

±¾Õ¾Ð¡±à Free¿¼Ñп¼ÊÔ/2021-07-25

Qiang Li (ÀîÇ¿)

Professor ½ÌÊÚ School of Electronic Information and Communications
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Luoyu Road 1037, Wuhan, China, 430074
E-mail: qli_patrick@hust.edu.cn

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Qiang Li received the B.Eng. degree in communication engineering from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China, in 2007 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, in 2011. From 2011 to 2013, he was a Research Fellow with NTU. From March 2015 to June 2015, he was a visiting scholar with the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK. Since 2013, he has been an Associate Professor with Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China. Since 2020, he has been a full Professor with HUST. His research interests include next-generation mobile communications, fog computing, edge caching, cognitive radios/spectrum sharing, wireless cooperative communications, full-duplex techniques, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer. He was a co-recipient of the Best Paper Award of IEEE/CIC ICCC 2017, and served as the symposium co-chair of IEEE GLOBECOM 2019 and WCSP 2020.
ÀîÇ¿£¬2007Äê´óѧ±¾¿Æ±ÏÒµÓÚµç×ӿƼ¼´óѧͨÐÅÓëÐÅÏ¢¹¤³ÌѧԺ¡£2011Ä격ʿÑо¿Éú±ÏÒµÓÚмÓÆÂÄÏÑóÀí¹¤´óѧµçÆøÓëµç×Ó¹¤³ÌѧԺ¡£2011ÄêÖÁ2013Ä꣬ÓÚмÓÆÂÄÏÑóÀí¹¤´óѧÈβ©Ê¿ºóÑо¿Ô±(Research Fellow)¡£2015Äê3ÔÂÖÁ6Ô£¬ÈÎÓ¢¹úл·Æ¶ûµÂ´óѧ·ÃÎÊ****¡£2013Äê2Ô¼ÓÈ뻪ÖпƼ¼´óѧµç×ÓÐÅÏ¢ÓëͨÐÅѧԺ£¬Èθ±½ÌÊÚ£¬2020Äê11ÔÂÈνÌÊÚ£¬ÈëÑ¡ºþ±±Ê¡¡°³þÌì****¼Æ»®£¨³þÌìѧ×Ó£©¡±£¬ÈëÑ¡»ªÖпƼ¼´óѧ¡°»ªÖÐ׿Խ****£¨³½ÐǸڣ©¡±¡£Ö÷ÒªÑо¿·½ÏòÉæ¼°ÎÞÏßЭ×÷ͨÐÅ¡¢È«Ë«¹¤Öм̡¢ÈÏÖªÎÞÏßµç/Э×÷ƵÆ×¹²Ïí¡¢ÎÞÏßÐÅÏ¢ÄÜÁ¿Í¬´«¡¢Èí¼þ¶¨ÒåÍøÂç¡¢ÎïÁªÍø¡¢Îí¼ÆËã¡¢ÍøÂç±ßÔµ»º´æµÈÏÂÒ»´úÒƶ¯Í¨ÐÅÈȵãÑо¿ÁìÓò£¬ÔÚIEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications£¬ IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications£¬IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine£¬IEEE ICC£¬IEEE GLOBECOMµÈ¹ú¼ÊȨÍþÆÚ¿¯¼°ÖªÃûѧÊõ»áÒéÉÏ·¢±í¶àƪÂÛÎÄ¡£×÷Ϊ¸ºÔðÈ˳е£Á˹ú¼ÒÖصãÑз¢¼Æ»®ÏîÄ¿¿ÎÌâ¡¢¹ú¼Ò×ÔÈ»¿Æѧ»ù½ðÖصãÏîÄ¿¿ÎÌâ¡¢¹ú¼Ò×ÔÈ»¿Æѧ»ù½ðÇàÄê»ù½ðÏîÄ¿¡¢¹ú¼Ò×ÔÈ»¿Æѧ»ù½ðÃæÉÏ»ù½ðÏîÄ¿¡¢½ÌÓý²¿¸ßµÈѧУ²©Ê¿Ñ§¿ÆµãרÏî¿ÆÑлù½ðµÈ¿ÆÑлù½ðÏîÄ¿£»²ÎÓëÁËÅ·ÃËFP7ÏîÄ¿¡¢Å·ÃËHorizon2020ÏîÄ¿¡¢ºþ±±Ê¡ÖصãÑз¢ÏîÄ¿µÈ¶àÏî¹ú¼Ê¿Æ¼¼ºÏ×÷ÏîÄ¿£»²ÎÓëÁ˽ÌÓý²¿¸ßµÈԺУµç×ÓÐÅÏ¢Ààרҵ½ÌָίÒÔ¼°ºþ±±Ê¡½ÌÓýÌü×ÊÖúµÄ¶àÏî½Ìѧ¸Ä¸ïÏîÄ¿¡£·¢±íÂÛÎÄ¡°A cross-layer cooperative caching for software-defined radio access networks¡±»ñÖйú¹ú¼ÊͨÐÅ´ó»áIEEE/CIC ICCC 2017×î¼ÑÂÛÎĽ±£»×÷ΪµÚËÄÍê³ÉÈ˵ġ°ÂÌÉ«ÎÞÏßͨÐÅÓëÍøÂç»ù´¡ÀíÂÛÓë·½·¨¡±»ñµÃ2015ÄêÖйúͨÐÅѧ»á¿Æѧ¼¼Êõ¶þµÈ½±¡£»ý¼«·þÎñѧÊõ¹²Í¬Ì壬µ£ÈÎÁËͨÐÅÁìÓò¹ú¼ÊÆì½¢»áÒéIEEE GLOBECOM 2019 MWN·Ö»áÖ÷ϯ£¬ÒÔ¼°¹ú¼ÊѧÊõ»áÒéWCSP 2020·Ö»áÖ÷ϯ¡£

