本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-16
基本情况: ?
姓 名: 李鹏程
性 别: 男
职 称:副教授
研究方向: 强激光场中的原子分子物理
E-mail: lipc@nwnu.edu.cn
1.2006/9–2010/7, 西北师范大学, 原子分子物理学, 博士
2.2000/9–2003/7, 西北师范大学, 原子分子物理学, 硕士
3.2008/3–2008/7, 北京师范大学, 量子光学, 进修
1.2014/10-2016/12,美国堪萨斯大学,化学系,博士后,导师:Shih-I Chu 教授
2.2012/09-2012/11,美国堪萨斯大学,化学系,博士后,导师:Shih-I Chu 教授
导师:Shih-I Chu 教授
4.2003/7-2010/09, 西北师范大学,物理与电子工程学院
主要从事强激光场与原子分子相互作用的理论研究,在Nature Photonics, Nature Communications,Scientific Reports, Optics Express, Phys. Rev. A, J. Phys. B等国内外专业学术期刊上发表SCI论文40余篇,主持国家自然科学基金3项(其中面上项目1项,地区基金1项,专项基金1项),甘肃省自然科学基金1项,甘肃省高等学校科研项目1项,获甘肃省自然科学三等奖1项,获甘肃省高等学校科技进步一等奖1项,获甘肃省高等学校科技进步二等奖3项。
Optics Express, Optics Letter, Phys. Rev. A,Optics Communications,Physics Letters A等学术刊物评审专家。
1. 从头算研究强激光场中的分子低能高次谐波动力学过程, (批准号:**), 国家自然科学基金, 2017.1-2020.12.
2. 强激光场中原子分子产生的阿秒脉冲和电离特性研究(批准号:**), 国家自然科学基金, 2011.1-2013.12.
4.基于含时密度泛函理论的多电子原子在中红外强激光场中的性质研究(批准号:**), 国家自然科学基金, 2014.1-2017.12.
5.优化控制量子路径产生单个超短阿秒 激光脉冲研究(1308RJZA195), 甘肃省自然科学基金, 2014.1-2015.12.
6.基于自相互作用修正的含时密度泛函理论研究原子在强激光场中产生的高次谐波(2014A-010),甘肃省高等学校科研基金, 2014.1-2015.12.
1.超重原子及高离化态离子的结构和辐射特性研究, 甘肃省高校科技进步二等奖(2004).
2.强场中原子分子激发和电离特性的研究, 甘肃省高校科技进步二等奖(2006).
5.原子分子在强激光场中性质的理论研究, 甘肃省自然科学三等奖(2012).
6.强激光与物质相互作用的研究, 甘肃省高校科学研究优秀成果二等奖(2015).
7. Hossein Z Jooya, Dmitry A Telnov, Peng-Cheng Li, and Shih-I Chu,“Investigation of the characteristic properties of high-order harmonic spectrum in atoms using Bohmian trajectories”一文被J.Phys.B期刊评为2015年度 Highlights论文。
本人长期以来从事强激光场与原子分子相互作用方面的研究。2010年以来,同美国堪萨斯大学化学系,台湾大学量子科学与工程研究中心主任,中研院院士朱时宜(Shih-I. Chu)教授科研小组建立了良好的合作关系,并先后在台湾大学物理系和美国堪萨斯大学化学系进行博士后研5年多时间,主要开展强场原子分子物理的含时密度泛函理论(TDDFT)研究。2014年,本人与中佛罗里达大学Z .H. Chang教授的实验研究小组合作完成的论文《Coherent Phase-Matched VUV Generation by Field-Controlled Bound States》[Nature Photonics 8, 437 (2014)]首次发现在电离阈值以下利用控制原子束缚态可以产生共振增强的相位匹配高次谐波辐射,并从实验和理论上展示了宏观惰性气体原子在强激光场中产生共振相位匹配高次谐波的发射,实现了真空紫外激光脉冲技术实验应用的新突破。2015年,发表了题为《Dynamical origin of near- and below-threshold harmonic generation of Cs in an intense mid-infrared laser field》[Nature Communications 6, 7178(2015)] 的研究论文,研究发现低能高次谐波产生过程中,多光子电离机制占优的电子总是逆着激光场力运动且动力学相位是稳定的,这一研究成果对于理解电离阈值下高次谐波的产生以及实验上实现真空紫外频率梳具有重要的研究意义。2016年,在Scientific Reports[6,32763(2016)]发表了题为《Exploration of laser-driven electron-multirescattering dynamics in high-order harmonic generation》的研究论文,从理论上探索了强激光场驱动原子产生高次谐波的过程中多重散射的动力学机制,这一研究成果对于理解高次谐波的产生以及实验上实现超短阿秒脉冲有重要的研究意义.
