsense-mediated mRNA decay by targeting SMG9 mRNA. Gene. DOI: 10.1016/j.gene. 2019.03.031.
3)Tan Y, Jin Y, Wu X, Ren Z.*. (2019) PSMD1 and PSMD2 Regulate HepG2 Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis via Modulating Cellular Lipid Droplet Metabolism. BMC Molecular Biology. DOI: 10.1186/s12867-019-0141-z
4)Tan Y, Jin Y, Wang S, Cao J, Ren Z.*. (2019) The RNA Surveillance Factor UPF1 Regulates Migration and Adhesion of Porcine Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cells. Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility. DOI: XXX
5)Jin Y, Tan Y, Chen L, Liu Y, Ren Z*. (2018) Reactive Oxygen Species Induces Lipid Droplet Accumulation in HepG2 Cells by Increasing Perilipin 2 Expression. International Journal of Molecular Sciences DOI: 3445.10.3390/ijms**
6)Lv Y, Jin Y (co-first author), Zhou Y, Jin J, Ma Z, Ren Z*. (2016) Deep sequencing of transcriptome profiling of GSTM2 knock-down in swine testis cells. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038. 6:38254.
7)Jin Y, Zhang F, Ma Z, Ren Z*. (2016) MicroRNA 433 regulates nonsense-mediated mRNA decay by targeting SMG5 mRNA. BMC Mol Biol.17(1):17-24.
8)Xia X, Yan C, Wu W, Zhou Y, Hou L, Zuo B, Xu D, Ren Z*, Xiong Y*. (2016) Characterization of the porcine peptidylarginine deiminase type VI gene (PADI6) promoter: Sp1 regulates basal transcription of the porcine PADI6. Gene. 575(2):551-8.
9)Wu W*, Ren Z (co-first author), Li P, Yu D, Chen J, Huang R, Liu H*. (2015) Six1: A critical transcription factor in tumorigenesis. Int J Cancer. 136(6):1245-53.
10)Hou L, Ma F, Yang J, Riaz H, Wang Y, Wu W, Xia X, Ma Z, Zhou Y, Zhang L, Ying W, Xu D, Zuo B, Ren Z*, Xiong Y*. (2014) Effects of Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Oxamflatin on In Vitro Porcine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Embryos. Cell Reprogram. 16(4): 253-65.
11)Zhou Y, Yang J, Huang J, Li T, Xu D, Zuo B, Hou L, Wu W, Zhang L, Xia X, Ma Z, Ren Z*, Xiong Y*. (2014) The formation of brown adipose tissue induced by transgenic over-expression of PPARγ2. BiochemBiophys Res Commun. 446(4):959-64.
12)Ren Z*, Wu W, Liu W, Zheng R, Li J, Zuo B, Xu D, Li F, Lei M, Ni D, Xiong Y. (2014) Differential expression and effect of the porcine ANGPTL4 gene on intramuscular fat. Genet Mol Res. 13(2):2949-58.
13)Wu W*, Ren Z (co-first author), Liu H, Wang L, Huang R, Chen J, Zhang L, Li P, Xiong Y. (2013) Core promoter analysis of porcine Six1 gene and its regulation of the promoter activity by CpG methylation. Gene. 529(2): 238-44.
14)Ren Z*, Xiong Y, Deng C, Jiang S.(2012)Cloning, differential expression and association analysis with fat traits of porcine IDH3γ gene. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 166: 1112–20.
15)Ren Z, Liu W, Zheng R, Zuo B, Xu D, Lei M, Li F, Li J, Ni D, Xiong Y*.(2012) A 304bp insertion/deletion mutation in promoter region induces the increase of porcine IDH3β gene expression. Molecular Biology Report 39(2): 1419-26.
16)Zhang H, Zhang R, Liu Y, Wang D, Zhao Y, Ren Z*, Xiong Y. (2012) Identification and promoter activity analysis of porcine miR-181 and miR-1. Agricultural Science in China. 11(6):986-92.
17)Ren Z*, Xiong Y, Wu W, Deng C, Jiang S.(2012) Porcine RPL28 gene, differentially expressed in the backfat tissue between Meishan, Large White pigs and their F1 hybrids. Journal of animal and veterinary advance. 11(8 ): 1237-41.