Research Interest Ñо¿ÐËȤNext-generation wireless communication systems, wireless cooperative communications, full-duplex techniques, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer, cognitive radios, software-defined networks, edge caching, multi-domain, Cyber-Physical-Social Systems (CPSS).

Education ½ÌÓý¾­Àú Ph. D in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2011
B. Eng in Communications Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2007
²©Ê¿£¬Ð¼ÓÆÂÄÏÑóÀí¹¤´óѧ£¬Ð¼ÓÆ£¬ 2011

Research Experience Ñо¿¾­Àú
Professor, School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Nov. 2020-Present
Associate Professor, School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Feb. 2013-Oct. 2020
Visiting Scholar, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield, Mar. 2015-June 2015
Research Fellow, School of EEE, Nanyang Technological University, Feb. 2011-Feb. 2013

Publications ·¢±íÂÛÎÄ Journal Papers ÆÚ¿¯ÂÛÎÄ H. Peng, Qiang Li (corresponding author), A. Pandharipande, X. Ge, and J. Zhang, ¡°On the performance of a dual-hop hybrid VLC/RF IoT system based on SLIPT,¡± IEEE Internet of Things Journal, to appear.
K. Chen, J. Yang, Qiang Li, and X. Ge, ¡°Sub-array hybrid precoding for massive MIMO systems: A CNN-based approach,¡± IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 191-195, Jan. 2021.
Qiang Li, Y. Zhang, Y. Li, Y. Xiao, and X. Ge, ¡°Capacity-aware edge caching in fog computing networks,¡± IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 8, pp. 9244-9248, Aug. 2020.
X. Ge, R. Zhou, and Qiang Li (corresponding author), ¡°NFV-based tactile internet for mission-critical IoT services in 5G,¡± IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 6150-6163, Jul. 2020.
H. Lou, X. Ge, and Qiang Li (corresponding author), ¡°The new purity and capacity models for the OAM-mmWave communication systems under atmospheric turbulence,¡± IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 129988-129996, Sept. 2019.
Qiang Li, X. Zhang, A. Pandharipande, and J. Zhang, ¡°Cooperative spectrum sharing on SWIPT-based DF relay: An energy-aware retransmission approach,¡± IEEE Access, no. 1, vol. 7, pp. 120802-120816, Sept. 2019.
Qiang Li, X. Zhang, A. Pandharipande, X. Ge, and H. Gharavi, ¡°An energy-aware retransmission approach in SWIPT-based cognitive relay systems,¡± IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 580-594, Sept. 2019.
Qiang Li, Y. Zhang, A. Pandharipande, X. Ge, and J. Zhang, ¡°D2D-assisted caching on truncated Zipf distribution,¡± IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 13411-13421, 2019.
B. Yang, X. Yang, X. Ge, and Qiang Li, ¡°Coverage and handover analysis of ultra-dense millimeter-wave networks with control and user plane Separation architecture,¡± IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 54739-54750, 2018.
Y. Zhong, X. Ge, H. H. Yang, T. Han, and Qiang Li, ¡°Traffic matching in 5G ultra-dense networks,¡± IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 100-105, Aug. 2018.
Y. Zhong, X. Ge, T. Han, Qiang Li, and J. Zhang, ¡°Tradeoff between delay and physical layer security in wireless networks,¡± IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 36, no. 7. pp. 1635-1647, Jul. 2018.
T. Han, J. Gong, X. Liu, S. M. R. Islam, Qiang Li (corresponding author), Z. Bai and K. S. Kwak, ¡°On downlink NOMA in heterogeneous networks with non-uniform small cell deployment,¡± IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 31099-31109, 2018.
L. Wang, T. Han, Qiang Li, J. Yan, X. Liu, and D. Deng, ¡°Cell-less communications in 5G vehicular networks based on vehicle-installed access points,¡± IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 24, no. 6. pp. 64-71, Dec. 2017.
Qiang Li, W. Shi, X. Ge, and Z. Niu, ¡°Cooperative edge caching in software-defined hyper-cellular networks,¡± IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 35, no. 11. pp. 2596-2605, Nov. 2017.
ZHANG Tao, LI Qiang (corresponding author), ZHANG Ji-liang, ZHANG Cai-xia. An Efficient Cooperative Content Caching Algorithm for Software-Defined Radio Access Networks. Acta Electronica Sinica, 2017, 45(11): 2649-2655.
X. Ge, L. Pan, Qiang Li (corresponding author), G. Mao and S. Tu, ¡°Multipath cooperative communications networks for augmented and virtual reality transmission,¡± IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 19, no. 10. pp. 2345-2358, Oct. 2017.
