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担任《Information & Management》副主编。出版《移动商务的应用模式与采纳研究》,《电子商务信任》等专著、教材与译著6部。在信息管理领域国际著名期刊JMIS、ISJ、JIT、I&M、DSS、IJEC、IJIM上发表SSCI论文60余篇。获得湖北省自然科学三等奖1项、科技进步二等奖1项、社会科学优秀成果三等奖2项、武汉市社会科学优秀成果一等奖1项。
教育背景1994-1997:华中理工大学 (现华中科技大学) 管理学院管理科学与工程专业,1997年获博士学位;
1990-1994:水利部长江水利委员会工作, 1993年获工程师职称;
1987-1990:西安交通大学数学系计算数学专业, 1990年获硕士学位;
1983-1987:西安交通大学数学系计算数学专业, 1987年获学士学位。
2000年4-7月加拿大蒙特利尔大学高等商学院 (HEC)访问****
主要学术任职1.《Information & Management》副主编;
科研项目 [1] 主持国家社会科学基金重大项目:基于大数据的智能化社会治理监测,评估与应对策略研究,(18ZDA109),2019年1月-2021年12月,正在进行.
[2] 主持的国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作研究项目:智联网环境下服务模式创新的理论与方法研究(),2019年1月-2023年12月,正在进行。
[3] 主持国家自然科学基金重点项目——基于社会化商务的商业模式创新研究(批准号:**),起止年月:2014年1月-2018年12月,正在进行。
[4] 主持教育部博士点基金--社会化商务环境中价值的共创、转移及评估研究(批准号:042),起止年月:2013年1月-2014年12月,已完成。
[5] 主持国家自然科学基金NSFC/RGC项目——电子商务环境中社会资本对组织绩效的影响:纵向研究(批准号:),起止年月:2011年1月-2013年12月,已完成。
[6] 主持国家自然科学基金项目——消费者信任转移机理研究:从电子商务到移动商务(批准号:**),起止年月:2010年1月-2012年12月, 已完成。
[7] 主持国家社会科学基金项目——移动商务应用模式和发展对策研究(批准号:06BJY101),起止年月:2006年6月-2008年6月,已完成。
[8] 主持国家自然科学基金项目——基于Internet的招标投标新模式的研究(批准号:**),起止年月:2000年1月-2002年12月,已完成。
[9] 入选2008年教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(编号:NCET-08-0233)
代表性文章 [1] Qian Chen, Yaobin Lu*, Yeming Gong, Qing Tang, Why do users resist service organization’s brand mobile apps? The force of barriers versus cross-channel synergies.(2018), International Journal of Information Management. Forthcoming. (SSCI, IF: 4.616)
[2] Jifeng Ma, Yaobin Lu?, Sumeet Gupta. User innovation evaluation: Empirical evidence from an online game community. Decision Support Systems, 117(2019):113-123. (SSCI, IF: 4.616)
[3] Chen, Y., Lu, Y., Wang, B., & Pan, Z. How do product recommendations affect impulse buying? An empirical study on WeChat social commerce. Information & Management, 2019, 56: 236-248.. (SSCI, IF:3.890)
[4] Zhu T, Lu Y, Gupta S. How do network externalities affect customers' adoption intention in mobile app store: from a perception of consumer perceived value[J]. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2018, 16(5): 493-512. (SSCI, IF:0.965)
[5] Pan Zhao, Lu Yaobin, Wang Bin, & Chau Patrick. Who do you think you are? common and differential effects of social self-identity on social media usage. Journal of Management Information Systems, 34(1), 71-101,2017. (SSCI&SCI, IF:2.356)
[6] Yang Shuiqing, Lu Yaobin, Patrick Chau & Gupta Smeet. Role of channel integration on the service quality, satisfaction, and repurchase intention in a multi-channel (online-cum-mobile) retail environment. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 15(1), 1-25,2017(SSCI, IF:0.756)
[7] Wu Tailai., Lu Yaobin, Gong Xiuyuan, & Gupta Smeet. A study of active usage of mobile instant messaging application: an attachment theory perspective. Information Development, 33(2), 153-168,2017. (SSCI, IF=1.691)
[8] Wan Jinlin, Lu Yaobin, Wang Bin, & Zhao Lin. How attachment influences users’ willingness to donate to content creators in social media: A socio-technical systems perspective. Information & Management. 54(7):837-850,2017 (SCI & SSCI, IF=3.317)
[9] Wan Jinlin, Zhao Lin, Lu Yaobin, & Gupta Smeet. Evaluating app bundling strategy for selling mobile apps: an ambivalent perspective. Information Technology & People, 30(1), 2-23,2017. (SSCI, IF=1.339)
[10] Chen, Aihui, Yaobin Lu, and Bin Wang ."Customers’ purchase decision-making process in social commerce: A social learning perspective." International Journal of Information Management, 37(6): 627-638,2017.(SSCI, IF:3.872)
