Hongzhi Lin (林宏志) Ph.D., Assistant Professor
School of Electronic Information and Communications
Huazhong University of Science and Technolog
Wuhan, 430074, China
Email: linhz@hust.edu.cn / eihongzhilin2012@gmail.com
Short Bio: Hongzhi Lin received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, in 2000, 2003, and 2008, respectively, all in Electronic and Information. He is now with the faculty of Huazhong University of Science and Technology as an assistant professor. His current research interests are in the areas of wireless networking and digital signal processing.
Teaching: Data Structure
Digital Signal Processing
Introduction to Internet of Things
Publications: C. Wang, H. Lin, R. Zhang and H. Jiang. SEND: A Situation-Aware Emergency Navigation Algorithm with Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). 2017, 16(4): 1149-1162. (Corresponding Author)
W. Liu, H. Jiang, J. Liu, X. Liao, H. Lin, and T. Deng. On the Distance-Sensitive and Load-Balanced Information Storage and Retrieval for 3D Sensor Networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN). 2016, 24(6): 3439-3449.
C. Wang, H. Lin, and H. Jiang. CANS: Towards Congestion-Adaptive and Small Stretch Emergency Navigation with Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). Vol.15(5): 1077-1089, 2016. (Corresponding Author)
C. Wang, W. Wei, H. Lin, H. Jiang and John C.S. Lui. BLOW-UP: Towards Distributed and Scalable Space Filling Curve Construction in 3D WSNs. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN). Vol.12(4): 30:1-30:20, 2016. (Corresponding Author)
H. Lin, W. Wei, P. Zhao, X. Ma, R. Zhang, W. Liu, T. Deng and K. Peng. Energy-Efficient Compressed Data Aggregation in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks. ACM/Springer Wireless Networks (WINET). Vol.22(6): 1985-1997, 2016.
W. Liu, J. Liu, H. Jiang, B. Xu, H. Lin, G. Jiang, and J. Xing. WiLocator: WiFi-sensing based Real-time Bus Tracking and Arrival Time Prediction in Urban Environments. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2016.
T. Liu, H. Lin, C. Wang, K. Peng, Y. Dong, D. Wang, and H. Jiang. Chain-based Barrier Coverage in WSNs: Toward Identifying and Repairing Weak Zones. ACM/Springer Wireless Networks (WINET). Vol.22(2): 523-536, 2016. (Corresponding Author)
W. Wei, C. Wang, H. Lin, R. Zhang, and H. Jiang. A Novel Networking Architecture for Mobile Content Delivery in Urban Transport Systems. ACM/Springer Wireless Networks (WINET). Vol.22(2): 427-438, 2016. (Corresponding Author)
W. Liu, H. Jiang, Y. Yang, X. Liao, H. Lin, and Z. Jin. A Unified Framework for Skeleton Extraction in 2D/3D Sensor Networks.IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC). Vol.64(5): 1323-1335, 2015.
D. Zhu, Q. Tao, J. Xing, Y. Wang, W. Liu, T. Deng, H. Lin, C. Wang, and H. Jiang. Boundary-free Skeleton Extraction and Its Evaluation in Sensor Networks. ACM/Springer Wireless Networks (WINET). Vol.21(1): 269-280, 2015.
C. Wang, H. Lin, and H. Jiang. Trajectory-Based Outlier Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks using Statistical Models. ACM/Springer Wireless Networks (WINET). Vol.20(8): 2409-2418, 2014. (Corresponding Author)
Last updated: 2019-09-18