

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-25

刘思耘 研究方向: (1)心理语言学;(2)网络心理与行为



1. 对话的认知加工过程;2.二语中动词及动词隐喻的加工与习得;3. 汉语动词的学习与加工


刘思耘,江帆. (2014). 认知心理学经典实验范式. 武汉:华中师范大学出版社。

1. 全英文心理学专业本科教学模式的创新与摸索,校级,已结项,立项时间:2016年
2. “认知心理学”双语教学研究,省级,已结项,立项时间:2007年
3. “认知心理学”研究型教学,校级,已结项,立项时间:2007年
4. “认知心理学”CAI课件制作,校级,已结项,立项时间:2007年
5. “认知心理学”主干课程,校级,已结项,立项时间:2006年



1. Principle Investigator. The Turn-taking Mechanism of Online Conversations During Online Learning [线上学习过程中对话的话轮转换机制研究],National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.**),2021-2024.
2. Principle Investigator. The Impact of Online Gaming Experience on Face Affect Conceptualization [网络游戏体验对面孔情绪概念表征的影响],Opening grant of Human Development and Mental Health Hubei Key Laboratory, 2018A01,2018-2019.
3. Principle Investigator. The Cognitive Processing of Narration on Internet [网络叙事的认知加工], Grant of the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities – Major Fostering Project, 2018-2020.
4. Principle Investigator. The practice of the core socialist values: the speech act integrity analysis on internet [践行社会主义核心价值观 – 网络言语诚信研究]. Grant of Wuhan Social Science Foundation Post-funded Project, 2017-2018.
5. Principle Investigator. The impact of language on categorical perception [语言对类别知觉的影响]. Grant of the Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education, 2016-2018.
6. Principle Investigator. The impact of internet use on higher-level of cognitive processing [网络行为对高级认知加工的影响], Grant of the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2014-2015.
7. Principle Investigator. The processing of Chinese synesthetic language [汉语中的联觉认知机制], Grant of the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2011-2012.
8. Principle Investigator. The influence of irrelevant speech on ADHD children [无关言语对注意力缺陷儿童的影响], Opening grant of Human Development and Mental Health Hubei Key Laboratory, 2009-2010.
9. Principle Investigator. Understanding of disfluent language in Chinese [汉语非流利言语理解], Grant of the Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education, 2008-2010.
10. Principle Investigator. Accent Identification in Mandarin [普通话口音识别研究], Grant of the Central China Normal University, 2005-2007.

Peer-Reviewed Article Publications:
A. Written and published in Chinese language:
1. Liu, S., Zhou, Q., Jia, H., & Zhao, Q. (2016). The impact of the irrelevant speech on visual awareness. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 48(7), 770-782.
2. Liu*, S., Li, N., & Zhou, Z. (2015). The impact of cyber-experience on action verb processing. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 47(8), 992-1003.
3. Liu*, S. & Meng, J. (2015). The impact of language labels and self-reference on new object categorical perception. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 47(3), 285-299.
4. Li, X. & Liu*, S. (2012). The effects of phonological similarity and visual similarity in immediate serial recall of Chinese Characters. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 44(12), 1571-1582. CSSCI.
5. Liu*, S. (2012). The cognitive processing models of synesthesia and its neuropsychological mechanisms. Advances in Psychological Sciences, 20(4), 514-522. CSSCI.
6. Qin, W., Liu*, S., Yang, L., & Zhou, Z. (2010). Processing lexical tones and emotional tones in precategorical acoustic storage. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 42(06), 651-662. CSSCI.
7. Zeng, H. & Liu*, S. (2009). Sentence comprehension in discourse context: Evidence from the N400. Advances in Psychological Science. CSSCI.

B. Written and published in English language:
1. Liu, S., Zhang, Y., & Yu, C. (2019). Why some verbs are harder to learn than others – a micro-level analysis of everyday learning contexts for early verb learning. Proceedings of Cogsci’19 - Creativity + Cognition + Computation, 2173-2178.
2. Liu*, S., Zhou, M., & Li, Y. (2018). Internet use experience influence individuals' lexical decision performance. Computers in Human Behavior, 97, 157-166.
3. Zhang, X., Samuel, A. G., & Liu*, S. (2012). The perception and representation of segmental and prosodic Mandarin contrasts in native speakers of Cantonese. Journal of Memory and Language, 66: 438-457. SCI & SSCI.
4. Liu*, S., Zhang, X., Ren, Y., & Yu, Q. (2011). Processing fluency in forms and sounds of Chinese characters. Consciousness and Cognition, 20:191-203. SSCI.
5. Liu*, S., & Samuel, A.G. (2007). The role of Mandarin lexical tones in lexical access under different contextual conditions, Language and Cognitive Processes, 22, 566-594. SSCI.
6. Liu*, S., & Samuel, A.G. (2004) Perception of Mandarin Lexical Tones When F0 Information is Neutralized, Language and Speech, 47 (2). SSCI.

