姓 名 刘伟 性 别 男
职 称 教授(博导) 毕业学校
个人主页 http://tsl.energy.hust.edu.cn/
邮 箱 w_liu@hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院
教育及工作经历 1983.04-1987.03 华中工学院动力工程系热工教研室助教、讲师
1987.03-1988.05 美国新泽西州迪金森大学理工学院访问****
1988.05-1994.10 华中理工大学动力工程系热工教研室讲师、副教授
1994.10-1995.10 日本爱嫒大学机械系高级访问****
1995.10-1996.11 华中理工大学动力工程系热工教研室副教授、教授
1996.11-1997.11 华中理工大学能源科学与工程学院副院长、教授
1997.11-1998.01 日本爱嫒大学机械系访问教授
1998.02-2000.05 华中理工大学动力工程系系主任、教授、博导
2000.05-2001.02 华中科技大学动力工程系系主任、教授、博导
2001.02-2002.10 华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院院长、教授、博导
2002.10-2003.10 宁夏大学副校长
2003.10-2004.12 华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院院长、教授、博导
2004.12-2006.01 华中科技大学党委组织部长、教授、博导
2006.01-2008.06 华中科技大学副校长、教授、博导
2008.06-至今 华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院教授、博导 研究方向 电子器件冷却;强化传热理论与技术;热交换设备与节能;建筑节能;太阳能热利用;燃料电池热传输;工业余热回收及利用 科研项目 [1] 国家自然科学基金重点项目:先进传热强化理论及机理研究,2011-2014
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:泵辅助毛细回路的机理与实验研究,2013-2016
[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:毛细相变回路的界面效应及其稳定性研究,2009-2011
[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:土壤次生盐渍化过程的机理研究和模型预报,2004-2006
[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:REPS系统中的热物理问题研究,2000-2002
[6] 国家自然科学基金重点项目子项目:生物传热的热物理参数与基于光学层析的光参数的关联研究,1999-2002
[7] 国家973计划子课题项目:余热能级及梯级利用的定量化原则及其在热力系统中的应用,2013-2017
[8] 国家973计划子课题项目:换热器内流体诱导振动,2007-2011
[9] 国家973计划子课题项目:多孔介质及微细通道内相变流动机理和传热强化研究,2000-2005
[10] 国防项目:高热流器件散热与控制技术,2006-2010
[11] 国防项目:高效微通道热沉散热技术,2008-2010
[12] 国防项目:CPL热控技术,2001-2005
[13] 国防项目:小型CPL毛细芯研制,2000-2003
[14] 教育部博士点基金项目:基于传热强化的换热器设计与评价方法,2011-2013
[15] 教育部博士点基金项目:植物根系土壤盐渍化机理的热物理研究,2004-2006
[16] 教育部博士点基金项目:基于能量和物质迁移的REPS系统热物理问题研究,2001-2003
[17] 湖北省科技攻关项目:超临界流体萃取技术进行蛋黄卵磷脂提取新工艺研究,2002-2003
代表性论文与专利 专著与教材:
[1] 刘伟,范爱武,黄晓明,《多孔介质传热传质理论与应用》,科学出版社,2006
[2] 黄素逸,刘伟,《高等工程传热学》,中国电力出版社,2006
[3] 刘伟,周怀春,杨昆,《辐射介质传热》,中国电力出版社,2009
[4] 刘伟,黄晓明,刘志春,《毛细相变回路的理论与实验研究》,华中科技大学出版社,2010
[5] 范爱武,靳世平,刘伟,《微小尺度燃烧》,科学出版社,2012
[1] 刘伟,杨金国,刘志春等,平板式毛细抽吸两相回路热交换系统,授权号:9.2
[2] 刘伟,杨金国,刘志春等,一种用于CPL的平面式毛细芯蒸发器,授权号:0.3
[3] 刘伟,杨金国,刘志春等,用于CPL的带有散热片的平面式毛细芯蒸发器,授权号:1.8
[4] 刘伟,刘志春等,具有平面式毛细芯蒸发器和冷凝器的CPL系统,授权号:2.2
[5] 刘伟,刘志春等,一种用于CPL的平面式毛细芯冷凝器,授权号:3.7
[6] 刘伟,刘志春等,用于LHP和CPL的平面圆盘式毛细芯蒸发器,授权号:1.2
[7] 刘志春,刘伟等,纵向扰流管壳式换热器,授权号:.17.0
[8] 明廷臻,刘伟,刘志春等,一种强化传热管,授权号:.16.6
[1] Wang Y, Zhou B, Liu Z, Tu Z, Liu W. Numerical study and performance analyses of the mini-channel with discrete double-inclined ribs. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2014;78 498–505.
