

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-16

姓 名: 贾多杰
性 别:
研究方向: 理论粒子物理与核物理,计算量子多体理论研究
E-mail: jiadj AT nwnu.edu.cn

兰州大学数学系(本科, 1991.6;硕士,1994.6)
兰州大学物理系 (博士,2001.6)
西北民族大学(学院)数学系 (助教;讲师,1994.6-1995,1995.12-1998.9)
l 研究生课程:《高等量子力学》;《量子电动力学》;《多粒子体系的量子理论》。
l 本科生课程:《大学物理学》,《物理学前沿讲座》,《线性代数》,《相对论导论》,《FORTRAN 程序设计》,《量子力学》
l 主持西北师范大学精品课程项目(2018-2019):《高等量子力学》
l 出版译著:《粒子物理与薛定谔方程》,刘翔,贾多杰,丁一兵译,中国科技大学出版社出版(2014. 10月),H. Grosse,A. Martin原著, “Particle Physicsand the Schr?dinger Equation”,剑桥大学出版社(1997)

l 国家自然科学基金面上项目:拓扑理论的新发展和在物理前沿学科中的应用、10万元、已结题、参与人(NSFC-**;主要参与人:1999.1-2001.12);
l 中国科学院近代物理研究所所长基金项目—Bose-Einstein凝聚体中的拓扑激发研究(2002-2003,主持并结题);
l 国家自然科学基金东西部项目:场论和宇宙学中的非微扰方法研究(NSFC-6-2008, 主持并结题);
l 西北师范大学知识与科技创新工程项目—基于联络分解的非微扰QCD研究(NWNU-KJCXGC-03-41, 2007-2009, 主持并结题);
l 国家自然科学基金地区项目:重子的孤子图像及其夸克自由度(NSFC-**;2010-2012,主持并结题).
l 国家留学回国人员科研启动基金:核子结构和性质及其夸克自由度研究,2010-3至2012-3 (主持并结题)
l 国家自然科学基金地区项目:璨重子谱的相对论手征夸克模型研究,NSFC-**;2013-2016,主持并结题)。
l 国家自然科学基金地区项目:大NQCD框架下重子谱与结构的手征夸克模型研究,NSFC-**;2016-2019,主持在研)
获奖: 基金项目—凝聚态和宇宙时空缺陷的拓扑规范场理论,获2004年甘肃省科技进步一等奖(主要参加者,第五人).
1) 拓扑场论及其在强耦合量子简并体系中的拓扑激发。
2) 有效场论、低能强相互作用及强子物理,新强子态物理;
社会兼职:Chin. Phys. Lett.、Chin. Phys. C等期刊特约评审人、国家自然科学基金通讯评审人。青海师范大学兼职教授。
l Jia Duojie(贾多杰), Cheng-Qun Pang (庞成群), Atsushi Hosaka, MassFormula for Light Nonstrange Mesons and Regge Trajectories in Quark Model,Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 32,25 (2017) **
l Zheng Binbin (郑斌斌), Jia Duojie(贾多杰), Regge-like Masses of LightMesons in Quark and String models, Nucl. Phys. Rev. 34 (3) (2017)569-574
l Liu Mingzu (刘明珠), Jia Duojie(贾多杰), Chen Dianyong(陈殿勇), Possible hadronic molecularstates composed of S-wave heavy-light mesons, Chin. Phys. C 41,05(2017)053105(:1-12)
l Xu Siqi(徐思琦), XieJujun(谢聚军), ChenXurong(陈旭荣), JiaDuojie(贾多杰), The Xi*Kbar andΩeta Interaction Within aChiral Unitary Approach, Commun. Theor. Phys. 65 (2016) 53-56
l Wang WenJun (王文君), Jia Duojie(贾多杰*), Chen Dianyong(陈殿勇),Radiative Decays of theBottom Strange Mesons in a Relativistic Quark Model, Nucl. Phys. Rev. 33,01(2016)30
l Jia Duojie (贾多杰*), Zhang JiaSheng (张甲申), The 't Hooft couplingand baryon mass splitting in the large-Nchiral model, Chin. Phys. Lett. 32, 11 (2015)111201
l Jia Duojie(贾多杰),Xing-Wen Zhao (赵兴文),Wen-Bo Dang,(党文博),Baryon resonances in the large-Nc collective theory, Nucl. Phys. Rev. 01(2015)44
l Jia Duojie (贾多杰), Xing-Wen Zhao (赵兴文), 重轻介子的一种相对论方程, J. of NWNU (Natural) 西北师范大学学报[自], 01(2015)40
l Jia Duojie(贾多杰), WanRuibin(万瑞斌),LianChun Yu(俞连春), Adynamical mass and confinement in nucleon model,Int. J. Mod. Phys. E23,6(2014) **
l Duojie Jia, Wen-Bo Dang, Xing-Wen Zhao,Hyperfine structure of ground-state nucleons in chiral quark model, The 7thInternational Symposium on chiral Symmetry in Hadrons and Nuclei,Beijing,China, 27–30 Oct. 2013.
l Duojie Jia(贾多杰), Ruibin Wan, Ren Li, QCDanalysis of Manohar-Georgi Model and an affective chiral model of nucleons, Nucl.Phys. Rev. 30, 4(2013)385-390
l Duojie Jia(贾多杰), Ren Li, Yi-Ping Lu, Theknotted flux-tube model for glueball and f_J meson and mass spectrum, Journalof NWNU(Natural Science), 49,4(2013)43-45
