

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26

周振荣 English Version (英文版)




1985.7 毕业于华中师范大学数学系
1998.6 毕业于武汉大学数学学院,获理学博士学位
1998.7-2000.6 华东师范大学数学系基础数学博士后流动站做博士后(讲师、副教授)

2000.7-2001.12 武汉工业学院基础部(副教授、教授)

[1] Zhou Zhenrong: Heat flows of subelliptic harmonic maps into Riemannian manifolds with nonpositive curvatures. accepted for J. Geom. Anal., DOI 10.1007/s12220-0110-9220-1
[2] Zhou Zhenrong: Stabilities of F-stationary maps. Kodai Math. J., Vol.34, No.2(2011), pp 272-290
[3] Jia Gaoyang, Zhou Zhenrong: Gaps and of F-Yang-Mills fields on submanifolds. accepted for Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics
[4] Li Liangshu, Zhou Zhenrong: Monotonicity of F-Stationary Maps. J. of Math.(PRC), Vol.32, No.1(2012), pp 17-24
[5] Li Liangshu, Zhou Zhenrong: Quantum phenomena of harmonic maps to submanifolds of the sphere. accepted for J. of Math.(PRC)
[6] 周振荣: 一些调和映射的积分不等式. 数学物理学, Vol.31A, No.5(2011), pp 1345-1352
[7] 周振荣: F-稳态映射的Liouville型定理. 数学物理学报, Vol.30A, No.6(2010), pp 1677-1685
? 附:三年前部分论文清单[8] Chen Qun,Zhou Zhenrong: On gap properties and stabilities of p-Yang-Mills fields. Canadian J.Math. (2007), Vol.59, No.6, pp 1245-1259
[9] Zhou Zhenrong: A note on boundary regularity of subelliptic harmonic maps. Kodai Math. J., Vol.28, No.3 (2005), pp 525-533
[10] Chen Qun,Zhou Zhenrong: Gap properties of harmonic maps and minimal submanifolds. Arch. Math., Vol.41, No.1 (2005), pp 59-69
[11] Chen Qun,Zhou Zhenrong: Heat flows of harmonic maps with potential into manifolds with nonpositive curvature. Arch. der Math., Vol.80(2003), pp 216-224
[12] Zhou Zhenrong: Stability and Quantum phenomenen and Liouville theorems of p-harmonic maps with potential. Kodai Math. J., Vol.26(2003), pp 101-118
[13] Zhou Zhenrong,Chen Qun: Global pinching lemmas and their applications to geometry of submanifolds,harmonic maps and Yang-Mills fields. Advances in Math.(China), Vol.32, No.1(2003), pp 319-326
[14] Zhou Zhenrong: Quantum phenomenon of the energy density of a harmonic map to a sphere. Acta Math. Sci., Vol.B23, No.1(2003), pp 41-45
[15] Zhou Zhenrong: A generalization of Lebesgue’s differential theorem and its application. Acta Math. Sci., Vol.21B, No.1(2001), pp 109-113
[16] Zhou Zhenrong: Spectral geometry of Sasakian submanifolds. J. Math.(PRC), Vol.20, No.1(2000), pp 83-86
[17] Zhou Zhenrong: Uniqueness of subelliptic harmonic maps. Ann. of Global Anal. and Geometry, Vol.17,No.6 (1999), pp 581-594
[18] Zhou Zhenrong: Integral formulas of anti-invariant submanifolds and an application to spectral geometry. Acta Math. Sci.,Vol.19B, No.5(1999), pp 525-528
[19] Zhou Zhenrong: A note on the first eigevalue of hypersurfaces. Chinese Quart. J. Math., Vol.14, No.2(1999), pp 28-32
[20] Zhou Zhenrong: Eigenvalue inequalities and minimal submanifolds. Kodai Math. J., Vol.20, No. 3(1997), pp 233-240
[21] Zhou Zhenrong: Spectral characterizations of Clifford minimal hypersurfaces. Northeast. Math. J., Vol.13, No.1(1997), pp 27-32
[22] Zhou Zhenrong: Eta-Einstein-Sasakian submanifolds and their spectra. J. Math. (PRC), Vol.17, No.1(1997), pp 139-132
[23] Zhou Zhenrong: The spectral characterizations of some minimal submanifolds of a sphere. Chinese Quart. J. Math., Vol.9, No.3(1994), pp 21-25
[24] 周振荣: 到齐次流形的次椭圆Q-调和映射的正则性, 数学物理学报, Vol.25A, No.6(2005), pp 799-805



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