[2] Jiang C, Liu W, Wang HC, Wang DD, Yang JG, Li JY, et al. Experimental investigation of pump-assisted capillary phase change loop. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2014;71(1):581-8.
[3] Yang J, Oh S-R, Liu W. Optimization of shell-and-tube heat exchangers using a general design approach motivated by constructal theory. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2014;77:1144-54.
[4] Yang J, Ma L, Liu J, Liu W. Thermal–hydraulic performance of a novel shell-and-tube oil cooler with multi-fields synergy analysis. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2014;77:928-39.
[5] Yang J, Ma L, Bock J, Jacobi AM, Liu W. A comparison of four numerical modeling approaches for enhanced shell-and-tube heat exchangers with experimental validation. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2014;65(1–2):369-83.
[6] Yang J, Fan A, Liu W, Jacobi AM. Optimization of shell-and-tube heat exchangers conforming to TEMA standards with designs motivated by constructal theory. Energy Conversion and Management. 2014;78:468-76.
[7] Ma L, Yang J, Liu W, Zhang X. Physical quantity synergy analysis and efficiency evaluation criterion of heat transfer enhancement. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2014;80:23-32.
[8] Long R, Liu Z, Liu W. Performance optimization of minimally nonlinear irreversible heat engines and refrigerators under a trade-off figure of merit. Physical Review E. 2014;89(6):062119.
[9] Long R, Liu W. Coefficient of performance and its bounds for general refrigerators with nonisothermal processes. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2014;47(32):325002.
[10] Long R, Bao Y, Huang X, Liu W. Exergy analysis and working fluid selection of organic Rankine cycle for low grade waste heat recovery. Energy. 2014.
[11] Jia H, Liu ZC, Liu W, Nakayama A. Convective heat transfer optimization based on minimum entransy dissipation in the circular tube. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2014;73:124-9.
[12] Wang D, Liu Z, Shen J, Jiang C, Chen B, Yang J, et al. Experimental study of the loop heat pipe with a flat disk-shaped evaporator. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2014;57:157-64.
[13] Pei H, Shen J, Cai Y, Tu Z, Wan Z, Liu Z, et al. Operation characteristics of air-cooled proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks under ambient pressure. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2014;63(1):227-33.
[14] Wan Z, Shen J, Zhang H, Tu Z, Liu W. In situ temperature measurement in a 5kW-class Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell stack with pure oxygen as the oxidant. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2014;75:231-4.
[15] Ming T, de Richter R, Liu W, Caillol S. Fighting global warming by climate engineering: Is the Earth radiation management and the solar radiation management any option for fighting climate change? Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2014;31:792-834.
[16] Liu Y, Zhang J, Fan A, Wan J, Yao H, Liu W. Numerical investigation of CH4/O2 mixing in Y-shaped mesoscale combustors with/without porous media. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification. 2014;79:7-13.
[17] Fang T, Ming T, Tso CP, Huang X, Liu W. Analysis of non-uniform heat loads on evaporators with loop heat pipes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2014;75:313-26.
[18] Fan A, Wan J, Liu Y, Pi B, Yao H, Liu W. Effect of bluff body shape on the blow-off limit of hydrogen/air flame in a planar micro-combustor. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2014;62(1):13-9.
[19] Wan J, Yang W, Fan A, Liu Y, Yao H, Liu W, et al. A numerical investigation on combustion characteristics of H2/air mixture in a micro-combustor with wall cavities. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2014;39(15):8138-46.
[20] Zhang X, Liu Z, Liu W. Numerical studies on heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of a tube fitted with helical screw-tape without core-rod inserts. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2013;60:490-8.
