

湖北大学 免费考研网/2015-09-01

姓  名: 李代芹
办公电话: **
主要社会兼职:中国动物学会蛛形学专业委员会委员、2008年起担任国际“Behavioral Ecology(行为生态学)”的副主编,目前也担任"Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (莱弗士动物学报)"的副主编,澳洲“Australian Journal of Zoology”,德国“Frontiers in Zoology”,中国 “动物学研究”和“蛛行学报”的编委,担任Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B (伦敦皇家学会会报),Behavioral Ecology (行为生态学),Animal Behaviour (动物行为学),Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, Oikos, Journal of Experimental Biology, Functional Ecology, Naturwissenschaften, Ethology (行为学杂志)” 等 20 个著名刊物的审稿人,“国际行为生态学学会”等 9 个学会的会员。

?1992年9月-1996年11月,新西兰University of Canterbury动物学系,获理学博士学位
?1997年1月-1998年5月,澳大利亚James Cook University,博士后

1.Lim, M. L. M. & Li, D. 2013. UV-green iridescence indicates resource-holding potential during jumping spider contests. PLos One 8(4): e59774. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**.
2.Kuntner, M., Gregori?, M., Zhang, S.C., Kralj-Fi?er, S. & Li, D. 2012. Mating plugs in polyandrous giants: which sex produces them, when, how and why? PLoS One 7(7): e40939. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**.
3.Lee, Q. Q., Oh, J., Kralj-Fi?er, S., Kuntner, M. & Li, D*. 2012. Emasculation: gloves-off strategy enhances eunuch spider endurance. Biology Letters 8: 733-735.
4.Hu, Z. Y., Liu, F. X., Xu, X., Chen, Z. Q., Chen, J. & Li, D*. 2012. The spectral transmission of the principal-eye corneas of jumping spiders: implications for ultraviolet vision. Journal of Experimental Biology 215: 2853-2859.
5.Li, D*., Oh, J., Kralj-Fi?er, S. & Kuntner, M. 2012. Remote copulation: male counter-adaptation to female cannibalism. Biology Letters 8: 512-515.
6.Zhang, S. C., Koh, T. H., Seah, W. K., Lai, Y. H., Elgar, M. A. & Li, D*. 2012. A novel property of spider silk: chemical defence against ants. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 279: 1824-1830.
7.Zou, Y., Araujo, D. P. D, Lim, M. L. M., & Li, D*. 2011. Ultraviolet is a more important cue than reflection in other wavelengths for a jumping spider to locate its prey spiders. Animal Behaviour 82: 1457-1463.
8.Harland, D. P., Li, D. & Jackson, R. R. 2012. How jumping spider see the world. In: Lazareva, O. (ed.), How animals see the world. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 133-163.
9.Zou, Y., Araujo, D. P. D, Lim, M. L. M., & Li, D*. 2011. Ultraviolet is a more important cue than reflection in other wavelengths for a jumping spider to locate its prey spiders. Animal Behaviour 82: 1457-1463.
10.Zhang, S. C., Kuntner, M. & Li, D*. 2011. Mate binding: a male adaptation to sexual conflict in the golden orb-web spider (Nephilidae: Nephila pilipes). Animal Behaviour 82: 1299-1304.
11.Kralj-Fi?er, S., Gregori?, M. Zhang, S. C., Kuntner, M. & Li, D. 2011. Eunuchs are better fighters. Animal Behaviour 81: 933-939.
12.Huang, J-N., Chen, R-C., Li, D. & Tso, I-M. 2011. Salticid predation as one potential driving force of ant mimicry in jumping spiders. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B. 278: 1356-1364.
13.Jiao, X. G., Guo, L., Zhen, Z.Q., Wu, J., Chen, J., Liu, F. X. & Li, D. 2011. Experimental evidence for the female-driven monandry in the wolf spider, Pardosa astrigera. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 65: 2117-2123.
14.Kuntner, M., Gregori?, M. & Li, D. 2010. Mass predicts web asymmetry in Nephila spiders. Naturwissenschaften 97: 1097-1105.
15.Tan, E. J., Seah, S. W.H., Yap, L-M, Y.L., Goh, P. M., Gan, W. J., Liu, F. X. & Li, D*. 2010. Why do orb-weaving spiders (Cyclosa ginnaga) decorate their webs with silk spirals and plant detritus? Animal Behaviour 79: 179-186.
16.Tan, E. J. & Li, D*. 2009. Detritus decorations of an orb-weaving spider, Cyclosa mulmeiensis (Thorell): for food or camouflage? Journal of Experimental Biology 212: 1832-1839.