Qiang Li, S. Feng, X. Ge, G. Mao and L. Hanzo, ¡°On the performance of full-duplex multi-relay channels with DF relays,¡± IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66 no. 10. pp. 9550-9554, Oct. 2017.
X. Ge, R. Zi, X. Xiong, Qiang Li (corresponding author), and L. Wang, ¡°Millimeter wave communications with OAM-SM scheme for future mobile networks,¡± IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 35, no. 9. pp. 2163-2177, Sept. 2017.
Qiang Li, S. Feng, A. Pandharipande, Q. Ni and J. Zhang, ¡°Wireless powered cooperative multi-relay systems with relay selection,¡± IEEE Access, vol. 5. pp. 19058-19071, Sep. 2017.
J. Zhang, X. Ge, Qiang Li (corresponding author) and M. Guizani, ¡°5G millimeter-wave antenna array: Design and challenges,¡± IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 106-112, Apr. 2017.
X. Ge, B. Du, Qiang Li (corresponding author) and D. S. Michalopoulos, ¡°Energy efficiency of multiuser multiantenna random cellular networks with minimum distance constraints,¡± IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 1696-1708, Feb. 2017.
J. Zhang, Qiang Li (corresponding author), K. Kim, Y. Wang, X. Ge and J. Zhang, ¡°On the performance of full-duplex two-way relay channels with spatial modulation,¡± IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 4966-4982, Dec. 2016.
T. Han, Y. Han, X. Ge, Qiang Li, J. Zhang, Z. Bai and L. Wang, ¡°Small cell offloading through cooperative communication in software defined heterogeneous networks,¡± IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, no. 20, pp. 7381-7392, Oct. 2016.
X. Ge, H. Wang, R. Zi, Qiang Li (corresponding author) and Q. Ni, ¡°5G Multimedia Massive MIMO Communications Systems,¡± Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Wiley InterScience), vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 1377-1388, Aug. 2016.
Qiang Li, M. Yu, A. Pandharipande, X. Ge, J. Zhang and J. Zhang, ¡°Performance of virtual full-duplex relaying on cooperative multi-path relay channels,¡± IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 3628-3642, May 2016.
Qiang Li, M. Yu, A. Pandharipande and X. Ge, ¡°Outage analysis of cooperative two-path relay channels,¡± IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 3157-3169, May 2016.
X. Ge, J. Ye, Y. Yang and Qiang Li (corresponding author), ¡°User mobility evaluation for 5G small cell networks based on individual mobility model,¡± IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 528-541, Mar. 2016.
T. Han, G. Mao, Qiang Li (corresponding author), L. Wang, and J. Zhang, "Interference minimization in 5G heterogeneous networks," Mobile Networks and Applications, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 756-762, Dec. 2015.
Qiang Li, A. Pandharipande, S. H. Ting, and X. Ge, "Spectrum sharing on interference channels with a cognitive relay," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2015:185.
X. Ge, S. Tu, T. Han, Qiang Li and G. Mao, ¡°Energy Efficiency of Small Cell Backhaul Networks Based on Gauss-Markov Mobile Models,¡± IET Networks, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 158-167, 2015.
X. Ge, X. Huang, Y. Wang, M. Chen, Qiang Li, T. Han and C.-X. Wang, ¡°Energy Efficiency Optimization for MIMO-OFDM Mobile Multimedia Communication Systems with QoS Constraints,¡± IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 2127 - 2138, June 2014.
S. Fang, S. H. Ting, Qiang Li, A. Pandharipande, M. Motani, ¡°ARQ-based spectrum sharing with multiple-access secondary system,¡± EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2013:129.
Qiang Li, S. H. Ting, A. Pandharipande, M. Motani, ¡°Cooperate-and-access spectrum sharing with arq-based primary systems,¡± IEEE Transaction on Communications, vol. 60, no. 10, pp. 2861-2871, Oct. 2012.
Qiang Li, S. H. Ting, A. Pandharipande, Y. Han, ¡°Cognitive spectrum sharing with two-way relaying systems,¡± IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 1233-1240, Mar. 2011.
Qiang Li, S. H. Ting, C. K. Ho, ¡°A Joint network and channel coding strategy for wireless decode-and-forward relay networks,¡± IEEE Transaction on Communications, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 181-193, Jan. 2011.
Qiang Li, S. H. Ting, A. Pandharipande, Y. Han, ¡°Adaptive two-way relaying and outage analysis,¡± IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 3288-3299, Jun. 2009.