18)Wu W, Ren Z (co-first author), Chen C, Liu Y, Zhang L, Chao Z, Zuo B, Xu D, Lei M, Xiong Y. (2012) Subcellular localization of different regions of porcine Six1 gene and its expression analysis in C2C12 myoblasts. Mol Biol Rep. 39(12):9995-10002.
19)Ren Z*, Xiong Y, Deng C, Jiang S.(2011) Effects of ATP-citrate lyase and adipose differentiation-related protein gene polymorphisms on adipose deposition and meat quality traits in pigs. Journal of animal and veterinary advance. 10(12):1610-15.
20)Ren Z, Wang Y, Xu Y, Wang L, Lei M, Zuo B, Li F, Xu D, Zheng R, Deng C, Jiang S, Xiong Y*.(2008) Identification of a differential gene ACL between F1 hybrids, Meishan×Yorkshire and Yorkshire×Meishan, and their parents, Meishanand Yorkshire pigs. Genetics Selection Evolution. 40 (6): 625-38.
21)Ren Z, Xiong Y et al. (2006) Cloning and identification of porcine SMPX differentially expressed in F1 crossbreds and their parents. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica. 38 (11):753-8.
22)Ren Z, Xiong Y, Deng C, Zuo B, Liu Y., Lei M. (2005) Age-dependent changes of differential gene expression profile in backfat tissue between hybrids and parents in pigs. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci. 18 (5): 682-5.
23)Ren Z, Xiong Y et al. (2006) Isolation, cloning and identification of expressed sequence tags from the backfat tissue between Duroc and Tongcheng pigs by mRNA differential display. Agricultural Science in China. 5(2): 141-5.
24)Ren Z, Xiong Y et al. (2005) Isolation, cloning and sequence analysis of differentially expressed genes in the backfat tissue between hybrids and parents in pigs. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology. 13 (5): 601-7.
25)Li, BJ; Dong, C; Li, PH; Ren, ZQ; Wang, H; Yu, FX; Ning, CB; Liu, KQ; Wei, W; Huang, RH; Chen, J; Wu, WJ; Liu, HL. Identification of candidate genes associated with porcine meat color traits by genome-wide transcriptome analysis. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/srep35224.
26)Wu W, Ren Z, Zhang L, Liu Y, Li H, Xiong Y*. (2013) Overexpression of Six1 gene suppresses proliferation and enhances expression of fast-type muscle genes in C2C12 myoblasts. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 380(1-2): 23-32.
27)Xu Y, Qian H, Feng X, Xiong Y, Lei M, Ren Z, Zuo B, Xu D, Ma Y, Yuan H. (2012) Differential proteome and transcriptome analysis of porcine skeletal muscle during development. J Proteomics. 75(7):2093-108.
28)Wang L, Zuo B, Xu D,?Ren Z, Zhang H, Li X, Lei M, Xiong Y*. (2012) Alternative Splicing of the Porcine Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3β (GSK-3β) Gene with Differential Expression Patterns and Regulatory Functions. PLoS One. 7(7):e40250.
29)Huang J, Xiong Y*, Li T, Zhang L, Zhang Z, Zuo B, Xu D, Ren Z. (2012) Ectopic overexpression of swine PPARγ2 upregulated adipocyte genes expression and triacylglycerol in skeletal muscle of mice. Transgenic Res. 21(6): 1311-18.
30)Wang L, Xiong Y*, Zuo B, Lei M, Ren Z, Xu D. (2012) Molecular and functional characterization of glycogen synthase in the porcine satellite cells under insulin treatment. Mol Cell Biochem. 360(1-2):169-80.
31)Wu W, Ren Z, Wang Y, Chao Z, Xu D, Xiong Y*. (2011) Molecular characterization, expression patterns and polymorphism analysis of porcine Six1 gene.Molecular Biology Report (38):2619-32.
32)Wu W, Xu D, Ren, Z, Lei, M, Zuo B, Li F, Xiong Y*. (2011) Isolation, sequence characterization, expression pattern analysis of porcine Pitx2c gene. Livestock Science 141(2-3): 129-35.
33)Wu W, Zuo B, Ren Z, Hapsari AA, Lei M, Xu D, Li F, Xiong Y*. (2011) Identification of four SNPs and association analysis with meat quality traits in the porcine Pitx2c gene. Sci China Life Sci. 54(5):426-33.
