

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26

1. 2016年12月湖北省科学技术进步奖二等奖(证书待发放):邻苯二甲酸酯氧化损伤机制及相关疾病的分子毒理学作用,第二获奖人,湖北省人民政府
2. 2015年12月国家“环境保护科学技术奖”三等奖(KJ2015-3-29-G03):环境微纳米颗粒毒理学效应的基础研究与应用,第三获奖人,国家环保部
3. 2014年1月天津市科技进步奖一等奖(2013JB-1-014-R4):微纳米尺度粒子对健康影响评价的关键技术研究,第四获奖人,天津市人民政府
4. 2009年11月 湖北省教学成果奖一等奖(**):高师生物专业创新人才培养与中学生生物创新实践的研究,第一获奖人,授奖,湖北省人民政府
5. 2009年11月湖北省教学成果奖一等奖(**):“化学生物学”交叉复合研究性人才培养模式与课程体系改革的研究与实践,第五获奖人,湖北省人民政府
6. 2008年1月天津市自然科学奖三等奖(2007ZR-3-013-R2):室内空气挥发性有机物污染及对人体健康影响的基础研究,第二获奖人,天津市人民政府
7. 2007年12月湖北省科学技术进步奖二等奖(2007J-259-2-059-051-R01):室内空气污染物甲醛卫生学评价技术基础和应用研究及相关产品开发,第一获奖人,湖北省人民政府
8. 2006年12月武汉市科学技术进步奖三等奖(2006J-147-3-092-046-01):1立方米小型环境气候舱的研制和应用,第一获奖人,武汉市人民政府
9. 2006年11月 国家重点新产品证书(2006GRD10009):1立方米智能小型环境气候舱,第一获奖人,国家科技部/国家商务部/国家质量监督总局/国家环保部
10. 2003年12月湖北省科学技术进步奖二等奖(2003J-218-2-072-059-R01):建筑装饰材料和室内产品卫生学评价方法的研究和小型环境气候舱的研制,第一获奖人,湖北省人民政府
11. 自2004年以来,独立指导的学生获得省级以上的各种各类奖励31项(均有证书)
? 室内甲醛污染对人体健康的影响
? 环境邻苯二甲酸酯对人体健康的影响
? 纳米医药学和纳米毒理学研究
? 环境分子毒理学
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(**):PM2.5和甲醛复合暴露致小鼠哮喘样病变分子机制的研究,2016.1-2019.12,主持(国拨经费83万元)
2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(**):室内半挥发性有机物污染控制中的关键工程热物理问题研究,2012.1-2016.12,参与(主持子课题,国拨经费80万元)
3. 国家科技支撑计划项目子课题1(2012BAJ02B0301):建筑室内SVOC现场检测和装置研究,2012.1-2015.12,主持(国拨经费120万元)
4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(**):形貌效应对纳米氧化钨-菌紫质复合体光电响应的影响与调控机制,2012.1-2014.12,参与(国拨经费26万元)
5. 教育部直属高校聘请外国文教专家计划-学校特色项目(TS2012HZSF042):环境健康学科平台建设,2012.1-2015.12,主持(国拨经费60万元)
6. 国家科技部-国家国际合作专项(2010DFA31790):自杀/抑郁症的分子遗传学和预警基因芯片的合作研究,2010.1-2013.12,(囯拨经费100万元)
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(**):室内典型SVOC散发,传播机理及体内暴露研究,2011.1-2013.12,参与(国拨经费15万元)
8. 国家自然科学基金****年项目(**):室内空气挥发性有机化学污染(VOC)控制机理研究,2009.1-2011.12,参与(囯拨经费9万元)
9. 国家科技支撑计划项目子课题(2006BAJ02A10-01):建筑室内生物污染控制与改善关键技术研究,2006.1-2010.12,主持(国拨经费65万元)
10. 国家科技支撑计划项目子课题(2006BAI19B05):空气污染对儿童哮喘影响的评估技术研究,2006.1-2010.12,主持(国拨经费50万元)
11. 国家应用技术研究与开发资金政策引导类计划项目(2006GRD10009):1立方米智能小型环境气候舱,2006.1-2008.12,主持(国拨经费30万元)
12. 湖北省科技攻关计划项目(2005AA307B01):绿色建筑室内环境关键设备的研究,2005.1-2007.12,主持(省拨经费5万元)
13. 武汉市科技攻关重点项目():纳米氧化亚铜可见光催化室内空气净化器的研制,主持(市拨经费10万元)
14. 湖北省国际合作重点项目(2006CA016):中国欧洲室内空气质量与健康合作研究中心,2006.1-2007.12,主持(省拨经费3万元)
15. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(**):非过敏源性空气污染物诱发过敏性哮喘的分子机理,2006.1-2006.12,主持(国拨经费8万元)
16. 国家十五重点攻关项目子课题(2004BA809B0604):室内生物污染及生物安全突发事件控制措施,2004.1-2006.12,主持(国拨经费20万元)
17. 国家十五重点攻关项目子课题(2004BA809B0605):室内环境相关设备和产品的研究和开发,2004.1-2006.12,主持(国拨经费20万元)
18. 国家十五重点攻关项目子课题(2001BA704B0102,滚动):室内甲醛污染与哮喘关系的研究,2004.1-2005.12,主持(国拨经费24万元)
19. 武汉市科技攻关重点项目:()1立方米小型环境气候舱研制,2002.1 -2003.12,主持(市拨经费15万元)
20. 国家十五重点攻关项目子课题(2001BA704B0102)室内空气甲醛健康危害评价技术研究,2001.1-2003.12,主持(国拨经费9万元)
1. Kang Y, Wang FC, Feng J, Yang D L,Yang X, Yan XY* (2006). Knockdown of CD146 reduces the migration and proliferation of human endothelial cells.Cell Research(ISSN:1001-0602), 16: 313-318