Conference Papers »áÒéÂÛÎÄ R. Wu, Qiang Li, and X. Ge, ¡°Deep reinforcement learning-based edge caching in wireless networks,¡± the12th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2020), Nanjing, China, Oct. 2020.
H. Peng, Qiang Li, A. Pandharipande, X. Ge, and J. Zhang, ¡°Performance analysis of a SLIPT-based hybrid VLC/RF system,¡± IEEE/CIC ICCC 2020, Chongqing, China, Aug. 2020.
X. Zhang, Y. Xiao, Qiang Li, and W. Saad, ¡°Deep reinforcement learning for fog computing-based vehicular system with multi-operator support,¡± IEEE ICC 2020, Dublin, Ireland, June 2020.
M. Chen, Y. Xiao, Qiang Li, and K.-C. Chen, ¡°Minimizing age-of-information for fog computing-supported vehicular networks with deep Q-learning,¡± IEEE ICC 2020, Dublin, Ireland, June 2020.
X. Tian, J. Chen, X. Ge, and Qiang Li, ¡°Performance analysis on fractal small cell networks with MIMO antennas,¡± 15th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Tangier, Morocco, June 2019.
Qiang Li, Y. Zhang, A. Pandharipande, Y. Xiao, and X. Ge, ¡°Edge caching in wireless infostation networks: Deployment and cache content placement,¡± INFOCOM'2019 Workshops, Paris, France, May 2019.
Qiang Li, W. Shi, Y. Xiao, X. Ge, and A. Pandharipande, ¡°Content size-aware edge caching: A size-weighted popularity-based approach,¡± IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.
Qiang Li, W. Shi, T. Zhang, T. Chen, T. Han, ¡°A cross-layer cooperative caching for software-defined radio access networks,¡± IEEE ICCC 2017, Qingdao, China, Oct. 2017 (Best paper award).
S. Xiong, L. Wang, K. S. Kwak, Z. Bai, J. Wang, Qiang Li, and T. Han, ¡°A normalization model for analyzing multi-tier millimeter wave cellular networks,¡± 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Valencia, Spain, June 2017.
Qiang Li, S. Feng, A. Pandharipande, Q. Ni, and J. Zhang, ¡°Wireless-powered cooperative multi-relay networks with relay selection¡±, IEEE ICC Workshops 2017, Paris, France, May 2017
J. Chen, F. Bin, X. Ge, Qiang Li, and C.-X. Wang, ¡°A dual-directional path-loss model in 5G wireless fractal small cell networks,¡± IEEE ICC, Paris, France, May, 2017.
Qiang Li, C. Zhang, X. Ge, T. Chen and T. Zhang, ¡°A cost-oriented cooperative caching for software-defined radio access networks,¡± IEEE PIMRC, Valencia, Spain, Sept. 2016.
Y. Zhao, Qiang Li, L. Huang, S. Feng, T. Han and J. Zhang, ¡°Wireless information and power transfer on cooperative multi-path relay channels,¡± IEEE ICCC, Chengdu, China, Jul. 2016.
T. Han, X. Liu, L. Wang, J. Wang, K. S. Kwak, and Qiang Li, ¡°Energy saving of base stations sleep scheduling for multi-hop vehicular networks,¡± IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 1¨C5, May 2016.
H. Jia, J. Chen, X. Ge, and Qiang Li, ¡°Switch-off strategy of base stations in HCPP random cellular networks,¡± IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 1-6, May 2016.
J. Zhang, Y. Xin, Qiang Li and X. Ge, ¡°Uplink performance analysis for heterogeneous stochastic cellular Networks,¡± IEEE VTC-fall, Boston, USA, Sept. 2015.