[21] Zhang C-p, Lian Y-f, Yu X-f, Liu W, Teng J-t, Xu T-t, et al. Numerical and experimental studies on laminar hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics in fractal-like microchannel networks. Part B: Investigations on the performances of pressure drop and heat transfer. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2013;66:939-47.
[22] Zhang C-p, Lian Y-f, Yu X-f, Liu W, Teng J-t, Xu T-t, et al. Numerical and experimental studies on laminar hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics in fractal-like microchannel networks. Part A: Comparisons of two numerical analysis methods on friction factor and Nusselt number. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2013;66:930-8.
[23] You Y, Fan A, Luo X, Jin S, Liu W, Huang S. An investigation in the effects of recycles on laminar heat transfer enhancement of parallel-flow heat exchangers. Chemical Engineering and Processing. 2013;70:27-36.
[24] You Y, Fan A, Lai X, Huang S, Liu W. Experimental and numerical investigations of shell-side thermo-hydraulic performances for shell-and-tube heat exchanger with trefoil-hole baffles. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2013;50(1):950-6.
[25] Wan Z, Liu J, Luo Z, Tu Z, Liu Z, Liu W. Evaluation of self-water-removal in a dead-ended proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Applied Energy. 2013;104:751-7.
[26] Pei H, Liu Z, Zhang H, Yu Y, Tu Z, Wan Z, et al. In situ measurement of temperature distribution in proton exchange membrane fuel cell I a hydrogen-air stack. Journal of Power Sources. 2013;227:72-9.
[27] Ming T, Meng F, Liu W, Pan Y, de Richter RK. Analysis of output power smoothing method of the solar chimney power generating system. International Journal of Energy Research. 2013;37(13):1657-68.
[28] Ming T, de Richter RK, Meng F, Pan Y, Liu W. Chimney shape numerical study for solar chimney power generating systems. International Journal of Energy Research. 2013;37(4):310-22.
[29] Liu W, Jia H, Liu ZC, Fang HS, Yang K. The approach of minimum heat consumption and its applications in convective heat transfer optimization. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2013;57(1):389-96.
[30] Guo J, Yan Y, Liu W, Jiang F, Fan A. Effects of upwind area of tube inserts on heat transfer and flow resistance characteristics of turbulent flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2013;48:147-55.
[31] Fan A, Wan J, Maruta K, Yao H, Liu W. Interactions between heat transfer, flow field and flame stabilization in a micro-combustor with a bluff body. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2013;66:72-9.
[32] Fan A, Wan J, Maruta K, Nakamura H, Yao H, Liu W. Flame dynamics in a heated meso-scale radial channel. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2013;34:3351-9.
[33] Fan A, Wan J, Liu Y, Pi B, Yao H, Maruta K, et al. The effect of the blockage ratio on the blow-off limit of a hydrogen/air flame in a planar micro-combustor with a bluff body. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2013;38(26):11438-45.
[34] Ding G, Tang H, Luo Z, Tu Z, Pei H, Liu Z, et al. Water distribution and removal along the flow channel in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition. 2013;28(2):243-8.
[35] Zhang X, Liu Z, Liu W. Numerical studies on heat transfer and flow characteristics for laminar flow in a tube with multiple regularly spaced twisted tapes. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2012;58:157-67.
[36] Yuan W, Zhao J, Tso CP, Wu T, Liu W, Ming T. Numerical simulation of the thermal hydraulic performance of a plate pin fin heat sink. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2012;48:81-8.
[37] You Y, Fan A, Liu W, Huang S. Thermo-hydraulic characteristics of laminar flow in an enhanced tube with conical strip inserts. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2012;61:28-37.
[38] You Y, Fan A, Huang S, Liu W. Numerical modeling and experimental validation of heat transfer and flow resistance on the shell side of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger with flower baffles. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2012;55(25-26):7561-9.
[39] Yang C, Nakayama A, Liu W. Heat transfer performance assessment for forced convection in a tube partially filled with a porous medium. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2012;54:98-108.
[40] Wan ZM, Wan JH, Liu J, Tu ZK, Pan M, Liu ZC, et al. Water recovery and air humidification by condensing the moisture in the outlet gas of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2012;42(0):173-8.
[41] Wan ZM, Guo GQ, Su KL, Tu ZK, Liu W. Experimental analysis of flow and heat transfer in a miniature porous heat sink for high heat flux application. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2012;55(15–16):4437-41.