2. Ye RF, Zhu CZ, Song Y, Lu Qian, Ge XX,Yang X, Zhu MJ, Du D*, Li H*, Lin YH* (2016). Bioinspired synthesis of all-in-one organic –lnorganic hybrid nanofl owers combined with a handheld pH meter for on-site detection of food pathogen.Small(ISSN: 1613-6810) DOI: 10.1002/smll.

3. Ye RF, Zhu CZ, Song Y, Song JH, Fu SF, Lu Q,Yang X, Zhu MJ, Du D*, Li H, Lin YH*. (2017). One-pot bioinspired synthesis of all-inclusive protein–protein nanoflowers for point-of-care bioassay: detection of E. coli O157:H7 from milk.Nanoscale(ISSN: 2040 -3364)

4. Wei CX, Wen HX, Yuan LY, McHale CM, Li H, Wang K, Yuan JL,Yang X*, Zhang LP* (2016). Formaldehyde induces toxicity in mouse bone marrow and hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells and enhances benzene?induced adverse effects.Arch Toxicol.(ISSN: 0340-5761)

5. Mei YF, Jiang C, Wan Y, Lv JH, Jia JP, Wang XM,Yang X*, Tong ZQ* (2015) Aging-associated formaldehyde-induced norepinephrine deficiency contributes to age-related memory decline.Aging Cell(ISSN:1474-9718), 14: 659–668

6. Li JQ, Li L, Chen HQ, Chang Q, Liu XD, Wu Y, Wei CX, Li R, Kwan JKC, Yeung KL, Xi ZG, Lu ZS*,Yang X* (2014). Application of vitamin E to antagonize SWCNTs-induced exacerbation of allergic asthma.Scientific Reports(ISSN:2045-2322), 4:4275

7. Tong ZQ, Han CS, Luo WH, Li H, Luo HJ, Qiang M, Su T, Wu ST, Liu Y,Yang X, Wan Y, Cui DH*, He RQ* (2013). Aging-associated excess formaldehyde leads to spatial memory deficits.Scientific Reports(ISSN:2045-2322), 3:1807

8. Ma P, Liu XD, Wu JL, Yan B, Zhang YC, Lu Y, Wu Y, Liu C, Guo JH, Nanberg E, Bornehag CG*,Yang X* (2015) Cognitive deficits and anxiety induced by diisononyl phthalate in mice and the neuroprotective effects of melatonin.Scientific Reports(ISSN:2045 -2322), 5:14676, DOI: 10.1038/srep14676

9. Tong ZQ, Han CS, Qiang M, Wang WS, Lv JH, Zhang SZ, Luo WH, Li H, Luo HJ, Zhou JN, Wu BB, Su T,Yang X, Wang XM, Liu Y, *He RQ (2015). Age-related formaldehyde interferes with DNA methyltransferase function, causing memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease.Neurobiology of Aging(ISSN: 0197-4580), 36:100-110

10. Kang J, Song J, Shen SP, Li BZ,Yang X, Chen MQ* (2016). Diisononyl phthalate aggravates allergic dermatitis by activation of NF-kB.Oncotarget(1949-2553) 7(51): 85472-85482, Published: November 16, 2016

