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教育背景博士后:复旦大学管理学院 管理科学与工程专业(2008)
博士:北京航空航天大学经济管理学院 交通运输规划与管理专业(2006)
硕士:中南大学数学科学与计算技术学院 应用数学专业(2002)
海外访问进修2004年2月-2004年12月香港理工大学 研究助理
2006年5月-2007年7月 香港理工大学 副研究员
2007年10月-2008年10月 香港理工大学 博士后
2009年6月-2011年7月 香港理工大学 博士后
科研项目 [1] 国家****基金项目“交通基础设施投资与交通需求管理”(编号**,2016年1月-2020年12月,280万)
[2] 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目“交通基础设施投资与定价”(编号**,2013年1月-2015年12月,100万,已结题,后评估为“优秀”)
[3] 国家社科基金重大项目“城市地铁系统脆弱性评价及控制策略研究”(编号13&ZD175,2013年11月-2016年12月,80万)
[4] 教育部博士点基金项目“城市轨道交通线路站点布局与运营优化研究”(博导类)(编号044,2013年1月-2015年12月,12万)
[5] 13届霍英东青年教师基金应用研究课题“基于交通预报的交叉口群过饱和控制关键技术研究与实证研究”(编号132015,2012年1月-2014年12月,2万美金,已结题)
[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“不确定环境下公交网络均衡分析与优化研究”(编号**,2010年1月-2012年12月,26万,已结题,后评估为“特优”)
[7] 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划项目“公共交通网络可靠性理论及其应用”(编号NCET-10-0385,2010年1月-2012年12月,20万,已结题,后评估为“优秀”)
[8] 全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金项目“停车换乘系统优化理论与评价研究”(编号200963,2009年1月-2013年12月,48万,已结题)
[9] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(编号**,2008年1月-2008年12月,6.5万,已结题,后评估为“优秀”)
代表性论文[1]Li Z.C., Huang H.J., Yang, H., 2020. Fifty years of the bottleneck model: A bibliometric review and future research directions. Transportation Research Part B, 139, 311-342.
[2]Li Z.C., Zhang L.P., 2020. The two-mode problem with bottleneck queuing and transit crowding: How should congestion be priced using tolls and fares? Transportation Research Part B, 138, 46-76.
[3]Liu B.L, Li Z.C., Sheng D., Wang Y.D., 2020. Integrated planning of berth allocation and vessel sequencing in a seaport with one-way navigation channel. Transportation Research Part B, in press
[4]Tu Ningwen, Li Z.C., Fu Xiaowen, Lei Zheng, 2020. Airline network competition in inter-continental market. Transportation Research Part E, 143, 102117
[5]Tan Zhijia, Xu Min, Meng Qiang, Li Z.C., 2020. Evacuating metro passengers via the urban bus system under uncertain disruption recovery time and heterogeneous risk-taking behaviour. Transportation Research Part C, 119, 102761
[6]Wang T., Du Y., Fang D., Li Z.C., 2020. Berth allocation and quay crane assignment for the trade-off between service efficiency and operating cost considering carbon emission taxation. Transportation Science, 54(5), 1307-1331
[7]Li Z.C., Liu Q., 2020. Optimal locations of emergency rescue stations in an urban transportation corridor. Transportation, 47, 445-473.
[8]Li Z.C., Wu Q.Y., Yang H., 2019. A theory of auto ownership rationing. Transportation Research Part B, 127, 125-146.
[9]Sang J., Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., 2019. Design of build-operate-transfer contract for integrated rail and property development with uncertainty in future urban population. Transportation Research Part B, 130, 36-66.
[10]Sheng Dian, Meng Q., Li Z.C., 2019. Optimal vessel speed and fleet size for industrial shipping services under the emission control area regulation. Transportation Research Part C, 105, 37-53.
[11]Peng Y.T., Li Z.C., Schonfeld P., 2019. Development of rail transit network over multiple time periods. Transportation Research Part A, 121, 235-250.
[12]Sheng Dian, Li Z.C., Fu Xiaowen, 2019. Modeling the effects of airline slot hoarding behavior under the grandfather rights with use-it-or-lose-it rule. Transportation Research Part E, 122, 48-61.