l ZhangJin-Hu, Duojie Jia(贾多杰), Xiao-Wei Wang, Yi-Ping Lu, Skyrmion inExtended Skyrme Model and Its Quantization, Nucl. Phys. Rev.,29,1(2012)57-61
l Jia Duojie(贾多杰),Zhang Jin-Hu(张金虎),Wang Qing(王青), A note on soliton picturein Skyrme-like model, Chin. Phys. C 36, 9 (2012): 797-804
l Jia Duojie,WangXiao-Wei, The Unified Skyrmion Profiles and Static Properties of Nucleons, Mod.Phys. Lett. A 26, 08 (2011) 557-565
l Jia Duojie(贾多杰),Wang Xiao-Wei(王晓维),Liu Feng(刘锋), Analytical Solution forthe SU(2) Hedgehog Skyrmion and Static Properties of Nucleons, Chin. Phys.Lett. 27, 12 (2010) 121201: 1-4; arXiv: 0912.5142.
l Ji Yonglin,Jia Duojie,et al, Improved approximate profile function of Hedgehog Skyrmion, Mod.Phys. Lett. A 24, 16 (2009) 1301-1306.
l 席国柱,贾多杰等, 对偶超导模型n=90-110的近似解析解, Nucl.Phys.Rev. [原子核物理评论],26,3( 2009) 194-197
l 贾多杰,吉永林等, 对Faddeev模型的求解,J. of NWNU(Natural)西北师范大学学报[自] 45,3(2009)26-28
l Duojie Jia, Abelian-Higgs phase ofSU(2) Yang-Mills theory and glueball energy, Chin. Phys.C [HEP&NP].32,No.7 (2008 )509-514.
l Duojie Jia and Yan Xu et al.,Nondegenerated spin states of a trapped spinor Bose gas beyond mean fieldtheory, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B. 22, 3 (2008) 189-204.
l Duojie Jia, and De-Zhen Ai, Dualsuperconductor vacuum of strongly-coupled SU(2) Yang-Mills theory, Chin.Phys.C[HEP &NP].31 (5) (2007): 431-436
l 爱德臻,贾多杰,李彦炜, 庞成群,高慧昀, 邱春,杨-米尔斯理论的对偶超导机制,J. of NWNU(Natural)西北师范大学学报[自],No 43(2)(2007): 24-28.
l 庞成群,贾多杰 , 黄磊, 求解MKDV方程呼吸子的一个新方法, J. of NWNU(Natural) 西北师范大学学报[自],43(2)(2007): 37-39.
Duoje Jia, InfraredAbelization of Yang-Mills Theory via Abelian Higgs variables, Chin. Phys.C [HEP&NP]30,3(2006)196-200
? 贾多杰,爱德臻,关于规范场顶角计算的置换群陪集简化方法,J. of NWNU(Natural)(西北师范大学学报[自]),42 (2) (2006):45-49.
? Xuyan and Duoje Jia, Chen,ZY, Trial solution and critical frequency to the singly quantized vortex in bigBose-Einstein condensates, Mod. Phy. Lett. B, 20, 16 (2006) 995-1005.
? Xuyan and Duoje Jia etal.,The Mode-deviation effect of trapped spinor Bose gas beyond mean fieldtheory, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B. 18,9 (2004)1339-1349.
? Xuyan and Duoje Jia XiguoLi, W. Zuo and Fa-Shen Li, A novel solution to singly quantized vortex in big NBose-Einstein condensate, Acta Physica Sinica, 53, 9(2004) 2831-2834
? Duoje Jia and Xiguo Lee,Monopole mechanism of Yang-Mills theory without gauge-fixing, Chin. Phys.C[HEP&NP]27, 4 (2003)293-298.
? Xiguo Lee and Duoje Jia,SU(2) gauge field decomposition and Circulation condition for Bose-Einstein condensate,Chin. Phys.C[HEP &NP] 27, 1 (2003)12-14.
? Xiguo Lee, Yuan Gao andDuoje Jia, Kaon effective mass in nuclear matter, Chin. Phys.C[HEP &NP]37,11 (2003)995-998.
? Duoje Jia and Y. S. Duan,Topological effects of instantons due to the defects, Mod.Phys.Lett.A, 16, 29(2001)1863-1869.
? Duoje Jia, Xiguo Lee and Y.S. Duan, Circulation condition of two-component Bose-Einstein condensate, Phys.Lett. A 289,4-5 (2001)245-250.
? Y. S. Duan and Duoje Jia,Effective gauge dynamics of the Bose-Einstein condensates, Phys. Lett. A 290,3-4,(2001)120-126
? Y. S Duan and Duoje Jia,Integer and half-integer quantization conditions in quantum mechanics, Chin.Phys. Lett. 18,4 (2001) 473-475.
