晏挺 English Version (英文版)
职称华中师范大学 统计系, 教授,博导
1.Yan T. (2021). Directed networks with a differentially private bi-degree sequence, Statistica Sinica, Doi: 10.5705/ss.202019.02152.Zhang X., Ou-Yang L., Yan T., Hu X., Yan H. (2021). A joint graphical model for inferring gene networks across multiple subpopulations and data types,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 51(2), 1043-1055..3.Fan Y., Zhang H. and Yan T. (2020). Asymptotic theory for differentially private generalized β-models with parameters increasing Statistics and Its Interface, 13, 385–3984.Pan L. and Yan T. (2020). Asymptotics in the beta-model for networks with a differentially private degree sequence. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 49(18), 4378–43935.Hu J., Qin H., Yan T. and Zhao Y. (2020, 同等贡献). Corrected Bayesian information criterion for stochastic block models. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 115(532), 1771-1783.6.Yan T., Jiang B., Fienberg S. E., and Leng C. (2019). Statistical inference in a directed network model with covariates. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 114(526), 857-868.7.Hu J., Zhang J., Qin H., Yan T., and Zhu J.(2019). Using maximum entry-wise deviation to test the goodness-of-fit for stochastic block models. Journal of the American Statistical Association. DOI:10.1080/**.2020.**.Fawad M., Yan T., Chen L., Huang K., Vijay P. Singh V. P. (2019). Multiparameter probability distributions for at-site frequency analysis of annual maximum wind speed with L-Moments for parameter estimation. Energy, 181, 724 -737.9.Yan T., Qu L., Li Z. and Yuan A. (2018). Conditional kernel density estimation for some incomplete data models. Electronic Journal of Statistics 12(1), 1299-1329.10.Su L.,Qian X., and Yan T. (2018). A note on a network model with degree heterogeneity and homophily. Statistics and Probability Letters, 138,17-30.11.Fawad M., Ahmad I., Nadeem F. A., Yan T. and Abbas A. (2018). Estimation of wind speed using regional frequency analysis based on linear-moments. International journal of climatology,38(12) , 4431-444412.Barakat, H. M.; Abd Elgawad, M. A.; Yan T. (2018). Generalized-order statistics with random indices. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods,47, 2859-286813.Luo J., Qin H., Yan T., and Zeyneb L. (2017). A note on asymptotic distributions in directed exponential random graph models with bi-degree sequences. Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods. 46 (18),8852-8864.14.Zhang Y., Qian X., Qin H. and Yan T. (2017). Affiliation networks with an increasing degree sequence. Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods. 46(22), 11163-11180.15.Abd Elgawad, M. A., Barakat, H.M., Qin H. and Yan T. (2017). Limit theory of bivariate dual generalized order statistics with random index. Statistics. 51(3), 572-590.16.Li W., Yan T., Abd Elgawad M., and Qin H. (2017). Degree-Based Moment Estimation for Ordered Networks. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. 30, 721-73317.Yan T, Leng C., and Zhu J. (2016). Asymptotics in directed exponential random graph models with an increasing bi-degree sequence. Annals of Statistics, 44, 31-57 18.Yan T., Qin H. and Wang H. (2016). Asymptotics in undirected random graph models parameterized by the strengths of vertices. Statistica Sinica, 26, 273-293. 19.Yan T. (2016). Rankings in the Generalized Bradley-Terry models when the strong connection condition fails. Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods. 45(02), 344-358.20.Yan T. and Zhao Y. (2016). Asymptotics of score test in the generalized β-model for networks. Statistics and Probability Letters. 119,163-169.21.Leng, C. and Yan, T. (2016). Discussion of "Statistical modelling of citation exchange between statistics journals" by Varin, Cattelan and Firth, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, 179, Page 54.22.Yan T., Li Z., Li Y. and Qin H. (2016). Likelihood ratio tests in the Rasch model for item response data when the number of persons and items goes to infinity. Statistics and Its Interface, 9, 223-232.23.Zhang Y., Chen S., Qin H., and Yan T. (2016). Directed weighted random graphs with an increasing bi-degree sequence. Statistics and Probability Letters. 119, 235-240.24.Yan T., Zhao Y. and Qin H.(2015). Asymptotic normality in the maximum entropy distributions on graphs with an growing number of parameters. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 133, 61-76. 25.Yan T. (2015). A note on asymptotic distributions in maximum entropy models for networks. Statistics and Probability Letters. 98, 1-5. 26.Yan T. and Leng C. (2015). A simulation study of p1 model for directed random graphs. Statistics and Its Interface, 8, 255-26627. Yan T., Li Q., Li Y., Li Z. and Zheng G. (2013). Genetic association with multiple traits in the presence of population stratification. Genetic Epidemiology. 37(6), 571-80.28.Yan T. and Xu J. (2013). A central limit theorem in the β-model for undirected random graphs with a diverging number of vertices. Biometrika. 100(2), 519-524.29.Yan T., Yang Y. and Xu J. (2012). Sparse paired comparisons in the Bradley-Terry model. Statistica Sinica. 22, 1305-131830.Yan T., Hou B. and Yang Y. (2009). Correcting for cryptic relatedness by a regression-based genomic control method. BMC Genetics. doi:10.1186/1471-2156-10-78.31.Yan T., Yang Y., Chen X., DeAngelis MM, Hoh J and Zhang H. (2009). Genotypic Association Analysis Using Discordant- Relative-Pairs. Annals of Human Genetics. 73:84-94.
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