[13]Li Z.C., Wang Y.D., 2018. Analysis of multimodal two-dimensional urban system equilibrium for cordon toll pricing and bus service design. Transportation Research Part B, 111, 244-265
[14]Tu N.W., Adiputranto D., Fu X.W., Li Z.C., 2018. Shipping network design in a growth market: The case of Indonesia. Transportation Research Part E, 117, 108-125
[15]Chen Y.J., Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., 2018. Cordon toll pricing in a multi-modal linear monocentric city with stochastic auto travel time. Transportmetrica A, 14, 22-49
[16] Tan W., Li Z.C., Tan Z.J., 2017. Modeling the effects of speed limit, acceleration, and deceleration on overall delay and traffic emission at a signalized intersection. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 143, 12, DOI: 10.1061/JTEPBS.**
[17]Guo Q.W., Sun Y., Li Z.C., Li Z.F., 2017. An integrated model for road capacity choice and cordon toll pricing. Research in Transportation Economics, 62, 68-79
[18]Peng Y.T., Li Z.C., Choi K., 2017. Transit-oriented development in an urban rail transportation corridor. Transportation Research Part B, 103, 269-290
[19] Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., 2017. Step tolling in an activity-based bottleneck model. Transportation Research Part B, 2017, 101: 306-334
[20]Sheng D., Li Z.C., Fu X., Gillen D., 2017. Modeling the effects of unilateral and uniform emission regulations under shipping company and port competition. Transportation Research Part E, 101: 99-114
[21]Li Z.C., Guo Qian-Wen. Optimal time for implementing cordon toll pricing scheme in a monocentric city. Papers in Regional Science, 2017, 96: 163-190
[22]Li Z.C., Sheng D. Forecasting passenger travel demand for air and high-speed rail integration service: A case study of Beijing-Guangzhou corridor, China. Transportation Research Part A, 2016, 94: 397-410
[23]Li Z.C., Peng Y.T. Modeling the effects of vehicle emission taxes on residential location choices of different-income households. Transportation Research Part D, 2016, 48: 248-266
[24]Chen Y.J., Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Choi, K. Tradable location tax credit scheme for balancing traffic congestion and environmental externalities. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2016, 10: 917-934
[25]Li Z.C., Yin Yan, Lam W.H.K., Sumalee A. Simultaneous optimization of fuel surcharges and transit service runs in a multi-modal transport network: A time-dependent activity-based approach, Transportation Letters, 2016, 8: 35-46
[26]Li Z.C., Guo Q.W., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Transit technology investment and selection under urban population volatility: A real option perspective. Transportation Research Part B, 2015, 78: 318-340
[27]Sheng D., Li Z.C., Xiao Y.B., Fu X. Slot auction in an airport network with demand uncertainty. Transportation Research Part E, 2015, 82: 79-100.
[28]Li Z.C., Yao M.Z., Lam W.H.K., Sumalee A., Choi K. Modeling the effects of public bicycle schemes in a congested multi-modal road network. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2015, 9: 282-297
[29]Chen Y.J., Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K. Modeling transit technology selection in a linear transportation corridor. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2015, 49: 48-72
[30]Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Bottleneck model revisited: An activity-based perspective. Transportation Research Part B, 2014, 68: 262-287
[31]Li Z.C., Sheng D. Pavement rehabilitation scheduling and toll pricing under different regulatory regimes. Annals of Operations Research, 2014, 217(1): 337-355
[32]Li Z.C., Wang Ya-Dong, Lam W.H.K., Sumalee A., Choi K. Design of sustainable cordon toll pricing schemes in a monocentric city. Networks and Spatial Economics, 2014, 14(2): 133-158
[33] Li Z.C., Ge Xiao-Yan. Traffic signal timing problems with environmental and equity considerations. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2014, 48(8): 1066-1086
[34]Ge Xiao-Yan, Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Choi K. Energy sustainable traffic signal timings for a congested road network with heterogeneous users. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014, 15(3): 1016-1025
[35]Yin Y., Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Choi K. Sustainable toll pricing and capacity investment in a congested road network: A goal programming approach. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2014, 140(12), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.**
[36] Li Z.C., Li Zhao-Kun, Lam W.H.K. An integrated design of sustainable land use and transportation system with uncertainty in future population. Transportmetrica, 2014, 10(2): 160-185
[37]Li Z.C., Chen Y.J., Wang Y.D., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Optimal density of radial major roads in a two-dimensional monocentric city with endogenous residential distribution and housing prices. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2013, 43(6): 927-937
[38]Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Choi K. Modeling the effects of integrated rail and property development on the design of rail line services in a linear monocentric city. Transportation Research Part B, 2012, 46(6): 710-728