[12] Chen, Aihui, Lu Yaobin, and Sumeet Gupta. "Enhancing the Decision Quality through Learning from the Social Commerce Components." Journal of Global Information Management, 25(1), 66-91, 2017. (SSCI, IF: 0.517)
[13] Zhang, Shuwei; Zhao, Ling; Lu, Yaobin; Yang,Jun. Do you get tired of socializing? An empirical explanation of discontinuous usage behaviour in social network services. Information & Management, 53 (7): 904-914,NOV 2016. (SSCI, IF:3.890)
[14] Yang, Shuiqing; Wang, Bin; Lu, Yaobin*. Exploring the dual outcomes of mobile social networking service enjoyment: The roles of social self-efficacy and habit. Computers in human behavior, 64:486-496,NOV 2016. (SSCI, IF:2.694)
[15] Sun, Yi; Wei, Kwok Kee; Fan, Chaobin; Lu,Yaobin*. Does social climate matter? On friendship groups in social commerce. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 18: 37-47,JUL-AUG 2016. (SSCI, IF:2.582)
[16] Zhou, Tao; Lu, Yaobin*; Wang, Bin. Examining online consumers' initial trust building from an elaboration likelihood model perspective. Information systems frontiers, 18(2): 265-275 , APR 2016. (SCI/SSCI, IF:3.232)
[17] Liu, Hefu; Ke, Weiling; Wei, Kwok Kee; Lu, Yaobin. The Effects of Social Capital on Firm Substantive and Symbolic Performance: In the Context of E-Business .Journal of Global Information Management , 24(1): 61-8, JAN-MAR 2016. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 0.424)
[18] Chen, Aihui; Lu, Yaobin*; Wang, Bin. Enhancing perceived enjoyment in social games through social and gaming factors. Information Technology & People, 29(1): 99-119, 2016. (SSCI, IF: 2.138)
[19] Yang, Shuiqing; Lu, Yaobin*; Chen, Yuangao; et al.Understanding consumers' mobile channel continuance: an empirical investigation of two fitness mechanisms. Behaviour & Information Technology, 34( 12): 1135-1146, DEC,2015. (SSCI, IF: 1.380)
[20] Zhang, Hong; Lu, Yaobin*; Gupta, Sumeet; et al. Understanding group-buying websites continuance An extension of expectation confirmation model. Internet Research, 25(5): 767-793, 2015. (SSCI, IF:3.838)
[21] Yunfan Lu, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang,etc.. Acceptance of government-sponsored agricultural information systems in China: the role of government social power. Information Systems and e-Business Management,(2015) 13:329–354. (SSCI, IF:1.032)
[22] Hong Zhang, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Sibin Wu. The Impacts of Technological Environments and Co-creation Experiences on Customer Participation. Information & Management, 52 (2015): 468–482. (SSCI, IF:3.890)
[23] Yuzhi Cao, Yaobin Lu*,Sumeet Gupta and Shuiqing Yang. The effects of differences between e-commerce and m-commerce on the consumers’ usage transfer from online to mobile channel. International Journal of Mobile communications.Vol. 13, No. 1 (2015) pp. 51 - 70. (SSCI, IF: 1.221)
[24] Shuiqing Yang, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Ling Zhao. The benefits and dangers of flow experience in high school students’ Internet usage: The role of parental support. Computers in Human Behavior,41 (2014):504–513. (SSCI, IF: 2.273)
[25] Hong Zhang, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta,Ling Zhao. What motivates customers to participate in social commerce? The impact of technological environments and virtual customer experiences. Information & Management, 2014,51(8):1017-1030.