Books (in Chinese):
1. Zhou, Z., Liu, S., & Zhao, Q. (2014). (Translation) Psychology and the Internet: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, and Transpersonal Implications. The original author: Jayne Gackenbach. Guangzhou: The World Books Publications Guangdong Co. Ltd.
2. Liu, S. & Jiang, F. (2014). Experimental Paradigms in Cognitive Psychology. Wuhan: Central China Normal University Publication Co. Ltd.

Chapters (in English):
1. Zhao, M., Yang, D., Liu*, S., & Zeng*, Y. (2017). Mental stress-performance model in emotional engineering. In Shuichi Fukuda (Ed.), Emotional Engineering - Understanding Motivation, Vol. 6, Chapter 9: 119-140, Tokyo: Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-70801-0, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70802-7

Conference Talks:
1. Liu, S., Wang, L., Peng, X., & Zhou, Z. Language styles of online lying under different topic context. The 4th International Conference of Cyber Psychology and Behavior Studies, Wuhan, October 11-13, 2016.
2. Liu, S. & Gao, Y. Language label semantics play a different role on categorical perception. The Second International Conference on Prosody, Xi’an, 2015.
3. Liu, S. & Zeng, Y. The impact of language labels on tool categorical perception. The Second International Conference on Prosody, Xi’an, 2015.
4. Liu, S. & Meng, J. The impacts of language labels and self-reference on new object categorical perception. The International Conference of Conceptual Transfer and Second Language Acquisition: Shanghai, May, 2014.
5. Zhou, Q. & Liu, S. The impact of irrelevant speech on visual awareness. The 15th National Conference of the Chinese Psychological Society, Guangzhou, Nov. 30-Dec. 02, 2012.
6. Liu, S., Wang, L., Zhou, Z. Language features of lies produced under different context situations. The 2nd Advanced Symposium of Language and Cognition, Beijing, Dec. 2012.
7. Chen, J. & Liu, S. The Effects of spatiotemporal metaphors on emotional valence and predictions. The Annual Conference of the General and Experimental Psychology of the Chinese Psychological Society, Wuhan, 2012.
8. Zhang, X.; Ren, Y.; & Liu, S. Emotional connotations in the processes of Chinese characters. The 6th Chinese Psychologists Conference: Hong Kong, June, 2008

1. Luo, Y. & Liu, S. Object categorical perception with eye-tracking control: does the left-hemisphere play an advantageous role? Annual Conference of Committee of General and Experimental Psychology of CPS, Dalian, April, 2018.
2. Ren, Y. & Liu, S. The impact of processing fluency of Chinese characters on economic decisions. The 1st Advanced Symposium of Language and Cognition, Beijing, April, 2011.
3. Qiu, Y. & Liu, S. The influence of prosodic cues on sentence production: an experiment on different Chinese dialects. The 1st Advanced Symposium of Language and Cognition, Beijing, April, 2011.
4. Chen, J., Chen, J. & Liu, S. The time course of segment and tone encoding in Chinese spoken word production. The 1st Advanced Symposium of Language and Cognition, Beijing, April, 2011.
5. Yang, L.; Yang, S. & Liu, S. (2009). Irrelevant speech effects and short-term memory: evidence from Chinese. The 13th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages. Beijing, Oct. 9-11.
6. Zhang, X.; Ren, Y.; & Liu, S.(2008)Emotional Connotations of Chinese characters, The 6th International Conference of Chinese Psychologists, Hong Kong: Jun. 11-14.
7. Liu, S. & Samuel, A.G. (2001). Dynamic effects of lexical tones in Cantonese, The Annual Meeting of American Psychological Association, Florida: Orlando.

Conference Papers in Chinese:
1. Wang, X. & Liu, S. (2007). Priming effects in conceptual related semantically different classification task, National Annual Conference of General and Experimental Psychology, Nanjing.
2. Qin, W. & Liu, S. (2007). The extent of dissociation of lexical tone and vowel processing in Mandarin, National Annual Conference of General and Experimental Psychology, Nanjing.

1. 2008年华中师范大学教学工作三等奖
2. 2011年华中师范大学第八届教师教学竞赛优胜奖
3. 2017年第八届湖北省高等学校教学成果奖:全英文心理学专业本科教学模式的创新与探索,三等奖,排名第一位。

1. 2006年湖北省本科毕业优秀论文(二等奖)指导教师
2. 2007年湖北省本科毕业优秀论文(三等奖)指导教师
3. 2009年湖北省本科毕业优秀论文指导教师
4. 2011年湖北省本科毕业优秀论文指导教师
5. 2012年湖北省本科毕业优秀论文指导教师


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