[42] Wan J, Fan A, Maruta K, Yao H, Liu W. Experimental and numerical investigation on combustion characteristics of premixed hydrogen/air flame in a micro-combustor with a bluff body. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2012;37(24):19190-7.
[43] Tu Z-k, Pan M, Liu W, Liu Z-c, Wan Z-m. Modeling of stability of the condensing interface in a capillary pumped loop. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2012;55(5-6):1709-15.
[44] Ming T, Wang X, de Richter RK, Liu W, Wu T, Pan Y. Numerical analysis on the influence of ambient crosswind on the performance of solar updraft power plant system. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2012;16(8):5567-83.
[45] Liu Z, Li H, Chen B, Yang J, Liu W. Operational characteristics of flat type loop heat pipe with biporous wick. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2012;58:180-5.
[46] Liu W, Liu Z, Ma L. Application of a multi-field synergy principle in the performance evaluation of convective heat transfer enhancement in a tube. Chin Sci Bull. 2012;57(13):1600-7.
[47] Li H, Liu Z, Chen B, Liu W, Li C, Yang J. Development of biporous wicks for flat-plate loop heat pipe. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2012;37:91-7.
[48] Jia H, Liu W, Liu Z. Enhancing convective heat transfer based on minimum power consumption principle. Chemical Engineering Science. 2012;69(1):225-30.
[49] Fan AW, Deng JJ, Nakayama A, Liu W. Parametric study on turbulent heat transfer and flow characteristics in a circular tube fitted with louvered strip inserts. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2012;55(19–20):5205-13.
[50] Fan A, Maruta K, Nakamura H, Liu W. Experimental investigation of flame pattern transitions in a heated radial micro-channel. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2012;47:111-8.
[51] Chen BB, Liu ZC, Liu W, Yang JG, Li H, Wang DD. Operational characteristics of two biporous wicks used in loop heat pipe with flat evaporator. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2012;55(7–8):2204-7.
[52] Chen BB, Liu W, Liu ZC, Li H, Yang JG. Experimental investigation of loop heat pipe with flat evaporator using biporous wick. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2012;42(0):34-40.
[54] Wang Y, Liu Z, Huang S, Liu W, Li W. Experimental investigation of shell-and-tube heat exchanger with a new type of baffles. Heat and Mass Transfer. 2011;47(7):833-9.
[55] Wan ZM, Liu J, Wan JH, Tu ZK, Liu W. An overall numerical investigation on heat and mass transfer for miniature flat plate capillary pumped loop evaporator. Thermochimica Acta. 2011;518(1–2):82-8.
[56] Luo X, Liu Y, Liu W. A Honeycomb Microchannel Cooling System for Microelectronics Cooling. Heat Transfer Engineering. 2011;32(7-8):616-23.
[57] Liu Z, Gai D, Li H, Liu W, Yang J, Liu M. Investigation of impact of different working fluids on the operational characteristics of miniature LHP with flat evaporator. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2011;31(16):3387-92.
[58] Liu Y, Luo X, Liu W. Experimental Research on a Honeycomb Microchannel Cooling System. Ieee Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. 2011;1(9):1378-86.
[59] Liu W, Liu ZC, Jia H, Fan AW, Nakayama A. Entransy expression of the second law of thermodynamics and its application to optimization in heat transfer process. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2011;54(13–14):3049-59.
[60] Guo J, Fan A, Zhang X, Liu W. A numerical study on heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of laminar flow in a circular tube fitted with center-cleared twisted tape. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2011;50(7):1263-70.
[61] Fan A, Deng J, Guo J, Liu W. A numerical study on thermo-hydraulic characteristics of turbulent flow in a circular tube fitted with conical strip inserts. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2011;31(14-15):2819-28.
[62] Zheng Y, Ming T, Zhou Z, Yu X, Wang H, Pan Y, et al. Unsteady numerical simulation of solar chimney power plant system with energy storage layer. Journal of the Energy Institute. 2010;83(2):86-92.
[63] Tu Z, Liu W, Liu Z, Huang X. Interface stability in a capillary loop undergoing phase changes in non-gravitational conditions. Chin Sci Bull. 2010;55(35):4069-73.
