

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26

2011年9月- 2017年1月 北京大学,生命科学学院,理学博士
2007年9月- 2011年6月 南京农业大学,生命科学学院,理学学士
2017年2月- 至今 华中师范大学,生命科学学院,副教授
2013年10月- 2015年10月 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD),定量生物学中心,访问****
- 细菌蛋白质翻译效率的定量生理学研究
- 细菌在逆境胁迫下的生长生理研究
- 细菌生长法则
2020.1-2023.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目** 亚致死剂量的夫西地酸与氯霉素对大肠杆菌转录与翻译偶联的抑制作用研究 60万
2018.1-2020.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目** 细菌核糖体翻译延伸速率测定方法的改进 25万
担任Nature Communications, Plos Biology, Acs Synthetic Biology, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, FEMS Microbiol Letters, Infection and drug resistance, Plos one等杂志的审稿人
Dai X, Zhu M (2020) Coupling of Ribosome Synthesis and Translational Capacity with Cell Growth. Trends Biochem Sci.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tibs.2020.04.010 (IF:16.9, Corresponding author)
Zhu, M., Dai, X (2020). Bacterial stress defense: the crucial role of ribosome speed. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 77, 853–858 (2020). (IF:7.0, Corresponding author)
Zhu M, Mori M, Hwa T, Dai X. (2019). Disruption of transcription-translation coordination in Escherichia coli leads to premature transcriptional termination. Nature Microbiology. 4(12), 2347-2356 (IF:14.63, Corresponding author)
Highlighted by M Chen, K Fredrick (2020) J Mol Biol https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmb.2020.03.018
Zhu M, Dai X. (2019). Maintenance of translational elongation rate underlies the survival of Escherichia coli during oxidative stress. Nucleic Acids Research gkz467 47(14) 7592-7604, (2019). (Corresponding Author) (IF: 11.6).
Zhu M*, Pan, Y, Dai X*. (p)ppGpp: the magic governor of bacterial growth economy. Curr Genet 2019,1-5. (invited review) (IF: 3.6).
Zhu M, Dai X*. (2019). Growth suppression by altered (p)ppGpp level results from non-optimal resource allocation in Escherichia coli. Nucleic Acids Research gkz211 47(9) Pages 4684–4693 (Corresponding Author) (IF: 11.6).
“Outstanding interest” paper highlighted by Kim J et al (2020) Curr Opin Biotech 62:29-37
Dai X, Shen Z, Wang Y, Zhu M. (2018). Sinorhizobium meliloti, a slow-growing bacterium, exhibits growth rate dependence of cell size under nutrient limitation. mSphere 3:e00567-18. (First Author) (IF: 3.6)
Highlighted by Nature Reviews Microbiology
Dai X, Zhu M. (2018). High osmolarity modulates bacterial cell size through reducing initiation volume in Escherichia coli. mSphere3:e00430-18. (First Author) (IF: 3.6)
Zhu M, Dai X*. (2018). High salt cross-protects Escherichia coli from antibiotic treatment through increasing efflux pump expression. mSphere 3:e00095-18. (Corresponding Author) (IF: 3.6).
Zhu M, Dai X*. (2018) On the intrinsic constraint of bacterial growth rate: M. tuberculosis’s view of protein translation capacity. Critical Reviews in Microbiology. 44(4). (Corresponding Author) (IF: 4.7)
Dai X, Zhu M, Warren M, Balakrishnan R, Okano H, Williamson JR, Fredrick K, Hwa T. (2018). Slowdown of translational elongation in Escherichia coli under hyperosmotic stress. mBio 9:e02375-17. (First Author) (IF: 6.7)
Zhu M*, Dai X*, Guo W, Ge Z, Yang M, Wang H, Wang Y-P. (2017). Manipulating the bacterial cell cycle and cell size by titrating the expression of ribonucleotide reductase. mBio 8:e01741-17. (Co-first Author) (IF: 6.7)
Dai, X., Zhu, M., Warren, M., Balakrishnan R., Okano, H., Fredrick, K., Wang, Y. P., & Hwa, T. (2016). Reduction of translating ribosomes enables Escherichia coli to maintain elongation rates during slow growth. Nature Microbiology, 2, 16231. (First Author) (IF: 14.63)
Zhu, M., Dai, X*., & Wang, Y. P*. (2016). Real time determination of bacterial in vivo translation elongation speed based on LacZ alpha complementation assay. Nucleic acids research, 44(20): e155. (Corresponding Author) (IF: 11.6)
Basan, M*., Zhu, M*., Dai, X., Warren, M., Sévin, D., Wang, Y. P., & Hwa, T. (2015). Inflating bacterial cells by increased protein synthesis. Molecular Systems Biology, 11(10), 836. (Second Author) (IF: 8.5)
Dai, X., Zhu, M., & Wang, Y. P. (2014). Circular permutation of E. coli EPSP synthase: increased inhibitor resistance, improved catalytic activity, and an indicator for protein fragment complementation. Chemical Communications, 50(15), 1830-1832. (First Author) (IF: 6.3)

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