[26] Hong Zhang, Yaobin Lu*,Ping Gao,Zhenxiang Chen. Social shopping communities as an emerging business model of youth entrepreneurship: exploring the effects of website characteristics. International Journal of. Technology Management. Vol. 66, No. 4 (2014):319 - 345
[27] Hong Zhang ,Yaobin Lu*,Sumeet Gupta, Ling Zhao and Aihui Chen. Understanding the antecedents of customer loyalty in the Chinese mobile service industry: a Push–Pull–Mooring framework. International Journal of Mobile communications.2014,12(6):551 - 577 (SSCI, IF: 1.221)
[28] Aihui Chen, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta, Hong Zhang. Can Customer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Coexist? An Issue of Telecommunication Service in China. Journal of Information Technology, 2014(29): 237-252,(SSCI,IF: 3.789)
[29] Zhao Pan, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta. How heterogeneous community engage newcomers? The effect of community diversity on newcomers’ perception of inclusion:An empirical study in social media service. Computers in Human Behavior, 2014(39) :100–111 (SSCI, IF: 2.273)
[30] Jiabao Lin,Bin Wang,Na Wang ,Yaobin Lu. Understanding the evolution of consumer trust in mobile commerce: a longitudinal study. Information Technology & Management (2014) 15:37–49. ( SSCI, IF: 0.897).
[31] Chunjie Xiang, Yaobin Lu*, and Sumeet Gupta. Knowledge sharing in information system developmentteams: examining the impact of shared mental model from a social capital theory perspective, Behaviour & Information Technology,32(10): 1024-1040,2013 (SCI/SSCI, IF: 1.011)
[32] Aihui Chen, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Ling Zhao, What drives content creation behavior in SNS? A commitment perspective. Journal of Business Research, 66 (12) : 2529-2535, 2013. (SSCI, IF: 1.872.)
[33] Yang Shuiqing, Lu Yaobin*, and Gupta, S. An empirical investigation of Mobile Services’ Cross-Category Promotions, International Journal of Mobile communications, 11(6):580-596, 2013 (SSCI, IF: 1.221)
[34] Yaobin Lu, Shuiqing Yang*, Patrick Y.K. Chau, Yuzhi Cao. Dynamics between the trust transfer process and intention to use mobile payment services: A cross-environment perspective. Information & Management, 48(8): 393-403, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 2.214)
[35] Zhao Ling, Lu Yaobin*.Enhancing Perceived Interactivity through Network Externalities: An Empirical Study on Micro-Blogging Service Satisfaction and Continuance Intention. Decision Support Systems, vol.53 (4):825-834, 2012. (SCI/SSCI, IF:1.687)
[36] Lu Yaobin, Yang shuiqing*, Patrick Y. K. Chau. Why Do Consumers Adopt Online Channel? An Empirical Investigation of Two Channel Extension Mechanisms, Decision Support Systems, 54(2): 858-869, 2013.(SCI/SSCI, IF: 1.687)
[37] Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Patrick Y. K. Chau. Cultivate the Sense of Belonging and Encourage User Involvement in Virtual Community: A Social Capital Perspective, International Journal of Information Management, 32(6):574-588, 2012.(SSCI, IF: 1.532)
[38] Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta. Disclosure Intention of Location-Related Information in Location-Based Social NetworkServices, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 16(4):53-89, 2012 (SCI/SSCI, IF: 1.550)
[39] Yunfan Lu, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Effects of Dissatisfaction on Customer Repurchase Decisions in E-commerce&mdash:an Emotion-based Perspective, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 13(3), pp 224-234, 2012,(SSCI, IF: 0.725)