17.Koh, T. H., Seah, W. K., Yap, L-M. Y.L. & Li, D*. 2009. Pheromone-based female mate choice and its effect on reproductive investment in a spitting spider. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 63: 923-930.
18.Li, J. J., Zhang, Z. T., Liu, F. X., Liu, Q. Q., Chen, J., Lim, M. L. M. & Li, D*. 2008. UVB-based mate choice cues used by females of the jumping spider Phintella vittata. Current Biology 18: 699-703.
19.Li, J. J., Lim, M. L. M., Zhang, Z. T., Liu, Q. Q., Liu, F. X., Chen, J. & Li, D*. 2008. Sexual dichromatism and male colour morph in ultraviolet-B reflectance in two populations of the jumping spider Phintella vittata (Araneae: Salticidae) from tropic China. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 94: 7-20.
20.Lim, M. L. M., Li, J. J. & Li, D*. 2008. Effect of UV-reflecting markings on female mate -choice decisions in Cosmophasis umbratica, a jumping spider from Singapore. Behavioral Ecology 19: 61-66.
21.Chan, J. P. Y., Lau, P. R., Tham, A. J. & Li, D*. 2008. The effects of male-male contest and female eavesdropping on female mate choice and male mating success in a jumping spider, Thiania bhamoensis (Araneae: Salticidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 639-646.
22.Lim, M. L. M., Land, M. F. & Li, D*. 2007. Sex-specific UV and fluorescence signals in jumping spiders. Science 315: 481.
23.Lim, M. L. M. & Li, D*. 2007. Effects of age and feeding history on structure-based ornaments of a jumping spider. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 274: 569-575.
24.Land, M. F., Horwood, J., Lim, M. L. M. & Li, D. 2007. Optics of the ultra-violet reflecting scales of a jumping spider. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 274: 1583-1589.
25.Todd, P. A., Yeo, D. C. J., Li, D. & Ladle, R. J. 2007. Citing practices in ecology: can we believe our own words? Oikos 116: 1599-1601.
26.Su, K. F. Y., Meier, R., Jackson, R. R., Harland, D. P. & Li, D*. 2007. Convergent evolution of eye ultrastructure and divergent evolution of vision-mediated predatory behavior in jumping spiders. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20: 1478-1489.
27.Du, N., Liu, X. Y., Narayanan, J., Li, L., Lim, M. L. M. & Li, D. 2006. Design of superior spider silk: from nanostructure to mechanical properties. Biophysical Journal. 91: 4528-4535.
28.Huang, W. D., Lin, Z., Sin, Y. M., Li, D., Gong, Z. Y. & Yang, D. W. 2006. Characterization and expression of a cDNA encoding a tubuliform silk protein of the golden web Nephila antipodiana. Biochimie 88: 849-858.
29.Nelson, X. J., Jackson, R. R., Li, D. 2006. Conditional use of honest signaling by a Batesian mimic. Behavioral Ecology 17: 575-580.
30.Su, K. F. L. & Li, D*. 2006. Female-biased predation risk and its differential effect on the male and female courtship behaviour of jumping spiders. Animal Behaviour 71: 531-537.
31.Lim, M. L. M. & Li, D*. 2006. Extreme ultraviolet sexual dimorphism in jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 89: 397-406.
32.Lim, M. L. M. & Li, D*. 2006. Behavioural evidence of UV sensitivity in jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae). Journal of Comparative Physiology A 192: 871-878.
33.Nelson, X. J., Jackson, R. R., Li, D., Barrion, A. T. & Edwards, G. B. 2006. Innate aversion to ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and ant mimics: experimental findings from mantises (Mantodea). Biological Journal of Linnean Society 88: 23-32.
34.Li, D*. & Lim, M. L. M. 2005. Ultraviolet cues affect the foraging behaviour of jumping spiders. Animal Behaviour 70: 771-776.
35.Li, D*. 2005. Spiders that decorate webs at higher frequency intercept more prey and grow faster. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 272: 1753-1757.
36.Li, D* & Jackson, R. R. 2005. Influence of diet-related chemical cues from predators on the hatching of egg-carrying spiders. Journal of Chemical Ecology 31: 333-342.



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