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Tao Han 韩涛 Professor, PHD 教授,博士School of Electronic Information and Communications, 电子信息与通信学院Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 华中科技大学Wuhan, China 中国武汉

韩涛,男,现任华中科技大学电子信息与通信学院教授,国家“绿色通信与网络国际联合研究中心”副主任,IEEE绿色通信与计算技术委员会成员。 1990年于华中理工大学获信息工程专业工学学士学位,1993年于华中理工大学获通信与电子系统工学硕士学位,2001年于华中科技大学获信息与通信工程工学博士学位。 1993年至今任职于华中科技大学,其中2010年至2011年,于美国佛罗里达大学做访问****,任职客座副教授,2016年于澳大利亚悉尼科技大学任访问教授。主要研究方向为移动通信、多媒体通信以及计算机网络。在IEEE Wireless Communications、IEEE Communications Magazine、IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications、IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology、IEEE Networks、IEEE Access、IEEE Sensors Journal等期刊和会议共发表文章80多篇。担任EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cognitive Communications期刊编辑,担任IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology、IEEE Transactions on Communications和IEEE Networks等期刊的审稿人,担任了10多个国际学术会议程序委员会成员。多年来主持和参与了多项通信、多媒体等方面的科研项目,1997年作为核心人员参与“建筑设计方案计算机辅助评审系统”项目,获得了湖北省科技进步二等奖。近年完成或在研的项目包括:作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金面上项目**,“移动融合网中随机拓扑缩放律研究”;作为项目负责人主持国家国际科技合作专项 2015DFG12580,“5G移动通信能效、频效和干扰消除合作研究”;作为课题副组长主持国家自然科学基金重大国际合作研究项目**,“绿色通信网络信息空间协作优化理论与关键技术研 究”,负责干扰协调技术研究;作为课题副组长主持湖北省国际科技合作项目2011BFA004,“新一代绿色宽带移动通信系统关键技术合作研究”,负责干扰协调技术工作;作为中方核心成员参与欧盟FP7框架计划项目MC-IRSES-318992,“Towards Pervasive Indoor Wireless Networks”;作为中方核心成员参与欧盟FP7框架计划项目MC-IRSES-610524,“Cross-layer Research on Green Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks and Services”;作为华中科技大学子课题的第三负责人参与2013年重大专项项目 2013ZX**-002,“TD-LTE-Advanced终端综合测试仪表开发”;作为子项目负责人主持国家国际科技合作专项 2014DFA11640,“第五代移动通信系统关键技术研究”,负责提高能量效率的关键技术研究;主持某手机设计公司委托的“GPRS多媒体移动通信终端设计与开发”项目;主持某视频监控系统公司委托的“IP视频关键技术研究与开发”项目;主持某美国软件公司委托的国际软件合作开发项目;主持某知名手机制造商委托的“移动通信终端数据传输优化软件实现”的软件开发项目;主持某知名通信设备制造商委托的“家庭组网识别”项目。
Tao Han received the Bachelor degree in information engineering, Master degree in communication and information system, and Ph.D. degree in information and communication engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China, in 1990, 1993, and 2001, respectively.
Dr. Han is currently a Professor with the School of Electronic Information and Communications, HUST. He is a Vice Chair of China International Joint Research Center of Green Communications and Networking. From August, 2010 to August, 2011, he was a Visiting Scholar with University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, as a Courtesy Associate Professor. He was a Visiting Professor with University of Technology Sydney, NSW, Australia, in August, 2016. His research interests include wireless communications, multimedia communications, and computer networks. He has published more than 80 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings. He led and is leading several projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and industries. He has taken and is taking part in several international joint projects, such as the EU FP7-PEOPLE-IRSES: project acronym WiNDOW (grant no. 318992) and project acronym CROWN (grant no. 610524).
Dr. Han served as an Area Editor for the EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cognitive Communications. He served and is serving as a TPC member for more than 10 international conferences. He was granted the IET Networks Premium Awards in 2017. He was the recipient of the Best Paper Awards from IEEE CIC ICCC 2017, IEEE ISCIT 2016, and IEEE GlobeCom 2014.

Selected PublicationsTao Han, S. Li, Y. Zhong, Z. Bai, and K. Kwak, “5G Software-Defined Heterogeneous Networks With Cooperation and Partial Connectivity,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 72577–72590, 2019.
X. Ge, X. Tian, Y. Qiu, G. Mao, and Tao Han (Corresponding Author), “Small-Cell Networks With Fractal Coverage Characteristics,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 66, no. 11, pp. 5457–5469, Nov. 2018.
Y. Zhong, X. Ge, H. H. Yang, Tao Han, and Q. Li, “Traffic Matching in 5G Ultra-Dense Networks,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 100–105, Aug. 2018.
Y. Zhong, X. Ge, Tao Han, Q. Li, and J. Zhang, “Tradeoff Between Delay and Physical Layer Security in Wireless Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 1635–1647, Jul. 2018.
Tao Han, J. Gong, X. Liu, S. M. R. Islam, Q. Li, Z. Bai, and K. S. Kwak, “On Downlink NOMA in Heterogeneous Networks With Non-Uniform Small Cell Deployment,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 31099–31109, 2018.
L. Wang, Tao Han (Corresponding Author), Q. Li, J. Yan, X. Liu, and D. Deng, “Cell-Less Communications in 5G Vehicular Networks Based on Vehicle-Installed Access Points,” IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 64–71, Dec. 2017.
Tao Han, X. Ge, L. Wang, K. S. Kwak, Y. Han, and X. Liu, “5G Converged Cell-Less Communications in Smart Cities,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 44–50, Mar. 2017.
R. Zi, X. Ge, J. Thompson, C.-X. Wang, H. Wang, and Tao Han, “Energy Efficiency Optimization of 5G Radio Frequency Chain Systems,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 758–771, Apr. 2016.
Tao Han, Y. Han, X. Ge, Q. Li, J. Zhang, Z. Bai, and L. Wang, “Small Cell Offloading Through Cooperative Communication in Software-Defined Heterogeneous Networks,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, no. 20, pp. 7381–7392, Oct. 2016.
X. Ge, S. Tu, G. Mao, C. X. Wang, and Tao Han (Corresponding Author), “5G Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 72–79, Feb. 2016. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
Tao Han, G. Mao, Q. Li, L. Wang, and J. Zhang, “Interference Minimization in 5G Heterogeneous Networks,” Mobile Networks and Applications, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 756–762, 2015.
X. Ge, B. Yang, J. Ye, G. Mao, C.-X. Wang, and Tao Han (Corresponding Author), “Spatial spectrum and energy efficiency of random cellular networks,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 1019–1030, 2015. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
Tao Han, Y. Yang, X. Ge, and G. Mao, “Mobile converged networks: Framework, optimization, and challenges,” IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 34–40, 2014.
X. Ge, X. Huang, Y. Wang, M. Chen, Q. Li, Tao Han, and C.-X. Wang, “Energy-efficiency optimization for MIMO-OFDM mobile multimedia communication systems with QoS constraints,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 2127–2138, 2014.
X. Ge, Tao Han (Corresponding Author), Y. Zhang, G. Mao, C.-X. Wang, J. Zhang, B. Yang, and S. Pan, “Spectrum and Energy Efficiency Evaluation of Two-Tier Femtocell Networks With Partially Open Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 1306–1319, 2014.
X. Ge, H. Cheng, M. Guizani, and Tao Han (Corresponding Author), “5G wireless backhaul networks: Challenges and research advances,” IEEE Network, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 6–11, 2014. (ESI Highly Cited Paper, ESI Hot Paper)

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