另外,本人致力于阿秒超短脉冲的产生机制以及含时密度泛函理论的研究,其部分研究成果已发表在Optics Express,Phys. Rev. A,J. Phys. B , AIP Advances等期刊上[Phys. Rev. A 78, 063404 (2008);Phys. Rev. A 80, 053825 (2009);Optics Express 19, 23857-23866 (2011);Phys. Rev. A 84, 033414 (2011);Phys. Rev. A 86, 013411 (2012);Phys. Rev. A 88, 053415 (2013); Phys. Rev. A 89, 023431(2014); Phys. Rev. A 90, 025401 (2014); AIP Advance 4,117138(2014); Physics Letters A 316(2016); J. Phys. B 48, 195401(2015); Phys. Rev. A 91, 063408 (2015); Phys. Rev. A 91, 063412 (2015); Phys. Rev. A 92, 023423 (2015)]。
[35] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*, Sheu, Yae-LinJooya, Hossein Z, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and Shih-I Chu*, “Exploration of laser-driven electron-multirescattering dynamics in high-order harmonic generation”, Scientific Reports, 6, 32763 (2016).
[34] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*, Yuan-Xiang Jiao, Xiao-Xin Zhou, and Shih-I Chu, “Role of quantum trajectory in high-order harmonic generation in the Keldysh multiphoton regime”, Optics Express, 24,13(2016).
[33] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*,Shih-I Chu,“Role of quantum trajectory in high-order harmonic generation in the Keldysh multiphoton regime”,The 47th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP47),Providence, RI, USA(2016).
[32] Huiying Zhong, Jing Guo*, Wei Feng, Peng-Cheng Li(李鹏程)*, Xue-Shen Liu*, “Comparison of high harmonic generation and attosecond pulse from 3D hydrogen atom in three kinds of inhomogeneous fields”, Physics Letters A,380, 8(2016), Pages 188–193.
[31] Hossein Z Jooya, Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程), Sheng-Lun Liao,Shih- I Chu, “Generation of isolated ultra-short attosecond pulses by coherent control of the population of excited states”, Physics Letters A,380, 8(2016), Pages 316–321.
[30] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*, Yae-Lin Sheu, Cecil Laughlin, and Shih-I Chu*,
“Dynamical origin of near- and below-threshold harmonic generation of Cs in an intense mid-infrared laser field”, Nature Communications 6:7178 (2015).
[29] Yi Chou*, Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*, Tak-San Ho*, Shih- I Chu*, “Optimal control of high-order harmonics for the generation of an isolated ultrashort attosecond pulse with two-color midinfrared laser fields”, Phys. Rev. A 91, 063408(2015).
[28] Yi Chou*, Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*, Tak-San Ho*, Shih- I Chu*, “Generation of an isolated few-attosecond pulse in optimized inhomogeneous two-color fields”, Phys. Rev. A 92, 023423 (2015).
[27] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*,Yae-Lin Sheu,Cecil Laughlin,Shih-I Chu,“Dynamical origin of near- and below-thresholdharmonic generation of Cs in an intense mid-infrared laser field”,The 5th international conference on attosecond physics (ATTO2015) Saint-Sauveur, Québec, Canada(2015). [26] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*,Shih-I Chu,“Exploration of thedynamical origin of near- and below-threshold harmonic generation”,The 46th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP46),Columbus, Ohio, USA(2015).
[25] Hossein Z Jooya, Dmitry A Telnov , Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程), Shih- I Chu, “Exploration of the subcycle multiphoton ionization dynamics and transient electron density structures with Bohmian trajectories”, Phys. Rev. A 91,063412 (2015).
[24] Hossein Z Jooya, Dmitry A Telnov , Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程), Shih- I Chu, “Investigation of the characteristic properties of high-order harmonic spectrum in atoms using Bohmian trajectories”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48 (2015) 195401.
[23] Michael Chini, Xiaowei Wang, Yan Cheng, He Wang, Yi Wu, Eric Cunningham, Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程), John Heslar, Dmitry A. Telnov, Shih-I Chu, and Zenghu Chang, "Coherent Phase-Matched VUV Generation by Field-Controlled Bound States ", Nature Photonics 8, 437 (2014).
[22] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*, Cecil Laughlin, and Shih-I Chu*, "Generation of isolated sub-20-attosecond pulses from He atoms by two-color midinfrared laser fields", Phys. Rev. A 89, 023431 (2014).