11. Lu Z, Li CM*, Qiao Y, Yan Y,Yang X* (2008).Effect of inhaled formaldehyde on learning and memory of mice.Indoor Air(ISSN:0905-6947), 18:77-83

12. Ma P, Luo Q, Chen JE, Gan YP, Du J, Ding SM, Xi ZG,Yang X* (2012). Intraperitoneal injection of magnetic Fe3O4-nanoparticle induces hepatic and renal tissue injury via oxidative stress in mice.Int J Nanomedicine(ISSN:1178-2013), 7:4809-4818

13. Liu XD, Zhang YC, Li JQ, Wang D, Wu Y, Li Y, Lu ZS, Yu S, Li R*,Yang X* (2014). Cognitive deficits and decreased locomotor activity induced by single-walled carbon nanotubes and neuroprotective effects of ascorbic acid.International Journal of Nanomedicine(ISSN: 1178-2013), 9:823-839.

14. Lu ZS, Li CM*, Bao H F, Qiao Y, Toh Y H,Yang X(2008). Mechanism of antimicrobial activity of CdTe quantum dots.Langmuir(ISSN:0743-7463), 24: 5445-5452

15. Cheng WW, Lin ZM, Wei BF, Zeng Q, Han B, Wei CX, Fang XJ, Hu CL, Liu LH, Huang JH,Yang X*, Xi ZG* (2011). Single-walled carbon nanotube induction of rat aortic endothelial cell apoptosis: Reactive oxygen species are involved in the mitochondrial pathway.Int J Biochemistry & Cell Biology(ISSN:1357-2725) 43(4):564-572

16. Cheng HY, Mao L, Xu X, Zeng Y, Lan DN, Hu H, Wu X, You HH,Yang X, Li R*, Zhu ZH* (2015). The bifunctional regulation of interconnected Zn-incorporated ZrO2 nanoarrays in antibiosis and osteogenesis.Biomaterials Science(ISSN: 2047-4830) 3:665-680

17. Ma P, Wu Y, Zeng Q, Gan YP, Chen JE, Ye X,Yang X* (2013).Oxidative damage induced by chlorpyrifos in the hepatic and renal tissue of Kunming mice and the antioxidant role of vitamin E.Food and Chemical Toxicology(ISSN:0278-6915), 58:177-183

18. Zeng Q, Wei CX, Wu Y, Li K, Ding SM, Yuan JL,Yang X, Chen MQ* (2013). Approach to distribution and accumulation of dibutyl phthalate in rats by immunoassay.Food and Chemical Toxicology(ISSN:0278-6915), 56:18-27

19. Ma P, Yan B, Zeng B, Liu XD, Wu Y, Jiao M, Liu C, Wu JL,Yang X* (2014). Oral exposure of Kunming mice to diisononyl phthalate induces hepatic and renal tissue injury through the accumulation of ROS. Protective effect of melatonin. Protective effect of melatonin.Food and Chemical Toxicology(ISSN: 0278-6915), 68(1): 247-256

20. Min A, Liu FM,Yang X, Chen MQ* (2014). Benzyl butyl phthalate exposure impairs learning and memory and attenuates neurotransmission and CREB phosphorylation in mice.Food and Chemical Toxicology(ISSN:0278-6915), 71:81-89

21. Shen SP, Li JQ, You HH, Wu Z, Wu Y, Zhao Y, Zhu YQ, Guo Q, Li XX, Li R, Ma P,Yang X*, Chen MQ* (2017). Oral exposure to diisodecyl phthalate aggravates allergic dermatitis by oxidative stress and enhancement of thymic stromal lymphopoietin.Food and Chemical Toxicology(ISSN: 0278-6915), 99:60-69

22. You HH, Chen SH, Mao L, Li B, Yuan Y, Li R*,Yang X* (2014). The adjuvant effect induced by di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is mediated through oxidative stress in a mouse model of asthma.Food and Chemical Toxicology(0278-6915), 71:272 -281

23. Li Y, Liu D, Ai HH, Chang Q, Liu DD, Xia Y, Liu SW, Peng NF, Xi ZG,Yang X* (2010). Biological evaluation of layered double hydroxides as efficient drug vehicles.Nanotechnology(ISSN:0957-4484), 21:105101

24. Jiang MD, Qin P,Yang X* (2014). Comorbidity between depression and asthma via immune-inflammatory pathways: A meta-analysis.Journal of Affective Disorders(ISSN: 0165-0327), 166(1):22-29