[40] Yang shuiqing,Lu Yaobin*, , S. Gupta, Y. Cao. Does context matter? The impact of use context on Mobile Internet Adoption, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 32(6):574-588, 2012 (SSCI, IF: 0.949)
[41] Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu*, Long Zhang*, Patrick Y.K. Chau. Assessing the effects of service quality and justice on customer satisfaction and the continuance intention of mobile value-added services: An empirical test of a multidimensional model. Decision Support Systems, 52: 645–656, 2012. (SCI/SSCI, IF:1.687)
[42] Shuiqing Yang, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta, Yuzhi Cao, Rui Zhang. Mobile payment services adoption across time: An empirical study of the effects of behavioral beliefs, social influences, and personal traits. Computers in Human Behavior, 28 (1): 129–142,2012. (SSCI, IF: 2.293)
[43] Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Wayne Huang.What makes them happy and curious online? An empirical study on high school students’ Internet use from a self-determination theory perspective. Computers & Education, 56 (2): 346–356, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 2.621)
[44] Yaobin Lu, Yuzhi Cao*, Bin Wang, Shuiqing Yang. A study on factors that affect users’behavioral intention to transfer usage from the offline to the online channel. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1): 355–364, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 2.293).
[45] Yaobin Lu, Chunjie Xiang*, Bin Wang, Xiaopeng Wang. What affects informat ion systems development team performance? An exploratory study from the perspective of combined socio-technical theory and coordination theory. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(2): 811–822,2011. (SSCI, IF: 2.293)
[46] Tao Zhou, Yaobin Lu*. Examining mobile instant messaging user loyalty from the perspectives of network externalities and flow experience. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(2): 883–889, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 2.293)
[47] Shuiqing Yang, Yaobin Lu*, Ling Zhao, Sumeet Gupta. Empirical investigation of customers’ channel extension behavior: Perceptions shift toward the online channel. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(5): 1688–1696, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 2.293)
[48] Jiabao Lin, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang , Kwok Kee Wei. The role of inter-channel trust transfer in establishing mobile commerce trust. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 10(6): 615–625, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 1.472)
[49] Tao Zhou, Yaobin Lu*. The Effects of Personality Traits on User Acceptance of Mobile Commerce. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 27(6): 545–561, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 0.949)
[50] Tao Zhou, Yaobin Lu*. Examining Postadoption Usage of Mobile Services from a Dual Perspective of Enablers and Inhibitors. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 27(12): 1177–1191, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 0.949)
[51] Jiabao Lin, Yaobin Lu*,Bin Wang and Sibin Wu. Initial trust and adoption of mobile brokerage service. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 9(2): 124-143, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 1.221)
[52] Tao Zhou and Yaobin Lu*. The effect of interactivity on the flow experience of mobile commerce user. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 9(3): 225-242, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 1.221)