[64] Ming T, Zheng Y, Liu J, Liu C, Liu W, Huang S. Heat transfer enhancement by filling metal porous medium in central area of tubes. Journal of the Energy institute. 2010;83(1):17-24.
[65] Ming T, Zheng Y, Liu C, Liu W, Pan Y. Simple analysis on thermal performance of solar chimney power generation systems. Journal of the Energy Institute. 2010;83(1):6-11.
[66] Liu W, Liu Z, Huang S. Physical quantity synergy in the field of turbulent heat transfer and its analysis for heat transfer enhancement. Chin Sci Bull. 2010;55(23):2589-97.
[67] Huang ZF, Nakayama A, Yang K, Yang C, Liu W. Enhancing heat transfer in the core flow by using porous medium insert in a tube. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2010;53(5–6):1164-74.
[68] Fan A, Maruta K, Nakamura H, Kumar S, Liu W. Experimental investigation on flame pattern formations of DME-air mixtures in a radial microchannel. Combustion and Flame. 2010;157(9):1637-42.
[69] Zhang X, Liu W, Liu Z. Criterion for Local Thermal Equilibrium in Forced Convection Flow Through Porous Media. Journal of Porous Media. 2009;12(11):1103-11.
[70] Zhang C-p, Liu W, Wu F, Guo F-z, Zhang X-q. Identification of complex compliance for regenerator in thermoacoustic resonator system. Journal of Central South University of Technology. 2009;16:320-5.
[71] Wan Z, Liu W, Tu Z, Nakayama A. Conjugate numerical analysis of flow and heat transfer with phase change in a miniature flat plate CPL evaporator. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2009;52(1):422-30.
[72] Nakayama A, Kuwahara F, Liu W. A macroscopic model for countercurrent bioheat transfer in a circulatory system. Journal of Porous Media. 2009;12(4).
[73] Liu Z, Liu W, Yang J, Gai D. Design and Experimental Research of a Flat-Plate Type CPL with a Porous Wick in the Condenser. Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer. 2009;16(2):161-70.
[74] Liu W, Liu Z, Yang K, Tu Z. Phase change driving mechanism and modeling for heat pipe with porous wick. Chin Sci Bull. 2009;54(21):4000-4.
[75] Liu W, Liu Z, Wang Y, Huang S. Flow mechanism and heat transfer enhancement in longitudinal-flow tube bundle of shell-and-tube heat exchanger. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences. 2009;52(10):2952-9.
[76] Liu W, Liu Z, Wang Y, Huang S. Flow mechanism and heat transfer enhancement in longitudinal-flow tube bundle of shell-and-tube heat exchanger. Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences. 2009;52(10):2952-9.
[77] Liu W, Liu Z, Ming T, Guo Z. Physical quantity synergy in laminar flow field and its application in heat transfer enhancement. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2009;52(19-20):4669-72.
[78] Liu W, Liu Z, Guo Z. Physical quantity synergy in laminar flow field of convective heat transfer and analysis of heat transfer enhancement. Chin Sci Bull. 2009;54(19):3579-86.
[79] Gai D, Liu Z, Liu W, Yang J. Operational characteristics of miniature loop heat pipe with flat evaporator. Heat and Mass Transfer. 2009;46(2):267-75.
[80] Gai D, Liu W, Liu Z, Yang J. Temperature Oscillation of mLHP with Flat Evaporator. Heat Transfer Research. 2009;40(4):321-32.
[81] Fan A, Minaev S, Sereshchenko E, Fursenko R, Kumar S, Liu W, et al. Experimental and numerical investigations of flame pattern formations in a radial microchannel. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2009;32:3059-66.
[82] Zhang X, Liu W. New Criterion for Local Thermal Equilibrium in Porous Media. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer. 2008;22(4):649-53.
[83] Ming T, Liu W, Xu G, Xiong Y, Guan X, Pan Y. Numerical simulation of the solar chimney power plant systems coupled with turbine. Renewable Energy. 2008;33(5):897-905.
[84] Ming T, Liu W, Pan Y, Xu G. Numerical analysis of flow and heat transfer characteristics in solar chimney power plants with energy storage layer. Energy Conversion and Management. 2008;49(10):2872-9.