[39]Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Sumalee A. Design of a rail transit line for profit maximization in a linear transportation corridor. Transportation Research Part E, 2012, 48(1): 50-70
[40]Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Modeling intermodal equilibrium for bimodal transportation system design problems in a linear monocentric city. Transportation Research Part B, 2012, 46(1): 30-49
[41]Chen B.Y., Lam W.H.K., Sumalee A., Li Q., Li Z.C. Vulnerability analysis for large-scale and congested road networks with demand uncertainty. Transportation Research Part A, 2012, 46(3): 501-516
[42]Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Optimization of number of operators and allocation of new lines in an oligopolistic transit market. Networks and Spatial Economics, 2012, 12(1): 1-20
[43]Li Z.C., Huang H.J., Lam W.H.K. Modeling heterogeneous drivers’ responses to route guidance and parking information systems in stochastic and time-dependent networks. Transportmetrica, 2012, 8(2): 105-129
[44]Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Sumalee A. Environmentally sustainable toll design for congested road networks with uncertain demand. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2012, 6(3): 127-155
[45]Luathep P., Sumalee A., Lam W.H.K., Li Z.C., Lo H.K. Global optimization method for mixed transportation network design problem: A mixed-integer linear programming approach. Transportation Research Part B, 2011, 45(5): 808-827
[46]Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. On the allocation of new lines in a competitive transit network with uncertain demand and scale economies. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2011, 45(4): 233-251
[47]Ouyang L.Q., Lam W.H.K., Li Z.C., Huang D. Network user equilibrium model for scheduling daily activity travel patterns in congested networks. Transportation Research Record, 2011, 2254: 131-139
[48]Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Fu X.W. Optimal route allocation in a liberalizing airline market. Transportation Research Part B, 2010, 44(7): 886-902
[49]Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Sumalee A. An activity-based approach for scheduling multimodal transit services. Transportation, 2010, 37(5): 751-774
[50]Lam W.H.K., Chan K.S., Li Z.C., Bell M.G.H. A risk-averse user equilibrium model for route choice problem in signal-controlled networks. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2010, 44(4): 219-230
[51]Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. The optimal transit fare structure under different market regimes with uncertainty in the network. Networks and Spatial Economics, 2009, 9(2): 191-216
[52]Li, Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Huang H.J., Zhu D.L. Reliability evaluation for stochastic and time-dependent networks with multiple parking facilities. Networks and Spatial Economics, 2008, 8: 355-381
[53]Li, Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Sumalee A. Modeling impact of transit operator fleet size under various market regimes with uncertainty in network. Transportation Research Record, 2008, 2063: 18-27
[54]Li, Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Zhu D.L., Huang H.J. Modeling park-and-ride services in a multimodal transport network with elastic demand. Transportation Research Record, 2007, 1994: 101-109
[55] Huang H.J., Li Z.C. A multiclass, multicriteria logit-based traffic equilibrium assignment model under ATIS. European Journal of Operational Research, 2007, 176: 1464-1477
[56]Lam W.H.K., Li Z.C., Huang H.J., Wong S.C. Modeling time-dependent travel choice problems in road networks with multiple user classes and multiple parking facilities. Transportation Research Part B, 2006, 40: 368-395
图书章节[1]Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Sumalee A. Design of a rail transit line for profit maximization in a linear transportation corridor. In: Cassidy M.J., Skabardonis A. (eds.), Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT19), Elsevier, Oxford, 2011, pp. 82-112
[2]Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Optimization of a bus and rail transit system with feeder bus services under different market regimes. In: Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., and Lo H.K. (eds.), Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT18), Springer, 2009, pp. 495-516
[3]Li Z.C., Huang H.J., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Time-differential pricing of road tolls and parking charges in a transport network with elastic demand. In: Allsop R.E., Bell M.G.H., Heydecker B.G. (eds.), Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT17), Elsevier, Oxford, 2007, pp. 55-85
[4] Huang H.J., Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. A time-dependent activity and travel choice model with multiple parking options. In: Mahmassani H. (ed.), Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT16), Elsevier, Oxford, 2005, pp. 717-739
2009年香港交通研究学会(HKSTS)杰出论文奖暨Gordon Newell纪念奖

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