刘璞 2002 武汉大学 学士 微生物 2008 University of Texas M.D.Anderson Cancer Center 博士 基因与发育 2008-2010 University of Texas M.D.Anderson Cancer Center 博士后
所在部门: 生命科学学院
办公室: 天演楼343
电子邮件: liupu@
学习经历2002 武汉大学 学士 微生物
2008 University of TexasHealth Science Center at Houston 博士 基因与发育
工作经历2008-2010 University of Texas M.D.Anderson Cancer Center 博士后
2010至今 兰州大学生命科学学院 副教授
发表论文及专著Liu P, Ji J, Wu Q, Ren J, Wu G, Yu Z, et al. Klebsiella pneumoniae sp. LZU10 degrades oil in food waste and enhances methane production from co-digestion of food waste and straw. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2018;126(Supplement C):28-36.
Wu G, Xiao X, Feng P, Xie F, Yu Z, Yuan W, Liu P, Li X. Gut remediation: a potential approach to reducing chromium accumulation using Lactobacillus plantarum TW1-1. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):15000.
Liu X, Wu G, Zhang Y, Wu D, Li X, Liu P. Chromate Reductase YieF from Escherichia coli Enhances Hexavalent Chromium Resistance of Human HepG2 Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2015;16(6):11892-902.
Zhang X, Wu W, Virgo N, Zou L, Liu P, Li X. Global transcriptome analysis of hexavalent chromium stress responses in Staphylococcus aureus LZ-01. Ecotoxicology. 2014;23(8):1534-45.
Wu G, Sun M, Liu P, Zhang X, Yu Z, Zheng Z, et al. Enterococcus faecalis strain LZ-11 isolated from Lanzhou reach of the Yellow River is able to resist and absorb cadmium. J Appl Microbiol. 2014;116(5):1172-80.
Wu D, Tao X, Wu G, Liu P. Prokaryotic Arsenate Reductase Enhances Arsenate Resistance in Mammalian Cells. Recent Pat Food Nutr Agric. 2014.
Thenappan A, Shukla V, Abdul Khalek FJ, Li Y, Shetty K, Liu P, et al. Loss of transforming growth factor beta adaptor protein beta-2 spectrin leads to delayed liver regeneration in mice. Hepatology. 2011;53(5):1641-50.
Liu P, Fu X, Johnson RL. Efficient in vivo doxycycline and cre recombinase-mediated inducible transgene activation in the murine trabecular meshwork. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011;52(2):969-74.
Lu L, Li Y, Kim SM, Bossuyt W, Liu P, Qiu Q, et al. Hippo signaling is a potent in vivo growth and tumor suppressor pathway in the mammalian liver. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010;107(4):1437-42.
Liu P, Johnson RL. Lmx1b is required for murine trabecular meshwork formation and for maintenance of corneal transparency. Dev Dyn. 2010;239(8):2161-71.