[21] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*, Yae-Lin Sheu, Cecil Laughlin, and Shih-I Chu*,“Role of laser-driven electron-multirescattering in resonance-enhanced below-threshold harmonic generation in He atoms”, Physical Review A 90, 041401R(2014).
[20] Zhi-Hong Jiao, Guo-Li Wang, Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*, and Xiao-Xin Zhou* “Polarization control of ultrabroadband supercontinuum generation from midinfrared laser-induced harmonic emission”, Physical Review A 90, 025401(2014).
[19] Yae-lin Sheu, Liang-Yan Hsu, Hau-tieng Wu, Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程), Shih-I Chu,“A new time-frequency method to reveal quantum dynamics of atomic hydrogen in intense laser pulses: Synchrosqueezing transform”, AIP Advances 4 ,117138(2014).
[18] Michael Chini, Xiaowei Wang, Yan Cheng, He Wang, Yi Wu, Eric Cunningham, Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程), John Heslar, Dmitry A. Telnov, Shih-I Chu, and Zenghu Chang, "Coherent VUV emission from field-controlled bound states", CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science,Optical Society of America (2014).
[17] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*,Shih-I Chu,Role of laser-driven electron multi-scattering in resonance-enhanced below-threshold harmonic generation ofHe,The 45th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP45),Madison, Wisconsin, USA (2014).
[16] 曾婷婷,李鹏程,周效信,两束同色激光场和中红外场驱动氦原子在等离激元中产生的单个阿秒脉冲,物理学报 20,170(2014).
[15] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*, and Shih-I Chu ,"High-order-harmonic generation of Ar atoms in intense ultrashort laser fields: An all-electron time-dependent density-functional approach including macroscopic propagation effects." Phys. Rev. A 88,053415(2013).
[14] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*, and Shih-I Chu, “Resonance-enhanced below-threshold harmonic eneration of He atoms in few-cycle laser fields” Proceedings of Science (PoS), IWCSE (2013).
[13] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*,Cecil Laughlin,Shih-I Chu,Sub-20 isolatedultrashort attosecond pulse generation from He atoms by two-color mid-infraredlaser fields,The 4rd International Conference on Attosecond Physics (ATTO4),Paris, France.
[12] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*,Shih-I Chu,High-order harmonic generation of Ar and Ne atoms in intense ultrashort laser fields: An all-electron time-dependent density-functional approach including macroscopic propagation effects,The 44th Annual Meeting of the APS of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP44),Quebec City, Canada.
[11] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*, and Shih-I Chu,“Effects of macroscopic propagation on spectra of broadband supercontinuum harmonics and isolated-attosecond-pulse generation: Coherent control of the electron quantum trajectories in two-color laser fields”,Phys. Rev. A 86, 013411(2012).
[10] LI Peng-Cheng (李鹏程)* and ZHOU Xiao-Xin, “Single ultrashort attosecond pulse generation via the combination of chirped fundamental laser and an ultraviolet controlling pulse”, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 57, 445 (2012).
[9] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*,Shih-I Chu, “Probing the spectral and temporal structures of macroscopic high-order harmonic generation of He in intense ultrashort laser pulses”,The 43th Annual Meeting of the APS of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP43), USA(2012).
[8] 成春芝,李鹏程,周效信,He+离子在啁啾激光和高频脉冲组合场中产生的单个阿秒脉冲,中国科学:物理学 力学天文学,1, 47(2012).
[7] 黄峰,李鹏程, 周效信,利用两色组合激光场驱动氦原子产生单个阿秒脉冲,物理学报,61,23(2012).
[6] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*, I-Lin Liu, and Shih-I Chu*, Optimization of three-color laser field for the generation of single ultrashort attosecond pulse, Optics Express 19, 23857-23866 (2011).
[5] I-Lin Liu, Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*, and Shih-I Chu, Coherent control of the electron quantum paths for the generation of single ultrashort attosecond laser pulse, Phys. Rev. A 84, 033414 (2011).
[4] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*,Shih-I Chu, “A Mechanism for Isolated Attosecond Pulse Generation by Optimizing the Laser Fields”,The 42th Annual Meeting of the APS of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP42), USA(2011).
[3] Peng-Cheng Li (李鹏程)*,Shih-I Chu,“Optimization of three-color laser field for the generation of single ultrashort attosecond pulse”, The 3rd International Conference on Attosecond Physics (ATTO3),Japan.
[2] 潘慧玲,李鹏程,周效信,“利用两束同色激光场和半周期脉冲驱动原子产生单个阿秒脉冲”,物理学报,60,4(2011)。
[1] 成春芝,周效信,李鹏程,“原子在红外激光场中产生高次谐波及阿秒脉冲随波长的变化规律”,物理学报,60,3(2011)。
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