

湖北大学 免费考研网/2015-09-01

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2001年9月-2005年6月 湖北大学生科院, 理学学士
2005年9月-2010年12月 湖北大学生科院, 理学博士
2011年3月-2014年8月 University of Notre Dame 博士后
2014年9月-今 湖北大学生科院讲师

1. Wei Song, Longjiang Yu, Zhihong Peng*. Targeted label-free approach for quantification of epoxide hydrolase and glutathione transferases in microsomes. Analytical Biochemistry, 2015, 478:8-13.
2. Huan Wang, Mijoon Lee, Zhihong Peng, Blas Blázquez, Elena Lastochkin, Malika Kumarasiri, Renee Bouley, Mayland Chang, Shahriar Mobashery*. Synthesis and Evaluation of 1,2,4-Triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines as Antibacterial Agents Against Enterococcus faecium. J Med Chem. 2015, 28;58(10):4194-203.
1.Bouley, R.; Kumarasiri, M.; Peng, Z.H.; Otero, L.H.; Song, W.; Suckow, M.A.; Schroeder, V.A.; Wolter, W.R.; Lastochkin, E.; Antunes, N.T.; Pi, H.K.; Vakulento, S.; Hermoso, J.A.; Chang, M.; Mobashery, S. "Discovery of Antibiotic (E)-3-(3-Carboxyphenyl)-2-(4-cyanostyryl)quinazolin-4(3H)-one." J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137 (5), 1738-1741.
2.Spink, E.; Ding, D.R.; Peng, Z.H.; Boudreau, M.A.; Leemans, E.; Lastochkin, E.; Song, W.; Lichtenwalter, K.; O'Daniel, P.I.; Testero, S.A.; Pi, H.L.; Schroeder, V.A.; Wolter, W.R.; Antunes, N.T.; Suckow, M.A.; Vakulento, S.; Chang, M.; Mobashery, S. "Structure-Activity Relationship for the Oxadiazole Class of Antibiotics." J. Med. Chem. 2015, 58 (3), 1380-1389.
5. O’Daniel, P.I.; Peng, Z.; Pi, H.; Testero, S. A.; Ding, D.; Spink, E.; Leemans, E.; Boudreau, M. A.; Yamaguchi, T.; Schroeder, V. A.; Wolter, W. R.; Llarrull, L. I.; Song, W.; Lastochkin, E.; Kumarasiri, M.; Antunes, N. T.; Espahbodi, M.; Lichtenwalter, K.; Suckow, M. A.; Vakulenko, S.; Mobashery, S.; Chang, M*. Discovery of a New Class of Non-β-Lactam Inhibitors of Penicillin-binding Proteins with Gram-positive Antibacterial Activity. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 3664-3672.
6. Major Gooyit, Zhihong Peng, William R. Wolter, Hualiang Pi, Derong Ding, Dusan Hesek, Mijoon Lee, Bill Boggess, Matthew M. Champion, Mark A. Suckow, Shahriar Mobashery, and Mayland Chang*. A Chemical Biological Strategy to Facilitate Diabetic Wound Healing. ACS Chem. Biol., 2014, 9 (1), 105–110。
7. Wei Song, Zhihong Peng, Major Gooyit, Mark A. Suckow, Valerie A. Schroeder, William R. Wolter, Mijoon Lee, Masahiro Ikejiri, Jiankun Cui, Zezong Gu, and Mayland Chang*. Water-soluble MMP-9 inhibitor prodrug generates active metabolites that cross the blood-brain barrier. ACS Chem. Neurosci., 2013, 4 (8), 1168–1173.
8. Zhihong Peng, Jun-jun Wang, Peng Du, Yong Chen*. Identification of in vivo and in vitro metabolites of triptolide by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2012, 70; 624–630.
9. Fengmei Han, Zhihong Peng, Junjun Wang, Yong Chen*. In vivo effect of triptolide combined with glycyrrhetinic acid on rat cytochrome P450 enzymes. Acta pharmaceutica Sinica. 2013,48(7)1136-1141.
10. Peng ZH, Song W, Han FM, Chen Y*. In vivo and in vitro study of papaverine and its major metabolites. Acta pharmaceutica Sinica. 2009, 44 (1): 95-100.
11. Wei Song, Zhihong Peng, Baoying Ge, Fengmei Han, Yong Chen*. Identification of metabolites of lobeline in the rat urine by liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2008, 269(1-2): 131-137.
12. Chen Y*, Song W, Peng ZH, Ge BY, Han FM. Identification of metabolites of tectoridin in vivo and in vitro by liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2008, 60 (6): 709-716.
13. Zhihong Peng; Song Wei; Han Fenmei; Chen Huaixia; Zhu Mingming; Chen Yong*. Chromatographic tandem Mass Spectrometric Detection of Papaverine and Its Major Metabolites in Rat Urine. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2007, 266 (1-3): 114-121.
14. Y. Chen*; Z.H. Peng; W. Song; M. M. Zhu; F. M. Han. Chromatographic Tandem Mass Spectrometric Detection of Physostigmine and its Major Metabolites in Rat Urine. Analytical Letters, 2007, 40 (17): 3256-3266.
15. F.M. Han, Z.H. Peng, W. Song, H.M. Zhang, M.M. Zhu and Y. Chen*. Identification of dauricine and its metabolites in rat urine by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B, 2007, 854(1-2): 1-7.
16. Mingming Zhu, Fengmei Han, Huaixia Chen, Zhihong Peng, Yong Chen*. Identi?cation of palmatine and its metabolites in rat urine by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom, 2007, 21(13): 2019-2022.


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    湖北大学 免费考研网 2015-09-01
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    湖北大学 免费考研网 2015-09-01
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    湖北大学 免费考研网 2015-09-01
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