[85] Liu Z, Liu W, Yang J. Experimental investigation of new flat-plate-type capillary pumped loop. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer. 2008;22(1):98-104.
[86] Liu W, Yang K. Mechanism and numerical analysis of heat transfer enhancement in the core flow along a tube. Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences. 2008;51(8):1195-202.
[87] Fan A, Minaev S, Kumar S, Liu W, Maruta K. Regime diagrams and characteristics of flame patterns in radial microchannels with temperature gradients. Combustion and Flame. 2008;153(3):479-89.
[88] Chen W, Liu W. Numerical analysis of heat transfer in a passive solar composite wall with porous absorber. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2008;28(11-12):1251-8.
[89] Wan Z, Liu W, Zheng Z, Nakayama A. Heat transfer with flow and phase change in an evaporator of miniature flat plate capillary pumped loop. Journal of Thermal Science. 2007;16(3):254-63.
[90] Liu Z, Liu W, Nakayama A. Flow and heat transfer analysis in porous wick of CPL evaporator based on field synergy principle. Heat and mass transfer. 2007;43(12):1273-81.
[91] Fan A, Minaev S, Kumar S, Liu W, Maruta K. Experimental study on flame pattern formation and combustion completeness in a radial microchannel. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2007;17(12):2398-406.
[92] Nakayama A, Kuwahara F, Liu W. An integrated 2-D Navier–Stokes equation and its application to 3-D internal flows. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2006;20(2):99-104.
[93] Ming T, Liu W, Xu G. Analytical and numerical investigation of the solar chimney power plant systems. International Journal of Energy Research. 2006;30(11):861-73.
[94] Chen W, Liu W, Liu B. Numerical and experimental analysis of heat and moisture content transfer in a lean-to greenhouse. Energy and buildings. 2006;38(2):99-104.
[95] Chen W, Liu W. Numerical simulation of the airflow and temperature distribution in a lean-to greenhouse. Renewable energy. 2006;31(4):517-35.
[96] Liu BC, Liu W, Peng SW. Study of heat and moisture transfer in soil with a dry surface layer. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2005;48(21–22):4579-89.
[97] Huang X, Liu W, Nakayama A, Peng S. Modeling for heat and mass transfer with phase change in porous wick of CPL evaporator. Heat and mass transfer. 2005;41(7):667-73.
[98] Yu B, Liu W. Fractal analysis of permeabilities for porous media. AIChE journal. 2004;50(1):46-57.
[99] Yang K, Liu W. A novel model of the pulse decay method for measurement of local tissue blood perfusion. Medical engineering & physics. 2004;26(3):215-23.
[100] Chen W, Liu W. Numerical and experimental analysis of convection heat transfer in passive solar heating room with greenhouse and heat storage. Solar Energy. 2004;76(5):623-33.
[101] Chen W, Liu W. Numerical analysis of heat transfer in a composite wall solar-collector system with a porous absorber. Applied Energy. 2004;78(2):137-49.
[102] Zeng T, Liu W. Phonon heat conduction in micro-and nano-core-shell structures with cylindrical and spherical geometries. Journal of applied physics. 2003;93(7):4163-8.
[103] Shen S, Liu W, Tao W. Analysis of field synergy on natural convective heat transfer in porous media. International communications in heat and mass transfer. 2003;30(8):1081-90.
[104] Liu W, Huang X, Riffat S. Heat and mass transfer with phase change in a rectangular enclosure packed with unsaturated porous material. Heat and mass transfer. 2003;39(3):223-30.
Before 2003
[105] Liu W, Shen S, Riffat S. Heat transfer and phase change of liquid in an inclined enclosure packed with unsaturated porous media. International journal of heat and mass transfer. 2002;45(26):5209-19.
[106] Liu W, Zhao X, Mizukami K. 2D numerical simulation for simultaneous heat, water and gas migration in soil bed under different environmental conditions. Heat and mass Transfer. 1998;34(4):307-16.
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[110] Liu W, Peng S, Mizukami K. A general mathematical modelling for heat and mass transfer in unsaturated porous media: an application to free evaporative cooling. Heat and Mass Transfer. 1995;31(1):49-55. 所获荣誉和奖励
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