Qiang Li, Y. Zhao, A. Pandharipande, X. Ge and J. Zhang, "Performance analysis of multi-path relay channels with source power adaptation," IEEE PIMRC, Hong Kong, pp. 23-28, Sept. 2015.
Qiang Li, M. Yu, A. Pandharipande, and X. Ge, ¡°Outage analysis of cooperative multi-path relay channels with virtual full-duplex relaying,¡± 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop (ICCW), London, pp. 925-930, June 2015.
T. Han, Y. Feng, J. Wang, L. Wang, Qiang Li, Y. Han, ¡°On energy efficiency of the nearest-neighbor cooperative communication in heterogeneous networks,¡± IEEE ICC Workshops, London, pp. 2793-2798, June 2015.
Qiang Li, M. Yu, A. Pandharipande, T. Han, J. Zhang, and X. Ge, "Cooperative two-path relay channels: Performance analysis using a markov framework," IEEE ICC, London, pp. 3573-3578, June 2015.
X. Ge, B. Yang, J. Ye, G. Mao and Qiang Li, ¡°Performance analysis of poisson-voronoi tessellated random cellular networks using markov chains,¡± IEEE GLOBECOM, Austin, USA, Dec. 2014. (Best 50 Papers of IEEE GLOBECOM 2014)
J. Zhang, T. Han, Y. Xin, Qiang Li, and X. Ge, ¡°Evaluation of inter-cell interference in uplink cellular networks with rayleigh channels,¡± IEEE ChinaCom, Maoming, China, Aug. 2014.
J. Zhang, Y. Xin, H. Tao, M. Jo, Qiang Li and X. Ge, ¡°On inter-cell interference factor in the uplinks of multicell planar networks,¡± IEEE ICC, Sydney, Australia, June, 2014.
Qiang Li, A. Pandharipande, and X. Ge, ¡°Cognitive spectrum sharing with bi-directional secondary system,¡± IEEE CROWNCOM, Oulu, Finland, Jun. 2014.
T. Han, Z. Zhang, M. Hu, G. Mao, X. Ge and Qiang Li, ¡°Energy efficiency of cooperative base station sleep scheduling for vehicular networks,¡± IEEE VTC-Spring, Seoul, Korea, May 2014.
X. Ge, P. Song, T. Taleb, T. Han, J. Zhang and Qiang Li, ¡°Power consumption evaluation in random cellular networks,¡± IEEE WCNC, Istanbul, Turkey, Apr. 2014.
Qiang Li, A. Pandharipande, and S. H. Ting, ¡°Spectrum sharing on interference channels with a cognitive relay,¡± IEEE WCNC, Shanghai, Apr. 2013.
Qiang Li, S. H. Ting, M. Motani, and A. Pandharipande, ¡°Towards Collisions: an enhanced successive interference cancellation with asynchronism,¡± IEEE GLOBECOM, USA, Dec. 2012.
Qiang Li, S. H. Ting, A. Pandharipande, and M. Motani, ¡°Co-existence with ARQ-based primary system through cooperate-and-access spectrum sharing,¡± IEEE ICICS, Singapore, Dec. 2011.
Qiang Li, S. H. Ting, and C. K. Ho, ¡°On the available receiver side information in wireless network coding,¡± IEEE ICC, Kyoto, Japan, Jun, 2011.
Qiang Li, S. H. Ting, and C. K. Ho, ¡°Nonlinear network code for high throughput broadcasting with retransmissions,¡± IEEE ISIT, Seoul, Korea, pp. 2853-2857, Jun. 2009.
Qiang Li, S. H. Ting, and C. K. Ho, ¡°Joint network and channel coding for wireless networks,¡± IEEE SECON, Rome, Italy, Jun. 2009.
Qiang Li, S. H. Ting, A. Pandharipande, and Y. Han, ¡°Outage analysis for adaptive two-way relaying,¡± IEEE PIMRC, Cannes, France, Sept. 2008.