25. Ye X, Ji ZY, Wei CX, McHale C, Ding SM, Thomas R,Yang X*, Zhang LP* (2013). Inhaled formaldehyde induces DNA protein crosslinks and oxidative stress in bone marrow and other distant organs of exposed mice.Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis(ISSN:0893-6692) 54(11):705-718

26. Li JQ, Li L, Liu XD, Li R,Yang X* (2013). Single-wall carbon nanotube-induced airway hyperresponsiveness in rats and a postulated mechanism of action.RSC Advances(ISSN: 2046-2069), 3:25388-25395

27. Li Y, Luo HB, Zhang HY, Guo Q, Yao HC, Li JQ, Chang Q, Yang JG, Wang F, Wang CD,Yang Xu, Liu ZG*, Ye Xin* (2016). Potential hepatoprotective effects of fullerenol nanoparticles on alcohol -induced oxidative stress by ROS.RSC Advances(ISSN: 2046-2069) 6, 31122–31130

28. Han B, Guo J, Abrahaley T, Qin LJ, Wang L, Zheng YD, Li B, Liu DD, Yao HC, Yang JW, Li CM,Yang X*, Xi ZG* (2011). Adverse effect of nano-silicon dioxide on lung function of rats with or without ovalbumin immunization.PLoS One(ISSN:1932-6203), 6(2):e17236

29. Wei CX, Ding SM, You HH, Zhang YR, Wang Y,Yang X*, Yuan JL* (2011). An immunoassay for dibutyl phthalate based on direct hapten linkage to the polystyrene surface of microtiter plates.PLoS One(ISSN:1932-6203), 6(12): e29196

30. Guo J, Han B, Qin LJ, Li B, You HH, Yang JW, Liu DD, Wei CX, Nanberg E, Bornehag CG*,Yang X* (2012). Pulmonary toxicity and adjuvant effect of di-(2-exylhexyl) phthalate in ovalbumin-immunized Balb/c mice.PLoS One(ISSN:1932-6203), 7(6): e39008

31. Zhang YC, Liu XD, McHale C, Li R, Zhang LP, Wu Y, Ye X,Yang X, Ding SM* (2013). Bone marrow injury induced via oxidative stress in mice by inhalation exposure to formaldehyde.PLoS One(ISSN:1932-6203), 8(9):e74974

32. Wu Y, You HH, Ma P, Li L, Yuan Y, Li JQ, Ye X, Liu XD, Yao HC, Chen RC, Lai KF*,Yang X* (2013). Role of transient receptor potential ion channels and evoked levels of neuropeptides in a formaldehyde -induced model of asthma in Balb/c mice.PLoS One(ISSN: 1932-6203), 8(5): e62827

33. Li JQ, Li L, Zuo HX, Ke CJ, Yan B, Wen HX, Zhang YP,Yang X* (2014). T-helper type-2 contact hypersensitivity of Balb/c mice aggravated by dibutyl phthalate via long-term dermal exposure.PLoS One(ISSN:1932-6203), 9(2):e87887

34. You HH, Li R, Wei CX, Chen SH, Mao L, Zhang ZY*,Yang X* (2016). Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin Neutralization Inhibits the Immune Adjuvant Effect of Di-(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate in Balb/c Mouse Asthma Model.PLoS One(ISSN:1932-6203),11(7): e**

35. Cao Y, Liang SS, Zheng YD, Liu DD, Zhang BY, Xu DQ,Yang X* (2011). Induction of GSNO reductase but not NOS in the lungs of mice exposed to glucan-spiked dust.Environmental Toxicology(ISSN:1520-4081), 26(3):279-286

36. Yan B, Li JQ, Guo JH, Ma P, Wu Y, Ling ZH, Guo H, Hiroshi Y, Yanagi U,Yang X. Zhu SW*, Chen MQ* (2016). The toxic effects of indoor atmospheric fine particulate matter collected from allergic and non-allergic families in Wuhan on mouse peritoneal macrophages.Journal of Applied Toxicolgy(ISSN: 0260-437X), 36: 596–608

37. Shang S, Li JQ, Zhao Y, Xi ZG, Lu ZS, Li BZ,Yang X*, Li R* (2017). Oxidized graphene-aggravated allergic asthma is antagonized by antioxidant vitamin E in Balb/c mice.Environ Sci Pollut Res(ISSN: 0944-1344)

38. Li CM*, Chen W,Yang X, Sun C Q, Gao C, Zheng Z X, Jaymie Sawyer (2005). Impedance labelless detection-based polypyrrole protein biosensor.Frontiers in Bioscience(ISSN: 1093-9946), 10: 2518-2526

39. Lu ZS, Li CM, Qiao Y, Liu YS, Yan Y,Yang X* (2005).Type II vanilloid receptor signaling system: one of the possible mechanisms for the rise in asthma cases.Frontiers in Bioscience(ISSN:1093-9946), 10: 2527-2533.