[53] Zhao Ling, Lu Yaobin*, Huang Wayne, Wang Qiuhong. Internet inequality: The relationship between high school students' Internet use in different locations and their Internet self-efficacy. Computers & Education, 55(4): 1405-1423, 2010. (SSCI, IF: 2.621)
[54] Lu Yaobin, Zhao Ling*, WangBin. From virtual community members to C2C e-commerce buyers: Trust in virtual communities and its effect on consumers' purchase intention. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 9(4): 346-360, 2010. (SSCI, IF: 1.472)
[55] Lu Yaobin, Deng Zhaohua*, Wang Bin. Exploring factors affecting Chineseconsumers' usage of short message service for personal communication. Information Systems Journal, 20(2): 183-208, 2010. (SSCI, IF: 2.067)
[56] Deng Zhaohua*, Lu Yaobin, Wei Kwok Kee, Zhang Jinlong. Understanding customer satisfaction and loyalty: An empirical study of mobile instant messages in China. International Journal of Information Management, 30(4): 289-300, 2010. (SSCI, IF: 1.532)
[57] Zhou Tao, Lu Yaobin*, WangBin, WeiKwok-Kee.Explaining mobile community user participation from a social capital perspective. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 8(3): 278-296, 2010. (SSCI, IF: 1.221)
[58] ZhouTao, Lu Yaobin*, WangBin. Integrating TTF and UTAUT to explain mobile banking user adoption. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(4): 760-767, 2010. (SSCI,IF:2.293)
[59] Deng Zhaohua, Lu Yaobin*, Wang Bin, ZhangJinlong, WeiKwok Kee. An empirical analysis of factors influencing users' adoption and use of mobile services in China. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 8(5): 561-585, 2010. (SSCI, IF: 1.221)
[60] Zhou Tao,Lu Yaobin*, Wang Bin. The Relative Importance of Website Design Quality and Service Quality in Determining Consumers’ Online Repurchase Behavior. Information Systems Management, 26(4): 327-337, 2009. (SCI, IF: 0.578)
[61] Lu Yaobin*, Zhang Long*, Wang Bin. A multidimensional and hierarchical model of mobile service quality.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 8(5): 228-240, 2009.(SSCI, IF: 1.472)
[62] LuYaobin, ZhouTao*, Wang Bin. Exploring Chinese users’ acceptance of instant messaging using the theory of planned behavior, the technology acceptance model, and the flow theory.Computers in Human Behavior, 25(1): 29-39, 2009.(SSCI, IF: 2.293)
[63] Zhang Dongfeng*, Zhang Jinlong, LaiKin-Keung, LuYaobin. A novel approach to supplier selection based on vague sets group decision. Expert Systems with Applications, 36(5): 9557-9563, 2009.(SCI/SSCI, IF: 2.203)
著作和教材 [1] 鲁耀斌,周涛. 《电子商务信任》,武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2007年11月.
[2] 鲁耀斌,邓朝华,陈致豫. 《移动商务的应用模式与采纳研究》,北京:科学出版社,2008年9月.
[3] 鲁耀斌,《项目管理-原理与方法》,大连:东北财经大学出版社,2009年1月.
[4] 鲁耀斌,《项目管理-过程、方法与实务》,大连:东北财经大学出版社,2008年6月.
[5].鲁耀斌,周水银,赵学锋. 《项目管理》,北京:科学出版社,2007年2月.
[6] Jeffrey K.Pinto,《项目管理——获取竞争优势》,鲁耀斌等译,北京:机械工业出版社,2007,第一版;2010,第二版;2015,第三版;2018,第四版。
[7] 《信息系统研究的前沿与方向》(黄伟,王刊良主编)第14章:u-commerce与信息系统的主要驱动因素,鲁耀斌翻译与点评,北京:清华大学出版社,2009年12月.

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  • 华中科技大学管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-聂鸣
    聂鸣教授博士生导师所属单位创新创业与知识产权系研究方向主要从事企业技术创新管理、高新技术发展战略、竞争力以及科技政策方面的研究。电  话+86-电子邮件nieming@mail.hust.edu.cn个人简介研究成果 教育背景  博士:华中科技大学管理学院管理科学与工程专业(1996)  硕士:华中 ...
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  • 华中科技大学管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-彭宜新
    彭宜新讲师所属单位创新创业与知识产权系研究方向电  话+86-电子邮件yxpeng@mail.hust.edu.cn个人简介研究成果教育经历2002.12华中科技大学管理学院管理科学与工程专业,获管理学博士学位1990.07华中理工大学社会科学系科技哲学专业,获哲学硕士学位1982.07镇江船舶学院 ...
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