l International Conference on String Theory(Beijing, 8.17-19, 2002)
l 全国量子力学会议(桂林,5.17-19, 2004)
lThe 3rdChina-Japan-Korea Hadron and Nuclear Physics (Lanzhou, 6.23-27, 2008).
l C-R Ji*and Duojie Jia (NC State Univ), Topological Structure of Non-AbelianGauge Field Theory and applications in Physics; in US-KoreaConference on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship, UKC2008. SanDiego, California, Aug. 14-17.
l 中国物理学会高能物理分会第八届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会(南昌,4.16-21, 2010)
l 2010BES物理工作月研讨会暨兰州“强子物理与新强子态”研讨会(Lanzhou,7.12-113, 2010): The Knotted String Model of Glueballs (报告)
l FlavorPhysics and CP Violation 2012 (Hefei, May 21-25, 2012)
l 北京谱仪III实验暑期讲习班(Lanzhou, 8.21-26,2012)
l Workshop on Gaugefield theory and Hadron physics (Lanzhou, 11.10-15,2012)
l The 2ndInternational Conference on QCD and Hadron Physics (Lanzhou, 3.30-4.2,2013)
l "Chiral Quarkand Cloudy Bag", 第十五届全国中高能核物理大会(The 15th Conferences of Mediate-HighEnergy Nuclear Physics of Chinese Phyiscs Society) (Lanzhou,May 15-20, 2013)
l 2013弦/M理论、引力和拓扑场论研讨会(Lanzhou,7.18-22,2013)
l 理论物理最近进展研讨会(Lanzhou,8. 2-3,2013)
l Bag In the Lightof Quark Model, in The 1st International Symposium on Physics of Photons (Lanzhou,9. 27-29. 2013).
l Hyperfinestructure of ground-state nucleons in chiral quark model, in The 7thInternational Symposium on chiral Symmetry in Hadrons and Nuclei (Beijing,Oct. 27-30. 2013).
l 中国物理学会高能物理分会第九届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会(武汉, 4.18-23, 2014): Chiral-Quark Modelanalysis of missing baryon resonances (分会报告)
l “第六届中美强子物理国际会议”--The Sixth Workshopon Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities in US (兰州, 7.21-7.24,2014).
l “IMP强子物理研讨会” (兰州, 12.5-12.6,2014), Baryon from Chiral Quark in large N limit (报告)
l The AnnualWorkshop on Hadron Physics of Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academyof Science (Lanzhou, Dec.5, 2014): Baryon from Chiral Quark in largeN limit (报告)
l 强子与CSR物理研究中心”2014学术年会(兰州, 1.4, 2015):Large N Expansionand Chiral Quark Model (报告)
l 全国藏汉双语教学高层论坛(西宁, 9.18 -20,2014) : 数学的精神、传承与教育(大会主会报告): “The Spiritand Heritage of Science and Education”, High Level Forum on Bilingual Teachingin Tibetan-Chinese.
l The AnnualWorkshop on Hadron Physics of Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academyof Science (Lanzhou, Dec.5, 2014): Baryon from Chiral Quark in largeN limit (报告)
l The AnnualWorkshop of The Center for Hadron and CSR Physics, IMP &Lanzhou Univ. (Lanzhou, Jan. 4, 2015): Large N Expansion and ChiralQuark Model (报告)
l 2015场论、引力与宇宙学小型研讨会(兰州,2.6-2.8, 2015)
l 全国第十三届重味物理与CP破坏研讨会(兰州,7.22-25, 2015):Dashen phase inconfining sigma model (报告)
l QCD与强子物理研讨会--”Workshop on"QCD and Hadron Physics(兰州,11.21-23,2015):‘t Hooft耦合常数与大N夸克模型(报告)
l 2016强子与CSR物理研究中心”2014学术年会(兰州,1.13, 2016): 强子的相对论夸克模型中的动力学质量(报告)
l 第十六届全国核物理大会暨第十二届会员代表大会(成都,10.19-25, 2016):相对论夸克模型中底奇异介子的辐射衰变(分会报告)
l 理论物理前沿学术研讨会(Lanzhou,7. 2-3,2017) :相对论夸克模型中底奇异介子的辐射衰变(分会报告)
l 第五届高等学校物理教学与资源建设研讨会(兰州, 8.10-11,2017)
l 理论物理前沿学术研讨会(兰州, 7. 14-16,2017):强子Regge谱和夸克模型(报告)
l 第二届理论物理前沿学术研讨会(兰州, 10. 28-30,2017):激发态介子的质量公式和Regge谱(报告)

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