

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-29

动科楼C 405

个人简介 齐德生,男,河南上蔡人。华中农业大学教授、博士生导师,动物营养与饲料科学系主任,湖北省饲料质量监督检验站站长。华中农业大学农学学士、华中农业大学农学博士。兼任全国饲料工业标准化技术委员会委员;中国毒理学会饲料专业委员会副主任委员;中国畜牧兽医学会家畜环境卫生学分会副理事长,动物营养学分会常务理事;中国饲料工业协会常务理事;湖北省饲料工业协会监事;湖北省标准化协会理事;中国粮油学会饲料专业分会理事。坚持教学相长,坚持“教学、科研、生产”三结合,积极投身学科建设,努力服务饲料行业和社会。在饲料原料高效利用、饲料抗营养因子危害与控制、霉菌毒素毒理与防控技术等方面做了卓有成效的工作。制修订国家、行业标准15项;获授权发明专利3项;获湖北省科技进步二等奖1项。主编和参编著作8部。
教育经历 1981.09 - 1986.06, 华中农业大学,兽医专业,农学学士
1986.09 - 1989.06, 华中农业大学,动物营养,农学硕士
工作经历 1992.8-1998.11,华中农业大学讲师
研究领域 动物营养与饲料科学(饲料安全与生物技术,饲料抗营养因子及有毒物质的毒理机制和防控技术);家畜环境科学
科研成果 A著作类
1. Ameliorative Effects of Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract on Growth Performance, Immune Function, Antioxidant Capacity, Biochemical Constituents, Liver Histopathology and Aflatoxin Residues in Broilers Exposed to Aflatoxin B1,Toxins,2017 Nov; 9(11): 371
2. Biodetoxification of aflatoxin B1 in cottonseed meal by fermentation of Cellulosimicrobium funkei in duckling diet,Poultry Science,2017, 96(4):923–930
3. Gestational Zearalenone Exposure Causes Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity in Pregnant Rats and Female Offspring,Toxins,2017
4. A Novel Organic Selenium Compound Exerts Unique Regulation of Selenium Speciation, Selenogenome, and Selenoproteins in Broiler Chicks1–3,J Nutr, 2017;147:789–97
5. Effects of Nutrients in Substrates of Different Grains on Aflatoxin B1 Production by Aspergillus flavus,BioMed Research International,2016
6. Aflatoxin B1, zearalenone and deoxynivalenol in feed ingredients and complete feed from central China,FOOD ADDITIVES & CONTAMINANTS: PART B, 2016
7. Changes in white and brown adipose tissue microRNA expression in cold-induced mice,Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,2015,463:193-199
8. The effects of slatted floors and manure scraper systems on the concentrations and emission rates of ammonia, methane and carbon dioxide in goat buildings,Small Ruminant Research,2015,132: 103–110
9. Response of the hepatic transcriptome to aflatoxin B1 in ducklings,Toxicon,2016, 69-76
10. Individual and combined cytotoxic effects of aflatoxin B1, zearalenone, deoxynivalenol and fumonisin B1 on BRL 3A rat liver cells,Toxicon,2015, 95:6-12
11. A Novel Strain of Cellulosimicrobium funkei Can Biologically Detoxify Aflatoxin B1 in Ducklings,Microb. Biotechnol,2015.8:490-8
12. Effects of different substrates and oils on aflatoxin B1 production by Aspergillus parasiticus,Eur. Food Res. Technol,2015,240 (3):627-634
13. Hepatotoxic effects of mycotoxin combinations in mice,Food Chem. Toxicol,2014, 74C:289-293
14. In vitro investigation of individual and combined cytotoxic effects of aflatoxin B1 and other selected mycotoxins on the cell line porcine kidney 15,Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology,2013, 65:1149-1157
15. Soybean isoflavone reduces the residue of zearalenone in the muscle and liver of prepubertal gilts,animal,2013,7(4): 699-703
16. Interaction of zearalenone and soybean isoflavone in diets on the growth performance, organ development and serum parameters in prepubertal gilts,Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition,2012,96(5):939-46.
17. Interaction of zearalenone and soybean isoflavone on the development of reproductive organs, reproductive hormones and estrogen receptor expression in prepubertal gilts,Anim Reprod Sci,2010,122(3-4):317-23
18. Genistein inhibit the proliferation induced by zearalenone in MCF-7 cells,Molecular & Cellular Toxicology,2010,6(1):25-31
19. Effect of arsanilic acid on performance and residual of arsenic in tissue of Japanese laying quail,Poultry Science,2006,85(12):2097-2100
20. Adsorption of aflatoxin B1 on mentmorillonite,Poultry Science,2005,84(6):959-961
21. 湖北省畜牧业温室气体排放潜力,华中农业大学学报,2017,36(2):78-83
22. 生物发酵法改善菜粕品质的研究,中国粮油学报,2016,31(11):85-91
23. 葡甘露聚糖单方、复配膨润土及改性产物的霉菌毒素体外吸附效果,动物营养学报,2013, 25( 12) : 2973-2980
24. 改性矿物吸附剂抗菌作用,环境工程学报,2012,6(12):4681-4686
25. 日粮玉米赤霉烯酮和大豆异黄酮联合作用对后备母猪生殖器官发育和雌激素受体mRNA转录的影响,畜牧兽医学报,2011, 42(2):243–250
科研项目 1. 水活度升高启动饲料中产毒黄曲霉孢子萌发的机制研究,2018.01
2. 真菌毒素中毒病防控技术研究,2016.07
3. 棉籽饼粕致蛋鸡产生“橡皮蛋”的生物学机制及调控研究,2016.01
4. 不同饲料原料中黄曲霉毒素污染水平差异性形成机制及调控研究,2013.01
5. 饲料中常见霉菌毒素的联合毒性及其机制研究,2011.01
6. 蛋鸡生产环境综合控制技术研究,2007.12
主要奖励 1. 2012 ,湖北省科技进步二等奖。
2. 2012,中国.海峡 “6.18”特殊贡献奖
3. 2008,中国标准创新贡献奖
相关话题/动物医学院 动物科学技术学院