34)Xu Y, Yu W, Xiong Y*, Xie H, Ren Z, Xu D, Lei M, Zuo B, Feng X. (2011) Molecular characterization and expression patterns of serine/arginine-rich specific kinase 3 (SPRK3) in porcine skeletal muscle. MolBiol Rep. 38(5):2903-9.
35)Luo L, Ye L, Liu G, Shao G, Zheng R, Ren Z, Zuo B, Xu D, Lei M, Jiang S, Deng C, Xiong Y, Li F*. (2010) Microarray-Based Approach Identifies Differentially Expressed MicroRNAs in Porcine Sexually Immature and Mature Testes. Plos One 5(8):e11744.
36)Feng X, Xiong Y*, Qian H, Lei M, Xu D, Ren Z (2010) Selection of reference genes for gene expression studies in porcine skeletal muscle using SYBR green qPCR. Journal of Biotechnology 150(3):288-93.
37)Wang L, Lei M, Zuo B, Xu D,?Ren Z, Xiong Y.* (2010) Multiple alternative splicing and differential expression of actinin-associated LIM protein (ALP) during porcine skeletal muscle development in vitro and in vivo. Meat Science. 84(4) 655-61.
38)Pan G, Fu Y, Zuo B, Ren Z, Xu D, Lei M, Zheng R, Xiong YZ*. (2010) Molecular characterization, expression profile and association analysis with fat deposition traits of the porcine APOM gene. MolBiol Rep. (3):1363-71.
39)Wang Y, Xiong Y*, RenZ, Yang C, Li F, Lei M, Zuo B, Xu D. (2009) Isolation, expression patterns and SNP frequencies of the porcine PHKG2 gene. Livestock Science. 122: 90-3.
40)Zhang Y, Mei S, Peng X, Niu B, Ren Z, Zuo B, Xu D, Lei M, Zheng R, Jiang S, Deng C, Xiong Y, Li F.* (2009) Molecular characterization and SNPs analysis of the porcine Deleted in AZoospermia Like (pDAZL) gene. Animal Reproduction Scinece 112 (3-4): 415-22.
41)Xu Y, Jin M, Wang L, Zhang A, Zuo B, Xu D, Ren Z, Lei M, Mo X, Li F, Zheng R, Deng C, Xiong Y*. (2009) Differential proteome analysis of porcine skeletal muscles between Meishan and Large White. J Anim Sci. 87(8):2519-27.
42)Wang Y.; Xiong Y. Z; Ren Z. Q.; Zuo B.; Lei M. C.; Deng C. Y (2009). Isolation, Expression Pattern, Polymorphism and Association Analysis of Porcine TIAF1 Gene. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 22(3):313-8.
B. 专利类
4)专利:任竹青,熊远著,蒋思文,邓昌彦,猪柠檬酸脱氢酶基因IDH3β启动子的分离克隆和鉴定(专利号:ZL 0.3)
5)专利:熊远著,吴望军,任竹青 徐德全,左波,雷明刚,李凤娥,与猪生产性状相关的分子标记及制备与应用(专利号:ZL 2.7)
6)专利:熊远著,吴望军,雷明刚,左波,任竹青,徐德全,一种适用于猪骨骼肌基因表达的启动子的分离克隆及核心区域的鉴定(专利号:ZL 4.X)
8)申请专利:任竹青,宗泽谕,张芳,吕玉琦,左波,李凤娥,猪采食量调控酪酪肽PYY 3’UTR的遗传标记及其应用(专利申请号:7.8)
10)申请专利:任竹青,左秀,骨骼肌特异性启动子及应用 (申请号:6.6)
C. 著作类
科研项目 1. GSTM2基因无义介导的mRNA降解在猪胚胎生长发育过程中作用的分子机制 2011.01
2. 猪骨骼肌脂滴与线粒体互作调控脂质代谢的分子机理研究 2018.01
3. 畜禽遗传改良及健康养殖技术研究与示范 2016.01
4. 猪场粪便中残留抗生素高效特异生物降解技术研究 2016.01
5. 武汉市绿色畜牧产业技术体系 2018.03
6. 优质环保转基因猪新品种培育 2016.06
主要奖励 1. “藏香猪在鄂南放牧养殖关键技术研究”获市科技进步三等奖1项(排1)
2. 第二届全国大学生动物科学专业技能大赛团体和三个单项优秀指导教师特等奖
3. 第三届全国大学生动物科学专业技能大赛团体和四个单项优秀指导教师特等奖
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