40. Liu Y, Li CM*, Lu Z, Ding S,Yang X* (2006).Studies on formation and repair of formaldehyde-damaged DNA by detection of DNA-protein crosslinks and DNA breaks.Frontiers in Bioscience(ISSN:1093-9946), 11:991-997

41. Wei CX, Zhang YB, Guo J, Han B,Yang X*, Yuan JL* (2010). Effects of silica nanoparticles on growth and photosynthetic pigment contents ofScenedesmus Obliquus.Journal of EnvironmentalSciences-China(ISSN:1001-0742), 22: 155-160

42. Wu Y, Li K, Zuo HX, Yuan Y, Sun Y,Yang X* (2014). Primary neuronal-astrocytic co-culture platform for neurotoxicity assessment of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate.Journal Environmental Science-China(ISSN:1001-0742), 26 (5):1145-1153

43. Yan B, Guo JH, Liu XD, Li JQ,Yang X, Ma P*, Wu Y* (2016). Oxidative stress mediates dibutyl phthalateinduced anxiety-like behavior in Kunming mice.Env Toxi Phar(ISSN: 1382-6689)

44. Wen HX, Yuan LY, Wei CX, Zhao Y, Qian Y, Ma P, Ding SM,Yang X*, Wang XL*. (2016). Effects of combined exposure to formaldehyde and benzene onimmune cells in the blood and spleen in Balb/c mice.Env Toxi Phar(ISSN: 1382-6689). 45:265-273

45. Chen SH, You HH, Mao L,Yang X* (2015). Dibutylphthalate induced oxidative stress does not lead to a signi?cant adjuvant effect on a mouse asthma model.Toxicology Research(ISSN: 2045-452X),4:260-269

46. Tang JQ, Yuan Y, Wei CX, Liao XM, Yuan JL, Nanberg E, Zhang YP, Bornehag CG,Yang X* (2015). Neurobehavioral changes induced by di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and the protective effects of vitamin E in Kunming mice.Toxicology Research(ISSN:2045-452X)4:1006-1015

47. Zhu YQ, Li JQ,Wu Z, Lu Y, You HH,Li R, Li BZ,Yang X*, Duan LJ* (2015). Acute exposure of ozone induced pulmonary injury and the protective role of vitamin E through the Nrf2 pathway in Balb/c mice.Toxicology Research(ISSN:2045-452X). 5(1):268-277

48. Mei YF, Duan CD, Li XX, Zhao Y, Cao FH, Shang S, Ding SM, Yue XP, Gao G, Yang H, Shen LX, Feng XF, Jia JP, Tong ZQ*,Yang X*. (2016). Reduction of endogenous melatonin accelerates cognitive decline in mice in a simulated occupational formaldehyde exposure environment.Inter J Env Res Pub Hea(ISSN: 1660-4601). 13:258

49. Liu DD, Zheng YD, Li B, Yao HC, Li R, Zhang YP,Yang X* (2011). Adjuvant effects of gaseous formaldehyde on the hyperresponsive -ness and inflammation in a mouse asthma model immunized by ovalbumin.Journal of Immunotoxicology(ISSN:1547 -691X), 8(4):305-314

50. Qiao YK, Li B, Yang GT, Yao HC, Yang JW, Liu DD, Yan Y, Sigsgaard T*,Yang X* (2009). Irritant and adjuvant effects of gaseous formaldehyde on the ovalbumin-induced hyperresponsiveness and inflammation in a rat model.Inhalation Toxicology(ISSN:0895 -8378), 21:1200-1207

? 国际室内空气科学院会士
? 中国环境科学会室内环境与健康分会主任委员(国家人事部登记)
? 《自然》杂志子刊《Scientific Reports》客座编辑,编委会委员
? 《生态毒理学报》副主编(中科院生态中心主办)
? 国际室内空气质量和气候学会(ISIAQ)会员
? 20种SCI学术期刊和18种中文学术期刊的特约审稿人

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