Patents ·¢Ã÷רÀû ÀîÇ¿£¬ÕŲÌϼ£¬ÓàÂüÀö£¬¸ðÏþ»¢¡£Ò»ÖÖ»ùÓÚ°ëË«¹¤¶à¾¶Ð­×÷ϵͳµÄÐéÄâÈ«Ë«¹¤Öм̴«Êä·½·¨¡£Öйú¡£ÒÑÊÚȨ¡£×¨ÀûºÅ£ºCN0.3¡£
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Research Projects ¿ÆÑÐÏîÄ¿ Hubei Provincial Key R&D program, Grant no. 2020BAA002, 2,000,000RMB, 2020-2022
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Grant no. **, 590,000RMB, 2020-2023
National Key R&D Program of China, Grant no. 2016YFE**, 3,780,000RMB, 2017-2019
Horizon 2020, EU-China study on IoT and 5G, Grant no. EXICITING-723227, 962,625€, 2016-2018
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Grant no. , 2,000,000RMB, 2015-2017
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Grant no. **, 240,000RMB, 2014-2016
Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (SRFDP), 40,000RMB, 2014-2016
¿Æ¼¼²¿Õþ¸®¼ä¹ú¼Ê¿Æ¼¼´´ÐºÏ×÷ÖصãרÏ¡°ÖÐÅ·ÎïÁªÍø¼°5G ºÏ×÷Ñо¿¡±£¬±àºÅ£º2016YFE**£¬¾­·Ñ378ÍòÔª£¬Ö´ÐÐʱ¼ä£º2017.10-2019.09¡£
Å·Ã˵ØƽÏß2020Ñо¿Ó봴пò¼ÜÏîÄ¿£¨Horizon 2020-Research and Innovation Framework Programme£©£¬¡°Öйú-Å·ÃËÎïÁªÍøÓëÏÂÒ»´úÒƶ¯Í¨ÐÅϵͳÑо¿£¨EU-China study on IoT and 5G£©¡±£¬±àºÅ£ºEU H2020-ICT-723227-EXCITING£¬¾­·Ñ962,625Å·Ôª£¬Ö´ÐÐʱ¼ä£º2016.11-2018.12¡£

Awards »ñ½± ICCC 2017×î¼ÑÂÛÎĽ±£¬¡°A cross-layer cooperative caching for software-defined radio access networks¡±£¬ÅÅÃûµÚÒ»¡£
IET NetworksÆÚ¿¯2017Äê¶È×î¼ÑÂÛÎĽ±£¬¡°Energy efficiency of small cell backhaul networks based on gauss-markov mobile models¡±£¬ÅÅÃûµÚËÄ¡£

Last Updated: May 12, 2021.
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